mercoledì 19 novembre 2014

Degradation (The Kane Trilogy #1) - Separation (The Kane Trilogy #2) by Stylo Fantome

WARNING: contains a wannabe B-rate porn star, an impersonal personal assistant, and the F-word, A LOT. Also graphic sexual situations and sadomasochistic themes.

Everything is fun and games until someone gets hurt, and what Jameson Kane did to Tatum O'Shea goes so far beyond hurt, he is well into the realm of unforgivable. Tate says she wants him gone for good, and he quickly learns that the old saying, “you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone”, is most definitely true.

But Jameson has never been very good at following instructions, and when Satan decides to seek redemption, he'll go to great lengths to get it. He proposes one last game – one to end them all, if she agrees to play. He is very confident that he can win, but Tate warns him that it's not possible; she will not lose again. Little does she know, Jameson is prepared to do whatever it takes. Prepared to lay the entire world at her feet. Prepared to bear his soul.

What he didn't count on, though, was handing the damn thing over.

Now Jameson can only pray that his evil ways haven't rubbed off on Tate too much. Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell who the Devil really is …

5 Degrading and I love it stars!  I highly recommend Stylo Fantome's, The Kane Trilogy, to those who love a little dark and dirty in their romance!

This is why I love Goodreads.  I went on the prowl for my next read.  I am on a very strict budget so I usually read some reviews and maybe ask friends for recommendations before I make a purchase. Well, I read Becs' - Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews, review of Stylo Fantome's Degradation, and I knew this was a book for me!  I went to Amazon and one-clicked right away.  Best decision!  There are so many great authors out there, and when you find one whose characters stay with you, it is exciting, and now I have a new favorite author to add to my list! Stylo Fantome's Degradation is smart erotica.  I don't consider it dark, because I read what is marketed as dark.  This story has some of the same elements as a dark romance, but it is somewhere in the grey.  Yes, I said grey!  It is daring, sexy and psychologically thrilling.  The hero and heroine are in a consensual, kinky and unconventional relationship.  Jameson Kane and Tatum O'Shea are dysfunctional.  Not because of their sexual kink but because they are playing games with each other that neither one of them is equipped to handle.  This is where the story is psychologically dark and intriguing.

The secondary characters in this story are exceptional.  I was connected to each character as the story unfolded.  What exactly is the story? It's the start of a relationship, with characters that will draw you in and maybe confuse you a little.  I mean, I'm kind of into Jameson - and he is Satan in disguise!  I love his horribly filthy mouth and intimidating demeanor.  

Tatum is someone I would want to know.  She is unique, thoughtful, true to herself and daring.

Start reading and see if you are able to put it down!  It is engaging, "dirty and degrading," and I loved it!


Can the Devil be Forgiven?

WARNING: contains a semi-reformed devil, a woman scorned, and more Sanders than anyone has a right to witness. Also graphic sexual situations and strong language

Separation (The Kane Trilogy, #2), by Stylo Fantome does not disappoint. It begins where Degradation (The Kane Trilogy, #1) leaves off. In my experience, in the romance genre, it is somewhat common for the middle book of a trilogy to be looked upon as “the filler book.” This however, is not the case with Separation. Separation is a necessary departure from Degradation, moving the story along beautifully. The tone is different from Degradation. 
We spend time with Jameson, Tatum, Sanders, Ang and Nick. Some questions are answered and back story visited, while at the same time we get a love story. Actually, there is a lot of dysfunctional love to go around. There is Jameson and Tatum, Tatum and Sanders, Jameson and Sanders, Tatum and Nick, Tatum and Ang, Ellie and Tatum. 
They are all dealing with the consequences of extreme relationships, and what they mean to each other. It is complicated, because people are complicated. Some people think a person can not change. They are of the mindset “if he hits you once, he’ll hit you again.” Well, what if you wanted him to hit you? Is Jameson still aka Satan? See, that’s complicated! 

In my opinion, the clever ending will leave you wondering if anyone actually learned something about love and life! It will leave you wanting more, which is great because we get Reparation (The Kane Trilogy #3) to conclude Jameson and Tatum’s story in December, (expected publication 12/8/14). 

Separation is smart, erotic romance. It is very well written, so 1-Click and enjoy!

Degradation (The Kane Trilo...
4.49 of 5 st book 1

Separation (The Kane Trilog...
4.41 of 5 book 2


Reparation (The Kane Trilog...
4.5 of 5 sbook 3

Expected publication: December 8th 2014

WARNING: may induce Kindle throwing, screaming at fictional characters, and possibly a few tears. Also graphic sexual situations and sadomasochistic themes.

The Devil has met his match

When Tatum O'Shea decides it's time for some payback, no one is safe from her new game - not even the devil himself. Tate is going to get her happily every after, even if it means making everyone else unhappy in the process.

But a persistent Jameson, a meddling Sanders, and an amorous baseball player make it very hard for a girl to keep her focus, and suddenly it seems Tate has a few too many suitors for her fairy tale ending.

Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell who Prince Charming really is ...

martedì 18 novembre 2014

Cover Reveal : Dirty Ties - Pam Godwin.

I race to finance it.
I evade to protect it.
I kill to attain it.
I planned everything.

Except her.
The alluring, curvaceous blonde at the finish line.
With sapphire eyes that cheat and lie.
Whose powerful family murdered mine.

I hate her.
I want her.

I know she’s hiding something.
But so am I.

Expected Release Date : January 12th, 2015

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

HART ATTACK - Cristin Harber


We're so thrilled for the release of HART ATTACK by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cristin Harber! Roman and Beth's sexy and explosive story is not to be missed!

Outside of Titan Group, there are few people that Roman Hart would die for. He’s a soldier, a protector, and he’s haunted that one of the people he should’ve been able to protect didn’t let him. That was years ago, and now a hardened heart and a cocky attitude are his impenetrable shields, until one woman—one challenge—drives him to distraction.

On the outside, Beth Tourne has it all. Luxury car, gorgeous condo, and a job partying with the rich and famous. It’s a plush CIA cover, but she wants more. Anything for an adrenaline rush that can override her guilty numbness and let her forget the tragedy she never saw coming.

Their scars make them perfect operatives. Their mirrored pasts give them deep, wounded reasons to stay alone. But the more they ignore the tension, the more vulnerable they become. Survival means trust. In one another, behind closed doors, and on the job. The only way they’re making it out alive is if they find peace while waging a war.

Add HART ATTACK to your Goodreads list here!

Her lips tingled for wanting feel his against hers. When he stepped away, she couldn’t stand losing him. Her fingers grabbed his thick arm before she could think better of it.
Roman looked at her hand then at her. “Don’t tempt me, Beth.”
None of the reasons to stay away mattered when she needed to forget everything. “But—”
Roman backed her against the wall, hands crawling up her arms, down her back. His body was too cut, too big. Too much to want to say no to. She arched into him, on him, her breathing far too stilted.
His fingers traced her jaw, his lips so close to hers. “You’ve changed your mind?”
No. Maybe. “Yes.”

Cristin Harber is a USA Today bestselling romantic suspense and military romance author. Fans voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was #1 romantic suspense, #1 military romance, and a USA Today Top 100 bestseller.

She lives outside Washington, DC with her family and English Bulldog.

Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Team Titan Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

lunedì 17 novembre 2014

Hope - Lisa Worrall

Ash Watts ha esattamente la vita che vuole: una fiorente carriera, uno splendido ragazzo e un appartamento con una vista favolosa su Los Angeles. Ma il suo mondo perfetto crolla quando apprende della morte prematura della sua unica sorella. Quando atterra a Freedom, in Alabama, non trova solo una piccola città ad attenderlo, ma anche segreti che potrebbero cambiargli per sempre la vita.

Kaleb Gibson, cowboy nato e cresciuto a Freedom, aveva trovato la sua migliore amica in Annie Watts dal momento in cui era arrivata in città. La sua morte ha lasciato un buco nel suo cuore e, nonostante il fratello di Annie abbia i suoi stessi capelli scuri e i suoi stessi occhi verdi, Kaleb non riesce a perdonarlo per aver trascurato la sorella quando lei aveva bisogno di lui più.

Alcune rivelazioni contenute nel testamento di Annie uniranno Kaleb e Ash in modi che non avrebbero mai immaginato. Sarà in grado Kaleb di rispettare le ultime volontà di Annie senza uccidere il suo amato fratello e senza rivelare un segreto del proprio passato che potrebbe distruggere tutto? E Ash resterà abbastanza a lungo da capire che Freedom potrebbe regalargli una vita ancora più perfetta?

Lisa Worral, per me non delude mai. Ha un’ammirevole capacità di descrivere emozioni e sentimenti forti con una dolcezza di fondo che scalda il cuore. Cadere nel volgare è facile soprattutto quando si descrivono rapporti sessuali, ma questa autrice è sempre capace di catturare il lettore senza ricorrere a volgarità.
Per quanto riguarda i protagonisti, che dire? Li ho adorati, soprattutto la nonna di Kaleb, Mae, e la sua cerchia di vecchiette tra cui Marjorie attempata femme fatale che si diverte a pizzicare il sedere di Ash.

“So che è tuo nipote Mae, e sta sull’altra sponda e tutto, ma adoro quando fa l’aggressivo”
“Marj non potresti essere più bella donna del sud e meno anziana meretrice?”

Insomma le battute argute non mancano anche se, di fondo, la storia tratta il tema ben poco allegro di un lutto familiare. Penso che il titolo del libro “Hope” sia emblematico, non solo per via del personaggio chiave che porta quel nome, ma anche per la speranza che si porta dietro. La speranza di un nuovo futuro, per Ash e di una seconda possibilità, per Kaleb. 

E’ difficile parlare i questo romanzo senza fare spoiler sulla trama, io di solito non mi faccio scrupoli in merito, ma trovo che in questo caso ci si dovrebbe godere il libro pagina dopo pagina senza correre all’epilogo; epilogo che mi ha stretto il cuore dalla dolcezza. Sono di parte, lo ammetto, adoro i libri m/m in quanto penso che far trionfare l’amore in un una storia gay sia molto più difficile. Non devi fare i conti solamente con l’altra metà della coppia, ma con famiglia, amici, colleghi ed opinione pubblica. Il rapporto a due entra in una dimensione molto più vasta della coppia, anche se siamo nel ventunesimo secolo ci sono sempre troppe persone omofobe che pensano che due uomini, o due donne, siano un abominio per la comunità.

Di questo libro ho apprezzato anche il profondo sostegno della popolazione di Freedom, la cittadina dell’Alabama dove la sorella di Ash si era trasferita, nei confronti di Ash e della sua relazione con Kaleb. E soprattutto God bless America, perché una realtà simile in Italia, purtroppo, non la si vedrà mai.
Insomma un libro ricco di emozioni, situazioni complicate e, soprattutto amore.

“Ti amo”“Dillo di nuovo”Ash alzò lo sguardo nei bellissimi occhi blu di Kaleb e sorrise, arrotolando le dita nei suoi lunghi capelli castani “Ti amo. Penso di amarti da sempre, anche da prima che ci conoscessimo. Quant’è ridicolo?”

Si ringrazia la Triskell Edizioni

When Ash Falls - Rachel Van Dyken

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Rachel Van Dyken returns
to regency romance with the last and final installment in The London Fairy
Tales series...A regency retelling of Snow White and The Seven Dwarves.

Ashton Wolfsbane,

Earl of Gyles, has taken a vow of celibacy after blaming himself for his sister

in laws death. After a failed suicide attempt, he's dedicated his life to bring

justice to the weak making it his personal vendetta to be the death dealer to

the wicked, also known as The Grimm Reaper. He denies himself lusts of the

flesh and is known throughout London because of his ability to kill

effortlessly and without emotion, that is until he meets Princess Sofia, a

woman hell bent on making him forget all his reasons for denying himself the

one thing he's always craved---love.

After rescuing the
fair damsel, he thinks his job finished, that is until he discovers he's to be
the Princess's escort throughout London until she's safely married. It wouldn't
be such a hardship, except the Princess has made him an offer he can't refuse.
Show her passion, real passion.

Four weeks of giving into the desire he's suppressed for so long--four weeks of bliss and
then they'll go their separate ways. But things aren't always what they seem,
and when rescuing a damsel, or making a deal with her, one must always be
prepared for the consequences.

Seven Royal Guard,
a Beast, a kingdom in chaos, and a girl as pure as the driven snow...Will they
find their Happily Ever After?


Ash, è un membro di una casata di rilievo nella società inglese, ma ha deciso di prendere una strada diversa rispetto a quella che sarebbe stata, se avesse onorato i suoi doveri di nascita. E' attanagliato dai sensi di colpa, per aver causato un incidente che ha provocato la morte della moglie di suo fratello. Per quanto lui non gliene faccia una colpa, Ash non riesce a risollevarsi dall'oscurità che lo circonda, e pensare alla morte come unica alternativa per porre fine a tutta la sua sofferenza. Dopo un tentativo fallito di suicidio, decide che sarà la morte la sua carriera, se non sarà lei a trovarlo per prima, andrà lui a cercarla diventando un killer professionista, viene infatti ingaggiato per eliminare persone scomode o per spericolate operazioni di salvataggio. E sarà proprio in un uno di questi casi che conoscerà la Principessa Sofia, delicata, capelli neri e labbra rosse. Nonostante il celibato che si è imposto come punizione per il suo errore, Ash non è privo di emozioni, o meglio di esigenze. Ha sempre tenuto sotto controllo i suoi impulsi ma con Sofia ogni muro sembra crollare. Banale, dite? Forse un pochino, ma chi non vorrebbe leggere del grande e grosso Ash, ricoperto da cicatrici di mille battaglie, con il cuore frantumato, ormai rassegnato ad una vita solitaria e priva di alcuna manifestazione d'affetto, aprirsi piano piano a Sofia, con i baci clandestini e proposte audaci che metterebbero a dura prova anche il più determinato degli uomini? A fare da contesto ai dibattiti mentali di Ash, se lasciarsi travolgere dai sentimenti o trattenersi fino a scoppiare, rinunciando ancora una volta all'amore vero, c'è una matrigna pronta a tutto per eliminare la Principessa e tenere per se tutto il regno e la qualifica di "più bella del reame!".

Personalmente ho un debole per i libri in costume, Orgoglio e Pregiudizio ha segnato la mia vita e continua a farlo. Le formalità colloquiali, il thè pomeridiano o i balli durante la Stagione mio cuoricino romantico si scioglie!
L'ambientazione è l'epoca Regency, quindi i personaggi sono dei Conti, Duchi, Principesse ma anche valletti e soldati. Abbiamo un panorama storico direi piacevolmente descritto, non appesantito da tediosi obblighi d'etichetta o lunghe descrizioni di pizzi e merletti o insulse conversazioni a proposito del tempo. Leggiamo di battaglie, scontri corpo a corpo e passione...tanta passione per un sentimento perduto con nessuna possibilità di ritrovarlo, in un caso, oppure mai conosciuto, nell'altro.

Premetto di non aver letto niente di questa scrittrice prima d'ora, pur sapendo essere molto nota in America e in Italia. Ho partecipato a questo blog tour un pò ad occhi chiusi ed incuriosita di vedere di cosa è capace questa autrice così apprezzata. Ebbene ho scoperto che questo libro è l'ultimo capitolo di una serie che si chiama The London Fairy Tales appartenente al genere Historical Romance ma d'ispirazione fantasy, in quanto ogni libro ha la sua fiaba di riferimento, "When Ash falls" è liberamente tratto da Biancaneve e i sette nani....leggendolo scoprirete perché.

Ovviamente inedito in Italia, speriamo solo provvisoriamente, è scritto in un inglese di facile approccio. Il bello del romance storico è che la lingua è sempre piuttosto scolastica, senza slang o parole contemporanee, la frase è formata in modo statico e quindi è più facile seguire la trama. Nonostante l'ambientazione rigorosa, i dialoghi sono molto divertenti, simpatici e sfrontati, ciò aiuta a rendere più scorrevole la lettura e motiva il lettore a concluderla. 
Alla fine del romanzo, troverete una nota della scrittrice la quale tiene a precisare che, nonostante la maggior parte delle sue pubblicazioni siano New Adult, come Ruin, la sua passione per l'epoca Regency l'ha spinta a tornare al suo primo amore, Historical Romance. Ben consapevole di non esserne esperta, e del fatto che ci sono scrittrici migliori di lei in questo settore, desiderava da tanto concludere questa serie. 
Ho davvero gradito la lettura di questo romanzo. Non conosco i primi 4, e per leggere questo libro non c'è stato bisogno di avere letto preliminarmente i precedenti. Indipendentemente da questo, di sicuro colmerò la mia lacuna. 

sabato 15 novembre 2014

The Lebrus Stone - Miriam Khan COVER & BOOK TRAILER REVEAL

GENRE: Young Adult
Paranormal Romance – A modern gothic.

PUBLISHER: Rogue Phoenix


When eighteen-year-old orphan, Crystal Valdez, accepts an
invitation to the small town of Blacksville, West Virginia, she hopes to have a
summer to remember and a chance learn more about her parents, to also get to
know the family she never knew existed.

But the Lockes begin to act strange and erratic; eerie movements in the night
fuel her vivid and gruesome nightmares. To complicate her summer further, she
becomes attracted to the menacing yet handsome Cray Locke: her none blood
related cousin. He seems determined to keep his distance. The only bonus seems
to be the housekeeper and gardener.

And when a local informs Crystal of the secrets buried at Thorncrest Manor, the
kind consisting of a forbidden relationship and war between hidden worlds, and
witchcraft, she must decide whom to trust. Even if it means leaving behind
those she has come to love.


Miriam is
from Cheshire, England and a family of six siblings. Her love for creativity
led to acting at her local theatre before being a lead vocalist in rock bands.
During those years, she often found solace penning her thoughts and
feelings through lyrics or poetry. She chose not to continue singing in 2006,
and two years later she woke up with the idea for The Lebrus Stone and began
typing, revising and editing it for the next seven years. She is now eager to
see what readers will think.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

venerdì 14 novembre 2014

FIRST DEBT (Indebted #2) - Pepper Winters

The Second Book in the New York Times Bestselling Dark Romance Series. (320 pages, 76,000 words) 

“You say I’ll never own you. If I win—you willingly give me that right. You sign not only the debt agreement, but another—one that makes me your master until your last breath is taken. You do that, and I’ll give you this.” 

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Stolen, taken, and bound not by monsters but by an agreement written over six hundred years ago, she has no way out. 

She belongs to Jethro as much as she denies it. 

Jethro Hawk’s patience is running out. His inheritance gift tests, challenges, and surprises him—and not in good ways. He hasn’t leashed her but he thinks he might’ve found a way to bind her forever. 

Debts are mounting. Payment waiting. 

Advance Reviews: 

* Dark. Sexxxxxy. Incredibly hypnotic. Jethro is complex, dangerous and absolutely irresistible! --Book Bella 

* I've said it before and I'll say it again, Pepper Winters has an absolute gift for taking the most messed up, wicked characters and humanising them. --Rookie Romance 

* Pepper Winters has yet again excelled in her writing abilities and has quite literally delivered to her readers a literary masterpiece. --Hopeless Romantics Book Blog 

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Pepper Winters

NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author

Author of the International Bestselling Series Monsters in the Dark, Destroyed, & Indebted Series
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) Purchase 
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2) Purchase 
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3) Purchase  
Destroyed (Stand alone, no cliff-hanger) Purchase  
Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) Purchase  
First Debt (Indebted #2) Purchase