venerdì 2 gennaio 2015

Raze - Tillie Cole

Title: RazeAuthor: Tillie ColeAge group: Mature new adultGenre: Dark contemporary romanceRelease date: 30th December 2014

To take back life, one must first face death...

One man stripped of his freedom, his morals...his life.

Conditioned in captivity to maim, to kill and to slaughter, prisoner 818 becomes an unremorseful, unrivaled and unstoppable fighter in the ring. Violence is all he knows. Death and brutality are the masters of his fate.

After years of incarceration in an underground hell, only one thought occupies his mind: revenge...bloody, slow and violent revenge.

Revenge on the man who lied.

Revenge on the man who wronged him.

Revenge on the man who condemned him and turned him into this: a rage-fueled killing machine. A monster void of humanity; a monster filled with hate.

And no one will stand in the way of getting what he wants.

One woman stripped of her freedom, her morals...her life.

Kisa Volkova is the only daughter of Kirill The SilencerVolkov, head of the infamous Triadbosses of New York's Russian Bratva. Her life is protected. In reality, its a virtual prison. Her fathers savage treatment of his rivals and his lucrative and coveted underground gambling ringThe Dungeonensures too many enemies lurk at their door.

She dreams to be set free.

Kisa has known only cruelty and loss in her short life. As manager of her fathers death match enterprise, only grief and pain fill her days. Her mafia boss father, in her world, rules absolute. And her fiancé, Alik Durov, is no better; the Dungeons five-time champion, a stone-cold killer, the treasured son of her fathers best friend, and her very ownand much resentedpersonal guard. Unrivaled in both strength and social standing, Alik controls every facet of Kisas life, dominates her every move; keeps her subdued and dead inside...then one night changes everything.

While working for her churchthe only reprieve in her constant surveillanceKisa stumbles across a tattooed, scarred, but stunningly beautiful homeless man on the streets. Something about him stirs feelings deep within her; familiar yet impossibly forbidden desires. He doesnt talk. Doesnt communicate with anyone. Hes a man beyond saving, and a man she must quickly forget...for both their sakes.

But when weeks later, out of the blue and to her complete surprise, hes announced as the replacement fighter in The Dungeon, Kisa knows shes in a whole lot of trouble. Hes built, ripped and lethally unforgiving to his opponents, leaving fear in his wake and the look of death in his eyes.

Kisa becomes obsessed with him. Yearns for him. Craves his touch. Needs to possess this mysterious man...this man they call Raze.

Domino Effect - Kristin Mayer.

It’s cover reveal day for Domino Effect by Kristin Mayer and I am so excited about this reveal!! Kristin is sharing an exclusive excerpt with us, as well as hosting a fabulous giveaway.

Title: Domino Effect

Author: Kristin Mayer

Release Day: Feb 3rd

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Adobe Photoshop PDF

One small movement can impact the rest of your life, like a set of dominoes lined up one after another. It’s not until you step back and see the big picture that you realize the damage you’ve done…

Brandt Mattox had it all—love, success, and friends. One impulsive wrong decision led him down a path that ended in a prison of regrets. He now only dreams of the happiness he once had before the consequences of his actions cost him everything.

He lost his love—not just any love, but his soul mate.

Nikola Kingston has worked hard to keep the past in the past while she focuses on her career and spending time with her grandmother. On a random night, she runs into the one man who will forever hold her heart captive. Her heart knows she still loves Brandt, but her mind cannot forget the dreadful night that cost her the love of her life.

Will the domino effect of Brandt’s and Nikola’s decisions be too much to overcome? Or will the love they never thought they would get back have an everlasting effect?

Preorder Domino Effect now!

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“If I had to wait another day, I was coming to get you. I’ve done it before.”

It was true. I would have started driving this morning.

I moved an inch forward and a police officer held up his hands for me to stop. I complied. Police were out to keep people for idling too long in front. The officer blew his whistle and signaled for us to keep going. I pressed the gas, but we were moving at a snail’s pace due to the congestion.

Nikola pulled the scarf down; she was smiling. “I remember. You came to get me during the last ice storm, three years ago, when I was stranded on Stone Mountain. I was at that conference and the company had put me up in a cabin. You ended up staying with me when they closed the roads for two days. Do you remember—” Abruptly, Nikola stopped and turned to face the window.

I finished her sentence with memories of my own. “I remember making love to you in front of the fireplace in that cabin. I remember what it felt like to be inside you. I remember having you as mine. I remember it was the first time we said, “I love you” to each other. Is that what you were talking about?”

Every chance I got, I’d remind Nikola of how happy we were—even though she seemed to remember everything, too.

She turned my way as we continued to inch along in the baggage claim traffic.

“It would be impossible to forget.”


Kristin Mayer is a wife, a proud mother, and a full-time Analyst and Import Manager. Since an early age, she has always enjoyed reading and writing. While visiting her father one weekend, he suggested that she should take up writing again. With family and a career, she didn’t give it a lot of thought, until a story entered her mind and wouldn’t leave. It just kept forming and developing over a couple of months.

At the beginning of 2013, she decided to sit down and write it all down, but she kept it to herself. One sentence developed into two, and before she knew it, she had the makings of a novel.

Kristin tries to live life to the fullest during every moment. She loves to travel and meet new people. She holds a degree in International Business and uses it daily in her job. Kristin now adds “author” on her list of jobs, and feels very blessed and thankful.


Enter Kristin's giveaway!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

giovedì 1 gennaio 2015


Three months to fall in love.

Three sentences destroys it all.

Seven years ago, free-spirited Hadley’s heart was shattered
when her secret high school love, Ryder Blake, betrayed her with just a few
harsh words. Now, in her twenties and unhappily committed to Braden, her
boyfriend of two years, she is unknowingly still picking up the pieces, and
beginning to realize her life is far from the one she always dreamed of having.

When sexy and all grown up Ryder walks back into her life,
memories of their summer spent together causes her to want the old Hadley back.
The Hadley that took risks and made her own rules, the Hadley that only Ryder
Blake has ever dared to bring out.

Ryder has had his fair share of women since high school, but
none have ever compared to the girl who stole his heart and disappeared with
it. When his life starts to fall into place Hadley’s sudden reappearance and
disgust towards him fuels his drive to win her back and never let her run
again…even if she has a boyfriend, and even if he has to handcuff her to his

He will persue.

She’ll push him away.

Sparks will fly.

Tempers will flare.

An undeniable chemistry will light it all on fire.


are you just standing there?” Hadley’s harsh voice, very much different than in
my memory, jolts me.   

An embarrassing tug of my jeans alerts me to my rock hard cock.

“Looks like nothing has changed.” Hadley’s sharp tongue states but
her eyes give her away

I reach down and adjust myself as I watch her walk past me,
wanting nothing more than to spank her tight ass. I grab her arm and whip her
around so we are face to face.

"Oh, I’ve changed Hadley…and I can show you how if you’d
like,” I tell her pushing up against her. 

Her breathing deepens as she attempts to tug her hand out of my
grip. “Let. Me. Go, ” she says accentuating each word.

“Never.” I intently promise.

She scoffs. “I don’t belong to you anymore, Ryder.”

“You know,” I say, lifting my hand to caress the side of her
cheek. She flinches but doesn’t move. 

“Since you vanished into thin air we
technically never broke up. So, you still belong to me. Have you been cheating
on me with this Braden asshole.”

I’m trying to lighten the mood but her eyes go wide. She’s
seething. “Oh, yea? And how many girls have you fucked since high school? Go
back to them.”

“I don’t want them. I want you,” I say, shocked at my own

She looks between my eyes and my hand wrapped around her arm.
Resolve shines through. “What’s that you said?” She taps her finger against her
lips. “Oh yea. I’ve been there and done that.”

She pulls out of my grasp, shooting daggers with her eyes, and
walks away from me, again.

Marie was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago and now resides in Virginia
Beach with her fantastically crazy husband and two kids.

an avid reader, she never dreamed of writing her own novel until the characters
started haunting her at night and in the shower.  Wanting to get it down on paper she set off
on the journey that is more than she could have ever dreamed. 

not writing she can be found carting her kids around, breaking up their fights,
cleaning up messes, teaching Zumba, or reading.




mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

DIE FOR ME - Amy Plum

In seguito ad un terribile incidente mortale, due giovani sorelle americane si ritrovano a doversi trasferire dagli Stati Uniti  a Parigi, nella casa dei nonni paterni.
Ma mentre per Georgia, la più grande delle due, la vita ha senso solo affogando il dolore nelle feste e nella mondanità, Kate trova nel silenzio e nella compagnia dei libri , l’unico conforto per non cedere alla depressione scivolando nel baratro. Per lei ogni giorno sembra inutile e proprio quando pensa che niente possa salvarla dalla sofferenza con cui è costretta a vivere ecco che appare lui, Vincent , bellissimo magnifico perfetto etereo.
Ma chi è veramente Vincent e perché sembra sempre apparire quando Kate è in pericolo?
Semplice, perché Vincent non è umano ma è un Revenant una specie di angelo custode la cui missione è salvare anime, ma quanto puoi salvare la tua anima se l’unico modo che hai per farlo è di perderla per un’ umana?

martedì 30 dicembre 2014

Forever Found - Nazarea Andrews

It's release day for Nazarea Andrews' Forever Found!! I am so excited for this novella, a sequel to Girl Lost. For the first time, Nazarea is telling Peter Pan's story from Peter's eyes. Be sure to read all the way down for the excerpt she's sharing, as well as her fantastic giveaway!

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00025]

Losing Gwen was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to survive. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her.

But finding her was never about that. And now that I have found her–now that she knows the truth about me and the Island, I have to trust her to believe. Because her leaving me didn’t just destroy me–its killing Neverland.

I need her to love me. But we all need her to believe again.

Peter Pan has grown up and found the girl who left–but the stakes are higher than ever in this romantic conclusion to the story begun in Girl Lost.

“You ran away.”

She gives an unladylike snort. “You decided you were a delusion of my past, and then you expected me to sit there and listen to your insane ramblings. Thanks, but no. I can’t do that. I’ve had enough crazy for one life.” She bites her lip, and then blurts, “You stole my file, didn’t you? That’s how you know about the Boy.”

“Do you remember the firefly meadow?”

She goes still, and I smile, gently. “You do.”

“That wasn’t real,” she whispers, and I feel the shudder.

“We’d hide there, from the lost boys. And you’d fall asleep telling me your happy thoughts, and wake up to a galaxy of fireflies, and we’d chase them until you made yourself sick, laughing. And then I’d hold you and we’d stare at the stars, and you always said they were different. It smelled like jasmine and honey-“

“And wild woods and freedom,” she whispers, her blue eyes impossibly wide in her pretty face. I take a tentative step toward her, and touch her fingers.

Why are your stars different?

“It wasn’t a delusion, Gwendy. You know it wasn’t. Trust yourself.”

She shudders. “Can’t. My mind lies. It wasn’t—“

“Gwendy,” I say, desperately. Her eyes are filling with tears and I can feel the disbelief, the way it will tear apart the world I’ve known, and the girl I’ve loved, and I can’t. I move without thinking, catch her head and bring her lips to mine.

Forever Found Barnes and Nobles: pending

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Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00025]

Northern was supposed to be a fresh start—a place where people didn’t know who I was or how I had spent years in and out of mental institutes. People didn't know about my parents death or the island no one heard of. But when Peter sits next to me in lit class, I can’t stop the memories, and I don’t want to. He looks too much like the boy from the island, and despite my best intentions, coaxes my secrets from me.

He’s gorgeous, irresistible, a little mad, and completely lost—we are a pair of broken cogs in a world neither of us truly fits into. He is somehow gentle and fierce, heartbreaking in his devotion and savage in his defense.

When Belle, his best friend, shows up, pale and lovely and sick, Peter pulls away from me, a startling withdrawal. It’s a relationship that scares and confuses me. She is at times warm and friendly, and other times is violent and unpredictable.

Peter says that he wants me, but refuses to let himself get close. And there are secrets, surrounding both of us, that border on nightmares. As the memories close in, as Belle gets sicker and more violent, I’m torn between what is true and what I believe, and what this magical boy knows about my mysterious past.


Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She is the author of the University of Branton series, Neverland Found series, and Edge of the Falls.

She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Enter Nazarea's giveaway!!

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Enduring Fate - Alicia Rae

Enduring Fate RDL

Today we have the release day launch for Alicia Rae's Enduring Fate. We're so excited for Alicia's new series, and the first book to release. We've got a fantastic giveaway, as well as an excerpt exclusive to the release day, so be sure to checked out the entire post for all the fantastic details.


I awoke to the sun just beginning to rise, feeling like my body was going to overheat. At the weight of a large arm pressing on top of my stomach, I changed my position and rolled over onto my other side. Colton lay next to me, fast asleep, with his body facing me.
I let my eyes leisurely travel over his face—from his dark brows to the defined outline of his cheekbones and down to the sexy curves of his full lips. It made me recall just how soft and loving his sweet kisses were. Just the slightest touch of those lips held the power to release a field of butterflies in my belly…and my heart.
The conversation with Colton the prior night drowned my thoughts. I had no idea how we had gotten here. We were so close to one another, yet there seemed to be an insurmountable distance between us. I disliked feeling so far away from him. Even worse, I hated that I was the one causing it.
Knowing it was time to go, I slowly leaned my body up and propped forward on my elbows. I gazed at him one last time, wishing things could be different. Then, I leaned over, and with the slightest touch, I gingerly rested my lips against his temple and kissed him. I held back the urge to whisper just how much I loved him, fearing he would hear me and never let me go.

EF Amazon (1)

Colton Kingston has loved Paige Summers his entire life. All he has ever dreamed of is having Paige by his side while he lives the simple life of a cowboy raising horses and cattle on his farm.

When tragedy strikes, fate tests the strength of their love. Paige’s confidence is shaken as she wonders if she can heal from her past and move forward, so Colton can have the life he was born to live.

Can Colton and Paige endure everything in fate’s path?

Or will Paige give up her one true love to give Colton the life he deserves?


Barnes and Noble:


Alicia Rae is a Contemporary Romance Author who lives in Dekalb, Illinois, with her husband and three beautiful boys. Alicia has a passion for reading all types of romance, writing to bring a story to life, and photography.

Thank you to my dear sister, Kels, who showed me a few years ago how much I truly missed reading. And to my loving husband, for not throwing away my Nook, and planting the seed of writing in my mind. I am forever grateful. Xo

Readers, words cannot thank you enough for supporting me along this incredible journey. I hope you enjoy my novels as much as I do writing them. I thank each and every one of you.

Believe in yourself and follow your dreams...

Enter Alicia's fantastic giveaway!!

Acquiesce - Cory Cyr

Title: Acquiesce

Author: Cory Cyr

Release Date: December 30, 2014

Blurb:****18+ due to adult language and explicit sexual content*****

Caspian Vance~former child prodigy, now an accomplished professor of human sexuality at twenty-six has it all—an IQ that's off the charts, a stellar career at which he excels, and the drop-dead looks and body that make women spontaneously combust with lust.

He's been studying sex and women's behavior since he was sixteen. When it comes to the science of human lust and the rewards of sexual pursuits, he has all the answers.

There's one thing he knows for sure: "love" has nothing to do with it.
Sex is a basic, primal human need—love is an unstable, emotional complication. Both are present in a person, but completely unrelated. His own world of logic and fact accepts this truth and now. . .

He's going to prove it.

When Cass takes a sabbatical to research his theory in order to write his third book, he enlists the help of a former lover and now owner of the world's most exotic and secretive male brothel catering strictly to wealthy older women. On this remote Caribbean island, he uses his keen sense of observation and research to prove "love" is merely a series of chemical reactions in the human brain—nothing more.

Nicola Barrington~ had the perfect life, married to her soul mate.Ten years into her one and only relationship, her idyllic world is shattered by the death of her beloved husband. The loss of her "one true love" sends her into seclusion where she spends the next eleven years pining for the man she still loves.

The beautiful heiress, stays hidden away, her only connection to the outside world being being the hired help and her two close friends. Her friends know Nic has much to live for and are eager to see her find love again. . . and if not love, they would settle for her rediscovering the throes of lust.

As her 40th birthday approaches, her two friends succeed in coaxing her out of her emotionally safe haven to celebrate with a trip to an exclusive resort known for "restoring an older woman's brilliant, inner glow."

Caspian’s superiority and logic combined with Nic's innocence and melancholy are on an imminent collision course. Sometimes even a genius has a hard time figuring out a woman.

Buy Links: Links will not work until the book goes LIVE

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