Visualizzazione post con etichetta Jennifer L. Armentrout. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Jennifer L. Armentrout. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 19 marzo 2015

Rimani con me - J. Lynn

Avevo deciso di andarmene lontano

Avevo deciso di chiudere tutte le porte

Avevo deciso d’ignorare il mio cuore

Ma poi tu hai invaso la mia vita

Lo studio è la sua salvezza. Per troppi anni, da quella maledetta notte che ha mandato in fumo tutte le sue speranze, Calla ha vissuto in un limbo di dolore e di rimpianti. Un limbo da cui è uscita grazie all’università, che le ha offerto una seconda occasione. Almeno fino al giorno in cui scopre che la madre – con cui lei non parla da anni – le ha prosciugato il conto, impedendole d'iscriversi all'ultimo anno. Calla è quindi costretta a tornare a casa per affrontare la donna che, ancora una volta, rischia di distruggere i suoi sogni.
Tuttavia, dietro il bancone del bar gestito della madre, trova Jax James. Ammalianti occhi scuri e fisico mozzafiato, Jax è il genere di «distrazione» che Calla non può permettersi in un momento simile. Jax però non ha nessuna intenzione di farsi mettere da parte, anzi sembra sempre pronto ad aiutarla e a tirarle su il morale, con quel suo atteggiamento spavaldo e il sorriso disarmante. E, per la prima volta dopo tantissimo tempo, Calla sente di non essere più sola ed è come se il vuoto che ha dentro si stesse a poco a poco colmando.
Ma, quando inizia a ricevere minacce e strane visite nel cuore della notte, Calla si rende conto di essere stata trascinata in un gioco pericoloso e molto più grande di lei. Il legame con Jax le darà la forza per superare anche questa prova o sarà la «debolezza» che la farà crollare?

mercoledì 18 marzo 2015


L’università è la sua via di fuga. Per troppi anni, dopo quella maledetta festa di Halloween, l’esistenza di Avery Morgansten è stata un incubo, e adesso lei può finalmente ricominciare da capo. Tutto ciò che deve fare è arrivare puntuale alle lezioni, mantenere un profilo basso e – magari – riuscire a stringere qualche nuova amicizia. Quello che deve assolutamente evitare, invece, è attirare l’attenzione dell’unico ragazzo che potrebbe mandare in frantumi il suo futuro… 

Cameron Hamilton è il sogno proibito delle studentesse del campus: fisico atletico e ammalianti occhi azzurri, è il classico ribelle dal quale una brava ragazza come Avery dovrebbe tenersi alla larga. Eppure Cam pare proprio spuntare ovunque, col suo atteggiamento disincantato, le simpatiche punzecchiature e quel sorriso irresistibile. E Avery non può ignorare il fatto che, ogni volta che sono insieme, il resto del mondo scompare e lei sente risvegliarsi quella parte di sé che pensava di aver perduto per sempre. 

Però, quando inizia a ricevere delle e-mail minacciose e delle strane telefonate notturne, Avery si rende conto che il passato non vuole lasciarla andare. Prima o poi la verità verrà galla e, per superare anche quella prova, lei avrà bisogno d’aiuto. Ma la relazione con Cam sarà la colonna che la sorreggerà o lo «sbaglio» che la trascinerà a fondo?

lunedì 16 febbraio 2015

Jennifer L. Armentrout's THE RETURN Release Day

The Return Release Week Blitz banner

We have been dying to bring you the Release Blitz for Jennifer L. Armentrout's THE RETURN! THE RETURN is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Titan Series. Seth is looking to be just as dangerously delicious as we all hoped!!

The Return - Cover

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I was a half-blood, but I was also the Apollyon, a child of a pure and a half, a union that had been forbidden for thousands of years because an Apollyon was more powerful than any pure or half could ever hope to be.

And I always got to the traitors’ hideouts before they did, so the Sentinels were usually left with the cleanup, which I was sure absolutely thrilled them.

The first to enter was a female half-blood dressed just as I was. Her black hair was pulled back in a neat little knot at the top of her head. She was older, probably in her mid-thirties. It was pretty rare for a Sentinel to live that long. Her dark skin paled as she stopped just inside the entrance. She clenched titanium daggers in her hands like she expected something vicious to pop out from under the bloody mess.

The female Sentinel tipped her chin up, and the overhead light sliced across her broad cheekbones. She bore a jagged scar under her right eye, the skin lighter in tone. She saw me and froze.

My smile widened.

Behind her, another Sentinel rushed in, almost mowing her over. He saw me and whispered, “Seth.”

He’d said my name like I was the monster under his bed, and I sort of liked that. Then another Sentinel and another rolled in. The fifth took one look at my interior design work and keeled over. Slamming his hands on his knees, he hurled up his dinner.


Our society existed completely unknown to the average mortal and had operated under what was known as the Breed Order for thousands of years. The Order had been dismantled, which meant halfs were no longer forced to choose between becoming Sentinels—hunting down violent creatures, protecting pures, enforcing laws, and otherwise usually dying pretty damn quickly on the job—or servants, which was a job that really wasn’t a job, but more like slavery. Since then, many pampered pures had signed on to be Sentinels, making up for the loss of the halfs who’d pretty much said “screw this shit, I’m out.”

This wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

For example, the dumbass puking all over my blood-covered floor was a pure. When he straightened, his face a greenish hue, he backed away, shaking his head. “I can’t,” he gasped out. “I can’t do this.”

Then he turned and hauled ass out the doors.
I sighed. This was why we couldn’t have nice things.

The Fates are cackling their bony asses off...

It's been a year since Seth made the deal with the gods that pledged his life to them. And so far, the jobs they've given him have been violent and bloody--which is kind of all right with him. But now Apollo has something else in mind for Seth. He's got to play protector while keeping his hands and fingers off, and for someone who really has a problem with restraint, this new assignment might be the most challenging yet.

Josie has no idea what this crazy hot guy's deal might be, but it's a good bet that his arrival means the new life she started after leaving home is about to be thrown into an Olympian-sized blender turned up to puree. Either Josie is going insane or a nightmare straight out of ancient myth is gunning for her.

But it might be the unlikely attraction simmering between her and the golden-eyed, secret-keeping Seth that may prove to be the most dangerous thing of all.

Because history has once again been flipped to repeat.

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Author Photo
Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

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