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Visualizzazione post con etichetta rich man romance. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

The Loner - Kate Moore

The Loner is
the first book in Kate Moore's newest series, The Canyon Club.  

Gatsby meets Persuasion in
a story of sex and money in L.A. as a self-sufficient loner, new billionaire
Will Sloan, dares to cross the divide of privilege to claim his lost love.



Loner Will Sloan, son of a waitress and a dead rodeo cowboy, former scholarship student, new billionaire, is back in L.A., land of palm-lined drives and fiery sunsets. His friends urge him to jump into the hot city dating scene, but a chance encounter at a school reunion revives a powerful past love. He’s never forgotten Annie James…and this time around, he swears he’ll do the walking out.


Widowed young, Annie James believes she’s recovered from the early heartbreaks that left her single and jobless at 24. Ten years later, she’s got a job, a house, and a personal passion helping at-risk kids. Then she steps up to do a favor for a friend and help a poor boy win a scholarship to the Canyon School. Doing so unlocks the door to the past, and to the one man who could break her heart again. This time, though, love will conquer all.

“Moore is a talent to
remember.” —RT Book Reviews

e mezzo 

Will Sloan, un ricco proprietario di una azienda di computer, ha fatto i soldoni e adesso si può godere i frutti del suo meritato lavoro e dare alla madre una casa confortevole dove vivere. 
Lui e sua madre sono sempre stati soli e si sono arrangiati come meglio hanno potuto. Will, già da bambino, aveva dimostrato quanto fosse intelligente e la borsa di studio alla scuola privata Canyon è stata ben meritata. 
Non la pensava così il preside, attaccato ai soldi e interessato al prestigio della scuola, la maggior parte degli allievi erano figli di persone facoltose e ricche, tutto quello che Will non era. Messo in imbarazzo più di una volta dai suoi stessi compagni e dal preside, colui il quale aveva il compito di proteggerlo, riceve fortunatamente una piccola dose di attenzione dalla segretaria del preside: Annie James. 
Il ragazzo aveva a malapena 18 anni, lei ne aveva 22, quasi coetanea, ma certi limiti non si possono mai superare, dovevano stare molto attenti a non destare sospetti. Grazie ai sorrisi di Annie, lo scambio di risate e pomeriggi passati a guardare il tramonto, Will si sente meno solo e in un impeto di euforia chiede a Annie James di sposarlo. La ragazza, rimasta vedova da poco, rifiuta e Will ne rimane ferito enormemente.
Quasi 10 anni, dopo in occasione di una raccolta fondi per la Canyon, i nostri protagonisti si rincontrano e mentre Will prova odio e risentimento per Anni, la donna non sa come gestire l'uomo che si trova davanti a lei. E' consapevole che lui desideri solo vendicarsi per il dolore che gli ha causato, pur fatto nell'interesse di un giovane adulto con il mondo aperto davanti a lui pieno di opportunità.
Mentre Will e Annie cercano di trovare un accordo tra passione e odio, abbiamo un misterioso contesto che rende il tutto più interessante, relativamente allo stato finanziario della famigerata scuola provata. Come mai la Canyon ha bisogno di soldi? E perché il preside è andato personalmente a trovare Will a chiedere una donazione? Potrà mai dimenticare un'adolescenza piena di sopprusi e abusi in favore di una scuola che può fare ancora molto per ragazzi che potranno studiare solo con borse di studio ? Ma soprattutto, lui e Annie, adesso che sono entrambi lontani da quella scuola e lei non è sposata con figli, avranno finalmente i loro lieto fine o sarà troppo tardi? 

Will, l'ho trovato simpatico e divertente, in alcuni punti, passionale e intrigante in altri. Uomo decisamente capace, si è alzato con dignità dalla pozzanghera dove lo avevano gettato e ha creato dal nulla una ditta di computer, venduta ad una cifra astronomica . Può donare a sua madre una vecchiaia serena e una vita tranquilla dopo tutto quello che ha fatto per farlo studiare. Il suo rapporto con Annie è conflittuale ma tenero. Ci si ritrova a tifare per lui perchè riesca nell'intento di conquistare il cuore della sua amata.
La solitudine gli ha permesso di sotterrare le umiliazioni e brutti ricordi da studente, ma adesso che è diventato adulto. non è possibile andare oltre e forse creare un rapporto di amicizia con quei ragazzi che avevano esagerato con lui? 

Annie James, è rimasta vedova molto presto e il lavoro alla scuola Canyon le ha concesso di riprendere un pò di stabilità nella sua vita. Conoscere Will ma anche gli altri ragazzi, (è diventata membro onorario della classe 2005), è stato terapeutico e ha posto le basi per quello che sarebbe stato il suo futuro. Aiutare i ragazzi in difficoltà, timidi e associali è la sua vocazione. Ha cominciato alla Canyon e ha proseguito con un centro di accoglienza, dove fa la volontaria. Anche se il suo attuale lavoro è la giornalista in un giornale locale, lei vuole poter fare di più, raccontando le storie vere di questi ragazzi dotati, ma senza opportunità di studiare.
Rincontrare Will apre una ferita mai del tutto chiusa. Il suo rifiuto a quella tenera proposta di matrimonio è stata la cosa più sensata che potesse fare. E se invece si fosse sbagliata ?

Un pò lento in alcuni punti, ma tutto sommato è stata una lettura gradevole e appassionante. 
Lo stile, non mi è sembrato particolarmente scorrevole perché l'inglese l'ho trovato alquanto difficile da seguire. Ma questo è una valutazione puramente personale. 

Al di là della difficoltà di comprensione e scorrevolezza dell'inglese, il romanzo mi è piaciuto. L'aspetto misterioso/economico alla Grisham è stato un tocco di classe, una novità gradita in un romanzo con una trama già ampiamente conosciuta.
Si tratta di una serie ma ogni libro è uno stand alone, grazie mille Sig.ra Moore!! 

“Whatever committee I’m on. She has to be on it.”
“It can be arranged.”
“Arrange it.” Will turned and walked away before he did anything else stupid. He headed for the short hallway off the main patio. He hadn’t made his revenge speech yet.
He leaned against the wall opposite the door marked “Women,” tipped his head back against the stucco surface, and drew a steadying breath. He could count the number of times he’d seen her without a jacket. The lavender dress she wore offered revealing views of her person. From thin straps the neckline dipped in a simple lace-edged V. While Chambers spoke, Will’s eyes kept wandering back to that dipping V. He imagined hooking his fingers in those straps and pushing them down over her shoulders. And then telling her how over her he was. That was the plan, right?
When the door opened, he shifted, flattening a palm against each wall, blocking her way. She halted in front of him and squared her shoulders.
“Nice lace.”
She blushed instantly, and her response sent a hot flash to his groin.
She recovered quicker than he did. “Do you know why Josh Huntington threw us together tonight?”
“His deep devotion to Canyon.”
A look of disgust crossed her face. “Josh doesn’t do anything that isn’t purely in his own self-interest.”
He was glad to hear her say it. At least she wasn’t taken in by the guy. His own questions were pressing on him again. “Why did you leave Canyon?”
“Why did you come here tonight?”
He kept his palms flat against each wall. “Are you kidding? New Directions for Canyon? I’m the only guy who doesn’t see the place as a holy shrine. You want to hear my idea for Canyon? Sell it to developers, bring in the wrecking ball and the backhoes, and give hundreds of poor kids a full college ride.”
“An excellent plan. Hostile, but practical.” She tried to slip by him, and he leaned forward, bringing his face within inches of hers.
“Make me less hostile.” He reached out a hand and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her whole body shivered at the touch, and he felt gut-punched. He forced himself to press for the answers he wanted. “Why didn’t you answer that letter?”
He caught a puzzled look in her eyes, but the men’s room door opened.
“This is not the time or the place for this conversation.”
“Come with me. You can explain it.”
Voices intruded. Two men stepped into the hallway and halted. Will took his hands from the walls. Deep brown eyes pleaded with him. He took her arm, leading her down the hall.
“You were eighteen,” she said in a low voice.
“I knew my mind. You pretended not to know yours.”
“You had an amazing college opportunity ahead of you.”
“You didn’t believe in me. You believed in guys like Moreland, but not in me. You thought I wouldn’t make it.”
“You had not even begun to live. I was a widow. My husband had been dead barely a year. A year.”
“You saw where I lived,” he said quietly. “You were afraid to take a chance on a nobody like me.”
“I did what I had to do, what I thought was right. And look at you. You’ve done well. Without me. You can’t deny it.” She slipped out of his hold and headed across the patio.
A smart man would let her go. He decided to be smart.

Kate has lived most of her life along the California coast. That experience has made her a jeans-wearing, toes in wet-sand, married to a surfer, fog-loving weather wimp, with a hint of East Coast polish from spending her college years in Boston. Family history connects her to Irish and English immigrants, Cornish miners, gold prospectors, and adventurers who sailed around Cape Horn bound for San Francisco.

When she's not reading, writing or brainstorming, Kate walks in the redwoods, feed birds, collect books, apples and leaves; she watches tele-novellas on Spanish-language TV and immerses herself in all things English. Her favorite food groups are butter, brown sugar, dark chocolate, and red wine. Kate's early literary influences were The Little Engine That CouldThe Little Red Hen, and Winnie the Pooh. Austen, Heyer, Chaucer, and Homer came later and inspired her to put that first plot on paper.

Kate's heroes are honorable, virile outsiders with some grand ambition; her heroines are practical princesses, who drive those edgy loners into love with good sense and good sex.

Her family and friends offer endless support and humor. Kate says her children are her best works, and her husband is her favorite hero.



lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

SNEAK PEEKS - Jennifer Probst


Today is the release day blitz for SNEAK PEEKS by Jennifer Probst. This is NOT a book, but a compilation of covers, author’s notes and sample chapters taken from the incredible career of NY Times Bestselling Author of The Marriage to a Billionaire Series, Jennifer Probst and it's FREE!


This is NOT a book, but a compilation of covers, author’s notes and sample chapters taken from the incredible career of NY Times Bestselling Author of The Marriage to a Billionaire Series, Jennifer Probst.

I’ve believed in love and happy endings since I was young.

It never came easy. It took me twenty years of nonstop work and dreams before I became a full time writer. I had to defend not only my love for the written word, and my non-practical career choice, but also my fierce respect and passion for the romance genre.

No matter. I let no one sway me from my path. Is it so wrong to believe in hope? To understand it’s not about these stories all containing what critics deem a formulaic ending, but the unique journey of each book and characters we create and meet to push us, change us, and allow us to reach for something more?

That’s the type of writer I wanted to be. That’s the type of books I wanted to write.

There’s humor in everything I write. Sometimes a bit zany, sometimes laugh out loud, and sometimes so subtle it’s like a brush of a kiss across a cheek. Barely there. But I believe humor is one important aspect I use to make sense out of events and shine a flicker of light into a dark corner.


Jennifer Probst 3 with watermark

Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean.
She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, was ranked #6 on Amazon's Best Books for 2012. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at

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