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Visualizzazione post con etichetta libri inediti. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 13 marzo 2025

THE ROOKIE (Kings of Cocky #2) di Mickey Miller

You swore you’d never fall for your best friend’s brother.

Especially not Griffin Knox—the cocky, too-hot-for-his-own-good rookie tight end with a reputation almost as big as his ego.

But then a hotel mix-up leaves you sharing a room.
For two weeks.
In Mexico.

You tell yourself it’s fine. You can handle it.
Except one tequila-fueled night turns into a stolen kiss.
Then another.

Suddenly, "just one mistake" turns into whispered dares, ridiculous bets, and rules you’re both too reckless to follow.

Because Griffin?
He’s everything you shouldn’t want.
The banter? Infuriating.
The tension? Explosive.
The way he looks at you? Dangerous.

If anyone finds out what’s happening behind closed doors?
It won’t just be bad.
It’ll be game over.

But some risks are worth taking.
And this one? Might just change everything.

giovedì 27 febbraio 2025

THE COACH di Mickey Miller

One unforgettable night. A surprise reunion. And a secret that could change everything.
I never thought I’d see him again.
It was just one reckless weekend with the gorgeous stranger at the bar. No last names. No complications. Just one perfect night in my tiny Iowa town.

Then he disappeared without a trace. No calls. No goodbyes. I made peace with it being one of those beautiful nights you just let go of.

Until two pink lines flip my world upside down.

The problem? I have no way to find him. I don’t even know his last name.

That is, until I’m at my parents’ house, breaking the news about my pregnancy… and the new head coach of the Chicago Stallions flashes across the TV screen—impeccable, bearded jawline and all.
Jackson freaking Knox was my one night stand.
The man who knocked me up is an NFL superstar coach. And he has no idea I exist.
So my best friend and I come up with a plan—get into a Stallions home game, find Jackson, and tell him he’s about to be a father. Easy, right?
Except nothing about this is easy. The last thing he needs is a scandal, and the last thing I want is to throw his life into chaos. He’s got a team to lead, a season to win, and a reputation to protect. Not to mention he travels nonstop, and I’m just a small town school teacher.
But when we come face to face again, the sparks are just as electric as that night. And suddenly, telling him isn’t the scariest part.
Falling for him all over again is.


martedì 3 dicembre 2024

VIRTUOUS VOWS (Lethal vows #2) di T.L. Smith e Kia Carrington Russell


I was destined to marry another man when I first met Dawson.
He was charming, deadly, and everything my father hated.
And I lived by my father’s rule, which happens when he’s a king of the underworld.
That was until I managed to escape and somehow straight into the arms of the man who sells your desires for a living.
But did I have a price?
Or was he willing to share me for free?


Innocent and breathtakingly beautiful, she was as her name described.
Honey suited her perfectly in all senses of the word—soft, sweet, and a little sticky.
My world and hers should not have mixed.

But something as sweet as honey is meant to be enjoyed.

Traduzione a cura del blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls


Ero destinata a sposare un altro uomo quando incontrai per la prima volta Dawson.
Era affascinante, letale, e rappresentava qualsiasi cosa mio padre odiasse.
E vivevo secondo la legge di mio padre, accade quando lui è il re della criminalità.
Questo prima che riuscissi a fuggire e in qualche modo finire dritta nelle braccia dell'uomo che vende i tuoi desideri per vivere.
Ma avevo un prezzo?
O lui era disposto a condividermi liberamente?


Innocente e incredibilmente bella, lei era proprio come il suo nome la descriveva.
La parola miele le si adattava perfettamente in ogni senso della parola: morbido, dolce e un pochino appiccicoso.
Il mio mondo e il suo non avrebbero dovuto mischiarsi.

Ma qualcosa tanto dolce quanto il miele è destinato a essere goduto.

venerdì 4 ottobre 2024

HATE AT FIRST SIGHT di Mickey Miller

Have you heard the rumor about billionaire businessman Jack Wellington?
No, not the one about the number of the zeros in his bank account.
Or the unverified one the one about his special talent between the sheets.
It’s the one about Jack having a fling with his employee.
That would be me, Amelia Hansen.
Let’s back up for a moment, though. Let me tell you what I know about Jack…
Jack Wellington, Billionaire CEO:
Rich as sin.
Ripped as heaven.
A god in bed.
He’s as ruthless as he is handsome. He fired me and didn’t even think twice.
So how did I end up having a fling with him?
After a breakup, I needed a change, so I headed to Costa Rica for a yoga retreat.
I came to clear my head and forget about men for a while.
Instead? I met Jack. Our attraction was off the charts.
It wasn’t all instalove roses, and wedding bells, though.
There was the time we started hooking up and a monkey—yes a real live monkey—started watching us. (Does that count as voyeurism?)
Then there was the time we stayed up all night and started talking about a family, but my ex boyfriend reappeared to try to win me back.
So Jack took me in the shower and marked his territory.
This is the story about how I fell in love with the hot billionaire CEO who fired me.
It was hate at first sight.

Traduzione a cura del blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

Avete mai sentito quelle voci riguardanti il multimilionario uomo d'affari Jack Wellington?
No, non quelle sugli zeri sul suo conto corrente.
E neppure quella non verificata riguardante il suo talento speciale tra le lenzuola.

Quella riguardante Jack e la sua avventura con una sua impiegata.
Che sarei io, Amelie Hansen.

Torniamo indietro per un momento dunque. Lasciatemi dire quello che so su Jack.
Jack Wellington, milionario e amministratore delegato.
Ricco come il peccato.
Come un angelo caduto dal cielo.
Un dio fra le lenzuola.
Spietato quanto affascinante. Mi ha licenziato senza pensarci due volte.
Dunque come sono finita ad avere un'avventura con lui?
Dopo una rottura, avevo bisogno di un cambiamento, così sono andata in Costa Rica ad un raduno di yoga.
Ci sono andata per liberarmi la mente e dimenticarmi degli uomini per un po'.
E invece..? Ho incontrato Jack. La nostra attrazione era alle stelle.
Non è stato tutto rose e fiori, subito innamorati, con tanto di campane che suonavano.
C'è stato un momento in cui siamo finiti a letto insieme e una scimmia, sì una vera scimmia, ha iniziato a guardarci. (Può contare come voyerismo?) 

Poi c'è stato il momento in cui siamo stati svegli tutta la notte iniziando a parlare di un futuro, di una famiglia, ma il mio ex ragazzo è riapparso intenzionato a riconquistarmi.
Allora Jack mi ha portato nella doccia e ha marcato il suo territorio.
Questa è la storia di come mi sono innamorata del sexy milionario amministratore delegato che mi ha licenziato.

venerdì 20 settembre 2024

THE GIRL WITH NO NAME di Mickey Miller

My name is Reed Walker. Yes, you might know me as the mega rock star with the biggest tour of the year and an unprecedented rise to stardom.

But this is a story about before I became the man I am today. It’s about the wildest adventure of my life—one that started with a road trip I didn't want to take.

My best friend dragged me along to a music festival for a weekend, and by coincidence a girl we'd met the night before ended up riding with us.

Charming, beautiful, and mysterious, she didn't give us her name, saying she was in the midst of a spiritual rebirth.

After a weekend at the music festival, with sparks flying, there was no denying I'd become a changed man in many ways.

I had unexpectedly learned several of life's most important lessons about dreams, love, and friendship.
Now I just have to figure out who she is--and find her again--before it’s too late.

This is the ludicrous—but real—story of how I fell in love with a girl in a weekend, and she changed my life forever.

You might think this story is about me. But really?

It’s about the girl who had no name.

Traduzione a cura del blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

Mi chiamo Reed Walker. Sì, potreste conoscermi come la mega star del rock con il più grande tour dell'anno e un'ascesa senza precedenti al successo.

Questa però è un'altra storia. La storia di quello che è successo prima che diventassi l'uomo che sono oggi. E' la storia della più straordinaria avventura della mia vita, quella che è iniziata con un viaggio in macchina che non volevo intraprendere.
Il mio migliore amico mi ha trascinato ad un festival della musica per un fine settimana, e per caso la ragazza che abbiamo incontrato la sera prima è finita con l'unirsi a noi.

Incantevole, bella e misteriosa, non ha voluto rivelarci il suo nome, dicendo di essere nel mezzo di una rinascita spirituale.

Dopo quel fine settimana pieno di scintille non si poteva negare che fossi diventato un uomo diverso.

Inaspettatamente avevo imparato alcune delle più importanti lezioni di vita sui sogni, sull'amore o amicizia.
Ora devo solo scoprire chi sia, e ritrovarla, prima che sia troppo tardi.

Questa è l'assurda, ma vera, storia di come io mi sono innamorato di una ragazza un fine settimana, e di come lei abbia cambiato la mia vita per sempre.

Potreste pensare che questa storia riguardi me. In verità?

Riguarda la ragazza che non aveva un nome.

venerdì 14 giugno 2024


What if love can transcend time and death?

When I was three years old, I started drawing a house with a red door. Next to the house I drew a happy family—a husband, a wife, a baby, and their dog. For years I cried every night, clutching the drawings, begging my mother to take me home to my real family.

I was labeled odd—a talented child with an overactive imagination.

But one day I wandered straight to that house with the red door, and I found the man and the dog I had been drawing.

Alex Fox was quiet. A sexy, brooding artist. A recluse hiding behind an eye patch and shaggy hair. A grieving widower, suspended in time, never moving forward. Waiting for his love to return.

As I grew up we developed an unlikely but easy friendship, bonding over our mutual love of art. He felt familiar, his home felt like home. But as the years passed I found it harder and harder to ignore not only my growing feelings for him, but the odd visions that played through my mind every time I got too close to him, or spent time in his house.

Or more accurately, when I touched his late wife’s things. Like her wedding gown. And her husband’s lips.

Dreams, reality, and sanity began to blur until I came to a startling revelation. I wasn’t having visions, and I wasn’t delusional. I was having memories. Alex’s late wife’s memories, to be exact.

Alex fights our undeniable connection, believing I’m off limits and too young for him. He tries desperately to do what’s right—pushing away the one and only thing he’s been wishing for since that tragic day when he lost everything. Or so he thinks.

He was mine, once upon a time, in a prior life.
And I’m going to make him mine again.

Che cosa accadrebbe se l'amore trascendesse il tempo e la morte?

Quando avevo tre anni ho iniziato a disegnare una casa con la porta rossa. A fianco alla casa disegnavo una famiglia felice: un marito, una bambina e il loro cane. Per anni piangevo ogni notte, stringendo fra le mani i disegni, chiedendo a mia madre di riportarmi a casa dalla mia vera famiglia.

Fui etichettata come una bambina strana ma talentuosa, con una fervida immaginazione.

Un giorno vagai dritta fino a quella casa dalla porta rossa e lì trovai l'uomo e il cane che avevo sempre disegnato.

Alex Fox era tranquillo. Un affascinante e tormentato artista. Un eremita che si nascondeva dietro ad un occhio bendato e a capelli arruffati.

Mentre crescevo creammo una strana ma semplice amicizia, legata dal nostro amore per l'arte. Lui era famigliare, la sua casa sapeva di casa. Gli anni però passarono e trovavo sempre più difficile ignorare non solo i miei sentimenti che crescevano per lui, ma anche le strani visioni che giocavano con la mia mente ogni volta che ero troppo vicina a lui, o quando trascorrevo del tempo a casa sua.

O più precisamente quando toccai le cose di sua moglie. Cose come il suo abito da sposa. O le labbra di suo marito.

Sogni, realtà e la sanità mentale iniziarono a confondersi fino a che non ebbi una rivelazione sorprendente. Io avevo qualche ricordo. Ricordo della defunta moglie di Alex, per l'esattezza.

Alex combatte la nostra innegabile connessione, credendo io sia troppo giovane per lui, off limits. Lui prova disperatamente a far la cosa giusta respingendo la sola e unica cosa lui desidera con tutto se stesso da quel tragico giorno in cui ha perso ogni cosa. O almeno lo pensa.

Una volta lui era mio, molto tempo fa, in una vita precedente.
E farò di tutto per riaverlo con me ancora una volta.

- Traduzione a cura di Gabriella per il blog Romance & Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

mercoledì 25 maggio 2022

GYPSY. The Traveling series #5 di Jane Harvey-Berrick

Are you looking for your soulmate? Are you looking for the one person in all the world who’ll love you and support you and travel with you on this journey of life?
I can help.
Ever since my first memory, I could see things that others couldn’t and I knew things that others didn’t—I could see the future.
People like me have been hated, feared, feted and venerated across the millennia. Now, the wheel is turning again, and people come to me for help and healing.
Are you looking for your soulmate?
You’re not alone.
Are you looking for your one true love?
So am I.
Born into a family of travelers, Gypsy leaves Ireland to meet her cousin who works in a traveling carnival, 3,000 miles away across the Atlantic.
She has a special gift for healing wounded hearts, and hopes to heal her own.
As she travels through America, she meets people on the journey who need her special help – a lovelorn waitress, a runaway boy, and a brooding mechanic who’s as lost and lonely as Gypsy.
Against the carnival’s backdrop of sawdust and stardust, they travel west, searching for love, and a family that they can build for themselves.


mercoledì 17 marzo 2021

A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR di Nat Chelloni

"Forget favors given; remember those received." - John Wooden

A time for love can't be more deadly...

Julia Leonardi thought she put her past behind her. The widow of a mobster, all she wants is to steer clear of the criminal elements. Then she meets Domenico Bonacci...

Dom is handsome, charming, and intense. The world knows him as a prominent businessman, but Julia sees him as everything she fought to escape.

Once the scion of a powerful Mafia family Dom left the world of organized crime after his father's death. And he swore he would never go back.

No matter how hard she tries, Julia can't seem to ignore the powerful spark of attraction between them and her growing feelings for him. But when Dom's shady past catches up with him, the two forbidden lovers find themselves trapped in a deadly game.

Will Dom renege on his vow and lose the woman he loves, or he will manage to break free of his past for once and for all?



mercoledì 23 settembre 2020

VERITY di Colleen Hoover

Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin. When Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, asks Lowen to complete the remaining books in a contract his permanently injured wife is unable to fulfill, Lowen has no choice but to accept. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home with the intention of only staying one or two nights—long enough to sort through Verity’s chaotic home office to collect all the notes and outlines she’ll need to start writing the first novel. But the more time Lowen spends with Jeremy Crawford, the less of a hurry she is in to leave. While there, Lowen uncovers a hidden manuscript. An autobiography containing chilling admissions Verity planned to take to her grave, including the truth behind the events that turned their lives upside down. A truth that, if revealed to Jeremy, would further devastate the already grieving father. Lowen decides to keep the manuscript a secret, allowing Jeremy to continue to believe Verity is merely an innocent, unfortunate victim of circumstance. But as Lowen’s feelings for the devoted father and husband deepen, she wonders if keeping Jeremy in the dark is in her own best interest. After all, if Jeremy were to read his wife’s autobiography, the disturbing truth would make it impossible for him to continue to love her.

venerdì 3 aprile 2020

ANGRY GOD di L.J. Shen

Vaughn Spencer.
They call him an angry god.
To me, he is nothing but a heartless prince.
His parents rule this town, its police, every citizen and boutique on Main Street.
All I own is a nice, juicy grudge against him for that time he almost killed me.
Between hooking up with a different girl every weekend, breaking hearts, noses and rules, Vaughn also finds the time to bully little ole’ me.
I fight back, tooth and nail, never expecting him to chase me across the ocean after we graduate high school.
But here he is, living with me in a dark, looming castle on the outskirts of London.
A fellow intern. A prodigal sculptor. A bloody genius.
They say this place is haunted, and it is.
Carlisle Castle hides two of our most awful secrets.
Vaughn thinks he can kill the ghosts of his past, but what he doesn’t know? It’s my heart he’s slaying.

giovedì 26 marzo 2020

CREDENCE di Penelope Douglas

Three of them, one of her, and a remote cabin in the woods. Let the hot, winter nights ensue...Tiernan de Haas doesn't care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starlet wife, she's grown up with wealth and privilege but not love or guidance. Shipped off to boarding schools from an early age, it was still impossible to escape the loneliness and carve out a life of her own. The shadow of her parents' fame followed her everywhere.
And when they suddenly pass away, she knows she should be devastated. But has anything really changed? She's always been alone, hasn't she?

Jake Van der Berg, her father's stepbrother and her only living relative, assumes guardianship of Tiernan who is still two months shy of eighteen. Sent to live with him and his two sons, Noah and Kaleb, in the mountains of Colorado, Tiernan soon learns that these men now have a say in what she chooses to care and not care about anymore.

As the three of them take her under their wing, teach her to work and survive in the remote woods far away from the rest of the world, she slowly finds her place among them.

And as a part of them.

She also realizes that lines blur and rules become easy to break when no one else is watching.

One of them has her.

The other one wants her.

But he...

He's going to keep her.

martedì 30 ottobre 2018

giovedì 3 maggio 2018

BIRTHDAY GIRL di Penelope Douglas

TITOLO: Birthday Girl
AUTORE: Penelope Douglas
EDITORE: Self-published
SERIE: Standalone
Consigliato ai maggiori di 18 anni

He took me in when I had nowhere else to go. He doesn’t use me, hurt me, or forget about me. He doesn’t treat me like I’m nothing, take me for granted, or make me feel unsafe. He remembers me, laughs with me, and looks at me. He listens to me, protects me, and sees me. I can feel his eyes on me over the breakfast table, and my heart pumps so hard when I hear him pull in the driveway after work. I have to stop this. It can’t happen. My sister once told me there are no good men, and if you find one, he’s probably unavailable. Only Pike Lawson isn’t the unavailable one. I am.
I took her in, because I thought I was helping. She’d cook a few meals and clean up a little. It was an easy arrangement. As the days go by, though, it’s becoming anything but easy. I have to stop my mind from drifting to her and stop holding my breath every time I bump into her in the house. I can’t touch her, and I shouldn’t want to. The more I find my path crossing hers, though, the more she’s becoming a part of me. But we’re not free to give into this. She’s nineteen, and I’m thirty-eight. And her boyfriend’s father. Unfortunately, they both just moved into my house.

giovedì 22 marzo 2018


TITOLO: Until it fades
AUTORE: K.A.Tucker
EDITORE: Atria Books
SERIE: Autoconclusivo

Twenty-four-year-old truck stop waitress and single mother Catherine Wright has simple goals: to give her five-year-old daughter a happy life and to never again be the talk of the town in Balsam, Pennsylvania (population three thousand outside of tourist season).
And then one foggy night, on a lonely road back from another failed date, Catherine saves a man’s life. It isn’t until after the police have arrived that Catherine realizes exactly who it is she has rescued: Brett Madden, hockey icon and media darling.
Catherine has already had her fifteen minutes of fame and the last thing she wants is to have her past dragged back into the spotlight, only this time on a national stage. So she hides her identity. It works. For a time.
But when she finds the man she saved standing on her doorstep, desperate to thank her, all that changes. There’s an immediate connection, and it’s more electric than the bond of two people who endured a traumatic event. It’s something neither of them expected. Something that Catherine isn’t sure she can handle; something she is afraid to trust.
Because how long can an extraordinary man like Brett be interested in an ordinary woman like Catherine...before the spark fades?

martedì 23 gennaio 2018

UNDEFEATED di Jane Harvey-Berrick e Stuart Reardon


When your world crashes down...
When they all say you’re out...
When your body is broken...
I will rise.
I will return.
And I will be undefeated. 

Nick Renshaw is the golden boy of British rugby. When a serious injury threatens his career, he starts to spiral downwards, a broken man.

Feeling abandoned and betrayed by those closest to him, he fights to restart his life. Maybe there’s someone out there who can help him. Maybe he can find his way back toward the light. Maybe … not.

Dr. Anna Scott might be the one person who can help Nick, but she has her own secrets. And when Nick’s past comes back to haunt them both, the enigmatic doctor is more vulnerable than she seems.

Broken and betrayed, the struggle to survive seems intolerable. Who will give in, and who will rise, undefeated?


Quando il tuo mondo crolla in mille pezzi...
Quando tutti ti dicono che sei fuori...
Quando il tuo corpo è distrutto...
Io mi solleverò.
E non sarò mai sconfitto.

Nick Renshaw è il ragazzo prodigio del rugby inglese. Quando un serio infortunio minaccia la sua carriera, lui sprofonda in una spirale verso il basso, ormai finito.

Sentendosi abbandonato e tradito da quelli a lui più vicini, combatte per riavviare la sua vita. Forse c'è qualcuno là fuori che può aiutarlo. Forse lui può trovare la strada che lo riporterà verso la luce. O forse... no.

La dottoressa Anna Scott può essere la sola persona che può aiutare Nick, ma anche lei nasconde dei segreti. Quando il passato di Nick ritornerà per perseguitare tutti e due, la misteriosa dottoressa diverrà più vulnerabile di quanto non sembri.

Spezzato e tradito, la lotta per sopravvivere sembra insostenibile. Chi si arrenderà e chi risorgerà, imbattuto?

giovedì 13 aprile 2017


Per chiunque abbia desiderato che le cose finissero in una maniera differente... Pippa Croft è tornata con una nuova incoraggiante novella che conclude la serie Oxford Blues.

Sai quale è il mio più grande rimpianto? Non gli ho mai detto che lo amo.

Nove mesi dopo che le strade della figlia del senatore, Lauren Cusack, e dell'aristocratico Alexander Hunt si sono separate a Washington DC, i due sfortunati amanti sono finalmente tornati nello stesso continente, nelle vesti di qualsiasi cosa fuorché di una coppia.
Dopo aver fallito nel tentativo di eliminare il bellissimo e tormentato Alexander dai propri pensieri, a Parigi Lauren sta tentando di capire cosa lui abbia voluto dirle poche settimane prima in una misteriosa telefonata, poco prima che lui partisse in una missione segreta.  Potrebbe realmente averle fatto la proposta?

Alexander però non si  è più fatto sentire da quel momento e lei non ha idea di dove sia o ancora se sia vivo o morto. Poi però una telefonata dalla sorella di lui, Emma, dove implora Lauren di tornare a Falconbury, cambia tutto. Contro ogni buon senso, Lauren accetta anche se c'è un solo grande problema. Risulta che Alexander non la rivuole nella sua tenuta ne nella sua vita.
Vale la pena dare un'ultima occasione alla loro relazione? Alexander è categorico sul fatto che Lauren dovrebbe abbandonare ogni speranza su di loro ma lei non sembra essere ancora pronta a rinunciarci.
Una sola cosa è certa. Ci vorrà ogni grammo della sua forza e del suo impegno se loro vorranno mettersi insieme per la quarta volta, per sempre.

(traduzione a cura di Gabriella)

giovedì 6 aprile 2017

Segnalazione: Red Hot di Anna Faye

Autrice: Anna Faye
Genere: Romance (con alcune scene erotiche esplicite)
Lingua: Italiano
Formato: ebook
Pagine: 152
Prezzo: €0,99 / Gratis su kindleunlimited
Data di uscita: aprile 2017, già disponibile su Amazon / AmazonUnlimited
Traduzione a cura di J.R.
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