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Visualizzazione post con etichetta prologue. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 5 luglio 2016

Release Party : Le bugie nascoste di Alessandra Torre

Brant. A vent’anni era già miliardario. Siamo stati insieme per tre anni. Mi ha chiesto di sposarlo quattro volte. E quattro volte gli ho detto di no. Lee. Fa il giardiniere – quando non è occupato a farsi le studentesse. È bravo con le mani e con tutto il corpo... L’ho inseguito per quasi due anni... Avanti. Giudicatemi. Non avete idea di cosa comporti il mio amore. Se pensate di avere già sentito questa storia, vi sbagliate

mercoledì 4 febbraio 2015

Ember by Rachel Van Dyken Prologue Reveal


I am a Killer. A Rapist. A Monster.
I know only pain and survival.
That is until the Cappo's sister walked into my life.
And changed everything.
She's a light who makes my darkness darker, her smile makes
my heart turn to ice, and I can't escape the fear her seductive looks
instill--knowing it's only a matter of time before I fail--again, and take her
for myself.
This is the story of my redemption.
But it's not pretty...I died, and now I'm alive, but not
living, breathing but not surviving. I am Phoenix De Lange, son to a murdered
mob boss, estranged brother, horrible friend, monster in the making, newest
leader to one of the most powerful families in the Cosa Nostra.
And I will have my vengeance.
Or die trying.
I am Phoenix De Lange.
Death is all I know.
Until she offers me a piece of life--I can't resist taking.


Eagle Elite Book 5
Copyright © 2015 RACHEL VAN DYKEN

Ember: A small piece of burning coal.
Origin: Old English, Germanic.
Example: All it takes is a one tiny piece of ember to start a flame, one small
flame to burst forth into a fire. One spark, and a man’s world may implode from
the inside out.

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