Visualizzazione post con etichetta M.N. Forgy. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta M.N. Forgy. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 12 dicembre 2017

RECOURSE di M.N. Forgy

Naughty or nice, it seems to be the way Zeek and I live our relationship. I’m the sheriff, and he’s the outlaw of a major biker gang.
I have to pick a side this Christmas. Do I honor my badge like I was born to do, or do I cross my line of blue and my man home for Christmas

lunedì 31 luglio 2017

BOOK TOUR: Illicit by M.N. Forgy

My desire for her is forbidden. My infatuation is illicit. I’m betraying my club. And if the wage of my sin is death, then this woman is going to get me killed.

I’m an animal, a member of the Sin City Outlaws motorcycle club that isn't capable of human compassion. So I’ve been told anyway.
Raven is my club’s prisoner. I’ve been ordered to break her. It should be easy given my violent history. But being this close to a woman—this woman—for the first time in a long time, is like sharing company with the demon Lilith herself.
She’s my perfect toy. Filled with a dark rage. Blessed with perfected beauty. Sinfully sweet and wickedly divine. Everything about her solicits the demons inside me
I want to hear her screams. I want those big, dark eyes looking up at me—silently begging me for mercy. I want to be her heaven…and her hell. 
My desire for her is forbidden. My infatuation is illicit. I’m betraying my club. 
And if the wage of my sin is death, then this woman is going to get me killed.

Traduzione a cura di QueenAnne

Sono un animale, un membro del club dei motociclisti dei Sin City Outlaws, incapace di provare compassione umana. Comunque così mi è stato detto.
Raven è prigioniera del mio club. Mi è stato ordinato di spezzarla il che dovrebbe risultare facile vista la mia storia violenta. Ma stare vicino a una donna, a questa donna, dopo tanto tempo è come dividere la compagnia con lo stesso demone Lilith.
è il mio giocattolo perfetto. Piena di una rabbia oscura. Benedetta da una bellezza perfetta. Peccaminosamente dolce e malvagiamente divina. Tutto di lei sollecita i miei demoni.
Voglio sentirla gridare. Voglio che i suoi grandi e scuri occhi mi guardino e che in silenzio mi chiedano misericordia. Voglio essere il suo paradiso… e il suo inferno.
Il desiderio che provo per lei è una cosa proibita. La mi infatuazione è una cosa illegale. Sto tradendo il mio club.
E se dovrò pagare il mio peccato con la morte, allora questa donna mi farà uccidere.

venerdì 28 aprile 2017

Book Tour: Retaliate by M.N. Forgy

Being the Vice President of the Sin City Outlaws Motorcycle Club comes with its perks.
Respect, power, and easy women whenever I want. I have control in everything I do.
Because of that, I wasn’t expecting my president to put me on babysitting duty, and on a female cop of all fucking people. I kill law enforcement, not protect them. 

Alessandra pretends to be the good-guy hiding behind that shiny badge. But I see the darkness dancing in her eyes, and it draws me to her in the worst way. I want to devour that act of innocence, pull her over the line of justice, and into my bed.

I just wasn’t expecting the handful of secrets I got behind that badge of honor I ripped from her chest. Because now, we’re retaliating against a common enemy together.

venerdì 11 novembre 2016

What Might Kill Us by M.N. Forgy

Brotherhood is what Bull bleeds and all that he knows.
Being the king of The Devil’s Dust and surrounded by easy women was his everyday… until having his heart broke rooted him to the bottom of a whiskey bottle.
Heartbroken, and drowning in lost memories he’s unsure of the direction of his life, when the answer – consisting of a terrified Mexican girl- nearly knocks him off his feet.
Determined to get his act together and rectify his club, he rides to Texas for answers, only to be confronted with the emotional ghosts he isn’t ready to deal with.
He sees Anahi, and he wants her.
But she may come with more baggage than Bull is ready for.

Anahi used to be prim and proper. She used to wear dresses and keep up appearances to impress people she didn’t know. I guess you could say she was a fucking lady.
But that was when she lived in Mexico with her parents.
Before her uncle turned on her.
Before, the only man she ever loved, her step-brother, betrayed her.
Before she was forced to be a drug mule for the Cartel.
Evening gowns a lost memory, expensive heels traded for boots, and a nine millimeter in her hand instead of a limited edition purse. Anahi sets aside everything she’s ever known including the fairytale stories her mother told her about America.
She’s angry, determined, and looking for a way out.

venerdì 8 aprile 2016

Mercy # 2 SIN CITY OUTLAWS by M.N. Forgy

He's a biker. She's a Sheriff. 
She's in his world now, even if she doesn't want to be...

I’m an outlaw. I don’t fall in love and I sure as fuck don't run... Until Jillian McAdams.
I fell for a law abiding Sheriff, breaking my vows to my own club, and turning her against her family of blue.An outlaw and a sheriff, it can only end in one way… Mayhem.
Now we both have to pay the ultimate price for betraying our families.
I swore to kill my brother, his allegiance sworn to another club, if I ever saw him again. 
Yet here I am running to him in hopes to save Jillian’s life…
We both will have to rewrite the rules we know to stay alive.
Even if it means we lose everything we had in doing so…

venerdì 11 marzo 2016

COVER REVEAL: Mercy By M.N. Forgy

One bad biker. One gorgeous sheriff.
One intense biker romance.

The conclusion of Zeek and Jillian’s romance releases April 4th!

Now Available for Pre-order Mercy here:

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