Visualizzazione post con etichetta interview. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta interview. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 10 maggio 2018

Blog Tour: BANDIT di B.B.Reid

           ⚜️⚜️⚜️Benvenuti nella penultima tappa del blogtour di BANDIT.⚜️⚜️⚜️

Per questa tappa abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di fare qualche domande all'autrice!
Di seguito troverete la nostra recensione e le risposte di B.B.Reid 

giovedì 25 febbraio 2016

Interview Brittainy C. Cherry

Hello Brittainy, 
My name is Fidi and I’m the admin of the Italian Blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls. I love reading in English and your books captivated me. 
It means so much to me that you accepted my request for a Q and A!
I love your books so much, I just want to go back to them again and again.
So many questions to ask and so little time- so I won't waste another minute!

giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

Interview : Mia Sheridan english version

Hello Mia, my name is Fidi and I’m the administrator of the Blog, Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls. I just want tell you how much I appreciate that you agreed to participate in our QandA about your novels we all love so much.

I’m not working alone here, Federica, one of my partners, helped me to choose the questions we want to ask. We both love your writing and we read most of your novels in English.

Also, on behalf of my entire blog and our followers, I want to express a vivid and faithful appreciation for your writing!

Personally, I’m honored to help introduce your novels to more Italian women now that much of your work has been translated to Italian, finally! Better late than never, right? Because of this, so many more people will experience how great your stories are.

What a lovely introduction!! Thank you so very much, Fidi and Federica!

mercoledì 25 novembre 2015

Intervista alla scrittrice: Jay Crownover - Versione originale e traduzione italiana

Quando ho trovato la risposta di Jay Crownover nella mia casella di posta elettronica, quasi non ci credevo.
Ho inviato una mail qualche giorno fa, piena di speranza ma anche consapevole del fatto che poteva essere un buco nell'acqua...
E invece l'autrice è stata gentilissima e ha risposto alle mie domande!
Quindi è con immenso piacere che vi presentiamo l'intervista alla regina della serie "The marked men, Miiiiiiss Jay Crooownoveeer !

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

Soaring - Kristen Ashley

American heiress Amelia Hathaway needs to start anew. 
Her husband cheated on her, and when everything she wanted in life slipped through her fingers, she fell apart. When she did, she took another heart wrenching hit as she lost the respect of her children. 
When her ex took her family from California to live in the small town of Magdalene in Maine, Amelia decided it was time to sort herself out. In order to do that and win her children back, she moves to Cliff Blue, an architectural masterpiece on the rocky coast of Magdalene. 
Her boxes aren’t even unpacked when she meets Mickey Donovan, a man who lives across the street, a man so beautiful Amelia takes one look at Mickey and knows she wants everything from him. 
The problem is, she finds out swiftly that he’s friendly, he’s kind, but he doesn’t want everything back. 
Amelia struggles to right past wrongs in her life at the same time find out who she wants to be. She also struggles with her attraction to the handsome firefighter who lives across the street. 
But Amelia will face a surprise when her friendly neighbor becomes not-so-friendly. As Amelia and Mickey go head to head, Amelia must focus on winning back the hearts of her children. 
She soon discovers she also must focus on winning the heart of a handsome firefighter who understands down to his soul the beautiful heiress who lives across the street is used to a life he cannot provide.

giovedì 26 febbraio 2015

For Authentication Purposes by Amber L. Johnson / Review - Interview

For Authentication Purposes
by Amber L. Johnson

Release Date: March 5th , 2015
Genre: New Adult Romance / Contemporary Romance / Romance Erotica / Humor 

 ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-387-4

Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH

Dawn Sims has made a name for herself writing romantic fiction online. When she's pushed to try her hand at publishing, she thinks she has everything figured out. The only problem? She's never been in a relationship, especially one that has led her to finding The Big O.

So much for writing what you know.

Warner Green has had Dawn in his sights since she walked into his class in seventh grade. She broke his teenage heart not once, but twice, so seeing her in his night class at the local community college was an unexpected surprise.

Accidentally reading her bad erotica on her laptop was a blessing from the Smut Gods themselves.

It's clear she has no idea what she's writing about, but Warner does. In fact, he knows so much that he's willing to offer her his services. The deal is simple: teach the good girl from high school everything she needs to know to write from experience. If he gets to live out a fantasy or two that he's been harboring for almost a decade, then there's no harm in that either.

The lessons turn more heated, and Dawn begins to question where Warner has learned his skills, but he's not ready to talk, until his past comes back to haunt him at the worst possible time.

It shouldn't matter when it's for authentication purposes only.

lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

Darker Water - Once and Forever #1 - Lauren Stewart

Once and Forever will be a series of at least seven standalone contemporary romances. Each story uses a theme or symbol from a fairytale, but only as a starting point. Because while fairytales aren't real, love is.

*** Darker Water is a stand-alone contemporary romance that does not end in a cliffhanger.

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