Visualizzazione post con etichetta Stylo Fantome. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Stylo Fantome. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 4 ottobre 2016

BOOK TOUR: Neighbors by Stylo Fantome

Things a good neighbor can do for you:

1. Give you a cup of sugar

2. Let you borrow his lawnmower

3. Water your plants while you're on vacation

4. Make your eyes roll back in your head with his tongue

Katya Tocci has never paid much attention to who lives next door - her career always kept her too busy. She's a good girl, working her way to becoming the most sought after cake designer in all of San Francisco.

But even a good girl's gotta cut loose once in a while, right? So one fake dating profile later, and she's ready to tarnish her squeaky clean image. Little does she know, her fun time is closer to home than she ever imagined.

Throw in a neighbor who wants to corrupt her, and another who just wants to own her, and her entire world is flipped upside down.

Who knew neighbors could be so helpful?

Traduzione a cura di Queen Anne

Le cose che un buon vicino può fare per te:

1. Darti una tazza di zucchero

2. farti prendere in prestito il suo tosaerba

3. Innaffiare le piante mentre sei in vacanza

4. Farti girare gli occhi in testa con la lingua

Katya Tocci non ha mai prestato molta attenzione a chi le vive accanto – la sua carriera l’ha sempre tenuta occupata. E' una brava ragazza, lavorare è l’unico modo che ha per diventare il più ricercato cake designer di tutta San Francisco.

Ma anche una buona ragazza deve lasciarsi andare ogni tanto, giusto? Così basta un falso profilo su un sito per appuntamenti, e lei è pronta a offuscare la sua immagine perfettamente pulita. Non sa che il tempo del divertimento è più vicino di quanto abbia mai immaginato.

Presa in mezzo tra un vicino di casa che vuole corromperla, e un altro che la vuole solo possedere, si ritrova con tutto il suo mondo sottosopra.

martedì 6 ottobre 2015

My Time in the Affair by Stylo Fantôme


I made a conscious decision to cheat on my husband. 

Now, before you judge me, hear my story. Hear how much I'm like you, how similar my thoughts are to your own. Yes, I'm a horrible person. Yes, I've done horrible things. Yes, I don't deserve forgiveness. Yes, bad things happened because of my actions. 
But I'm willing to bet I've done things that maybe, just maybe, you have thought of doing. 
Maybe, just maybe, you're not as innocent as you'd like to think. 
Or maybe I'm not so guilty ... 

lunedì 9 marzo 2015

Completion - Stylo Fantôme

WARNING: contains little plot, a lot of sex, and was written for the author's own personal enjoyment. Also graphic sexual situations and sadomasochistic themes

The Devil gets his dues. 

What happens when Satan in the flesh meets Lillith in real life?

Some name calling, a lot of fighting, and even more loving.

For two years, Jameson Kane and Tatum O'Shea have made their relationship work. It might not work for anyone else on the planet, but it's perfect for them. Their own personal fairy tale.

But can Jameson give Tatum a true “happily ever after”? He's not sure.

Where would the devil go to buy a throne, anyway?
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