venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

The Loner - Kate Moore

The Loner is
the first book in Kate Moore's newest series, The Canyon Club.  

Gatsby meets Persuasion in
a story of sex and money in L.A. as a self-sufficient loner, new billionaire
Will Sloan, dares to cross the divide of privilege to claim his lost love.



Loner Will Sloan, son of a waitress and a dead rodeo cowboy, former scholarship student, new billionaire, is back in L.A., land of palm-lined drives and fiery sunsets. His friends urge him to jump into the hot city dating scene, but a chance encounter at a school reunion revives a powerful past love. He’s never forgotten Annie James…and this time around, he swears he’ll do the walking out.


Widowed young, Annie James believes she’s recovered from the early heartbreaks that left her single and jobless at 24. Ten years later, she’s got a job, a house, and a personal passion helping at-risk kids. Then she steps up to do a favor for a friend and help a poor boy win a scholarship to the Canyon School. Doing so unlocks the door to the past, and to the one man who could break her heart again. This time, though, love will conquer all.

“Moore is a talent to
remember.” —RT Book Reviews

e mezzo 

Will Sloan, un ricco proprietario di una azienda di computer, ha fatto i soldoni e adesso si può godere i frutti del suo meritato lavoro e dare alla madre una casa confortevole dove vivere. 
Lui e sua madre sono sempre stati soli e si sono arrangiati come meglio hanno potuto. Will, già da bambino, aveva dimostrato quanto fosse intelligente e la borsa di studio alla scuola privata Canyon è stata ben meritata. 
Non la pensava così il preside, attaccato ai soldi e interessato al prestigio della scuola, la maggior parte degli allievi erano figli di persone facoltose e ricche, tutto quello che Will non era. Messo in imbarazzo più di una volta dai suoi stessi compagni e dal preside, colui il quale aveva il compito di proteggerlo, riceve fortunatamente una piccola dose di attenzione dalla segretaria del preside: Annie James. 
Il ragazzo aveva a malapena 18 anni, lei ne aveva 22, quasi coetanea, ma certi limiti non si possono mai superare, dovevano stare molto attenti a non destare sospetti. Grazie ai sorrisi di Annie, lo scambio di risate e pomeriggi passati a guardare il tramonto, Will si sente meno solo e in un impeto di euforia chiede a Annie James di sposarlo. La ragazza, rimasta vedova da poco, rifiuta e Will ne rimane ferito enormemente.
Quasi 10 anni, dopo in occasione di una raccolta fondi per la Canyon, i nostri protagonisti si rincontrano e mentre Will prova odio e risentimento per Anni, la donna non sa come gestire l'uomo che si trova davanti a lei. E' consapevole che lui desideri solo vendicarsi per il dolore che gli ha causato, pur fatto nell'interesse di un giovane adulto con il mondo aperto davanti a lui pieno di opportunità.
Mentre Will e Annie cercano di trovare un accordo tra passione e odio, abbiamo un misterioso contesto che rende il tutto più interessante, relativamente allo stato finanziario della famigerata scuola provata. Come mai la Canyon ha bisogno di soldi? E perché il preside è andato personalmente a trovare Will a chiedere una donazione? Potrà mai dimenticare un'adolescenza piena di sopprusi e abusi in favore di una scuola che può fare ancora molto per ragazzi che potranno studiare solo con borse di studio ? Ma soprattutto, lui e Annie, adesso che sono entrambi lontani da quella scuola e lei non è sposata con figli, avranno finalmente i loro lieto fine o sarà troppo tardi? 

Will, l'ho trovato simpatico e divertente, in alcuni punti, passionale e intrigante in altri. Uomo decisamente capace, si è alzato con dignità dalla pozzanghera dove lo avevano gettato e ha creato dal nulla una ditta di computer, venduta ad una cifra astronomica . Può donare a sua madre una vecchiaia serena e una vita tranquilla dopo tutto quello che ha fatto per farlo studiare. Il suo rapporto con Annie è conflittuale ma tenero. Ci si ritrova a tifare per lui perchè riesca nell'intento di conquistare il cuore della sua amata.
La solitudine gli ha permesso di sotterrare le umiliazioni e brutti ricordi da studente, ma adesso che è diventato adulto. non è possibile andare oltre e forse creare un rapporto di amicizia con quei ragazzi che avevano esagerato con lui? 

Annie James, è rimasta vedova molto presto e il lavoro alla scuola Canyon le ha concesso di riprendere un pò di stabilità nella sua vita. Conoscere Will ma anche gli altri ragazzi, (è diventata membro onorario della classe 2005), è stato terapeutico e ha posto le basi per quello che sarebbe stato il suo futuro. Aiutare i ragazzi in difficoltà, timidi e associali è la sua vocazione. Ha cominciato alla Canyon e ha proseguito con un centro di accoglienza, dove fa la volontaria. Anche se il suo attuale lavoro è la giornalista in un giornale locale, lei vuole poter fare di più, raccontando le storie vere di questi ragazzi dotati, ma senza opportunità di studiare.
Rincontrare Will apre una ferita mai del tutto chiusa. Il suo rifiuto a quella tenera proposta di matrimonio è stata la cosa più sensata che potesse fare. E se invece si fosse sbagliata ?

Un pò lento in alcuni punti, ma tutto sommato è stata una lettura gradevole e appassionante. 
Lo stile, non mi è sembrato particolarmente scorrevole perché l'inglese l'ho trovato alquanto difficile da seguire. Ma questo è una valutazione puramente personale. 

Al di là della difficoltà di comprensione e scorrevolezza dell'inglese, il romanzo mi è piaciuto. L'aspetto misterioso/economico alla Grisham è stato un tocco di classe, una novità gradita in un romanzo con una trama già ampiamente conosciuta.
Si tratta di una serie ma ogni libro è uno stand alone, grazie mille Sig.ra Moore!! 

“Whatever committee I’m on. She has to be on it.”
“It can be arranged.”
“Arrange it.” Will turned and walked away before he did anything else stupid. He headed for the short hallway off the main patio. He hadn’t made his revenge speech yet.
He leaned against the wall opposite the door marked “Women,” tipped his head back against the stucco surface, and drew a steadying breath. He could count the number of times he’d seen her without a jacket. The lavender dress she wore offered revealing views of her person. From thin straps the neckline dipped in a simple lace-edged V. While Chambers spoke, Will’s eyes kept wandering back to that dipping V. He imagined hooking his fingers in those straps and pushing them down over her shoulders. And then telling her how over her he was. That was the plan, right?
When the door opened, he shifted, flattening a palm against each wall, blocking her way. She halted in front of him and squared her shoulders.
“Nice lace.”
She blushed instantly, and her response sent a hot flash to his groin.
She recovered quicker than he did. “Do you know why Josh Huntington threw us together tonight?”
“His deep devotion to Canyon.”
A look of disgust crossed her face. “Josh doesn’t do anything that isn’t purely in his own self-interest.”
He was glad to hear her say it. At least she wasn’t taken in by the guy. His own questions were pressing on him again. “Why did you leave Canyon?”
“Why did you come here tonight?”
He kept his palms flat against each wall. “Are you kidding? New Directions for Canyon? I’m the only guy who doesn’t see the place as a holy shrine. You want to hear my idea for Canyon? Sell it to developers, bring in the wrecking ball and the backhoes, and give hundreds of poor kids a full college ride.”
“An excellent plan. Hostile, but practical.” She tried to slip by him, and he leaned forward, bringing his face within inches of hers.
“Make me less hostile.” He reached out a hand and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her whole body shivered at the touch, and he felt gut-punched. He forced himself to press for the answers he wanted. “Why didn’t you answer that letter?”
He caught a puzzled look in her eyes, but the men’s room door opened.
“This is not the time or the place for this conversation.”
“Come with me. You can explain it.”
Voices intruded. Two men stepped into the hallway and halted. Will took his hands from the walls. Deep brown eyes pleaded with him. He took her arm, leading her down the hall.
“You were eighteen,” she said in a low voice.
“I knew my mind. You pretended not to know yours.”
“You had an amazing college opportunity ahead of you.”
“You didn’t believe in me. You believed in guys like Moreland, but not in me. You thought I wouldn’t make it.”
“You had not even begun to live. I was a widow. My husband had been dead barely a year. A year.”
“You saw where I lived,” he said quietly. “You were afraid to take a chance on a nobody like me.”
“I did what I had to do, what I thought was right. And look at you. You’ve done well. Without me. You can’t deny it.” She slipped out of his hold and headed across the patio.
A smart man would let her go. He decided to be smart.

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Kate has lived most of her life along the California coast. That experience has made her a jeans-wearing, toes in wet-sand, married to a surfer, fog-loving weather wimp, with a hint of East Coast polish from spending her college years in Boston. Family history connects her to Irish and English immigrants, Cornish miners, gold prospectors, and adventurers who sailed around Cape Horn bound for San Francisco.

When she's not reading, writing or brainstorming, Kate walks in the redwoods, feed birds, collect books, apples and leaves; she watches tele-novellas on Spanish-language TV and immerses herself in all things English. Her favorite food groups are butter, brown sugar, dark chocolate, and red wine. Kate's early literary influences were The Little Engine That CouldThe Little Red Hen, and Winnie the Pooh. Austen, Heyer, Chaucer, and Homer came later and inspired her to put that first plot on paper.

Kate's heroes are honorable, virile outsiders with some grand ambition; her heroines are practical princesses, who drive those edgy loners into love with good sense and good sex.

Her family and friends offer endless support and humor. Kate says her children are her best works, and her husband is her favorite hero.



giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

RUIN & RULE - Pepper Winters

RUIN AND RULE (Pure Corruption MC, #1)

Release Date: July 28, 2015

Publisher: Grand Central


We met in a nightmare.

The in-between world where time had no power over rhyme, reason, or connection. We met. We stared. We knew.

There was no distortion from the outside world. No right or wrong. No confusion or battles from hearts and minds.

Just us. In our silent dream-world.

That nightmare became our home. Planting ghosts, raising fantasies. Entwined together in our happily skewed reality.

We fell in love. We fell hard.

In those fleeting seconds of our nightmare, we lived an eternity.

But then we woke up.

And it was over.

Pre Order - RUIN&RULE


Pepper WInters

Pepper Winters is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) -
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2) -
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3) -
Debt Inheritance (Indebted Series) -

Her Grey Romance books include:

If you would like to be the first to know of upcoming releases please fill in her newsletter (Pepper promises to never spam or chat aimlessly

love p

Seven Sons (Gypsy Brothers #1) - Lili St. Germain

My father was most certainly NOT an innocent man. As the leader of the Gypsy Brothers MC, he was guilty of many things. But he died for a crime that he didn’t commit, framed by an enemy within who then stole his club and everything he had ever worked to protect.

Including my innocence.

When Dornan Ross framed my father, he set into motion a series of events that could never be undone. My father was murdered by Dornan Ross and his sons when I was fifteen years old.

Before my father died, Dornan Ross and his seven sons stole my innocence, branded my skin and in doing so, ensured that their lives would be prematurely cut short. That they would suffer.

I’ve just turned twenty-one, and I’m out for blood. I'm out for revenge.

But I didn't expect to fall for Jase, the youngest brother in the club.

I didn't expect that he would turn my world upside down, yank my heart out of my chest and ride away into the sunset with it.

Now, I'm faced with an impossible choice - Jase, or avenging my fathers death?

“Confucius said, “Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” I planned to dig seven.” 

Seven Sons is a dark romance story.

Juliette has sworn revenge on Dornan Ross and his seven sons. After he destroyed her life at the age of fifteen, on her twenty-first birthday she sets her plan into motion Juliette changes her looks and name to Samantha or Sammie. Juliette tricks the father into letting her say at the club house while she works dancing. Things did not work out quite the way she planned. She had scars from her time in Dornan’s hands when she was younger. A young officer who was questioning her after the attack figured out that she was going to die snuck her out of the hospital and to another state. The officer Elliott soon quit the police department and started up a tattoo shop. That’s were Juliette found him telling him of her plan and begging him not to try to stop her. He had to give her a tattoo on the hip where she was scarred so she would not get recognized. Her first love had been Jase the youngest son. She remembers how she felt for him. As she goes through with her revenge Jase gives her unintentionally the information for her revenge.

Dornan was Juliette’s father’s friend. He wanted the club so he kills her father to be president of the biker club and destroys her family. Drugs, rape, murder and sex is a big part of their lives. They take what they want not what they don’t ask. Juliette (Samantha) Dornan wants for him self so he keeps her at the club house under the watchful eye of his youngest son while he goes out. She ends up being Dornan’s whore than a dancer. While Dornan and everyone go out on a ride two of his sons stay behind one gets killed.

I started this book Seven Sons by Lili Saint Germain and finished it in one day. It’s a dark romance with adult content. I did not now what to expect when starting this book but I enjoyed reading it. This is the first book of the Gypsy Brothers I have already gotten the other books Six Brothers, Five Miles, Four Score, Three Years and Two Roads. The last book One Love is to be released this month of December. When it is I will also have that one. I recommend to any one who likes dark romances and motorcycle clubs to read these books. I hope you love these books as much as I loved the first one and plan on loving the rest.

Lili writes dark, disturbing romance. Her #1 bestselling Gypsy Brothers series was created in a serial format – quick, intense episodes released frequently with some wicked cliffhangers. The Gypsy Brothers series focuses on a morally bankrupt biker gang and the girl who seeks her vengeance upon them. The Cartel series is a prequel trilogy of full-length novels that explores the beginnings of the club, to be released in 2015 by HarperCollins.
Lili quit corporate life to focus on writing and so far is loving every minute of it. Her other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good coffee, Tarantino movies and spending hours on Pinterest.
She loves to read almost as much as she loves to write.
Six Brothers (Gypsy Brother...
by  book 2
Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers,...
by book 3
Four Score (Gypsy Brothers,...
by  book 4

Three Years (Gypsy Brothers...
by  book 5
Two Roads (Gypsy Brothers, #6)
by book 6

One Love (Gypsy Brothers, #7)
by  book 7

mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

Ogni tuo desiderio è un ordine, bastardo - Victory Storm

Secondo Candice, sua sorella Olivia è ambiziosa e testarda, spinta dal desiderio di diventare un’Event Manager di successo. Tuttavia sa essere anche dolce, ma per arrivare a quella dolcezza, bisogna prima trivellare a fondo quella corazza di irascibilità e spavalderia che la rende un po’ pericolosa da maneggiare. In quanto sua sorella, Candice le vuole bene, anche se la preferisce a distanza di sicurezza quando frequenta un ragazzo perché Olivia sa essere più efficace di una cintura di castità, quando vuole.

In sua difesa, Olivia può solo dire che il fine giustifica i mezzi e che bisogna lottare per ciò che si vuole e per non lasciarsi mettere i piedi in testa da qualche bastardo arrogante che osa comandarla.

Secondo Devon Pierson, Olivia è una stronza che ha osato umiliarlo al loro primo incontro e per questo deve pagare. La vuole piegare al suo volere, senza farsi trascinare dall’attrazione che prova per lei.

Cosa succederà quindi quando Olivia prenderà il posto di cameriera della sorella a casa Pierson per un mese intero? Chi la dura, la vince… e Olivia e Devon intendono vincere anche se questo significa giocare sporco, perché in guerra e in amore non ci sono regole!
Che la guerra (o l’amore) abbia inizio!

WICKED - Jennifer L. Armentrout

Wicked RWB Banner

We are over the moon excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Jennifer L. Armentrout's WICKED! WICKED is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and the first book in Jennifer’s Wicked Trilogy!


Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** Kobo

Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans.

Twenty-two year old Ivy Morgan isn’t your average college student. She, and others like her, know humans aren’t the only thing trolling the French Quarter for fun… and for food. Her duty to the Order is her life. After all, four years ago, she lost everything at the hands of the creatures she’d sworn to hunt, tearing her world and her heart apart.

Ren Owens is the last person Ivy expected to enter her rigidly controlled life. He’s six feet and three inches of temptation and swoon-inducing charm. With forest-green eyes and a smile that’s surely left a stream of broken hearts in its wake, he has an uncanny, almost unnatural ability to make her yearn for everything he has to offer. But letting him in is as dangerous as hunting the cold-blooded killers stalking the streets. Losing the boy she loved once before had nearly destroyed her, but the sparking tension that grows between them becomes impossible for Ivy to deny. Deep down, she wants… she needs more than what her duty demands of her, what her past has shaped for her.

But as Ivy grows closer to Ren, she realizes she’s not the only one carrying secrets that could shatter the frail bond between them. There’s something he’s not telling her, and one thing is for certain. She’s no longer sure what is more dangerous to her—the ancient beings threatening to take over the town or the man demanding to lay claim to her heart and her soul.

Wicked Teaser 1

He left me standing there as he disappeared into the bathroom, and I tried to make sense of what just happened. All I knew was that the punch-in-the-chest sadness that came whenever I thought of Shaun wasn’t there. And I didn’t know what to make of that.
Or anything.
Taking a deep breath, I put my clothes on his dresser and all but dashed into the bed, and good Lord, the mattress was comfy! I scooted to the middle and froze, having no idea what side he slept on or if he had a side. I totally had a side—always the furthest away from closet doors because I was a dork. Straightening the shirt out so my undies weren’t saying hi to the world, I tugged the blanket up to my hips and lay flat on my back.
I so needed an adult to explain to me what the hell I was supposed to do from this point on.
There wasn’t much time to stress over it because Ren returned from the bathroom. His ever-present half grin spread as he saw me. I clutched the blanket, my breath caught in my throat. My heart pounded so fast that I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack, and God, wouldn’t that be embarrassing. I swallowed nervously and willed my heart to slow.
Turning off the lamp, shadows fell around Ren, but when he faced me, I could tell that he’d frozen. I couldn’t make out his expression as he bent, taking a hold of the covers on his side.
He slowly edged the covers back from his side and climbed in, and although I couldn’t make out his eyes, I knew he was watching me. “I’m happy that you’re here.”
My fingers eased off the blanket.
As he stretched out beside me, my eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and I could see that he was smiling. “Are you?”
“Yeah,” I whispered.
“Good. That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Wow, the warmth that flooded my chest could’ve turned me into a puddle of goo in that bed. I waited for him to make a move on me, but seconds ticked by. He seriously was behaving himself. I dared a quick peek at him, and found I could not look away.
Ren lifted his arm closest to me, and a heartbeat passed. I hesitated for a moment, and then, my heart pounding even more, I slid over until my leg brushed his. He curved his arm around my waist and drew me up against his side, guiding me down until I was nestled against his warm, bare chest. Another moment passed and then I lowered my cheek, and the simple pleasure of lying like this nearly broke me right open.

A picture of a fresh cupcak placed on a sensual female butt

Author Photo

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Novel Goodreads ** Author Goodreads


martedì 9 dicembre 2014

Mad Love - Colet Abedi

23-year-old aspiring artist Sophie Walker can think of no better place than the exotic paradise of the Maldives Islands to escape the wrath of her controlling parents, the monotony of her boring legal work and her passionless boyfriend. With her two best friends along for the ride and to help her find herself again, Sophie is not prepared for the enigmatic Clayton Sinclair. Clayton comes from another world of privilege that seems like a fantasy to Sophie.  Can this man introduce her to the passion & seduction she never realized she was desperately searching for? Sophie quickly becomes ensnared in Clayton's seductive web until a shocking treachery makes her question her judgment and actions

Provo una quantità notevole di sentimenti contrastanti per questo romanzo. Non posso dire che non abbia gradito leggerlo, ma non mi veniva da stringere al petto il mio kindle da quanto fossi elettrizzata da questa nuova lettura.Non mi ha fatto impazzire ma mi è piaciuto abbastanza da voler arrivare fino alla fine della storia. Classica lettura da ombrellone, da tenere presente per la prossima rubrica dei libri estivi!!

Sophie sta vivendo un momento di transizione della sua vita, ha solo 23 anni ed è già parecchio confusa. Ha lasciato la facoltà di legge per una scuola d'arte, ha rotto con il fidanzato/amico di sempre. Tutto questo con sommo rammarico e delusione da parte dei genitori. Sentendosi svuotata e abbattuta per aver rovinato brutalmente le aspettative dei genitori, decide di fare una vacanza mentalmente depurativa, insieme al migliore amico gay Erik e il suo fidanzato Orie. Quale posto migliore per riscoprire se stessi? Le Maldive!!
Non arrivano nemmeno al villaggio turistico che un aitante, raffinato, intenso e sexy turista inglese sembra essersi subito fissato con la nostra protagonista. Occhi puntati su di lei manco un segugio in un bosco a caccia di cinghiali.
Quale casualità che le due ville ( perché non ci sono bungalow in questo villaggio ma ville ) di Sophie e del misterioso turista siano vicine. Se era bello da sbavare vestito, non vi dico come ce lo descrive la scrittrice quando si mette in costume da bagno.
La vicinanza delle stanze, alloggiare nello stesso villaggio, piano piano i due protagonisti cominciano a familiarizzare tra di loro e con i rispettivi compagni di viaggio. Sul misterioso turista, scopriamo che si chiama Clayton, gestisce una società inglese di shipping famosa....insomma è molto ricco, e ha deciso che Sophie deve essere sua. Nessuna possibilità di discussione.
Grazie ai discorsi molto simpatici di Erik e Orie, scopriamo che Sophie è ancora vergine e che vorrebbe cambiare questo suo status. Clayton sembra essere piovuto dal cielo proprio con questo scopo!!
Clayton, nonostante i suoi modi rigidi, scostanti e prepotenti, percepisce la sua innocenza e ci tiene a rendere tutto perfetto per la loro prima volta. Possiamo dire che il corteggiamento di Clayton non è stato particolarmente faticoso, gli è bastato uno sguardo intenso verso Sophie, farsi vedere un paio di volte in costume da bagno, baciarla appassionatamente attaccandola ad una ragazza era già sua.

My legs are glued to the ground. No way I can move. He looks like a dream, like the guy you had fantasies about as a young girl. And he's here. Standing in front of me. Wanting me. He moves away from the door and slowly makes his way to me. Like a wolf, stalking its prey.  

Per l'occasione, Clayton ha affittato per ben 2 giorni un'isolotto intero con tanto di villa con vista sull'oceano, completamente arredata e pronta per ogni necessità. Cosa potranno mai fare un sex symbol inglese e una ragazza vergine da soli per 48 ore in un'isola deserta? Già, proprio quello!!!
La faccenda è che quando non lo fanno, parlano....e meno male, almeno anche noi riusciamo a capire chi sono questi due personaggi, sopratutto Clayton. Il suo aspetto dominatore è un dettaglio costante della sua personalità. Il problema è che Sophie, non è abituata a scattare sull'attenti ad ogni suo minimo comando, come le precedenti avventure solo interessate ai suoi soldi e a ricavarne un orgasmo. 
Clayton è rinfrescato dalla spontaneità, innocenza e voglia di vivere di Sophie, capisce che non potrebbe mai viaggiare sulla sua stessa lunghezza d'onda, se non con il tempo, tempo che ha tutta intenzione di concederle.

"You make me forget myself", he whispers. My smile is immediate. " You think it's amusing ?""No. I just thought I was  the only one who lost control". He holds my face with one hand. "Rest assured, you're not alone in this predicament."

Superata l'esigenza sessuale pulsante, i due protagonisti non si scollano più e chi sa se starà nascendo qualcosa di più serio tra loro?  Tornati alla normalità, le cose cambieranno ? Quanto tempo passerà prima che il castello di carte crolli una volta che Sophie sia tornata a casa?

Troviamo una serie infinita di luoghi comuni in questo romanzo:
1. L'aspetto dominatore di lui, ma senza frustino, e l'enorme portafoglio, addolcito dal carattere dolce della protagonista, non è una tematica così sconosciuta. A voi non fa suonare nessuna campanella?
2. La ragazza insicura di se, fisicamente e delle proprie capacità - io ci vado a nozze perché mi sento insicura tanto quanto si sentono loro - che attira l'attenzione del ricco e bel turista fino ad innamorarsene...nemmeno questa è nuova
3. Tenetevi forte perché banalità delle banalità, il romanzo si conclude con uno strepitoso cliffhanger. Il che significa, che abbiamo appena iniziato una nuova serie!!!

Ok.....nonostante tutto questo io vi dico che, se siete al mare o a casa, questo va a gusti, e decidete di leggere questo romanzo, ebbene io vi dico che avete fatto una buona scelta. Non si incontra sempre il libro perfetto, oppure il romanzo che ti lascia a bocca aperta da quanto sia così bello che vorresti iniziarlo subito d'accapo. A volte si incontrano libri meno d'impatto, ma comunque racconti che parlano di un bell'uomo che sa come trattare una donna e te la fa sbocciare tra le sue braccia mentre lui si addolcisce ascoltando il suono delle sue risate. Cioè, ce la si può fare benissimo!! Vale la pena solo per leggere i discorsi esilaranti di Erik e Orie.
Il libro è raccontato solo dal POV di lei, scelta discutibile visto che Clayton è chiuso come una porta stagna....curiosa come sono, voglio vedere se nel secondo l'autrice ci darà la possibilità di conoscerlo meglio. Perché nonostante Voglio sapere come andrà a finire! sento già i vostri commenti, e come vuoi che vada a finire? la ragazza sposa l'uomo ricco. Potrebbe essere, oppure no....oppure ancora chissà quanto ci farà penare la scrittrice per arrivare a questo benedetto HEA!!

Piccolo consiglio: non leggere romanzi rosa dove i protagonisti sono in qualche isola tropicale mentre il lettore sta vivendo l'inverno più piovoso della storia!!

Colet Abedi has been an entertainment industry executive for over ten years. In addition to working on many television programs for NBC, ABC, FOX, and most cable networks, she is best known for her work as head writer for the telenovela serials American Heiress and Fashion House, the latter of which starred Bo Derek and Morgan Fairchild, on the FOX-owned MyNetworkTV. Abedi currently has one television series in syndication, Unsealed: Alien Files, and has completed Five Souls, her first feature film. She is also the co-author of young adult fiction novel, FAE. Book one was released July 2013 by Diversion Publishing Group and was an instant online bestseller. The Dark King, the second in the planned FAE trilogy, was released May 2014. FAE was recently optioned by Ridley Scott. Colet is a native of California, graduated with a B.A. in English literature from the University of California at Irvine, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three dogs.
