martedì 9 dicembre 2014

D'amore e di ventura - Elisabetta Bricca

Cesare Mocenigo è un capitano di ventura, nobile, scaltro e affascinante. 

Viola Ripamonti Sforza è la bellissima e coraggiosa nipote del suo peggior nemico. 
Eppure, benché il dolore lo abbia reso un uomo tormentato e pericoloso, quando la incontra Cesare comprende di avere ancora un'anima. 
E insieme a lei, sullo sfondo dell'aspra guerra tra Venezia e Milano, tra le battaglie, gli intrighi e lo splendore del Rinascimento, sarà protagonista di una struggente storia di passione e redenzione, in una lenta risalita verso la luce durante la quale tutto può accadere, se a comandare è il cuore.

lunedì 8 dicembre 2014

Reparation - Stylo Fantome


Happy Release Day to Stylo Fantome and the final book in the Kane Trilogy - Reparation! Enjoy a sneak peek into the book below and make sure to enter the giveaway! This week is the blog tour so be on the lookout for what the blogs have to say in addition to a little surprise at the end of the tour for fans of the series. All THREE books will be on SALE so grab it while you can!!!

The Devil has met his match

When Tatum O'Shea decides it's time for some payback, no one is safe from her new game - not even the devil himself. Tate is going to get her happily ever after, even if it means making everyone else unhappy in the process.

But a persistent Jameson, a meddling Sanders, and an amorous baseball player make it very hard for a girl to keep her focus, and suddenly it seems Tate has a few too many suitors for her fairy tale ending.

Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell who Prince Charming really is ...

WARNING: may induce Kindle throwing, screaming at fictional characters, and possibly a few tears. Also graphic sexual situations and sadomasochistic themes.


She showed Ang the sideboard where Jameson kept most of his every day things – a lot of cuff links, tie pins, watches, things of that nature. Everything plated in gold and diamond and platinum. While Ang guffawed over everything, Tate made her way over to the bed. Knelt on top of it and crawled towards Jameson's side.

“Holy fuck, Tate, this table holds more money than I'll ever see in my life. I don't know whether to be impressed, or disgusted,” Ang called out from behind her. She pulled a box out of Jameson's night stand and then turned back to Ang.

“Look at this,” she offered, knee walking back towards him. He met her at the edge of the bed and she opened the box. “This is a Jacob and Co. watch.”

“It's awesome,” he said, taking the box into his hands and looking over the timepiece.

“It's worth over $300,000.”

Fuck!” he exclaimed, and dropped the box. It bounced on the mattress and rolled, the lid snapping shut. She laughed and picked it up, sat it on the pillows.

“I know, right? Who would spend that kind of money on a watch?” she asked.

“Why the fuck would you even let me touch that? That watch is worth more than I am,” he laughed as well, but he looked a little shaky.

“I think it's funny. All this stuff, it's silly,” she said, reaching out and playing with the button on the blazer he was wearing. He was taller than Jameson, but leaner. The blazer was pretty loose on him.

“It's fucking stupid. A watch!? Why? How often does he wear it?” Ang asked. Tate shrugged, unbuttoning the jacket and pushing it open.

“Not often. Once in Spain. You should see the shit he keeps in the safe,” she said, plucking at his shirt. He began absent mindedly batting at her hands while he glanced around the room.

“You're shitting me. Please tell me it's behind a huge portrait of like his dog or something,” he chuckled. She hooked her fingers inside his belt.

“No. It's in the closet,” she replied.

“Tate, what are you doing?” he asked, finally clueing into the fact that she was touching him. She smiled up at him. Ang liked to pretend he liked being poor, turned up his nose at rich people, but really, he was fascinated by it, and even better, distracted by it. It was one of the things that had attracted him to Tate, she knew. It was probably part of what drew him to her sister.


“What? I feel like I haven't touched you in a long time,” she said, pulling him close and wrapping her arms around his waist. She pressed the side of her face to his chest and he sighed, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

“Are you really okay? You kinda scare me, sometimes,” he mumbled. She ignored the sadness in his voice and worked her hands up his back. He felt so different than Jameson.

“I'm okay, Ang. I'm happy here. Everything is great,” she whispered, massaging her fingers back down his back. He shivered under her touch.

“You can always come live with me,” he said softly. She laughed low in her throat and pulled away a little, running her hands up and down his sides.

“Do you think your girlfriend would appreciate that?” she asked, watching him from under hooded eyelids. He ran his hands under her hair, lifting it away from her shoulders and piling it all on the back of her head.

“I don't think she'd care, but more importantly, I don't care. You've been my best friend for a million years,” he replied. She smiled, running her teeth over her bottom lip while she pressed herself against him.

“Sometimes a little more than a friend,” her voice was soft. He laughed, scratching his fingers over her scalp.

“Most of the time. God, we used to have fun,” his voice fell into a murmur as his eyes wandered over her face.

Please, don't hate me after this. I have to get my soul back.

“Used to?” she asked, her voice soft as she ran her hands along his body.

“Tater tot, we haven't had fun since Satan came to town,” he chuckled, his hands moving to the back of her neck.

“Hmmm, he's not in town right now,” she reminded him. He narrowed his eyes.

“No, he's not, and I doubt he would appreciate me seducing his succubus in his lair,” he told her.

“I doubt he'd care. Besides, succubi are supposed to sleep with lots of people,” she pointed out.

“Succubi? Is that how you pluralize it?”

“Succubuses sounds weird.”

“Like a slutty bus.”

“Slutty buses.”

“Wait,” he stopped. “Did you just imply that you want to sleep with me?”

“Ang. If I laid it on any thicker, I'd be staked out on the mattress,” she said bluntly.

“I thought it was 'against the rules', or some bullshit,” he said, glancing around the room, like he was checking for hidden cameras, or waiting for Jameson to pounce out of the shadows and eat him.

“That was before; besides, since when have you cared about what upsets Jameson?” she evaded answering him.

“I don't. But I don't want to piss off Ellie, either. She's not exactly as free a thinker as you and I,” he laughed.

I'm counting on that.

“That's not fair. She wouldn't know you if it wasn't for me – she owes me a finders fee,” Tate mock pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. He pinched it between his thumb and finger.

“What's going on with you, babydoll? Satan not giving it to you good enough?” he laughed. She tilted her head down, drawing his thumb into her mouth and sucking on it. He hissed air through his teeth. She let him go and he dragged his thumb down her chin.

“How about you stop worrying about him for tonight. I know I have,” she said in a husky voice.

Like that would even be possible.

She knew she had him. The tempation to put something over on Jameson was too great for him. She knew Ang very well, knew how to get to him. They hadn't slept together in a long time – since August. They had quit cold turkey, and he hadn't had a say in the matter. In fact, he'd been pretty angry about it for a while. Here was his chance to strike back. Fuck Tate, in Jameson's bed. In Satan's home. Much too hard to resist. She closed her eyes as his head lowered towards hers.

Please, please don't hate me.

reparation teaser for release dayAboutTheAuthor
Stylo Fantome

Crazy woman living in an undisclosed location in Alaska (where the need for a creative mind is a necessity!), I have been writing since ..., forever? Yeah, that sounds about right. I have been told that I remind people of Lucille Ball - I also see shades of Jennifer Saunders, and Denis Leary. So basically, I laugh a lot, I'm clumsy a lot, and I say the F-word A LOT. I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me. Yeah. I think that about sums me up.



Christian - Jennifer Foor

Christian Mitchell has always made her parents proud. She excels in everything she puts her mind
to, and because of her intelligence, has warranted herself a top notch
education at Kentucky State University. Though an achievement to be proud of,
Christian longs for something else.

To be accepted by her peers.
To be popular.
To be loved.

Now in her junior year of college, Christian moves from the dorm to a house with other female
students. She’s on a mission to break out of her shell, and she’s willing to do
just about anything to make it happen. When her plan results in tragedy, Christian is left vulnerable, and more
alone than she’s ever been. She can’t tell her family, who’d never understand,
and she refuses to share what occurred with her best friend Ethan, because of their romantic past.

Will Christian find
what she’s desperately searching for, or will her actions have dire
consequences that can cost her so much more than she could ever imagine?


Family Box Set 1


Family Box Set 2

Jennifer Foor is

an award winning Contemporary Romance Author. She's best known for the Mitchell
Family Series, which includes ten books.

She is married

with two children and spends most of her time behind a keyboard, writing
stories that come from her heart. 

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BTR RDL Banner

We are so excited to bring you the Release Day launch for Katie McGarry's BREAKING THE RULES! BREAKING THE RULES is a Young Adult contemporary romance published by Harlequin Teen, and is the follow-up book to Katie's PUSHING THE LIMITS. You do not want to miss Noah and Echo's story! Grab it today!

Amazon ** Barnes & Noble ** Books-A-Million ** Kobo ** iBooks ** Google Play

Breaking the Rules Cover

A summer road trip changes everything in this unforgettable new tale from acclaimed author Katie McGarry.

For new high school graduate Echo Emerson, a summer road trip out west with her boyfriend means getting away and forgetting what makes her so . . . different. It means seeing cool sights while selling her art at galleries along the way. And most of all, it means almost three months alone with Noah Hutchins, the hot, smart, soul-battered guy who's never judged her. Echo and Noah share everything--except the one thing Echo's just not ready for.

But when the source of Echo's constant nightmares comes back into her life, she has to make some tough decisions about what she really wants--even as foster kid Noah's search for his last remaining relatives forces them both to confront some serious truths about life, love, and themselves.

Now, with one week left before college orientation, jobs and real life, Echo must decide if Noah's more than the bad-boy fling everyone warned her he'd be. And the last leg of an amazing road trip will turn . . . seriously epic.

BTR Teaser 1

From Noah’s POV

“Did you fall into some paint, Echo?” Isaiah asks, changing the subject.
Echo’s shoulder slumps as she pivots toward the mirror. She groans as she touches her cheek and forehead that are more red and pink than skin. “Dang it. Why am I such a mess?”
“I think it’s sexy as hell,” I say.
“I think I’m going to barf,” Beth mocks my tone.
Death radiates from the look I send her way. Enough that it should melt her. “Ever sleep in a tent, Beth?”
Beth focuses on the screen while raising her middle finger in my direction.
“Screw it.” Echo turns away from the mirror. “I need a shower.”
I smile, Echo blushes, then I laugh. Damn me for inviting Isaiah and Beth to share our room.
“Anyhow.” An excited glint strikes Echo’s eyes. “Are you ready? I hope you like it. It’s sort of…for you. But it’s not done, okay? I mean, something like this would actually take a while to perfect, so I guess I’m saying—”
“It’s all good.”
“Okay.” Her fingers drum nervously over the top of the canvas before she repeats, “Okay.”
“I’m assuming that’s not the constellation Aires?”
“No. I’ll have to start on that tomorrow.” With a deep inhale, Echo pulls out a chair from the table and rests the painting on the arms and leans it against the back so it will stay upright.
Air rushes out of my body, and I sink onto our bed. It’s the same damned shock as when she drew my parents this past spring. There’s awe and joy and this ache that hits deep in my gut. I bend forward and rest my joint hands on my knees and stare at the sight in front of me.
Fuck me, my eyes burn. I shut them, attempting to get my shit together. It’s a painting. Only a painting. I reopen them, and it’s the same disorientation as a right hook to the head. It’s more than a painting, and that’s the reason my throat swells.
Last night meant as much to me as it did to her and she painted it, capturing it in a way unique to Echo. She’s right, it’s not done. It’s a skeleton compared to her other work, but I see enough to know what she desires, what she plans to design. Up close all those colors would look like chaos, but when viewed as a whole it creates this beautiful picture. In the end, that’s the best way to describe me and Echo, our relationship. Our love.
The bed dips as Echo eases onto it, settles behind me and props her chin on my shoulder. Her signature scent that reminds me of walking into a bakery becomes an invisible blanket surrounding me. “What do you think?”
“It’s us,” I whisper, and knots form in my stomach. Echo always finds a way to blow my mind. She tenses behind me and I continue, “It’s where we spent last night.”
“It is.” Echo relaxes, and her fingers curl around my biceps. “Do you like it?”
Struggling for composure, I place my hand over hers and pause. “It’s…”
I’m not Echo. I don’t have words for what happens inside me. If I did, I’d fail at describing this. I shift to rest my forehead against hers. “I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s my statement,” she says so only I can hear. “I wish we were alone again.”
I press my lips to hers, slide my hand through her hair and watch as the curls bounce back into place. “Me, too.”

And don’t forget to read the first books in the Pushing the Limits Series…

BRT Teaser 2

Katie McGarry Author Photo

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.

Website | Twitter @KatieMcGarry | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest | Tumbler | Instagram

venerdì 5 dicembre 2014

Mending Heart Strings - Felicia Lynn - (Heartstrings Series Book #2)

Mending Heartstrings


Book Info

Title: Mending Heartstrings (Heartstrings Series Book #2)

Author: Felicia Lynn

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: Cover Me Darling

Release Date: January 20th 2015

Cover Jacket


Just when life seems to be manageable, you’re thrown radically off course by “the one”. “The one” you weren’t expecting. “The one” who single handedly holds the key to the tattered and rusted lock to the walls surrounding your heart. Letting her into your protected sanctuary will only serve one purpose, intentional infliction of pain and heartache.

Jon is a man on a mission with only one agenda, to survive…to survive his past, and avoid letting his future be consumed by his history. It’s all really simple, until she walks into his world and turns it, on its axis. She makes him yearn for things he never wanted, or at least didn’t realize he ever would. Now his dreams and writings are consumed with the fantasy that this girl could change everything. But deep down he knows she deserves better. Better than him. Better than anyone he’s ever met.
He’s the lead guitarist for Garrett McKenna’s band. His life consists of touring, studio time, and writing music. That’s it. Staying healthy means keeping his routine, which has been easy enough until this little effervescent beauty rocks his world. Now he’s left questioning everything and doing some soul searching to decide if he’s equipped to give what he knows she needs and deserves.

Whitney avoids love at all costs. She’s not scared of it. She’s too strong to be that weak. She refuses to allow herself to lose her mind over another person, when there’s a high probability of getting her heart broken. She’s witnessed it more times than she can count, and she’s less than interested in taking the gamble.

Her strong will has served her well in life. Very few people know her secrets. She prefers to keep it that way. Her friends and family own her heart and deep devotion. She could easily do without the rest of the population but plays nice so she doesn’t appear to be the major bitch she knows she is on the inside.

Everything in her life makes sense. Her life is filled with more love and laughter than most will ever see, and it feels complete to her. She’s simply satisfied…until him.
He complicates things. His life isn’t something she understands or is willing to try to figure out. But she can’t keep her mind from wandering to the scruff faced, gorgeous guitarist, no matter how hard she tries.

He’s everything she’s never wanted, yet her heart is telling her differently. She fears she’s diving headfirst off the cliff of heartache. She’ll never recover from her brief no-strings weekend with this man. If she opens her heart it will be “the end”… no matter what. The question is what kind of ending will it be? Not all fairy tales have the happily ever after.


Meet Felicia Lynn

Felicia Lynn is a transplanted Florida girl, born and raised, who lives just north of Atlanta, GA with her husband, daughter, dog and cat. She spends most of her days holed up in a cozy chair with a cup of tea and her laptop, writing about the characters that live in her head. When she’s not writing you’ll find her hanging out with her family and friends! She loves reading, taking long walks, chatting with her Facebook family, and listening to music, especially live music. A self-declared lover of all things baseball, she is obsessed with every aspect of the game!!!

Felicia writes contemporary romance, because love stories make people happy. Even in the midst of anguish and turmoil, true love can turn life around, and the process is beautiful. Most of Felicia's stories are based on real life experiences, which she embellishes to tell a story.

Stalk Felicia @

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