lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

Dirty Angels - Karina Halle

**Dirty Angels is the first standalone novel in the Dirty
Angels Trilogy, in which all books feature or involve different characters. The character of Javier Bernal is from The Artists Trilogy, and while reading TAT is recommended if you want additional insight into this twisted character, it is not required.**

From the USA Today Bestselling author of Love, in English
and The Artists Trilogy, comes a dark romance about a good girl and a very,
very bad man. It’s a deliciously twisted take on forbidden love, set among the
drug cartels of hot, steamy Mexico and is not for the faint of heart. It
contains explicit sex, violence, abuse, drug use, bad language and sexy
Mexicans. You have been warned…

For Luisa Chavez, a twenty-three year old former beauty
queen, a better life has always been just out of her reach. Sure, she’s had men
at her feet since she was a young teenager but she’s never had the one thing
she’s craved – security. Having grown up in near poverty, her waitressing job
in Cabo San Lucas can barely let her take care of herself, let alone her ailing
parents. Every day is another unwanted advance, every day is a struggle to

When Salvador Reyes, the depraved leader of a major Mexican
cartel, takes an interest in her, Luisa is presented with an opportunity she
can’t afford to pass up. She’ll become Salvador’s wife and exchange her freedom
and body for a life of riches – riches she can bestow upon her deserving
parents. But Luisa quickly finds out that even the finest wines and jewels
can’t undo the ugliness in her marriage, nor the never-ending violence that
threatens her every move.

Soon, Luisa is looking for an escape, a way out of the
carefully controlled life she’s leading. She finally gets her wish in the worst
way possible.
As it is, being the wife of Salvador makes her an ideal
target for rival cartels and there’s one particular man who needs Luisa as part
of his cartel’s expansion. One particular man whose quest for power has
destroyed lives, slit throats and gotten him out of an American prison. One
particular man who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.

That man is Javier Bernal. And he wants Luisa. He wants to
take her, keep her, ruin her.
Unless she ruins him first.
Some men were born to create empires, some women were meant
to be queen.

He shut the door behind him and cocked his
head at me. Even in the low light I could feel his eyes, feel him studying me.
“I heard you weren’t too interested in eating today. Este says you told him to
go fuck himself. I wish I could have seen that.”
When I didn’t say anything, he took a step
toward me and held out his hand. “Get up,” he said, waiting. His posture
stiffened and his voice lowered. “I said get up. I don’t like to repeat
It was only then that I noticed he was
holding something in his other hand. Two things, it looked like. A folded-up
rope and a knife. I waited for the pang of fear to hit me. It was subtle and I
didn’t let it show. I also didn’t obey him.
He quickly reached down and grabbed me by
the arm, yanking me up to him until I was pressed against his chest, crushing
the front of his suit jacket.
“You’re a light little thing, aren’t you?”
he asked in a bemused voice, his breath smelling faintly of cinnamon and
tobacco. “Delicate and easy to break.”
We’d see about that.
I acted instinctually. With my free hand I
jabbed my palm into his nose. He yelped in surprise, maybe even in pain, and
momentarily let go of me. That’s all I needed.
I pushed past him and went for the door. I
put my hands on the knob and turned, pulling it toward me. There was a
wonderful feeling of freedom for just that one moment where the door opened and
the light from the hallway spilled in. The feeling of power that came from
fighting back.
Nothing in my life had felt as good as my
hand connecting with his face.
But the feeling was fleeting. All at once
the door slammed shut and Javier was behind me, the rope going around my chest.
He hauled me backward into him so that he was holding me tight from behind.
“Don’t you know it turns me on when you
fight back?” he whispered in my ear, his voice ragged. “Though it turns me on
when you don’t fight back, too. I guess you can’t win.” He sniffed. “I think
you bloodied my nose.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to bloody my
face,” I taunted him, my veins on fire with the strange adrenaline that was
running through me.
He sucked in his breath. “No, my darling. I
would never do that to your face. Just your back. I have a lot of respect for
beautiful things, you know. They are usually the most dangerous.”
Oh, how I wished I could be dangerous to
him, to anyone.
“You know, Luisa,” he said, holding me
tighter now. I could feel his erection pressing into my ass. “We’re going to be
doing this dance with each other until we give you back to your husband. You
could make things easier on yourself. I don’t like to play rough with you.”
“No,” I said quietly. “You just want to cut
me up.”
“I’m merely branding you,” he said. “Don’t
make it sound so ugly.” He lifted his arm so that the knife was shining in
front of my face. I could almost see my warped reflection staring back at me.
“My penmanship with a knife is very delicate. A hard-earned skill. If your
husband’s name was Javier, I think you would be quite pleased with the finished
The man was completely crazy. He planned to
carve his name in my back, as if he was doing me a favor.
“Come on,” he said, and quickly wrapped the
rope around me so my arms were held tight to my sides. He made a few knots and
then shuffled me over to the bed before he pushed me onto it, face down. I
turned my head to breathe and he pressed down on the side of it, to keep me in
place. “Now stay.”
He straddled me, legs on either side of my
waist, and his hands stroked softly along the back of my neck until he grabbed
my collar. “My shirt looks good on you,” he commented. “But it looks better
off.” He reached underneath me, grabbing me by my collarbone, and ripped the
shirt open before pushing it to the side and sliding most of it off until one
shoulder was bare.
“He’s not going to want me when he sees
what you’ve done,” I managed to say.
“He’s not going to see what I’ve done until
I have what I want. What your marriage can and cannot handle is not my problem
and none of my business.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’m many things but disgusting isn’t one
of them.”
“You’re sick.”
“Well, there’s no argument there. Good or
bad, there is great power in knowing who you are and owning it. So, tell me, my
beauty queen … who are you?”
He leaned down so those blazing eyes of his
were visible to mine.
“No one you will ever know,” I told him,
relieved at how strong I sounded.

With her USA Today Bestselling The Artists Trilogy published by Grand Central Publishing, numerous foreign publication deals, and self-publishing success with her Experiment in Terror series, Vancouver-born Karina Halle is a true example of the term "Hybrid Author." Though her books showcase her love of all things dark, sexy and edgy, she's a closet romantic at heart and strives to give her characters a HEA...whenever possible.

Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse with her fiancé and rescue pup.

Around The Bend - Britney King

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Title: Around The Bend
Author: Britney King
Book Blitz: January 5-7
Hosted by: SBB Promotions
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If you were to pass me on the street, you probably wouldn’t even look twice. I’m that normal. I’m just like you, only wealthier. I have it all. The kids, the family, the dog, a house on the hill. Hell—I’m so cliché, I even have a white picket fence. I guess you could say that I’ve dotted my I’s and crossed my T’s. But what I also have—what no one sees in yoga, or at Nieman Marcus, or during the dreadful Ladies Who Lunch charity events I attend (because only God knows why), and perhaps most importantly, in the school pick up line—are secrets.
Deep, dark, deadly secrets.
We all keep secrets, don’t we? We all have thoughts in our heads, things we do, things about us that if people knew, they’d be shocked…right? Well, what if one day we just decided to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

What if we decided to let the whole world in on our dirty little secrets? And what if along the way, as we were spilling those secrets, we realized that things aren’t always what they seem and with that knowledge, it changed the whole story?

In this book, I’m laying it all out there. The unraveling of my life. My coming undone. What one might’ve seen had they been paying attention.

What I’ve found in life is people often believe lies before they’ll believe the truth. Well, here it is, in a nutshell. I’ll let you decide which is which.
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Excerpt png
Myles didn’t wait for a response. He simply grinned, grabbed her arm just above the elbow, and led her out of the bar, and back to his room. Pain was a given, she’d just realized. And sometimes, you just needed to give into it—no matter what form it showed up in.
Jessica watched him go as she dug her toes further into the wet sand and squeezed them, watching as the muddy water poured over her feet and enveloped them. She let him get a ways ahead before she allowed herself to smile—just a little. All along she’d let him think he was breaking her, but maybe, just maybe, they’d actually been breaking each other.
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Britney King
For those of you who prefer it straight up, no chaser: Mama to five. Writer. Juggler extraordinaire. That just about covers it...
The extended version and in third person no less ;): Britney is married to a man she adores (when he isn't driving her crazy) and is the mother of FIVE pretty amazing kids, who (surprise!) also have a habit of driving her crazy. Her best guess is that it's genetic. She is the author of two novels, Bedrock and Breaking Bedrock, with plans to release a third and fourth in 2014. In addition, she founded a local network for women in 2012, which has grown to over 1200 members. Currently, she occupies a job she enjoys--serving and running Austin Women's Network. To further prove that she may in fact be certifiably insane, she decided to pursue her dreams and published her debut novel in May of 2013. Then and only then, could she consider her training to be an expert (life) juggler complete.
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sabato 3 gennaio 2015

Wild and Free (The Three, #3) - Kristen Ashley

Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand. 

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his. 

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe. 

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster. 

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world. 

Or die trying

venerdì 2 gennaio 2015


Today we have the a double cover reveal, for Isabelle Richard’s When Fates Collide and When Fate Isn’t Enough. I absolutely love this series, and I’m so excited to share the covers with you today!!

Title: When Fates Collide and When Fate isn’t Enough.

Author: Isabelle Richards

Release Day: When Fates Collide—January 28th. When Fate Isn’t Enough—February 25th.

Genre: Romantic Suspense

When Fates Collide-FINAL-high

Life can change in the blink of an eye. One moment, Lily is trapped in a loveless marriage. In a split second she is free, but at what cost? Her mundane life is set into a freefall of tragedy and terror. Her husband may be out of her life, but he left a storm of collateral damage behind and the burden is on Lily to sort it out.

Fate connects Lily with Gavin, a charmingly handsome British gentleman that has been drawn into her tangled circumstance. Gavin is everything Lily’s husband wasn’t and gives her hope that love really does exist. Gavin wants nothing more than to sweep Lily up and carry her off into the sunset, far away from the devastation left behind by her husband. Gavin has been the first breath of fresh air in her life, but she isn’t looking to be saved. She needs to clean up her husband’s mess and find a way to save herself in the process.

Does she throw caution to the wind and open her heart? Or listen to her head that tells her and go it alone until she’s found herself again?


When Fate Isnt Enough-high

Can a romance that was written in the stars survive real life? Lily Clark and Gavin Edwards met when their lives collided in a crazy twist of fate. Their relationship started amidst chaos, fraught with lust, passion, and love. Building a life together will take more than destiny, especially when ghosts from their past try to tear them apart.
Needing a fresh start, Lily decides to escape her life in Washington, DC to join Gavin in London. Trust and faith have never come easily to Lily. She’ll be put to the test now that she and Gavin are living under the same roof.

To make matters worse, trouble finds Lily wherever she goes. She thought she’d rid herself of her late husband’s demons, but she soon learns that when you make a deal with the devil, he often comes back to up the ante. Can she learn to let Gavin in or will she continue to fight her battles alone? Find out what happens When Fate Isn’t Enough.


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Isabelle Richards spent years as a speech writer before tackling fiction. An avid reader of all genres, Isabelle is drawn to romance novels as they provide an escape from daily life. Through her complex cast of characters, Isabelle creates a sanctuary for readers to dive into for a break from reality.

When she is not writing, Isabelle works as an advocate for persons with disabilities in Washington, DC. Her two yellow labs are her writing partners, although they frequently sleep on the job.

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12 DAYS OF FOREVER - Heidi McLaughlin

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Today we are revealing the cover of the novella 12 DAYS OF FOREVER by New York Times Bestselling author Heidi McLaughlin. This novella is part of the Beaumont series. The book will be released on February 1st.

Even though she’s living her life-long dream and dancing on Broadway, the city is a lonely place for Yvie James. The holidays are both her favorite time of the year and the worst. A last minute decision puts Yvie in Beaumont to spend time with her family

Alexander Knight is new to Beaumont, but he’s making the best of it. His dream of running a successful business is within his grasp, and Xander has a dedicated client base most trainers vie for. On the surface, Xander is happy, but he works long hours for nothing more than to avoid going home to an empty house.

Thrown together for Christmas shopping, holiday gatherings with friends and family, and a special anniversary party, Yvie and Xander find themselves seeking solace in each other for an unforgettable, romantic winter.


Heidi is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author.

Originally from the Pacific Northwest, she now lives in picturesque Vermont, with her husband and two daughters. Also renting space in their home is an over-hyper Beagle/Jack Russell and two Parakeets.

During the day Heidi is behind a desk talking about Land Use. At night, she's writing one of the many stories planned for release or sitting court-side during either daughter's basketball games.

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ILLICIT PROMISE - Taylor Michaels


Today is the cover reveal for ILLICIT PROMISE, an adult romance by Taylor Michaels. This title will be released on March 26th, 2015 and it is the 2nd book in the Illicit Desire series. Check out the exclusive excerpt below!


I thought I could let her walk away….

Cora Milan left. The secrets and lies that come with being with Raphael Ortiz are too much, and she bolts, retreating to the dubious safety of anonymity. But with the stalker from her past in Miami, Raphael is refusing to let her go. If there is anything the cartel lord is good for, it is protecting what is his—and Cora is.

As the secret from Cora’s past stalk them both, pressure is mounting from Raphael’s criminal connections. And then an attack from the Columbian cartel shakes Miami and Raphael’s empire, and Cora isn’t sure how to leave Raphael so devastated.

He promised to protect her. But what happens when he needs protection and she’s the only one who can offer it?

I stare at him. It’s been a week since we’ve seen each other, even though I know he’s been watching me. And now, here he is, larger than fucking life, sitting in my living room. He’s dressed down, in dark jeans, a cream button down, aviators that hide his eyes, but not the heat of his gaze as it crawls over me.
I want him. I want him, and I hate him for making me feel that again.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, and I’m so fucking proud of myself, that I manage to pull off distant and unaffected. His fingers, drumming on my table, still, and he shifts, sitting up.
“You won’t answer my calls. I didn’t have a lot of choice.” He says carefully. He stands, and I take a step back—the safety of distance. Even this close, with the room and the table between us, I want his hands on me.
I miss him, and I can’t help but search his face for signs as he slips off the sunglasses.
Hunger, so hot and strong, it makes my breath catch, flashes in his eyes. He’s looked at me like that, when I was naked in his bed, and on my knees in front of him.
I look away and he hisses a soft curse. “Bonita, I’m here because Graham is in Miami.”

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For a very limited time, the first book in the series, Illicit Desire, is on sale!



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EASY LOVE - Kristen Proby

We are so excited to bring you the Cover Reveal for Kristen Proby's EASY LOVE! EASY LOVE is a Contemporary Erotic Romance novel and is the 1st book in The Boudreaux Series! You can grab EASY LOVE on March 3, 2015 when it will be available across all retailers. Check out this beautiful cover created by Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations with the photography done by Kristen Proby herself!

Easy Love

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Eli Boudreaux’s family has built ships and boats in Louisiana for generations. He comes from a hardworking, wealthy family and his empire is growing by leaps and bounds. At thirty, he is the youngest CEO to ever head Bayou Enterprises, co-chairing with his eldest brother. His head for business and his no-nonsense work ethic is also quickly making him the best the company has seen in generations. His staff admires him, women adore him and Eli’s family is solid. But he’s recently discovered that someone on the inside of his business is stealing from him and he’s determined to find out who.

Kate O’Shaughnessy is hired by companies all over the world to slip inside and investigate every member of the organization from the CEO down to the custodial staff to find the person or persons responsible for embezzling. She’s excellent at blending, becoming part of the team, and finding the weakest link. She’s smart, quick-witted, and she’s now been hired by Bayou Enterprises, specifically Eli Boudreaux. The attraction is immediate and the chemistry is off the charts, but Kate has heard all about Eli’s playboy past and she has a job to do. Sleeping with the boss isn’t a part of that job, even if just the sound of her name rolling off that Cajun tongue and the way he fills out a designer suit does make her sweat.

Eli’s southern charms surprise Kate. The man whose reputation labels him as a ruthless, callous womanizer is not the man she’s coming to know intimately. He’s generous, protective and makes her smile. Cracking through Kate’s cool, reserved demeanor and discovering her love of sexy, expensive lingerie is a challenge Eli can’t resist, but her sweet nature, love of family and sense of humor pull at him in ways no one else ever has.

But when the person responsible for trying to single-handedly dismantle Eli’s empire comes to light, and it’s time for Kate to move on, to what lengths will Eli go to keep the woman he’s fallen in love with by his side?

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kristen Probyis the author of the popular With Me in Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type—fiercely protective and a bit bossy—and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, and sunshine. And naps. Visit her at

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