mercoledì 21 gennaio 2015

COVER REVEAL ~ Love's Secret Torment by Stacy L. Darnell

Three lives entangled…

Sam- Carefree, innocent, and in love. All is destroyed when life has other plans. Love isn't easy, especially when your heart is torn in two.

Alec- The weight of a life changing secret is suffocating. His love for her is his oxygen. Will his love be enough or will he be too late?

Emmett- Life gives and life takes away. Tormented by what and who he can’t have. Will he fight or lose his soul?

When fate steps in, their lives are irrevocably changed.
Love's Secret Torment is the story of three people’s search for answers, dealing with fate's cruel turns and surviving destiny while living with the aftermath.l turns and
surviving destiny while living with the aftermath.

Stacy is a New Adult/Contemporary Romance
author. Her debut novel "Love's Secret Torment" is tentatively due
out in February, 2015. She has started her second novel "Sweet
Conundrum" due out later that year.

Stacy lives with her husband Mike, son Austin
and chocolate lab Gage just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. She loves the seasonal
weather changes, taking walks with Gage and spending time with her family and

While happily addicted to Starbucks writing is
her passion and sharing her stories with the world is a dream come true.


Stacy on social media:

Twitter: @StacyLDarnell

Instagram: @StacyLDarnell

TSU: @StacyLDarnell

Cover Reveal Hosted by:

Cover Reveal of BLACK DAWN by Cristin Harber

We are so thrilled to share the first part of the cover of BLACK DAWN by Cristin Harber with everyone today, as well as a sneak peek!


She moaned into the kiss and bit his bottom lip. “God…”

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say because he stopped and left her cold and wanting. She wouldn’t beg, wasn’t that type of girl. But, inside, she could cringe and cry for something she hadn’t had in forever, a surge of passion.

“What’s wrong, Parker?”

Dark, hungry eyes studied her. “I know everything about you, except who you are.”

“I’m me.”


She wanted to forget about everything on the outside world. “What does that mean?”

“I’ve worked with you for years, didn’t know it. I protected you from your ex-fiancé’s crap, didn’t know that either. You’re vulnerable and offering me exactly what I want.”

“What’s that?”

He squeezed her body. “You.”

“You’re saying no?” she whispered.

“I’m not going to take you on a couch in a safe house.” His blue eyes neared black. She’d never seen a look more intense, more at war.

He strengthened his hold on her. “You want this?”

She nodded, knowing that this kiss was all she’d ever have of him.

“You’ve wanted this?”

Her eyes sank shut. Parker was calling her on it, and she couldn’t lie. “Yes.”

Long seconds ticked by. Their cheeks touched then he pushed off the couch. “Then that’s why.”

Add BLACK DAWN to your Goodreads list here! You can also preorder on iBooks here!

Cristin Harber is a USA Today bestselling romantic suspense and military romance author. Fans voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was #1 romantic suspense, #1 military romance, and a USA Today Top 100 bestseller.

She lives outside Washington, DC with her family and English Bulldog.

When We Collide Sale Promo!

When We Collide - $0.99 Sale Promotion
Sunday, January 18, 2015 to January 24, 2015

From the New York Times bestselling author of Lost to You and Take This Regret comes a gripping new tale of loss and love.
William has spent six years running from his past and the last eight months trying to rid his mind of the dreams that increasingly haunt his nights. Trapped in a world of false ambitions and feigned affections, William knows he’s reached a breaking point and something’s going to give.
Maggie had lived her entire life without hope until one man showed her what it meant to be loved. He’d been her light in a lifetime of darkness. Six years ago, that darkness stole him away. Without him, she’s surrendered herself to an existence she doesn’t know how to escape.
When the family William left behind is struck by tragedy, he is called back to the one place he’s sworn to never return to again.
In a moment that will change his life forever, William comes face to face with the girl who, with one look, captured his heart. He is unable to ignore the buried desires and the hope for the future they’d once believed they’d have.
Now William is ready to fight to take back what had been stolen from him six years before.
But he never imagined what that fight might cost him.  

Barnes & Noble

When We Collide Excerpt ~ Copyright 2012 A.L. Jackson

“You know him?” Amber asked.
I glimpsed the confusion on her face.
My secret, my heart.
The beautiful man I’d lain with for hours under the stars, our lives poured out in a torrent of stories and words. The way he held me while I shared the ones that hurt me the most. How he touched me, the way he made me feel incredibly safe. How that hold had escalated from safety to ecstasy as the soft pads of his fingers would dance across my lips when he locked himself to me, the perfect weight of his body, the expression on his face when he came.
The heartbreak in his eyes when I told him goodbye.
I knew it all.

“Yeah.” My voice was soft. “I know him.” 

New York Times Bestselling Author

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Coming soon! 
A Stone in the Sea, February 23, 2015 Exclusive iBooks Pre-Order
Come to Me Recklessly, April 7, 2015 iBooksAmazonBarnes & Noble

Now Available!
Come To Me Quietly iBooks,  Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Come to Me Softly iBooks, AmazonBarnes & Noble 

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A trent’anni suonati Matteo Gallo, aspirante scrittore senza soldi e senza speranze, è costretto a vivere con la sorella Beatrice e “loro”, Rachele e Gabriele, i due scatenatissimi nipotini. Nessuna delle tate finora ingaggiate è riuscita a domarli. Ma ecco che, come per magia, un pomeriggio di fine settembre, un forte vento che spazza le nubi dal cielo porta tata Katie.
Beatrice e i suoi bambini restano subito incantati da questa ragazza inglese un po’ stravagante e scombinata, che fa yoga, mangia verdure, va pazza per i dolci... e che con le sue storie fantastiche e i suoi giochi incredibili è in grado di cancellare l’amaro della vita. Matteo invece cercherà (o crederà) di sottrarsi al suo influsso: ma sarà tutto inutile, perché Katie compirà su di lui la magia più grande. Quella dell'amore.

Due cose mi hanno colpito positivamente di questo libro. La prima è stata scoprire che nonostante la bellissima cover dai tratti femminili e il titolo zuccheroso, il protagonista è un ragazzo. Sarò di parte ma adoro i protagonisti maschili. La seconda è stata la narrazione del disastroso appuntamento del nostro Matteo, intervallata da battute efficacissime. L’ironia utilizzata con intelligenza, senza spingere troppo, è per me un valore aggiunto.

“«Niente va così male che non possa andare peggio.» L’aforisma di Arthur Bloch sulla prima legge di Murphy è attualmente l’imperativo categorico che governa la mia vita, ormai non c’è alcun dubbio.”

Persino il terrore che il protagonista prova nei confronti dell’amore e che esprime con ironia, alla fine risulta più plausibile di un discorsone da Kleenex a portata di mano. Insomma, questo protagonista brillante ha catturato la mia attenzione fin dal principio e non l’ha mai persa, forse proprio per il fatto di prendere i suoi sentimenti sul serio senza esserlo troppo.

Trovo San Valentino una festa più terrificante di Halloween, e la frase «vissero felici e contenti» vera almeno quanto «tranquillo, non sentirai niente».”

L’arrivo di Katie, con tutto ciò che ne deriva, gli fa mettere in discussione se stesso, le sue convinzioni, i suoi progetti. La stravaganza della tata è assodata, ma le reazioni di Matteo non sono divertite, non seguono il suo abituale approccio. Disapprova la leggerezza di Katie ma in realtà lascia trapelare la sua invidia. E la sua attrazione per questo “strano essere” che apparentemente ignora le difficoltà della vita, prendendo tutto come un gioco, cresce di giorno in giorno.

Sono confuso, è come se stessi perdendo il controllo. Nessuno ha mai gettato un tale scompiglio nella mia testa come riesce a fare lei solo avvicinandosi. È qualcosa di vertiginoso, di selvaggio.”

Quello che Matteo però non può ignorare è che la sua famiglia sembra rinascere dalle proprie ceneri grazie alla filosofia della tata, e anche in lui cominciano ad avvenire piccoli grandi cambiamenti, al punto che quello spazio che non sentiva suo e quelle persone dalle quali si teneva a debita distanza, piano piano si trasformano in motivi di gioia. Si concede dunque di andare oltre all’apparenza tutta frizzi e lazzi della giovane che sta rubando il cuore a tutti e ciò che trova non era certo ciò che si era aspettato.

La osservo e penso alle cicatrici nascoste dietro al suo sorriso. Penso che avrebbe tutto il diritto di urlare di rabbia contro tutto e tutti per quello che le è stato portato via e invece ogni parte di lei grida solo gioia di vivere.”

Se avete amato la meravigliosa Mary Poppins, se vi siete mai avvicinati a Federica Bosco (in particolare al divertentissimo “Pazze di me”) e se avete fatto il tifo per l’eccentrica protagonista del film Disney “Come d’Incanto”, questa lettura vi terrà compagnia e vi lascerà un sapore davvero… dolce.

Chiara Parenti è laureata in Filosofia, è giornalista pubblicista e lavora nell’ambito dell’editoria e della comunicazione. Appassionata di scrittura creativa, è autrice di un manuale di scrittura e coautrice di diversi saggi. Il suo blog personale, Il giardino d’estate è online all’indirizzo

martedì 20 gennaio 2015

Seducing Destiny(The Fae Chronicles book 4) by Amelia Hutchins Release Day

Seducing Destiny(The Fae Chronicles book 4) by Amelia Hutchins is available now!

Less than six months ago my life was twisted and flipped on its side. Things have changed so much I barely recognize myself anymore.
I am no longer an Enforcer.
I am no longer a Witch.
I no longer hate the Fae. (For the most part)
And the sex-on-a-stick-gorgeous-Fae? He isn't really the Dark Prince.
No, he is the father of my children and with the babies on the way, the land dying and the Mages closing in; alliances will have to be formed if we are all to make it through the war that is coming to our front door.
Between warring Gods and Goddesses, how are any of us supposed to win?

AH Teaser 1

UK buy link:
US buy link

“You’re carrying twins, my twins, and I like this bump. I like the sight of you carrying my children in this beautiful body,” he whispered huskily as he placed both of his palms on my swollen midsection, just in time for the babes to kick him. “They can feel me,” he replied with sincerity. “I already feel them linking us together. We’re a family, and nothing and nobody will change that.”
©2015 Amelia Hutchins Seducing Destiny.


amelia hutchins

Author of Fighting Destiny a fast paced Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance with hot alpha males, and a sassy heroines. I have three kids, and married my best friend, who is also the most amazing man ever. I live in Washington State with way too many trees, and love it. I have been writing as long as I can remember, and I am also the page owner of Erotica Book Club.

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Cover Reveal Ricochet - Jessica Wilde

Banner Cover Reveal
Title: Ricochet
Author: Jessica Wilde
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 23, 2015
Ricochet Cover..

Ricochet Full Cover


It's the last thing I remembered.
I was afraid.
Afraid to fight, afraid to run… afraid to breathe.
Then, everything had gone dark. As if life was finally hearing my pleas, my cries to end the torment. To end the fear.
But even in the dark, I still felt it.
I always felt it.
My life had been a ricochet of one event leading to the next. Bouncing back and forth from good to bad. Happiness to despair. Hope to fear.
My name is Arianna West. I'm stronger now. Steady. Alive.
I can find a way to survive on my own. I can see what is coming for me. I can channel my fear into strength.
Except… I didn't see Jack.
And Jack changed everything.

For readers 18+ due to language, violence, and sexual content.

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Ricochet Teaser 1
Ricochet Teaser 2

About The Author

I live in Morgan Utah with my husband, daughter, and dog, Kolo. I write as often as my active daughter will let me and my husband has the patience of a saint. I find inspiration from dreams, people I meet, and life experiences. When I write, I usually end up drinking one too many cans of Peace Tea, eating three too many Fruit by the Foot fruit snacks, and accidentally kicking my pup and best buddy, Kolo, too many times since he loves to sleep under my desk at my feet.
I started writing as a teen, but my fear of the unknown won out every time and I threw everything out. After becoming a mother and deciding to stay at home to raise my beautiful little girl, I tried again when I couldn't stop thinking of ideas. I loved every minute, every hour of sleep lost, and every character that came to life in my mind.
It's strange, but my favorite moments are when I have writer's block because I can turn to my husband and find inspiration through him by just doing what we do best together. Talking, laughing, and just being in love. He doesn't like to read, but he never stops encouraging me to keep going.
Writing has become an important part of my life and every book has a special place in my heart.

Jessica Wilde

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