venerdì 28 febbraio 2014

Taunting Destiny - Amelia Hutchins

Taunting Destiny è il secondo romanzo che compone la saga The Fae Chronicles di Amelia Hutchins. amazon / kobo
Spero abbiate tutte approfittato dell'offerta di € 0,89 per l'acquisto di Fighting Destiny, se non siete arrivate in tempo non disperate....questi autori mettono spesso i loro libri in saldo ;-)
Se volete rinfrescarvi la memoria vi scrivo il link della recensione
Ammetto di non essere stata subito convinta mente leggevo il primo libro di questa serie, ma non non ero nemmeno a metà che ogni dubbio si è dissolto!! Meno male che il secondo era già disponibile così non ho dovuto aspettare per leggere il seguito. 
La storia è sempre appassionante e non resa prevedibile considerando la suddivisione in più tomi. I dialoghi e la narratrice ( Syn....anche se ogni tanto il POV di Ryder fa capolino! ) sono divertentissimi. Confermo l'alto livello di difficoltà dell'inglese ma una volta che si prende il giusto ritmo, la lettura dovrebbe alleggerirsi.  
Mi fa impazzire che il genere di questa serie sia romance/fantasy! non si trovano spesso storie con un'ambientazione fiabesca dove i personaggi ci danno dentro con l'erotismo....perché di questo si tratta, credo sia opportuno darvi le giuste informazioni prima di spendere i vostri soldi ( anche se pochi euro ) per un libro che non appartiene ai vostri gusti.
Personalmente, questa serie mi sta piacendo molto. I vari elementi del romanzo sono ben suddivisi, colpi di scena come se piovesse, il sarcasmo e la simpatia dei personaggi lasciano spesso e volentieri un sorriso sulle labbra....per non parlare della bocca spalancata con le scene hot!!!!

Per chi come me ama questa serie, vi do una piccola anticipazione....presto ci sarà un promo post per il terzo capitolo Escaping Destiny!! So stay tuned ;-)

The Plot:
I thought things were bad and weird before – hold on – it’s getting worse.
Adam and I are both going through identity crises of epic proportions as we Transition from who we were, and discover who we were meant to be. More Fae are dying, and I feel as if time is running out for us to find all of those responsible and put an end to the killings.

The people I thought I could trust have betrayed me and the one person I should absolutely not trust; is taking me deeper and deeper into his world.

Ryder’s secrets are dangerous and devastating.

With each touch and word, he pulls my heart closer to himself and at the same time he is trying to keep me at arm’s length. The dance he and I have begun, is getting more complicated as our worlds are being shaken from all sides, and the visions of the future are frightening, and nothing like I had ever pictured for myself or those I care for. This time, destiny is taunting me.

I had always thought that I controlled my destiny. Now, my rights are being taken from me by powerful people and leaving me with alternatives that range between bad and awful.This time, the choices I have to make can decide the fate of both worlds. Everything is unraveling, and nothing will ever be the same again


“I am not your anything.You can't just piss on my leg and say I'm yours.” 

“I refused to look back. I wasn’t dumb enough to turn around and peek over my shoulder. I was the type who yelled at the girls in scary movies who did so.” 

“Ryder, we got a problem,” Ristan called from beyond the other side of the etched-glass shower door.
“Someone had better be dying, Ristan,” Ryder growled when he'd pulled 
away from kissing me.     “They might be. You need to come see this.”  “We will be right there,” Ryder called out as I slid down his hard body.  He watched me with a smirk and then placed his hand on my arm to move me from beneath the water, so he could rinse off. I watched him, unable to pull my eyes off of his hands as they roved over his body.He was quicksand,and I was sinking. “Did you say we?” Ristan asked.
I blushed from my head to my Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose colored toenails. I opened the shower door and stepped out meeting Ristan's eyes. “Don't ask.”   “How the…did you sift into his shower?” he asked, bubbling with laughter.    “I said don't ask! It wasn't my fault. I was sleeping!” I shouted as both men laughed even harder.    “Real mature, just real fucking mature!” 

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