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giovedì 8 gennaio 2015

Anteprime Butterfly Edizioni

Ecco le nuove uscite anno 2015 della Butterly Edizioni!!!

"La cercatrice di sogni" di Fabiola Danese
Pagine: 234
Prezzo: 14,00
Per acquistare: La cercatrice di sogni

TRAMA: Nyx ha diciassette anni e un nome greco che ricorda la notte e i suoi misteri. Da quando ha perso i suoi genitori vive con la sorella Eris che è tutto ciò che resta della sua famiglia e delle sue radici. Il suo migliore amico, Tris, è l'unica persona al mondo a conoscere il più grande segreto di Nyx: ogni notte, quando si addormenta, lei raggiunge le anime perdute e le accompagna verso il loro destino. A stravolgere l'equilibrio della sua vita arriverà Aries, un ragazzo dai magnetici occhi verdi che la segue dappertutto e nasconde dentro di sé lati oscuri che neppure ricorda di possedere. Tra sogni e visioni, amori difficili e amicizie sull'orlo del precipizio, Fabiola Danese racconta con grande maestria il mondo onirico che vive in ognuno di noi. Perché non c'è niente che l'amore non possa sconfiggere, neppure l'incubo più devastante.

BIOGRAFIA: Fabiola Danese è nata a Taranto il 09/01/1990. Diplomata al liceo dei beni culturali Archita da Taranto e laureata in Editoria e Giornalismo presso la facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Bari.
Autrice della raccolta di poesie “Tutta colpa di Cenerentola” (BookSprint Edizioni) e di numerosi racconti come “Quello che (non) so di te” compreso nell’antologia Obession 2, “Senza fare rumore”, compreso nell’antologia Ispirazione pura e molti altri. “La cercatrice di sogni”, pubblicato dalla Butterfly Edizioni, è il suo primo romanzo.

"10 motivi per cui essere bassi è più sexy (o forse no)" di A.A.V.V.
Pagine: 164
Prezzo: 12,00
Cartaceo ed ebook 

TRAMA: Essere alti, si sa, è privilegio di pochi. Non è destinata a tutti la gioia di guardare il mondo dall'alto. C'è chi deve accontentarsi di essere alto quanto basta per raggiungere i pensili della cucina e persino con qualche difficoltà. Quante volte vi è capitato di alzarvi sulle punte per dare un bacio? Quante volte avete indossato tacchi scomodissimi tra torture atroci solo per sembrare un po' più imponenti? Eppure anche essere bassi ha i suoi vantaggi e, perché no, il suo lato sexy.
Gli autori di questa raccolta si sfidano in bravura mettendo in scena storie divertenti, appassionanti e maliziose che vi terranno compagnia e cambieranno totalmente il vostro modo di guardarvi allo specchio. Perché anche i difetti possono diventare punti di forza: basta saperci ridere su e, soprattutto, imparare ad amarli.

"Il fato degli dei - lacrime d'ametista" di Donatella Perullo
Pagine: 284
Prezzo: 14,00

TRAMA: Ognuno nasce con un fato, quello di Roswita è essere l’unica in grado di fermare la malefica Dea Irmin.
Roswita è un’adolescente volitiva, cresciuta in un bosco, nascosta al mondo da Iosò, una misteriosa anziana che chiama nonna. Trascorre le sue giornate a studiare e a giocare nella natura insieme all’inseparabile Lupa; e non sospetta il perché del suo isolamento. Fin quando un giorno un incontro inaspettato la stravolge... ma lui è il principe Fredric dei Noctiluca, figlio della malefica Irmin. In un susseguirsi di eventi, intrighi e misteri, Roswita dovrà combattere per il proprio amore e per la salvezza del mondo rinunciando per sempre alla propria innocenza.
Un romanzo dalla prosa delicata ma incisiva, scritto con maestria, che conduce in luoghi incantati e al contempo infernali. Lacrime d’Ametista è un fantasy fiabesco, destinato a lasciare un segno indelebile nel cuore dei lettori. 

«L’amore può trascinare tutto con sé, anche l’odio più feroce».

Si segnalano inoltre l'uscita in ebook (su Amazon e Kobo) di alcuni titoli che prima erano solo in cartaceo:

- "Al di là di te" di Argeta Brozi 
- "Il mondo dopo te" di Laura Bellini 
- "Il veleno nell'anima" di Mariana Fujerof 
- "Il cuore insanguinato" di Pamela Boiocchi 
- "Mary Read - di guerra e mare" di Michela Piazza 
- "Il punto esatto di due anime" di Luigi Mancini 
- "The Secret - una scommessa d'amore" di Rujada Atzori 
- "Quando cala il buio" di Massimiliano Bellezza 
- "Impronte d'amore" di A.A.V.V. 
- "Ho sposato uno struzzo" di Antonietta e Silvia Scarabelli 
- "I colori che ho dentro" di Nadia Boccacci 
- "La vendetta di Dio" di Cristian Rossi 
- "Sabbie mobili - l'amore oltre le radici" di Rita Parisi 
- "L'altra metà della mela" di Viviana Leo
- "Senza di te" di Teresa Di Gaetano

mercoledì 26 novembre 2014


RELEASE DATE:  15th December 2014

“So you fix broken hearts, do you?” I ask. “Seems a little

Noah Carter is

one of the best cardiothoracic doctors in the country. He’s incredibly
intelligent, funny, kind and he’s a beast in the bedroom. He has scars that
drizzle down his chest and painful memories of an unforgettable night that
plague his every waking hour. 

Seven years

ago, Noah stumbled upon me at the side of a grave and saved me in one of the
most compassionate ways another human being can save another.  I will
always love him for that. Always.

He loved me in

a way that no man has ever loved me since, and I gave him everything. I gave
him it all until my secrets and lies tore us apart, forcing me to shatter his
heart into a thousand little pieces.

Seven years ago

he loved me, but now he hates me. And I hate that he hates me. Leaving Noah is
my biggest regret in life - and I have a lot of things that I regret. A lot.

I’m Ariel

Miller and this is the story of Noah and Me.

I glance around the corner of
the small building and spot a woman who isn’t dressed like a smart teacher.
She’s wearing white stilettoes and a tiny little black dress that just about
covers her backside. Her breasts, which are definitely fake, protrude out from
the scoop neckline of the dress. Her chocolate-coloured hair is poker straight
and falls to her shoulder blades. I hear her giggling. I see her hand shoot out
to touch a glistening, tanned and extremely toned forearm.
“That’s Candy,” whispers Ben.
“What does she do?” I ask. She
arches her back and pushes her breasts out even further than they were before.
“She’s a Lawyer,” he tells me.
“They call her the black widow.”
I glance at Ben and realise he’s
not joking. I look back at Candy and hear her giggle again, watching as she
flicks her hair over her shoulder. “Does she eat men after she’s slept with
“No,” he says, shaking his head.
“She eats them after she’s done with them in court instead.”
like she hypnotises them with her breasts and hair flicking
, I think. “I see,” I say.
“Her tongue is evil,” he says
before adding, “and not in a good way.”
I grin at him.
“Anyway,” he says, pulling on my
elbow, “we should go and say hello to the birthday boy.”
I take a step forward and then
the earth stops moving as all of the blood in my body rushes to my ears. I can
hear the beat of my own heart as it bangs against my chest. The birthday boy’s
blue eyes collide with mine and they’re slowly turning to hard stone in front
of me. He steps away from the wall, roughly pushing Candy off him, and marches
towards me.
I can’t take my eyes off him.
How can someone who is beyond beautiful look so ugly at the same time? His
light brown hair is styled perfectly on his head as if he’s just got out of
bed. Or maybe he has, if Candy’s performance was anything to go by. His pale,
crystal-blue eyes display nothing of the thoughts that I have no doubt are
obviously running through his mind. He’s wearing a dark grey shirt and black
trousers. Even with his clothes on, I can tell that there’s a wall of pure
muscle hiding underneath them. I see a faint smattering of chest hair poking
out from the top of his shirt where his top button is undone. His face is
tanned and freshly shaven.
“You!” he says, his deep voice
wrapping around me like a warm blanket. His gaze shifts to my neck like lightning.
His eyes linger for a fraction of a second on my necklace and I see a hint of
astonishment flash across his face. Then it’s gone, replaced by the cold,
screwed-up face that he had before.
I open my mouth but nothing
comes out. Every single hair on my skin stands on end as his angry breath
washes over my face. Air leaves my lungs and doesn’t come back in. How the fuck
is he here? Of all the places in the entire world, how is he here?
I finally realise he’s still
towering over me, looking as if he wants to strangle me. I take a deep breath.
I can’t do this.
“Erm, do you two know each
other?” asks Ben.
Ignoring Ben, I continue to
stare at him. He stares at me. What could we possibly say to each other that
would make any of it okay? I can’t be here. I can’t be near him. I need to
“No,” he hisses, as his eyes
trail all over me.
“I don’t know who this girl is,”
he says.
I know it’s wrong to feel hurt
that he called me a girl, but I do. I don’t want him looking at me like that
either. Not when I feel so shitty about what I’m wearing. I wish I could cover
myself up, but I don’t have enough clothes on to even start.
Ben blinks, looking confused.
“Noah, this is Ariel. Ariel, this is the birthday boy, Noah.”
This isn’t Noah. This is a
stranger that doesn’t know me anymore.
“I’m going,” I announce, tearing
my gaze away from Noah. I look at Ben and feel myself beginning to panic. “Erm,
I have to go.”
“You have to?” Ben questions.
I nod quickly and start to back
away from them. “I have to go. Right now. I have a horrible headache. Here,” I
say, pushing my glass into Ben’s hand, “take this. And I’m sorry.”
“Ariel,” Ben calls as I turn to
“Let her go,” Noah says. “She
wasn’t invited and she’s not welcome.”

Beckie's real name is Rebecca, but she get’s called (and
answers to) any of the following…Beckie, Bek, Becca, Rebecca, Pip, Pippy or

Beckie is the author of 'Sorrow Woods,' the 'Existing'
series and 'Noah and Me.'

She is due to publish more YA and NA novels in 2015/16.

She lives in Staffordshire, England, with her partner
and two children.

Beckie likes putting music
on in the house and dancing around like a mad woman.

When she isn’t playing with
her children, doing housework, dancing around the house like a mad woman,
walking, cycling reading or writing, then she can be found working in an
investment bank. Or sleeping.
You can find Beckie here…

You can find Beckie here…



martedì 25 novembre 2014

The Journey Home - Kelly Elliott

Fate has a way of stepping in and righting itself when we least expect it.

Maddison Powers has been regretting the biggest mistake of her life when she walked away

from the only man who has ever sparked something deep inside her. After
comparing every guy she dates to Cale Blackwood, she finally gives up all hope
of ever finding him.

One dare by Maddison throws Cale back into her life...and into the arms of her best


Cale Blackwood thought he had found the woman of his dreams, until she walked away

from him one night and didn't look back. Attempting to find love again, Cale
finds himself in a relationship built on one lie after another. Forced to take
on the biggest challenge of his life, Cale must seek help from the woman who
walked away from him and broke his heart.
Sometimes it takes more than one journey in life to truly be home.

                                                             ADD TO GOODREADS

Work of Art - Ruth Clampett

In a life driven by passion, famed artist Maxfield Caswell lives in a world of brilliant color and drama, pushing his art and affairs to his emotional edge. He’s stunning, charismatic and celebrated in the art world, but are the trappings of fame also destroying him?
For years intelligent and bright-eyed Ava Jacobs has worked diligently toward a career in the art world. Ava is swept off her feet when she meets the passionate artist. She soon realizes, however, that he’s on a destructive path—one she doesn’t intend to join him on.
In the decadent world of patrons, art groupies, and predators, feisty and beautiful Ava knocks Max off his pedestal. A stunned Max sees something special in Ava and offers her an opportunity she can’t refuse. As their lives and passions collide, will he realize that she alone has the power to heal him? Can their hearts come together to create their own work of art?" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leggere questo romanzo è stato come vivere dentro al film "Basquiat", oppure in uno di quei documentari biografici su Andy Warhol. La vita di un artista è davvero qualcosa di incomprensibile, forse nemmeno loro si rendono conto di quanto incasinata sia la loro mente. Dopotutto non è quello che si dice generalmente degli artisti? La loro eccentricità, l'egocentrismo, il potere che hanno sulla creatività li rende affascinanti ai nostri occhi. Loro sono in grado di esprimere attraverso l'arte, in questo caso la pittura, la realtà....o per meglio dire, la realtà vista dai loro occhi.

Siamo tutti consapevoli che la vita di un pittore, fin dai tempi antichi, non è mai stato un esempio di sobrietà. Non lo è nemmeno quella di Maxfield Caswell, il protagonista/artista di questa storia. Diventato famoso fin dalle prime opere, il suo aspetto fisico eccezionale, il magnetismo sessuale e un caratteraccio niente male hanno fatto sì che attirasse l'attenzione di ragazze interessate solo dal suo aspetto fisico, collezionisti d'arte senza scrupoli e galleristi smaniosi per le sue opere mettendolo sotto pressione per averne sempre di più. Perde il senso della sua arte, sembra che a nessuno importi di lui come persona se non come artista, la pressione lo porta ad eccedere sempre più, annullando se stesso e dando agli altri quello a cui sono interessati. La sua vita è caratterizzata solo da facili avventure, esposizioni in diverse parti del mondo ed estenuanti interviste, quando incontra Ava. Lei lavora per un gallerista d'arte serio, che in quella specifica circostanza stava organizzando l'esibizione di Max. Oltre che per il fatto che il suo sguardo ha notato la bellezza del fisico di lei, quello che attrae maggiormente Max è la capacità di Ava di comprendere lo spirito di un artista,  le sue esigenze ma anche quando devono essere placati nei loro capricci. Gli tiene testa e Max rimane piacevolmente colpito.
Nonostante i suoi difetti, si rende conto di quanto preziosa e sana sia per lui la vicinanza di Ava. La coinvolge in un progetto che li vedrà trascorrere molto tempo insieme, dove Ava conoscerà le varie ragioni che hanno portato Max a questo tipo di vita dissoluta; viceversa Max rimane abbagliato dalla positività che lei ha portato con se e ne diventa dipendente, non gli basta mai ma allo stesso tempo non sa se è pronto per farla entrare definitivamente nel suo vortice di arte, follia e passione. 
Ava, è molto attratta da Max e comprende fino ad un certo punto la sua volontà di tenerla a distanza, sentimentalmente parlando.
Max vive in un equilibro estremamente precario, ce la farà Ava a non pressarlo troppo per non spaventarlo con il rischio di farlo fuggire da lei per sempre? 

Voglio motivare la via valutazione di tre cosmo....perché sono stufa di serie che mi lasciano con il fiato sospeso con un disgraziato cliffhanger!!! Io che sono lì a mangiarmi le unghie per sapere come accidenti andrà a finire tra i due personaggi, che giocano a flirtare pesantemente per tutta la storia, ammetto perfino di aver letto velocemente certe parti per scoprire cosa succede tra i protagonisti, e poi mi finisce così.....MA BASTA!!!!! A questo punto non lo accetto, adesso voglio solo un libro che abbia un inizio e una fine e non uno sviluppo in tre o più romanzi!!!

Sfogo a parte, non posso dire che non mi sia piaciuto. Il contesto è diverso rispetto a quello che ho letto fino adesso. Lo stile abbastanza scorrevole, i dialoghi sono un pò latitanti e questo fattore non aiuta. In quanto inedito e di conseguenza scritto in inglese, lo consiglio a chi ha una certa dimestichezza con la lingua.
Lei è molto carina, seppure ingenua e indecisa in certi momenti, una ragazza serie e un'instancabile lavoratrice. Lui è il classico bello e dannato ma almeno ha uno scopo nella vita, fare l'artista e non il womanizer che non pensa ad altro a dove trovare la prossima avventura. 
Lui vuole cambiare, quindi una base l'abbiamo, Ava sembra essere la medicina perfetta, e anche con questo siamo a carattere ci frega! Non posso dire di più. A voi il giudizio finale.

venerdì 21 novembre 2014

Exchange of Fire - P.A. DePaul

Today we're having a book blast for Exchange of Fire by P.A. DePaul. I'm super excited about this blast. We'll be revealing a deleted scene from Exchange of Fire and it's on sale right now as well!! Enjoy and make sure you enter P.A.'s giveaway!!


Faking her death was easy, living with her past is harder, but nothing is more dangerous than falling in love…

Sandra Walsh was a deadly sniper for the Sweet Briar Group, a covert agency with assassins for hire, until her last mission went horribly wrong, accidentally killing an innocent girl. Knowing she’s a danger to her team, Sandra goes off the grid, becoming a Shade—an agent declared dead but secretly hiding among the living. She intends to honor her vow never to pull another trigger or have contact with the spy world again. Until she meets Casper Grady…

Grady is a former Marine with a troubled past and a debt to pay. His life mission has gone from protecting the nation to helping local children and their families. The moment he meets Sandra, he knows there’s more to her than meets the eye, but he can’t help but be drawn to the mysterious femme fatale. And when Sandra’s past suddenly catches up to her, Grady is determined to protect her at all costs, no matter how dark and dangerous her secrets are.

As the danger increases, so does their intense attraction. But when they’re forced to choose between each other and the people they’ve sworn to protect, their growing love might not be enough to keep them together—or alive…

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Exchange of Fire Goodreads | BAM | iTunes | Kobo

Deleted Scene:

Introduction from the author:

Exchange of Fire’s gone through quite a few changes since I typed the first draft. Some of them major. This scene was one of the first ones to be changed. As I wrote it, the storyline started shifting to be more about Cappy and his wound then about an assassin coming after Wraith by invading Grady’s home. Not good and too much time was being wasted trying to bring it back on track. As I brainstormed, I realized this scene could be so much more suspenseful and really dive into both Grady and Wraith’s personal storylines if I didn’t include Cappy and shifted Mars outside, trying to pick them off. Ultimately, this one scene developed into multiple chapters of high action and personal suspense (Chapters 39-41 to be exact). Hope you enjoy a peek at an earlier version!

Blindsided - Emma Hart

Emma Hart's brand new series BY HIS GAME starts off with this explosive first book Blindsided!

RELEASE DATE: January 12, 2015

From Emma Hart, the New York Times bestselling author of the
Game series, comes a brand new series where the game is realer, the tension is
tighter, the sex is hotter, and the stakes are the highest of all…

Two people. Two agendas. Two games.

What happens when the out-there It-Boy of football meets the
secret It-Girl of fashion?

As the daughter of Hollywood’s sweetheart, Leah Veronica
can’t even buy a coffee without finding her face on a magazine stand, so it’s
no wonder she’s launching her first fashion line in secret. With it debuting at
New York Fashion Week in just under a month, extra time in the spotlight is the
last thing she needs.

The son of the best quarterback the league has ever seen,
filling legendary shoes as the L.A. Vipers’ quarterback was inevitable for
Corey Jackson. So was meeting Leah Veronica—the first girl to hand him his ass
without putting a hair out of place.

Getting the handsome, prickly blonde into his bed becomes
his number one goal. But getting the sexy, over-confident footballer the hell
away from her becomes Leah’s—at least until she realizes the best way to do
that is to give him what he wants.

If only it was that simple.

When Corey discovers who she is, and private photos of
Hollywood’s finest find their way online, everything they thought they knew is
thrown into disarray.

And when secrets are exposed and hearts are shattered, they
have to figure out if they’ve been blindsided by love or reality, and if it’s
worth running the extra yard to win the game they never meant to play.

giovedì 20 novembre 2014

The Future Without Hope - Nazarea Andrews


Today we have the release day launch of The Future Without Hope by Nazarea Andrews. I am so excited about this sexy zombie romance. Nazarea is sharing an exclusive excerpt and a awesome giveaway. Be sure to enter and check out all the book details!!

Series sales graphic

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000446_00074]

Separated from Finn, captive of the Order, Nurrin has no hope left. But she has survived twenty years of zombies--and she has the unshakable faith that Finn will find her.

But Finn is a long way away. The Order's influence runs deeper than was ever suspected, and politics are shifting--and zombies may not be the most dangerous thing she's facing. Finn always thought the war stripped him of all he had to lose.

But with Nurrin missing and doors closing in his face, he realizes there is always more for the world to take--and he will drag the remains of civilization down with him before he gives up on the only promise that matters.

I go to the Underground. It’s deserted this early, but I know some of the acolytes will be there, and a few priests. It’s a gamble, but it’s what I have.
I could go to Omar. It would take very little to reach out to the High Priest, and I know him—he might be loyal to the Order, but he’ll do whatever he can to destabilize the Red Priestess. Even helping me steal back a sacrifice.
But that would mean trusting him. And I’m not ready for that. Not yet.
So I go to the vice clubs.
The doors are locked. I bang once, and wait impatiently until two acolytes pry open the door. “The clubs are closed until sunset,” the one in green robes lisps.
“I’m not here for the vice clubs,” I say. “I need to see the High Priest of the Haven.”
They exchange a quick look, and then the Red shakes her head. She’s familiar—the same acolyte who attended me when I fought. The sweet hospitality in her eyes from the previous night is gone now, replaced with a cool reserve that borders on hostility. She isn’t a woman impressed right now. She’s a fledgling priestess protecting the Order. And that makes me smile, slow and amused.
“He isn’t here.”
“Tell him that Finn O’Malley needs to see him. He has two hours to meet me at the house on the edge of the wall and return what he took from me. If I don’t have her by then, I will start killing his priests—and I won’t stop until every member of the Order in 1 is dead.” I pause, and stare at them. Their eyes are wide, fear mixing with anger and shock.
They don’t believe me. And because of that, they won’t deliver the message. I lean in and murmur into the space between them. “If you think I wouldn’t do it—I want you to know, I fought for Kelsey Buchman in the war. There is nothing I wouldn’t do. And if she isn’t there, in two hours, yours will be the first blood I spill.”

The World Without a Future (Book 1)

The Horde Without End (Book 2)


Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She is the author of the University of Branton series, Neverland Found series, and Edge of the Falls.

She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Enter Nazarea's giveaway!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


We are feeling the holiday spirit with the release day launch of Alyssa Rose Ivy's THE HAZARDS OF MISTLETOE! THE HAZARDS OF MISTLETOE is a contemporary romance novella and is a part of Alyssa Rose Ivy’s Hazards Series. It's available everywhere now!

The Hazards of Mistletoe

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Google Play

One snowy Christmas Eve, one mistletoe kiss, one friendship changed forever.

Don’t underestimate the power of mistletoe. It looks innocent enough, but a single branch has the potential to change your life. One mistletoe kiss led to the most embarrassing night of my life, but thankfully by the next Christmas I ended up exactly where I was supposed to be.

“Ice skating and hot cocoa? What are you buttering me up for?” I sat down on the bench and unlaced my skates. The snow was falling a little bit heavier, but the flakes were still light and more pleasant than a nuisance.

“I’m just enjoying an evening with a beautiful woman. I do have a romantic side you know.”

“Romantic?” What was Glen playing at? I’d had a crush on him for years, but things had stayed completely platonic. We were good friends who saw each other once a year, and teased each other through text messages and late night phone calls. That was it.

He didn’t hear me. He was already in line to return our skates. I waited for him to return with my boots, and not for the first time I was glad I’d worn wool socks. It was cold during the day, but the nights were absolutely freezing.

“Here you go, my lady.” He bent down and proceeded to put my foot into my boot.

I pulled away from him. “Knock it off. What’s gotten into you tonight?” As charming as Glen was being something seemed off with him. I wondered if maybe I wasn’t the only one who was upset.

He proceeded to move on to my next boot. “It’s Christmas Eve. Aren’t you Miss Holiday Spirit?”


“Exactly.” He put on his shoes and tugged on my hand to pull me to standing. “Let’s get those hot chocolates.”

The line at the café on the other side of the rink was nearly out the door, but I was enjoying Glen’s company so much I didn’t mind.

He insisted on buying my hot cocoa for me, and considering he’d already paid for my skate rental, I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Glen had all the money he could ever need, but I wasn’t used to guys buying me anything. My dating experience wasn’t extensive, and it involved boys who were all about going dutch. “I really don’t mind paying.”

“Yeah, but I want to pay. Stop arguing and enjoy yourself.” He lightly bumped his shoulder into mine.

“Well, thanks.”

We walked around the village sipping our hot chocolate and not saying much. After a while we took a seat on a bench. It was underneath a tree, and the pine needles blocked some of the falling snow. I closed my eyes and listened to the chatter of people walking by mixed with the low hum of holiday music.

“You guys need to kiss.”

I opened my eyes and saw a girl staring at us. “You’re sitting under mistletoe. That’s the rules. You’re under mistletoe, you kiss.”

I looked up. Sure enough there was mistletoe hanging over us from the tree. It wasn’t real, it was just the decorative stuff they used, but it had the same unmistakable appearance.

Glen put an arm around me. “I think she’s right, Savy.”

I turned to glare at him. “Don’t even start.”

“Why not? Scared to kiss me?” he teased.

Yes. I was scared. Terrified. This was Glen. Kissing him wasn’t something I was prepared to do casually while sitting on a bench in the snow with a bunch of onlookers. Of course I couldn’t tell him that though. “Why would I be scared?”

“I don’t know. Just checking.” He got a twinkle in his eye. That twinkle should have given me all the warning I needed, but it didn’t. I was wholly unprepared when his lips made contact with mine. They were warm and soft, and they moved perfectly against mine. I kissed him back, desperately wanting to know what his mouth tasted like, and if his tongue felt half as good as his lips.

Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo

Alyssa Rose Ivy Bio:

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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Skip to the Good Part - Release Day Launch

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Today we have the release day launch of Skip to the Good Part, a sexy new collection of the hottest scenes from 20 phenomenal authors. I am so excited to share it!!!


About Skip to the Good Part:

Skip to the Good Part: 20 Authors Reveal Their Steamiest Scenes offers face-fanning romance and tie-me-up sizzle (and everything in between) from top authors including New York Times and USA Today bestsellers.

The collection features a British alpha who wants to turn a good girl bad, a woman realizing her impetuous marriage to a stripper isn’t all bad, a bad-boy boxer who could use a large dose of sexual healing, a carnie who has found new and inventive uses for fun house mirrors, and a rocker who wants to woo the girl who got away: his high school sweetheart.

Read 20 of the best steamy scenes in contemporary romance and erotic romance today. This 250-page collection will get your blood pumping, your heart racing, and your skin tingling—you’re sure to discover a new favorite.

Due to the graphic nature of some content, this collection is recommended strictly for mature readers.

New York Times best-selling authors:

Raine Miller | Kendall Ryan | K. Bromberg | Carly Phillips | Denise Grover Swank | S.L. Scott

USA Today best-selling authors:

Christine Bell | Rebecca Shea | Andrea Smith


Magan Vernon | Kristie Cook | Nevaeh Lee & Michelle Lynn | Alessandra Thomas | Selena Laurence | Heidi Joy Tretheway | Elizabeth Briggs | Meghan March | Taylor Michaels | K.B. Nelson | Elise Covert

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