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Visualizzazione post con etichetta excerpt. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

Giornata d'autore : Il Cavaliere di Fuoco di RENATA MORBIDELLI

Edelweiss è figlia adottiva di due gitani andalusi. Quando era ancora una bambina, era andata a vivere con i suoi genitori in un villaggio irlandese. Dopo che coloro che l'hanno allevata sono morti in una lotta tra clan rivali, va a vivere con Kostas, uno zingaro greco innamorato di lei, e lo sposa. Durante l'Equinozio di Primavera, e terzo anniversario del loro matrimonio, mentre l'intero villaggio è in festa, due uomini di un clan rivale e Sudditi di Mèlankar, Nobile Decaduto, l'attaccano alle spalle uccidendo il marito e ferendola gravemente. La donna si risveglia in una grotta: chiusa in gabbia, incatenata, dolorante e stordita. La sua fine sembra vicina. Appare all'improvviso, grazie ai suoi poteri, Mikalendìl, Cavaliere del Bianco Esercito, che la fa uscire dalla sua prigione e la porta al sicuro nella dimora di Gyldhair, capo dei Ribelli che la guarirà e le darà il suo appoggio per scappare dal Regno della Notte. Ha inizio, così, il suo viaggio per tornare ad Awen Alixien, sua vera patria, e difenderla da Mèlankar e del suo Esercito. Durante il cammino incontrerà Dàrgariel e Korìllis, due potenti Streghe, ed altri amici che l'aiuteranno nella sua impresa. Ma chi è in realtà Edelweiss? Perché il Principe delle Tenebre è interessato ad una come lei? E perché proprio Mikalendìl, Cavaliere di Fuoco e Generale del Bianco Esercito, vuole proteggerla?

mercoledì 11 novembre 2015

CHROME (Book 4 in the Carolina Bad Boy Series) by Rie Warren

Boomer Steele is big. He’s bad. He’s the Retribution MC pres. He’s been dealt the worst hand imaginable and bears the scars inside and out. Not that anyone knows it. He’s watched his younger brother and sister hook up and hitch up with the loves of their lives, and now he’s the last Steele standing alone. Maybe he should keep it that way.
Then one feisty honey makes him feel, gets in his grill, pisses him off.
She goes by the name of Rayce. And that’s exactly what she does on her motocross bike when she’s not busy getting her hands dirty with her fellow grease monkeys as the only female mechanic at Stone’s Garage. She’s into fixing bikes, racing hers, and making Boomer’s life a living hell just for the fun of it. Oh, and she hates being treated like a girl.
Sparks flying? That’s an understatement where these two are concerned. Yet when Rayce needs a place to live, and Boomer offers her a room in his house, their unquenchable attraction wins out over antagonism. Sometimes. Rayce’s crappy upbringing makes her think love is for stupid fools asking for heartbreak. She’s not willing to go there for any man. Not even Boomer Steele.
 The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Note to readers: this book addresses the issue of domestic abuse.

giovedì 24 settembre 2015

Release Blitz: "Di carne e di piombo" di Sagara Lux

Cover Sagara Lux

Titolo: Di Carne e di Piombo

Autore: Sagara Lux

Editore: Selfpublishing

Pagine: 270 (versione cartacea)

Data di pubblicazione: 23 Settembre 2015

Prezzo eBook: € 2.99 (esclusiva KU amazon)

Prezzo cartaceo: € 9,53

venerdì 4 settembre 2015

Blog Tour Coletrane: Bad Boys of Retribution MC #4 - Rie Warren

From the world of Carolina Bad Boys and Retribution MC, this bad boy biker likes to be in control, and he’s ready to take what he wants. 

Her name is Sinclair Chatham. Sin. That’s exactly what she is—walking, talking, in the flesh sin. She’s haughty, privileged, so goddamn starlet sexy, with an ass I want to grab and spank raw.  

I want her to give herself over to me. I want her to lose that polished princess veneer. I want to strip away the money, the manicures, the maids, the immaculate façade. 

I need her to be mine. But I’m a grunt. A biker. A tattoo artist. I’m blue collar all the way, and her family will probably shit bricks if they ever meet me. 

Not to mention, I’m running from a bad past that’s about to catch up with me. 

I would never go for Cole in a million years. He’s gruff, rough around the edges—and covered in ink. He’s unapologetic, demanding, and sometimes scary as hell. He tells me what he wants, how he wants it, and why he’s going to ruin me for all other men. 

Coletrane destroys my vanity, gets inside my head while he gets into my bed, and I can’t say no to him. He’s not what I expected—tender at times, taking no prisoners at others. He breaks me down, builds me up. 

He is not my type.

They say opposites attract, and they’re right. I just didn’t expect him to turn my cushy life upside down and inside out. But it’s too late, and someone’s going to get hurt. 

Warning: Graphic sex, graphic action, graphic language. Triple X caution

domenica 30 agosto 2015

Estratto tratto dal libro : Un principe quasi azzurro di Elena Russiello

Titolo: Un principe quasi azzurro
Autore: Elena Russiello
Editore: Self Publishing
Genere: Commedia Rosa
Pagine: 177
Prezzo: 0.99
Uscita: Settembre 2015

Lui non è per niente romantico.
E' diretto, maschilista e scorbutico.

Lei è sbadata, testarda, estremamente dolce.
Ma non crede nell'amore.

Non si sopportano, eppure... Lui corre sempre in suo aiuto e lei è sempre in prima fila per sentirlo cantare. Come finirà?

Divertenti, appassionanti, Marco e Giulia vi faranno innamorare

venerdì 21 agosto 2015

Getting Hot by Mia Storm

Rules of engagement:
1) You have the right to use force to defend yourself.
2) Fire may be returned to stop a hostile attack.
3) You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
4) Detention of civilians is authorized in self-defense.

Delilah Morgan and her older sister Destiny have been on their own for two years, since their parents burned down the family home and went to jail for cooking meth. She’s street smart and tough. Nothing about her says sixteen, and she’s not about to tell anyone, especially Bran, the hot ex-marine bartender Destiny has her eye on. He’s stable and successful and everything her sister needs to keep them off the street. The only problem, something about Bran inspires her and suddenly she’s writing the best music she ever has. About him.
Branson Silo knows what it means to be in the line of fire. Home for a year from his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, he thinks he’s safe…until he meets Delilah. Despite her sharp tongue that makes him want to take cover, he can’t deny the attraction. But when he hires her to play weekends at his family’s saloon, he finds out she’s more than he can handle…which is saying something considering he used to blow things up for a living.

When the grenade finally explodes and the shrapnel flies, will Bran be left standing? Or has he survived years at war only to be taken down by Jail Bait?

venerdì 14 agosto 2015

lunedì 27 luglio 2015

Estratto tratto dal libro La mia vendetta con te di Giovanna Roma

La rovina di lei, potrebbe essere una salvezza per lui.
Perché difendere la figlia del peggior nemico? La vendetta è a portata di mano ed è così dolce, giovane, perfetta per lui, per saziare la sua lussuria.

Elin crede di sapere come sarà la sua vita, peccato solo di non aver fatto i conti con ciò che è fuori dalla sua bolla felice.
Incontrerà un uomo di nome Maksim, disposto a tutto per la sua vendetta ed entrerà a far parte delle più note organizzazioni criminali russe. Le redini del gioco sfuggono di mano e gli equilibri che si erano creati saranno messi in discussione da passioni ed egoismi.
Riusciranno a capire di non essere più semplici avversari o verranno inghiottiti dagli interessi latenti della mafia russa? 


Dark contemporary romance
Questo romanzo contiene situazioni inquietanti, scene molto forti, violente, esplicite e un linguaggio crudo. Non adatto a minori o persone particolarmente sensibili o suscettibili. Se ne raccomanda una lettura consapevole.

venerdì 26 giugno 2015

Blog tour : Step F#@k by Scarlett Ward

That's all I did. A few too many glasses of wine with my best friend and the bitch convinced me to go on one of those dating websites.

A one-night stand.

A booty call.

And you know what? It.was.amazing.

I spent all night in a sexy stranger's arms, hot and sweaty, until it was time to sneak out and do the walk of shame back to my apartment.

I never thought I'd see sexy stranger again, and I was totally fine with that - until my mother's wedding.

She's getting remarried, see. And sexy stranger just happens to be my new stepbrother.

All the wine in the world isn't going to make this better.

KINKAID (Bad Boys of Retribution MC #2) by Rie Warren

From the world of Carolina Bad Boys and Retribution MC, a steamy New Adult standalone novella . . . Magic Mike XXL ain’t got nothin’ on Kinky Kinkaid.


Bonafide pussy magnet. Kinky Kaid I wanna get laid. Yeah, I’ve been called that shit and more. It comes with the territory. See, I’m a male stripper. I shake my moneymaker so I can pay the bills and take care of my people.

I’m also a hardcore, hell-bent biker dude, the newest prospect at Retribution MC. Probie 2.0, and they can never find out how I earn my living. Women love me. They toss their panties at me. They push hundred dollar bills into my G-string. I’m down and dirty and the honeys dig it. All but one.

There’s this girl, Sadie. She’s beautiful and funny and kickass with some major ink. I’d never make a move on her because she’s my best friend.


Best friend? Bullshit. Kinkaid treats me like I’m his kid sister. I’m the hell-raiser, the tomboy dirt biker, his late night call but never like that. He thinks he’s safe from me. I’m going to prove him wrong. I’ll make him see me as a woman one way or the other. 

When I find out what Kinkaid’s been hiding there’s hell to pay. Except then he gives me a lap dance. A hot, wicked, panty-melting lap dance. A lap dance that unleashes our intense desire, fresh jealousy, distrust and anger.

Everything changes after that, and not for the better. I love him. I hate him. I can’t lose him. Sometimes I can’t stand him. He’s hot as sin on a sultry lowcountry night, and he’s still my best friend.

I don’t know if he’s man enough to give me what I need.

Warning: Graphic sex, graphic action, graphic language. Triple X caution.

mercoledì 3 giugno 2015

So cosa ti piace - Susanna Scandella

Titolo: So cosa ti piace
Autore: Susanna Scandella
Genere: new adult, romanzo rosa, sentimentale e ironico
Editore: self publishing
Prezzo: 0,99 cent Amazon o gratis con kindle unlimited

Evelyn Spencer, brillante studentessa dell'università di Dartmouth, ha un problema di concentrazione a letto.
Con il suo ragazzo Jake la passione non manca, ma per quanto impegno ci metta, Evelyn non riesce mai a raggiungere il culmine del piacere.
Persino da sola ha delle difficoltà, ma la sua vita raggiungerà una svolta quando si deciderà a comprare un sex toy con il quale riuscirà a trovare la pace dei sensi.
A un certo punto, però, anche quello non basta più. Perché a Evelyn manca il contatto umano, il calore di un ragazzo che si sdrai al suo fianco dopo una notte d'amore. E l'unico che sembra sapere cosa lei voglia è Lester McHall. Lo stesso Lester McHall che le ha fatto passare anni d'inferno al liceo prendendosi gioco dei suoi sentimenti e diventando il suo bullo personale. Per quanto la curiosità di Evelyn sia forte, non ha alcuna intenzione di finire in fondo alla lista delle sue conquiste di una notte, perché lei non è quel genere di ragazza. Eppure, quando una sera decide di cogliere l'attimo, non riesce a pentirsene.
Perché Lester sa esattamente cosa le piace...

martedì 21 aprile 2015

martedì 14 aprile 2015

Release Day : Interim - S. Walden

~A lot can change in the space between devising a plan and carrying it out. That space is called the Interim.~

High school seniors Jeremy Stahl and Regan Walters aren’t friends. Not even close. He’s a picked-on, picked-apart loser outcast. She’s a cool kid running with the popular crowd. It’s unlikely they’d ever speak to one another. Too bad he’s madly in love with her. But what does it matter, anyway? He’s got no time for love. Only revenge.

Meticulously detailed in the pages of his battered red notebook is his master plan: April 14, 9:30 A.M., two guns, eighty rounds of ammo, backup knives, eleven victims. He’s finally ready to answer every single taunt, jeer, and flying fist—unwarranted abuse that’s spanned six years of his lonely life. He’s justified. He’s ready. But he never readied himself for her.

Regan finds his journal. She reads it, and when he discovers her intrusion, he has to switch tactics. She’s a liability now.

Better fix that.

lunedì 6 aprile 2015

STEELE: Into Your Heart by Rie Warren

Brodie Steele is a badass MC dude. Ashe Kingston is a sexy police officer with an attitude. Their bad blood runs deep. But after they hook up at a wild biker week, can they keep their pact? What happens at Bike Week stays at Bike Week. Yeah, right.

Riding out the rough years following a family tragedy, Brodie is still trying to put his life back together when he finds something he never expected with Ashe. She annoys the ever lovin’ hell out of him, and turns him on so much he can’t see straight. He keeps coming back for more.

Ashe isn’t just a hard-nosed police officer. And she wants no part of Brodie outside of their no-strings-attached fling. There’s no way he’s settling-down material but he’s hard to resist with his inked sleeves and rebellious ways, not to mention piercings in places that make Ashe melt. Brodie Steele is dangerous, delicious, and suddenly determined to have her.

If there’s anything more risky than laying his heart on the line for this sexy woman, it’s Ashe’s job. It puts her life in danger in a way he can’t possibly protect her from. Can their hot bond win out over the bad blood of years past? Or will Ashe be taken from Brodie before she lets him into her heart?



martedì 31 marzo 2015

Release day for FALL WITH ME by Jennifer L. Armentrout

We are so excited to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Jennifer L. Armentrout's, also known as J. Lynn’s, FALL WITH ME!! FALL WITH ME is a New Adult Contemporary Romance and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Wait For You Series, published by Avon Romance. We love this series and can't wait to start reading Roxy and Reece's story!

Fall With me

martedì 24 marzo 2015

Release Day: Boundless Fate by Alicia Rae

We’re having a release day launch for Boundless Fate by Alicia Rae! She’s sharing an excerpt with us, as well as a fantastic giveaway, so be sure to check out all the release day festivities. 

BF AmazonColton Kingston’s livelihood has been reduced to a pile of black ashes by a tragic act of arson. After sending away the woman he’s loved since the tender age of five, a dark hateful revenge threatens to overtake his heart. Colton knows pushing her away is the only way he can keep her safe.

Paige Summer’s has endured her fair share of obstacles in the past, and refuses to give up on Colton and the life they share together. As interferences try to tear them apart, Paige is determined to stand by Colton’s side and remind him of their love and its strength.

But at every turn, tragedy continues to strike and more devastation falls upon them.

Will Colton and Paige’s love be boundless? Or will revenge conquer their fate?

domenica 22 marzo 2015

Famous by Kahlen Aymes

Caden Carlisle is a world-renowned superstar with good looks, million dollar movie deals and women throwing themselves at him wherever he goes. He has it all… but wants nothing more than a normal life without the paparazzi and glitz.

Brooklyn Holloway is an up and coming starlet with a solid head on her shoulders and her eyes wide open. It’s all about art for her and she isn’t looking to star in blockbuster films. She’s perfectly happy keeping a low profile and doing indie projects with a message.

When fate throws the two of them together on set; both are unprepared for their undeniable connection. Cade is drawn to Brook’s down-to-earth wholesomeness and she can’t help the irresistible pull of his good looks, sense of humor and chivalrous ways... So, when he begins to think he’s in love with her, resisting is next to impossible, despite being committed to someone else.

Only when filming ends and the world's fascination with celebrity invades their bubble, can they decide if the emotions they felt on set were scripted, or forever.

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

Soaring - Kristen Ashley

American heiress Amelia Hathaway needs to start anew. 
Her husband cheated on her, and when everything she wanted in life slipped through her fingers, she fell apart. When she did, she took another heart wrenching hit as she lost the respect of her children. 
When her ex took her family from California to live in the small town of Magdalene in Maine, Amelia decided it was time to sort herself out. In order to do that and win her children back, she moves to Cliff Blue, an architectural masterpiece on the rocky coast of Magdalene. 
Her boxes aren’t even unpacked when she meets Mickey Donovan, a man who lives across the street, a man so beautiful Amelia takes one look at Mickey and knows she wants everything from him. 
The problem is, she finds out swiftly that he’s friendly, he’s kind, but he doesn’t want everything back. 
Amelia struggles to right past wrongs in her life at the same time find out who she wants to be. She also struggles with her attraction to the handsome firefighter who lives across the street. 
But Amelia will face a surprise when her friendly neighbor becomes not-so-friendly. As Amelia and Mickey go head to head, Amelia must focus on winning back the hearts of her children. 
She soon discovers she also must focus on winning the heart of a handsome firefighter who understands down to his soul the beautiful heiress who lives across the street is used to a life he cannot provide.