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martedì 10 febbraio 2015

Segnalazione Dunwich Edizioni

 Titolo: Evadne – La Sirena Perduta
Autore: Diana Al Azem
Genere: Young Adult
Pagine: 260
Prezzo: ebook € 3,99 (gratis per Kindle Unlimited). Cartaceo €9,90
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Non potrò mai dimenticare quel senso di soffocamento provocato dallo stare così tanto tempo sott’acqua. Né la mancanza di ossigeno che mi bloccava i polmoni, provocandomi piccoli spasmi, o la poca luce che passava sotto il mare, spegnendosi poco a poco.
Qualche istante prima di perdere conoscenza, sentii qualcosa afferrarmi la vita e trascinarmi nelle profondità del mare. Proprio in quel momento persi i sensi.
Non ricordo né come né quando tornai a galla, ma a un tratto mi ritrovai alla deriva su una tavola da surf, di sera, a poche centinaia di metri al largo della costa di Tarifa.
Grazie a una pattuglia di guardia che vigilava la zona, riuscii a tornare a casa. Non sono mai stata capace di spiegarmi come una bambina di tre anni, in mezzo al mare, fosse riuscita a sopravvivere a quelle temperature invernali.


Diana Al Azem nasce a Granada a maggio del 1977. Ha studiato filologia inglese presso l’Università di Murcia, ma ha terminato gli studi presso l’Università di Essex in Gran Bretagna. È una lettrice instancabile di libri young adult. Evadne – La Sirena Perduta è il suo secondo romanzo. In Spagna è appena uscito il seguito, intitolato Evadne – E la Valle Delle Gorgoni.


Fu un momento magico e ci lasciammo trasportare dalla musica. Alzai lo sguardo per cercare le sue labbra scolpite, volevo sentirle sopra le mie. Dai suoi occhi capii che lui provava lo stesso desiderio. Ci guardammo così per dei lunghi secondi, fino a quando il dj cambiò nuovamente canzone.
La magia sparì. Naiade reagì scuotendo la testa e fece il gesto di riaccompagnarmi al bar. Rifiutai. Perché non mi baciava?
«Cosa vuoi da me?» chiesi, fissandolo.
«Come?» Mi afferrò il braccio per cercare di allontanarsi dalla confusione, ma opposi resistenza.
«Ti ho chiesto cosa vuoi da me? Perché mi stai facendo questo?» Ora mi sentivo frustrata.
«Non so cosa vuoi dire. Mi andava solo di ballare, niente di più.»
«Bugiardo.» Mi liberai dalla sua stretta. «So chi sei.»
«Certo che lo sai, ci conosciamo da più di un mese.»
«Non voglio dire questo. So cosa sei.»

 Titolo La Lama d’Argento (Moon Witch – Episodio I)
Autore Giulia Anna Gallo
Genere Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Pagine 82
Prezzo 0,99 ebook (gratis per kindle unlimited)
Data di uscita 01/02/2015 ebook
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Presentazione del progetto

1692, Salem
Rebecca Nurse e le sue consorelle, le streghe della congrega Moon Witch, dopo essere state smascherate e sconfitte dall’Inquisizione, ardono sul rogo. Prima che la morte le raggiunga, riescono tuttavia a pronunciare un incantesimo unico nel proprio genere che, pur non potendo proteggere i loro corpi, ha lo scopo di salvarne le anime. Gli spiriti delle donne trovano rifugio all’interno di oggetti incantati, in attesa che persone a loro affini li trovino e li risveglino, riportandoli in vita.
Nel tempo i manufatti hanno finito per separarsi e si trovano ora sparsi per il globo.
Oggi, streghe moderne, inquisitori e altre misteriose creature tessono le loro ambigue trame, senza sapere che i tempi sono maturi: la congrega Moon Witch sta per tornare.
Il primo febbraio di quest’anno le vicende della congrega di Rebecca Nurse prendono vita con il primo episodio della serie Moon Witch. Ogni novella della serie, scritta da un autore diverso, avrà differenti protagonisti e sarà autoconclusiva. Tutte le storie si svolgeranno però all’interno della medesima cornice narrativa e seguiranno le sorti delle streghe di Salem.

Episodio I La Lama D'argento

Nonostante sia discendente di potentissime streghe e membro della prestigiosa congrega della Luna Crescente, la diciassettenne Aurora Prandi non è affatto portata per la magia. Poco prima di un raduno, scopre che proprio per questa ragione è stata estromessa dalla sorellanza e, umiliata, decide di allontanarsi da sola dal luogo del ritrovo finendo dritta tra le grinfie di un inquisitore. L’uomo, deciso a ucciderla, non sa che all’interno del pugnale da lui brandito è custodita l’anima di Elizabeth Blanchard, arsa sul rogo secoli addietro a Salem. Dopo una lunga reclusione, lo spirito di Beth trova finalmente nella giovane strega la persona adatta a ospitarlo.
Nel frattempo Ivan, mezzo-demone in fuga dai suoi simili, vede la sua ferma convinzione di essere destinato alla solitudine andare in frantumi a seguito dell’incontro fortuito con Aurora. O è forse stato il fato a condurlo da lei?


Giulia Anna Gallo è nata a Torino, ma cresciuta in un tranquillo paesino di provincia immerso nella campagna ai piedi delle Alpi Cozie. Laureata in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche, si sta specializzando in Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione.
A gennaio 2015 la Genesis Publishing ha pubblicato il suo romanzo d’esordio Il Mio Ricordo di Te, uno young adult contemporaneo. Il suo primo e più grande amore resta tuttavia il genere urban fantasy.


Guizzo fuori dall’athamé e trovo tiepida carne ad attendermi dopo così tanto tempo di gelido argento. L’altra anima accoglie la mia senza più remore e, benché questo sia il nostro primo incontro, sembra che ci siamo sempre appartenute, come fossimo due metà appena ricongiunte.
Ci mescoliamo, misteriosi ingredienti di una pozione segreta, ci fondiamo l’una con l’altra finché è impossibile determinare dove finisca Elizabeth e abbia inizio… Aurora.

Titolo: La Regina dei Leviatani (Infernal Beast – Vol III) Autore: Fabrizio Cadili / Marina Lo Castro Genere: Fantasy / Steampunk Pagine: 120
Prezzo: € 0,99 ebook
Data di Uscita: 28 gennaio
Link Acquisto: 


 Infernal Beast è una serie di novelle autoconclusive e scritte da diversi autori che però si svolgono nella stessa ambientazione. Non è necessario leggere le opere in ordine di uscita anche se ovviamente aiuta a comprendere meglio il mondo creato dagli autori coinvolti. 


Le giornate di Jean scorrono tranquille a São Sero, villaggio sorto in prossimità di una grattacielo in disfacimento all’interno della giungla amazzonica. Dopo un’esistenza difficile e violenta, vive finalmente sereno insieme alla sua famiglia, con il solo compito di proteggere i concittadini dalle bestie mostruose e dai selvaggi che popolano la foresta. Jean è infatti un Cacciatore mutato dal Virus, che lo ha dotato di una resistenza straordinaria e di misteriose quanto letali Falci che scattano fuori dagli avambracci. Ma qualcosa cambia quando uno zeppelin con il simbolo dell’Illuminato atterra poco distante da São Sero. A bordo vi è il Nobile Riberio che, con la scorta del mercenario Rice, invita Jean a partecipare al più grande spettacolo mai organizzato in un’Arena: lo scontro contro un Leviatano Corazzato. Per sconfiggerlo, però, servirà il lavoro coordinato dei migliori Cacciatori sul pianeta, e bisognerà convincerli a partecipare a un combattimento che sembra più un suicidio. E il primo da persuadere sarà proprio Jean. 


Entrambi classe ’82, sono nati e vivono a Catania dove Fabrizio lavora come operatore turistico e Marina è editor freelance e trascrittrice. Coppia affiatata anche nella vita, scrivono a quattro mani da diversi anni e molti dei loro racconti sono stati inseriti in antologie cartacee e digitali. Sono i vincitori, con il racconto Eater, del concorso “L’evoluzione della farfalla”, indetto dalla Origami Edizioni. Nel 2013 la Plesio Editore ha pubblicato il loro romanzo, Memorie degli Euritmi – Caesar, finalista al Premio Italia 2014. Nello stesso anno il loro racconto Red Shade è stato pubblicato per la Delos Book, nella collana Urban Heroes. 


Vieni. Eccola di nuovo, la Comunanza. In queste settimane mi ha perseguitato e di recente i richiami diventano sempre più frequenti. Prima farò fuori il Leviatano, prima potrò dare la caccia alla Regina e porre fine a tutto questo. «Andiamo», borbotto in direzione del portone. «Apriti.» Ho i sensi talmente eccitati da riconoscere i passi di Rice ben prima che imbocchi il corridoio. Quando appare, indossauna divisa militare verde e gialla, con l’occhio radiante sul petto e un machete a vibrazioni penzolante su un fianco. Sollevo un sopracciglio. Sembra stia per partecipare a una parata e non a uno scontro mortale. Si ferma in mezzo a noi e punta i pugni contro i fianchi. «Pronti?» Nessuno risponde. «Più entusiasmo, gente.» Batte le mani. «State per diventare degli eroi.» 

venerdì 6 febbraio 2015

Cover Reveal-Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez

Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez

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Title: Letters Written In White
Author: Kathryn Perez
Cover Reveal: February 6, 2015
Release Date: 2015
Hosted by: SBB Promotions
I’m dead.
I’m cold and alone and I’m dead. There’s no air in my lungs. My chest is as cold and hollow as a cave on a snowcapped mountain side. My heart no longer beats there. Frigid winds whistle through my ribs and the sadness inside me weeps like my favorite tree. Days ago, I met with death face to face. The mirror, our meeting place. My two darkened green eyes stared deeply into hers. I tilted my head to the side. She did too. “It’s time,” I whispered. “It’s time,” she whispered. And with that I turned away from her, the woman in the mirror who knew all of my secrets and all of my pain. I walked away from her and yet we’d never been closer than we were in that moment. The inner struggle was over. No more arguing with the woman in the mirror. No more arguing with myself. The choice was made. She was the victor. Or was I?
That was the day Riah Winter died.
Author Bio
Kathryn lives in her small East Texas hometown with her family. She's a music infused writer and self-proclaimed book junkie. When she isn't listening to music, writing or reading you'll probably find her watching her favorite sport, UFC.
Kathryn is also an anti-bullying advocate and avid supporter of mental-illness and suicide awareness.
Kathryn's Favorite Things:
*Watching UFC!!
*Colleen Hoover Books
*Acoustic guitar music
*Coffee, lots of coffee
*Quotable quotes
*Any Eminem or Hozier music
*Music is my therapy
*Reading books that make me cry
*Crazy or funny t-shirts
*Sleeping in and staying up late
*Anything in the color PURPLE :)
Favorite Quote at the Moment: "Don't be pushed by your problems, be led my your dreams."
Favorite Athlete: Tito Ortiz
Favorite Singer: Sam Smith & Ed Sheeran
Favorite Band: Hozier
Favorite Song: Eden by Hozier
Favorite Movie: Memoirs of a Geisha
Favorite Food: Japanese
Favorite Drink: COFFEE
Favorite Candy: Choco covered raisins
Motto in Life: Love Yourself First!
Author Links
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lunedì 26 gennaio 2015

Stryx - Connie Furnari

Dopo aver vissuto in Inghilterra, Sarah, una potente strega, torna a Salem decisa a ricominciare una nuova vita senza la magia. Inaspettatamente giunge la sorella minore: Susan, strega intrigante e perversa che ha scelto di passare al lato oscuro per la sete di potere, determinata a sconvolgere l’esistenza di Sarah e degli ignari studenti del liceo di Salem.
La vita scolastica si rivela molto più dura del previsto. L’unico apparentemente interessato a conoscerla è un giovane dai grandi occhi grigio azzurro: Scott. Il solo ad essere in grado di risvegliare in lei antichi sentimenti che credeva ormai essere sepolti.
Ma Salem ben presto comincerà ad essere sconvolta da numerosi delitti inspiegabili, il cui unico filo conduttore sarà un marchio a forma di “S” posto sulle vittime. Le strade della cittadina diventano pericolose trappole mortali, e a Sarah non resterà altro che affrontare il suo oscuro passato per poter salvare le altre giovani streghe e se stessa dai Cacciatori, i discendenti degli antichi Puritani.
Tra il folklore e la Wicca moderna, Stryx è un urban fantasy che evoca la leggenda delle streghe di Salem, evidenziando elementi peculiari come i corvi, i gatti neri, le scope volanti, gli incantesimi.
Le ragazze della Congrega delle Streghe sono tipiche adolescenti che soffrono per amore e studiano per i compiti in classe; la particolarità che i Cacciatori siano solo ragazzi sottolinea in Stryx l’eterna lotta tra sessi che dura tutt’oggi e fa di Salem un campo di battaglia, velato di atmosfere crepuscolari e notturne.
Sarah e Susan Sawyer, le due streghe protagoniste, rappresentano due criteri opposti con cui il gentil sesso usa il “potere”. Il messaggio finale del libro è che tutte le donne lo posseggono, ma la differenza consiste appunto nel modo in cui si decide di usarlo.

venerdì 23 gennaio 2015

GENTLE CHAINS by Nazarea Andrews - Cover Reveal

Gentle Chains Ebook-2

Today we are revealing the cover for GENTLE CHAINS by Nazarea Andrews. This is a new adult title and it will be released in March. Click the link below to read the first 6 chapters!

When slavers steal Juhan and his twin sister Chosi from their home planet of psychics, their only comfort is in the fact that they’re together. When they are separated at auction, Juhan swears to find his sister, no matter the cost.

Juhan is bought by the spoiled daughter of a political scion. Caught in her glittering world of intrigue and politics, Juhan is startled to find Sadi playing a long game to change intergalactic politics and Juhan is merely a pawn in her game. But as his vow and Sadi's lies takes them across galaxies, he begins to wonder if his young owner is more than an arrogant rich girl. And he has to consider the cost of his promise—especially when people they both care for begin to die.

A galaxy away, Chosi is sold into blood sport. With her psychic ability, she earns a precarious position of value within the gladiator school, training the draken—wild creatures of smoke and fire—for the arena. In the midst of that hell, she forges a friendship with the slave Jemes and the draken she cares for. But when her defiance comes with devastating results, Chosi contemplates suicide as an escape from her chains. Yet, she can't forget the brother who promised to find her, and even as she welcomes the risk of death, she clings to that promise.

Spun across space and exotic worlds, Juhan and Chosi try to find each other, and home in a stunning story about the lengths love will take you.


Read the first 6 chapters of GENTLE CHAINS

Pre-Order GENTLE CHAINS on Amazon

I wake up slowly, and lift my head. The quiet hum is comforting and familiar--I’m on the Leen. “Where is Sadi?” I murmur, shifting to stand.
“Galley,” the ship answers promptly, and I stagger to the door. “Ill-advised. I will inform Sadi of your status.”
“Disregard. I’m fine,” I answer, and the ship subsides, with a minute rumble of systems that makes me think it’s disgruntled.
I find Sadi slumped at the table, cradling a mug of warm chocolate, fatigue pulling her eyes closed. Tin stirs something on the hotsurface, the smell of spice and cream and vegetables thick in the air. I watch them, testing the surface of their emotions before I clear my throat. Sadi glances blearily at me, and then nudges a chair out with a loud screech. I sink down and we sit silently for a long time before she asks, hoarsely, “Want some? Chocolate can make anything better.”
I take the proffered cup, recognizing it for the peace offering it is. “How’s that working for you?” I ask before taking a sip. Liquid, velvet heat fills my mouth, slides down my throat. It tastes like a memory, and I struggle to see past a vision of Chosi and a thousand mornings, sitting at the table with her and a cup of chocolate. I force the memory away, focusing on Sadi.
Sadi shrugs and gives me a weak smile. “Not terribly well.”
I touch her psyche again, feeling the conflict, disgust and desperation. Her eyes are impossibly young when they find mine. “How does this happen? There are thousands injured--we didn’t even make a dent today. And that says nothing of the dead. And no one cares. Because they’re whores,” she finishes bitterly. She almost snatches the chocolate from me, burying her nose in the cup.
“What are the estimates on the dead?”
“Thirty thousand, in Centari alone,” Tin answers. He ladles out soup and hands steaming bowls around. “Ninety percent of the dead were slaves.”
Sadi glares. “That doesn’t make the deaths acceptable.”
“No one said it did, Sadi,” he says mildly and nudges her spoon. She stares at it and then takes a tiny bite. As soon as she swallows, her eyes widen and she bolts from the table.
Tin drops his spoon with a curse and moves to go after her. “Let me,” I say, standing and following her.
She’s leaning over the commode, tears streaming down her face. I let my mind go, touching along her psyche, a flutter of moth wings. It’s so broken, shattered into so many pieces it stuns me. How can she appear so together when she is completely broken?
-How can we expect to make a difference?- she whispers. -It’s so much and we are so small, and no one cares--no one is even here. The IPS will gladly let their world burn.-
-They care,- I say, uselessly.
She twists to glare at me. -Don’t you dare lie for them. Don’t you dare. They look the other way while your entire world is raped of its people. While your sister is Taken and branded and sold. They use slaves. So don’t you dare lie for them. They don’t deserve it.-
I push aside the truth in her words, the rush of anger that she’s one of the slave owners she’s denouncing, and crouch next to her, brushing hair over her ears and murmuring, “We’ll make a difference because you can’t help it, Sadi. You change things.”
As I say it, I realize how true my words are. She has changed me.


Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.

You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Booktropolous.

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giovedì 22 gennaio 2015

Fated Capture - Kristyn Eudes

Genre: Paranormal, Young AdultSeries: Fated Keeper Series, #1

Arsema believes she is just a regular sixteen year old girl until a week before the start of her junior year when she starts to experience strange occurrences. Soon after she is thrust in a world that feels more make-believe than reality. To make matter worse, she is being hunted by two ancient races of supernatural beings. One looking to find and save her life and in turn save their race, the other looking to use her to bring an end to the world as she knows it.
After being attacked and kidnapped by her best friend’s boyfriend she is rescued by the guy she has been having reoccurring dreams about. Soon her life isn’t the only thing she is in jeopardy of losing as she finds herself falling hard and fast for her rescuer, Lyon. But will she be able to see past who or what he really is and accept him as he is?

Fated Capture is story about fate, adventure, magic and unconditional love. Arsema is a fiercely loyal heroine with a knack for getting herself into trouble. The question is will she be able to get out? Or will she find herself in the grasp of the one she desperately needs to avoid?

sabato 3 gennaio 2015

Wild and Free (The Three, #3) - Kristen Ashley

Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand. 

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his. 

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe. 

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster. 

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world. 

Or die trying

mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

DIE FOR ME - Amy Plum

In seguito ad un terribile incidente mortale, due giovani sorelle americane si ritrovano a doversi trasferire dagli Stati Uniti  a Parigi, nella casa dei nonni paterni.
Ma mentre per Georgia, la più grande delle due, la vita ha senso solo affogando il dolore nelle feste e nella mondanità, Kate trova nel silenzio e nella compagnia dei libri , l’unico conforto per non cedere alla depressione scivolando nel baratro. Per lei ogni giorno sembra inutile e proprio quando pensa che niente possa salvarla dalla sofferenza con cui è costretta a vivere ecco che appare lui, Vincent , bellissimo magnifico perfetto etereo.
Ma chi è veramente Vincent e perché sembra sempre apparire quando Kate è in pericolo?
Semplice, perché Vincent non è umano ma è un Revenant una specie di angelo custode la cui missione è salvare anime, ma quanto puoi salvare la tua anima se l’unico modo che hai per farlo è di perderla per un’ umana?

giovedì 18 dicembre 2014

Imprinted by the Alpha (The Marked One Series #1 ) - Jocelyn Thomas

This is the first book of an ongoing serial and does contain a cliffhanger. 
This story is for ages 18+ and is not intended for readers uncomfortable with sexual scenarios.

Ava is drawn back to her hometown just weeks before her 21st birthday and she has no idea why. After meeting alpha wolf Caleb, she’s content with the small town living she’d known before, but her best friend Kelly will reveal Willow Falls is a town with many faces. 

When Ava’s mother reveals a secret prophecy, she is faced with a future far removed from the one she expected. 

She must navigate her new love while facing a responsibility she doesn’t feel prepared for. Whether she is ready or not, everything she knows about Willow Falls is changing - including her. 

lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

INSPIRE - Cora Carmack

We are so incredibly excited to be able to bring you the Release Day Launch for Cora Carmack's INSPIRE! INSPIRE is a New Adult Paranormal Romance novel and the first book in her new Muse Series!! Holy canoli, y'all. Go out and get this today!

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Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

Kalliope lives with one purpose.

To inspire.

As an immortal muse, she doesn’t have any other choice. It’s part of how she was made. Musicians, artists, actors—they use her to advance their art, and she uses them to survive. She moves from one artist to the next, never staying long enough to get attached. But all she wants is a different life— a normal one. She’s spent thousands of years living lie after lie, and now she’s ready for something real.

Sweet, sexy, and steady, Wilder Bell feels more real than anything else in her long existence. And most importantly… he’s not an artist. He doesn’t want her for her ability. But she can’t turn off the way she influences people, not even to save a man she might love. Because in small doses, she can help make something beautiful, but her ability has just as much capacity to destroy as it does to create. The longer she stays, the more obsessed Wilder will become. It’s happened before, and it never turns out well for the mortal.

Her presence may inspire genius.

But it breeds madness, too.

Inspire Teaser 3

I can feel Wilder’s breath against my lips. More than that, I can see it. The sun has set and the temperature has dropped, and air fogs between us. There’s something about actually seeing it, like our lips are touching, we are touching, despite the distance between. And as we sway from side to side, my heart gradually begins to pick up speed.

The strains of guitar music flowing out from the restaurant are nearly indecipherable over the heavy heartbeat in my ears. But Wilder must hear it. His hands are strong on my body, guiding my movements, and I’m practically clay in his palms.

We dance, eyes on eyes, lips nearly on lips, and there is lightning beneath my skin each time his body brushes against mine in a new way. His touch is firm, but gentle, never pushing or pressuring, though I can tell from the dark look in his eyes that he’s just as affected as I am. The music shifts, building to a crescendo, and he spins us. My chest pushes tight against his, and I bite back a gasp. I don’t know if it’s the cold or him or some combination of both, but the tips of my breasts are painfully tight. Just the pressure of my bra is enough to rub them raw.

I remember the night at his apartment, the way he’d taken his time learning my body. I think of the heat of his mouth on my skin, and the memory alone is enough to make me shiver and clench.

He’s back to being business, grown-up Wilder tonight in his button down and glasses. Only now that I know him, it doesn’t seem like such a stark difference. He is neither the straight-laced man nor the tattooed bad boy. Or perhaps he’s both. Regardless of what he’s wearing, Wilder is caring and loyal and strong and so sexy that I’m having trouble remembering why I shouldn’t push him into the backseat of his SUV and crawl on top of him.

Inspire Teaser 1


Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads ** INSPIRE Goodreads

mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

WICKED - Jennifer L. Armentrout

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We are over the moon excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Jennifer L. Armentrout's WICKED! WICKED is a New Adult Paranormal Romance and the first book in Jennifer’s Wicked Trilogy!


Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** Kobo

Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans.

Twenty-two year old Ivy Morgan isn’t your average college student. She, and others like her, know humans aren’t the only thing trolling the French Quarter for fun… and for food. Her duty to the Order is her life. After all, four years ago, she lost everything at the hands of the creatures she’d sworn to hunt, tearing her world and her heart apart.

Ren Owens is the last person Ivy expected to enter her rigidly controlled life. He’s six feet and three inches of temptation and swoon-inducing charm. With forest-green eyes and a smile that’s surely left a stream of broken hearts in its wake, he has an uncanny, almost unnatural ability to make her yearn for everything he has to offer. But letting him in is as dangerous as hunting the cold-blooded killers stalking the streets. Losing the boy she loved once before had nearly destroyed her, but the sparking tension that grows between them becomes impossible for Ivy to deny. Deep down, she wants… she needs more than what her duty demands of her, what her past has shaped for her.

But as Ivy grows closer to Ren, she realizes she’s not the only one carrying secrets that could shatter the frail bond between them. There’s something he’s not telling her, and one thing is for certain. She’s no longer sure what is more dangerous to her—the ancient beings threatening to take over the town or the man demanding to lay claim to her heart and her soul.

Wicked Teaser 1

He left me standing there as he disappeared into the bathroom, and I tried to make sense of what just happened. All I knew was that the punch-in-the-chest sadness that came whenever I thought of Shaun wasn’t there. And I didn’t know what to make of that.
Or anything.
Taking a deep breath, I put my clothes on his dresser and all but dashed into the bed, and good Lord, the mattress was comfy! I scooted to the middle and froze, having no idea what side he slept on or if he had a side. I totally had a side—always the furthest away from closet doors because I was a dork. Straightening the shirt out so my undies weren’t saying hi to the world, I tugged the blanket up to my hips and lay flat on my back.
I so needed an adult to explain to me what the hell I was supposed to do from this point on.
There wasn’t much time to stress over it because Ren returned from the bathroom. His ever-present half grin spread as he saw me. I clutched the blanket, my breath caught in my throat. My heart pounded so fast that I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack, and God, wouldn’t that be embarrassing. I swallowed nervously and willed my heart to slow.
Turning off the lamp, shadows fell around Ren, but when he faced me, I could tell that he’d frozen. I couldn’t make out his expression as he bent, taking a hold of the covers on his side.
He slowly edged the covers back from his side and climbed in, and although I couldn’t make out his eyes, I knew he was watching me. “I’m happy that you’re here.”
My fingers eased off the blanket.
As he stretched out beside me, my eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and I could see that he was smiling. “Are you?”
“Yeah,” I whispered.
“Good. That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Wow, the warmth that flooded my chest could’ve turned me into a puddle of goo in that bed. I waited for him to make a move on me, but seconds ticked by. He seriously was behaving himself. I dared a quick peek at him, and found I could not look away.
Ren lifted his arm closest to me, and a heartbeat passed. I hesitated for a moment, and then, my heart pounding even more, I slid over until my leg brushed his. He curved his arm around my waist and drew me up against his side, guiding me down until I was nestled against his warm, bare chest. Another moment passed and then I lowered my cheek, and the simple pleasure of lying like this nearly broke me right open.

A picture of a fresh cupcak placed on a sensual female butt

Author Photo

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

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