lunedì 22 dicembre 2014

Questo Natale fai un regalo prezioso... Regala un libro!

Mantenete la calma, quest’anno vogliamo darvi il nostro contributo: come ben sapete il nostro motto è Un libro per ogni donna…e vorremmo aggiungere che pensiamo a voi in ogni momento dell’anno, festività comprese!

Le vostre amiche sono esuberanti e non perdono occasione per sfoggiare i trend del momento oppure sono dolci sognatrici e per questo Natale si aspettano di trovare sotto l’albero il Principe Azzurro?
E poi chissà, c’è sicuramente l’amica con la battuta sempre pronta, quella che vuole accendere le proprie feste con una storia Hot e ancora quella che sarà sempre irrimediabilmente attratta dal bad boy…

Per loro e per tutte voi il regalo perfetto è…un libro!

Kristan Higgins, Sarah Morgan, Nora Roberts, Chelsea Cameron, Megan Hart…tutte loro vi faranno compagnia e saranno in grado sicuramente di regalarvi un Natale da sogno e proprio con la sfumatura che volete voi!

Scriveteci su Facebook e su Twitter con hashtag #RegalaUnLibro e raccontateci come sono le vostre amiche e quale sarebbe il romanzo perfetto per loro … e se volete un aiuto in più, ecco lo splendido quiz realizzato dal portale Roba da Donne .

Con i nostri migliori auguri di Buone Feste!

SEDUCTIVE NIGHTS Box Set - Lauren Blakely

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We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Lauren Blakely's SEDUCTIVE NIGHTS Box Set! The SEDUCTIVE NIGHTS Box Set is a compilation of the novella and all three full-length novels from her first Erotic Romance Series, The Seductive Nights Series! Grab this box set now and stay warm through those cold winter nights ahead.

SN Box Collection

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The Seductive Nights Box Set will be at it’s lowest price ever as an introductory rate for the holidays at just $2.99, but this price will go up over the weekend following its release!

Message from Lauren:

I'm so thrilled that so many readers have fallen in love with Juliaand Clay and the Seductive Nights series. I originally only intendedto write one book, Night After Night, and then it became two withAfter This Night. As soon as I published that book last May, readersasked for even more! So I wrote One More Night, and it was such a joyto spend more time with this couple. I hope more readers have a chanceto get to know their sexy love story, and that's why I have packagedall three full-length novels starring Julia and Clay in one box setfor the first time ever! Happy Holidays and may your nights be filledwith pleasure!

Box Set Deal Graphic

Seductive Nights: The Complete Julia and Clay Collection is a box set of all the books starring Julia and Clay in the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Seductive Nights Series. This box set includes First Night, Night After Night, After This Night, and One More Night. This is the ONLY Seductive Nights box set that includes the final Julia and Clay novel, ONE MORE NIGHT.

When the sinfully handsome Clay Nichols walks into her bar in San Francisco, Julia Bell simply wants a break from the troubles that keep chasing her. They share one scorchingly hot night together, but discover a connection that runs deeper than mere chemistry....


With a dirty mind and a mouth to match, Clay Nichols is everything Julia never knew she wanted and exactly what she cannot have. He walked into her life one night and unlocked pleasure in her that she never knew was possible. Possessing her body, captivating her every thought. Which makes him way too dangerous for Julia to risk her heart, given that she has a price tag on her head. She ran after one mind-blowing week with him, but now he's back, and determined to make her his own.

Clay Nichols can’t get the gorgeous and fiery Julia Bell out of his mind. He’s so drawn to her, and to the nights they shared, that she's all he can focus on. But she's playing hot and cold, and he wants all of her. When he finds her again at her sister's wedding, they have a second chance but she'll have to let him all the way in. And they'll learn just how much more there is to the intense chemistry they share, and whether love can carry them well past the danger of her past and into a new future, after this night...

Sexy bartender Julia Bell and hot-as-hell entertainment lawyer Clay thought their future was clear sailing. But life doesn't work that way and the fiery lovers run into a slew of new challenges. Trouble looms in every corner on their trip to the city of sin. Can Clay save Julia from danger one more time? Or will he be too late for the woman he adores?

As he made his way through the lobby and across the crowds, something shifted in the air. A chill ran through him and his skin tingled coldly with the unmistakable sensation of being watched. Looking behind him, he spotted a tall man in a dark suit. His blood froze. Just like Julia had said.

In seconds, the man was gone.

Clay shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and wondered if he was seeing things, or if there was something more to Julia’s fears. Or if there was something more to Charlie being angry with him. Was he tracking them? Getting ready to pounce?

But then all worries were stripped from his brain when he found her at the blackjack table thirty feet away. Wearing her pearls. A bolt of heat tore through his body. The memory of that morning flashed before him like a film reel playing his favorite clips. Sliding the beads over her, watching her reaction as her eyes went hazy with desire.

My God, she was stunning in every way.

He didn’t take his eyes off her the whole time as he walked up to her. Hell, he couldn’t not look at her—his smart, sassy, bold, confident, and fiery woman. She was made for him; he was made for her. Never had two people been so perfectly matched. Everyone else in the whole casino faded away, a sea of shadowy bodies in shades of gray, and she alone was in Technicolor to him. Her flames of hair, her emerald eyes, the creamy skin of her strong legs, the clingy black skirt, the sexy green top, and the silver bracelet on her wrist that slipped a few inches as she placed her two cards down, splitting her hand. She was all color to him, radiant, high-definition color, bright and beautiful. She was the only one he saw, the only one he ever wanted to see.

The sight of her turned the temperature in his body all the way up, reaching volcanic levels as he neared her. He swore he could smell her, the sexy-sweet scent of her neck, her hair, her body. He inhaled, and it wafted through him. Or maybe it was just his imagination because she was permanently ingrained in his senses, the imprint of her scent a homing device connecting them.

She didn’t see him walking over to her, nor did Brent, so he could do his favorite thing.

Surprise her.

First, he gently fingered a strand of her hair, a soft curl at the ends. A fluttery, barely-there touch, but enough for her to tighten her shoulders, then turn to him. The second she saw him, her eyes lit up. They were sparkling with excitement. It had only been eight hours since he’d seen her, but it felt like weeks, and to be greeted like this was one of the very many reasons he intended to put a ring on her finger this weekend.

Moving quickly, he bent his head to her ear. “I know where those pearls have been, and it makes me so fucking hard to see them on you in public.”

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Author Photo

Lauren Blakely writes sexy contemporary romance novels with heat, heart, and humor, and her books have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. Like the heroine in her novel, Far Too Tempting, she thinks life should be filled with family, laughter, and the kind of love that love songs promise. Lauren lives in California with her husband, children, and dogs. She loves hearing from readers! Her novels include Caught Up In Us, Pretending He's Mine, Playing With Her Heart, Trophy Husband, Far Too Tempting, The Thrill of It, Every Second With You, Burn For Me, Melt for Him, Night After Night, After This Night and One More Night. She recently released Stars In Their Eyes, the first book in her new adult series Wrapped Up in Love, spun off from the bestselling Caught Up in Love series. In November she'll release Nights With Him, a standalone novel in her New York Times Bestselling Seductive Nights series. She also writes for young adults under the name Daisy Whitney.

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Lauren Blakely Goodreads


Il re di picche e la regina di cuori - Angelica Cremascoli

Los Angeles, California. La culla dei sogni, il seno a cui gli artisti impavidi e temerari si attaccano per succhiare fama e successo, l’abbraccio persuasivo della seduzione. È qui che Engie Porter, ballerina eclettica e donna paralizzata dalla paura d’amare, incontra un temibile futuro, riflesso negli occhi celesti e appassionati di Derek Heart. Con un risveglio turbolento, Engie cerca di sottrarsi ai tranelli della vita, malgrado il destino, incarnatosi in Brenda “Brownie” Brandi, la diva, la super star, la regina dello showbiz, colei che aleggia sulla storia, ne muova sfacciatamente le fila. Una storia d’amicizia, d’amore, d’orgoglio; un duello di menti e di cuori, coinvolti nell’aspra battaglia per la reciproca conquista. Riuscirà l’amore a farsi di nuovo strada nel cuore di Engie Porter?

Parlami di te - Monique Scisci

Ci si può innamorare di qualcuno senza averlo mai visto?
Accusata di plagio, l’autrice di bestseller Sofia Leone cade in una profonda crisi personale e professionale e decide di allontanarsi un po’ dalle scene. Una sera, però, scopre un concorso letterario in rete e rimane particolarmente colpita dal racconto Parlami di te di un certo Christophe Martin. Un po’ per gioco, un po’ per colmare un vuoto che entrambi sentono, i due iniziano una relazione a distanza “virtuale e letteraria”, che notte dopo notte si trasforma in qualcosa di molto più reale e passionale. Christophe è perfetto, Sofia sente che lui la capisce in tutto, ma come reagirebbe se sapesse che dietro al nome di fantasia che si è data, Becca, si nasconde una delle più famose scrittrici del momento? Un romanzo che ci dimostra ancora una volta che in amore l’unica regola valida è che non esistono regole. Tutto è possibile, basta solo crederci.

domenica 21 dicembre 2014

Witches of the Glass Castle: Uprising - Gabriella Lepore

Still reeling after discovering she’s a witch, Mia learns that sixteen years ago she was born with The Arx—a force-field so coveted that dark witches would stop at nothing to steal it. With her brother Dino at her side, she flees to the Glass Castle in hopes of reversing the sinister fate foreseen by their aunt. Despite Dino’s warnings, Mia seeks comfort from Colt, the alluring Hunter charged with protecting her. But just as Dino begins to trust Colt, the siblings are blindsided by an unnerving suspicion: can a Hunter ever be trusted?

venerdì 19 dicembre 2014

Kristen Proby's Secret Announcement

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristen Proby has been sitting on a secret, and we get to share it with you today! We think all of her readers across the board will be thrilled to hear what's coming next!

Check out what Kristen has to say about the upcoming plans...

Dear readers,

As you know, the With Me In Seattle Series came to a close earlier this month with the eighth and final installment, FOREVER WITH ME. I've been steadfast in my decision that there would be no further stories from the series, no spin-offs, nothing more. In my mind, it was complete.

And I still feel that the Montgomery/Williams families are complete, and I maintain that I'm happy with their happy-ever-afters.

But, I've also heard you when you've said that Asher, Matt Montgomery's partner in TIED WITH ME, deserves to have a happily ever after for himself and his daughter Casey. So, when the lovely ladies from 1001 Dark Nights asked me to participate in their wonderful project, I thought long and hard about whose story it should be about. Seattle is finished, and I've moved on to New Orleans for the new Boudreaux Series... And then it occurred to me: why not do both, and offer a companion novella to each of the series?

And so, because you, the reader, has been so insistent that you want to see Asher and Casey find their perfect person, I'm excited to introduce you to EASY WITH YOU. I think you're going to love Asher and Lila's love story this spring...

Happy Reading,

Kristen Proby

Can you believe it??

EASY WITH YOU, a companion novella to both the With Me in Seattle Series and her upcoming Boudreaux Series, will be releasing March 24, 2015! Now you can see some of your favorite characters again while they interact with some new ones. We're so excited to get Asher and Lila's story! Check out the cover for the novella and all the information on EASY WITH YOU below!

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1001 Dark Nights_Kristen Proby_300dpi

Nothing has ever come easy for Lila Bailey. She’s fought for every good thing in her life during every day of her thirty-one years. Aside from that one night with an impossible to deny stranger a year ago, Lila is the epitome of responsible.

Steadfast. Strong.

She’s pulled herself out of the train wreck of her childhood, proud to be a professor at Tulane University and laying down roots in a city she’s grown to love. But when some of her female students are viciously murdered, Lila’s shaken to the core and unsure of whom she can trust in New Orleans. When the police detective assigned to the murder case comes to investigate, she’s even more surprised to find herself staring into the eyes of the man that made her toes curl last year.

In an attempt to move on from the tragic loss of his wife, Asher Smith moved his daughter and himself to a new city, ready for a fresh start. A damn fine police lieutenant, but new to the New Orleans force, Asher has a lot to prove to his colleagues and himself.

With a murderer terrorizing the Tulane University campus, Asher finds himself toe-to-toe with the one woman that haunts his dreams. His hands, his lips, his body know her as intimately as he’s ever known anyone. As he learns her mind and heart as well, Asher wants nothing more than to keep her safe, in his bed, and in his and his daughter’s lives for the long haul.

But when Lila becomes the target, can Asher save her in time, or will he lose another woman he loves?

Author photo

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kristen Proby is the author of the popular With Me in Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type—fiercely protective and a bit bossy—and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, and sunshine. And naps. Visit her at

RED LINES - T.A. Foster

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Today is the cover reveal for RED LINES, an adult romance by T.A. Foster. This title will be released on February 6th, 2015. Check out the excerpt and teasers below! As an added bonus, we are also revealing the cover for another of T.A.'s standalone romances, FINDING HAVEN. Buy links for that book are below.


Love on remote Perry Island was one thing, but with the flash of a camera everything has changed.

Movie star Evan Carlson has just landed the role of a lifetime, playing the infamous Dexter Red. Fans can't get enough of the sexiest, most-talked-about guy to ever hit paperback pages.

Haven is in Austin working on her songwriting career, and Evan's faith and commitment are put to the test. No matter which way he turns, Hollywood keeps getting in the way.

Does realizing their career dreams mean losing their relationship? Can they survive the headlines and media frenzy surrounding Evan's new role?

When it comes to love, some lines are meant to be blurred.

He kissed her on the cheek. “So, speaking of Red Lines, how would you feel if I took the role?”

“As in, you want to be the next Dexter Red?” Sure, they had talked about it in passing, but Evan didn’t seem interested. She was still surprised he read the book on the flight home.

“I don’t know. I met with the new agent today, great guy by the way, and he says I’m at an all-or-nothing crossroads. I either need to retire or do this movie. There’s no gray area. I’m thinking about doing the movie. I can’t say I’m ready to completely give up acting.”

“I can’t imagine you retiring right now. That seems extreme. You’re only twenty-eight. Do people your age retire?”

“I don’t know of anyone. But the movie? How would you feel about me being in the movie?” He asked it quietly, and Haven knew he was worried.

She sat on the couch. “If you want to do it, I don’t see how it has much to do with me.”

“Darlin’, it has everything to do with you.” He paused. “Emmy’s signed up to play Karina. I’d be in it with her, so I can understand if that would make you uncomfortable. I talked to her today, though, and she’s completely onboard. She knows about you. She knows this would be all business. I made that completely clear.”

It was hard to focus. Evan had just asked her to play Red Lines sex games and now was asking permission to star in the hottest movie to ever hit the big screen with his ex. What in the hell was she supposed to say? This was coming at her from two completely different angles.

“I trust you, Evan, and I know it’s a movie. It’s not like you’re actually sleeping with her.” The last part came out more like a whisper. She realized she knew nothing about moviemaking.

“Definitely not.” He wrapped an arm around her. “But, just say the word and I won’t do it. It has to work for both of us.”

Her lips were still swollen from his kisses, and she could smell his soapy-scented cologne on her shoulder. He was all around her, part of her, in her head, her heart, her body. If this was what he wanted, she wasn’t going to stand in his way.

“Do it. I think you should do it.”

“Really? You sure?”

“Yes. Absolutely sure. You’ll be an amazing Dexter Red.”

“And you’re up for helping me prepare for the role?” He winked. “Because I was wondering if we could start rehearsals right now.” He placed his glass on the table and took hers next.

The palms of his hands ran along her thighs until he had wriggled her skirt up to her hips again.

Haven smiled. “Yes, we can start right now.”

“Wait.” He paused. “You wanted to ask me about something from your meeting?” He crawled forward.

“Rehearsals,” she whispered. “Let’s start with rehearsals.”

She leaned against the arm of the couch as Evan’s hand slid between her thighs. If she had to play this part to help him prepare for the biggest role of his life, she wasn’t going to say no.



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T.A. Foster is Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos.
She has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University.

Author Links:

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In need of a new cowboy in your life? Jessie Evans' GLITTER AND GRIT releases today and we couldn't be more excited for everyone to meet Grayson!

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* *20% OFF for the first weeks following release in a limited time Reader Appreciation Sale!* *

A sexy small town romance from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Jessie Evans

This ride is going to last a lot longer than eight seconds...

Female professional bull rider, Reece Hearst, graduated from the school of hard knocks. With honors. Because life is like bull riding--when it sends you to the dirt, you do whatever it takes to get on your feet, even if you have to crawl. Like when officials stripped her of her rodeo queen title on the basis of vicious gossip years ago and not even her father would believe her side of the story. Reece could have stayed in the dust, wallowing. Instead, she fixed Lonesome Point in her rearview, joined the pro circuit, and never looked back. But now a serious injury threatens to end her career and she's back in Lonesome Point, living next door to the family that once made her life a living hell.

After multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan and his father's death, all Grayson Parker wants is to get his family's cattle business back in the black and live a quiet life. But the return of Reece Hearst opens old wounds, throwing his ordered world into chaos. Grayson was serving overseas when Reece was a teenager and can't believe the girl he once knew has grown into a heartbreaker as hardened as she is beautiful.

Grayson finds a kindred spirit in wounded Reece and soon longs to be the man to show her that there is life after pain and loss. But can two people as damaged as Reece and Grayson find their way to happily ever after? Or will the scars on their hearts forever keep them apart?

Add it to your Goodreads list here!


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessie Evans, gave up a career as an international woman of mystery to write the sexy, contemporary Southern romances she loves to read.

She's married to the man of her dreams, and together they're raising a few adorable, mischievous children in a cottage in the jungle. She grew up in rural Arkansas, spending summers running wild, being chewed by chiggers, and now appreciates her home in a chigger-free part of the world even more.

When she's not writing, Jessie enjoys playing her dulcimer (badly), sewing the worlds ugliest quilts to give to her friends, going for bike rides with her house full of boys, and drifting in and out on the waves, feeling thankful for sun, surf, and lovely people to share them with.


A sexy category romance from Entangled's Brazen imprint...

He'll give her exactly what she needs…

Protecting a princess is not what former marine Gordon Waybrook signed up for when he joined the Shillings Agency. But instead of the spoiled, regal little creature he expects, Isabelle VanGuard is a fiery, sexy-as hell woman who's been denied what she needs for too long. And he's just the man to break through her frozen public facade and give it to her.

When she's with Gordon, all Isabelle can think about is pleasure. Their blistering chemistry is immediate and intense, but volatile. In fact, the only thing they agree on is that their one night together is just that—one night. Even after it becomes more. But tempers and temptation can't disguise reality. Isabelle is a princess, and a hot, hard, and tattooed bodyguard isn't the Prince Charming her country expects…even if he's exactly what she needs.

This was the perfect Sunday afternoon read for me. 

Princess Isabella goes to America to meet her intended, George, who incidentally reminded me of those grimy slime hand-toys kids use to slap against the walls. In my opinion of course. 

Her 'people' hire the Shillings Agency to protect her on her American visit. The hero in this book Gordon who works for Shillings,  gets assigned to her. He obviously takes his job serious as he guarded her body with expert precision. 

Gordon is an ex marine, inked up, dirty talking no nonsense guy. He makes up his mind before meeting Isabella about her and it was incredibly fun to watch him discover that he was very wrong. I can honestly say that I liked everything about this book. 

This is the first book I've read from Diane Alberts, so I need to rectify that immediately. It had the right amount of humor and romance and it worked in a big way. 

Right, I'm off to see about turning myself into a princess. I can do with some Gordon in my life. If only my dad owned a country it would be a lot easier, but I digress, he wanted to be a mechanic. 

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Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. She’s hit the Top 100 lists on Amazon and Barnes and Noble numerous times with numerous titles. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.
Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author. Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.