venerdì 21 novembre 2014

Exchange of Fire - P.A. DePaul

Today we're having a book blast for Exchange of Fire by P.A. DePaul. I'm super excited about this blast. We'll be revealing a deleted scene from Exchange of Fire and it's on sale right now as well!! Enjoy and make sure you enter P.A.'s giveaway!!


Faking her death was easy, living with her past is harder, but nothing is more dangerous than falling in love…

Sandra Walsh was a deadly sniper for the Sweet Briar Group, a covert agency with assassins for hire, until her last mission went horribly wrong, accidentally killing an innocent girl. Knowing she’s a danger to her team, Sandra goes off the grid, becoming a Shade—an agent declared dead but secretly hiding among the living. She intends to honor her vow never to pull another trigger or have contact with the spy world again. Until she meets Casper Grady…

Grady is a former Marine with a troubled past and a debt to pay. His life mission has gone from protecting the nation to helping local children and their families. The moment he meets Sandra, he knows there’s more to her than meets the eye, but he can’t help but be drawn to the mysterious femme fatale. And when Sandra’s past suddenly catches up to her, Grady is determined to protect her at all costs, no matter how dark and dangerous her secrets are.

As the danger increases, so does their intense attraction. But when they’re forced to choose between each other and the people they’ve sworn to protect, their growing love might not be enough to keep them together—or alive…

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Exchange of Fire Goodreads | BAM | iTunes | Kobo

Deleted Scene:

Introduction from the author:

Exchange of Fire’s gone through quite a few changes since I typed the first draft. Some of them major. This scene was one of the first ones to be changed. As I wrote it, the storyline started shifting to be more about Cappy and his wound then about an assassin coming after Wraith by invading Grady’s home. Not good and too much time was being wasted trying to bring it back on track. As I brainstormed, I realized this scene could be so much more suspenseful and really dive into both Grady and Wraith’s personal storylines if I didn’t include Cappy and shifted Mars outside, trying to pick them off. Ultimately, this one scene developed into multiple chapters of high action and personal suspense (Chapters 39-41 to be exact). Hope you enjoy a peek at an earlier version!

UNSOUND - M.N Forgy & Chantal Fernando.


Author: Chantal Fernando & M.N. Forgy

Release Date: December 20, 2014



Two authors with novellas that you don't want to miss!


TIME AND TIME AGAIN by Chantal Fernando 

I always thought I had luck on my side.
Things seemed to go in my favour, whether by will or by nature.

But that luck just ran out.

Jobless and on the verge of being homeless, I find a strength in me that I didn’t even know existed and discover an unlikely savior --- Tag.

He avoids commitment like the plague, and starting anything with him will only lead to heartbreak.

I know this.

He knows this.

So why am I still here?

Oh, right. Because I want him more than I want my next breath.



Babs is no stranger to the MC world. As an ol’ lady, she takes the hell that comes with it and dishes it out times two. When things take a turn for the worst, it leaves her questioning just how equipped she is for the hell she lives. She thought her marriage with Locks was it; that she had it all. But the past has a way of sneaking up and tearing life apart. Finding herself trapped as Locks’ ol’ lady, with the threat she will be his till the grave, her world spirals out of control. The only person risking it all to save her is the last person she thought would care: Bull.
President of the Devil’s Dust MC, Bull, is good at running women off and is even better at pissing off his brothers. When he sees the way his vice-president is treating his ol’ lady, he tries to keep his thoughts to himself. The one thing Bull insists on in his club is respect and loyalty: respect for the patch, respect for your brother, and loyalty to the club. However, after finding Babs in a harsh predicament after a run in with Locks, he can’t help but step in.
Crossing lines and hurdling around life’s unpredictability, will they find refuge in each other or will they have to endure what life gives them?

***WARNING - This is not your typical happily ever after.

New York Times, Amazon, USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is twenty seven years old and lives in Western Australia.
Lover of all things romance, Chantal is the author of the best selling books Dragon's Lair, Maybe This Time and many more. When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.


M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night. M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.

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Love Between the Sheets
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Blindsided - Emma Hart

Emma Hart's brand new series BY HIS GAME starts off with this explosive first book Blindsided!

RELEASE DATE: January 12, 2015

From Emma Hart, the New York Times bestselling author of the
Game series, comes a brand new series where the game is realer, the tension is
tighter, the sex is hotter, and the stakes are the highest of all…

Two people. Two agendas. Two games.

What happens when the out-there It-Boy of football meets the
secret It-Girl of fashion?

As the daughter of Hollywood’s sweetheart, Leah Veronica
can’t even buy a coffee without finding her face on a magazine stand, so it’s
no wonder she’s launching her first fashion line in secret. With it debuting at
New York Fashion Week in just under a month, extra time in the spotlight is the
last thing she needs.

The son of the best quarterback the league has ever seen,
filling legendary shoes as the L.A. Vipers’ quarterback was inevitable for
Corey Jackson. So was meeting Leah Veronica—the first girl to hand him his ass
without putting a hair out of place.

Getting the handsome, prickly blonde into his bed becomes
his number one goal. But getting the sexy, over-confident footballer the hell
away from her becomes Leah’s—at least until she realizes the best way to do
that is to give him what he wants.

If only it was that simple.

When Corey discovers who she is, and private photos of
Hollywood’s finest find their way online, everything they thought they knew is
thrown into disarray.

And when secrets are exposed and hearts are shattered, they
have to figure out if they’ve been blindsided by love or reality, and if it’s
worth running the extra yard to win the game they never meant to play.

Blyss - J.C. Cliff

Warning: **Mature Audiences Only** This book is intended for mature audiences only (18+) and contains sensitive subjects, explicit descriptions of sex, drugs, dirty talk, strong language, and violence.

Blyss is something the world has been trying to create since the beginning of time, the ultimate aphrodisiac. A drug that's used against women with one single purpose in mind….

Julianna Oakley has just finished up her junior year at college and flies home to spend her last free summer with her father on their prestigious Georgia estate. Julianna isn't your typical spoiled, rich girl, prima donna. She's down to earth and has an independent streak a mile wide, insisting she make her own way in this world.

Nick has been setting the stage for a long time, and sparks fly when their separate worlds collide. She is Nicks' ultimate obsession, and he will stop at nothing to own her.
When Travis, Nick's right hand man, lays his eyes on the prize all hell is about to break loose.

Travis should know Nick is playing for keeps, and while Julianna is fighting for her freedom, a lifetime full of secrets and twisted perceptions slowly unravel as Julianna gets caught in the fray.

giovedì 20 novembre 2014

The Future Without Hope - Nazarea Andrews


Today we have the release day launch of The Future Without Hope by Nazarea Andrews. I am so excited about this sexy zombie romance. Nazarea is sharing an exclusive excerpt and a awesome giveaway. Be sure to enter and check out all the book details!!

Series sales graphic

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Separated from Finn, captive of the Order, Nurrin has no hope left. But she has survived twenty years of zombies--and she has the unshakable faith that Finn will find her.

But Finn is a long way away. The Order's influence runs deeper than was ever suspected, and politics are shifting--and zombies may not be the most dangerous thing she's facing. Finn always thought the war stripped him of all he had to lose.

But with Nurrin missing and doors closing in his face, he realizes there is always more for the world to take--and he will drag the remains of civilization down with him before he gives up on the only promise that matters.

I go to the Underground. It’s deserted this early, but I know some of the acolytes will be there, and a few priests. It’s a gamble, but it’s what I have.
I could go to Omar. It would take very little to reach out to the High Priest, and I know him—he might be loyal to the Order, but he’ll do whatever he can to destabilize the Red Priestess. Even helping me steal back a sacrifice.
But that would mean trusting him. And I’m not ready for that. Not yet.
So I go to the vice clubs.
The doors are locked. I bang once, and wait impatiently until two acolytes pry open the door. “The clubs are closed until sunset,” the one in green robes lisps.
“I’m not here for the vice clubs,” I say. “I need to see the High Priest of the Haven.”
They exchange a quick look, and then the Red shakes her head. She’s familiar—the same acolyte who attended me when I fought. The sweet hospitality in her eyes from the previous night is gone now, replaced with a cool reserve that borders on hostility. She isn’t a woman impressed right now. She’s a fledgling priestess protecting the Order. And that makes me smile, slow and amused.
“He isn’t here.”
“Tell him that Finn O’Malley needs to see him. He has two hours to meet me at the house on the edge of the wall and return what he took from me. If I don’t have her by then, I will start killing his priests—and I won’t stop until every member of the Order in 1 is dead.” I pause, and stare at them. Their eyes are wide, fear mixing with anger and shock.
They don’t believe me. And because of that, they won’t deliver the message. I lean in and murmur into the space between them. “If you think I wouldn’t do it—I want you to know, I fought for Kelsey Buchman in the war. There is nothing I wouldn’t do. And if she isn’t there, in two hours, yours will be the first blood I spill.”

The World Without a Future (Book 1)

The Horde Without End (Book 2)


Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She is the author of the University of Branton series, Neverland Found series, and Edge of the Falls.

She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
Enter Nazarea's giveaway!!
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We are feeling the holiday spirit with the release day launch of Alyssa Rose Ivy's THE HAZARDS OF MISTLETOE! THE HAZARDS OF MISTLETOE is a contemporary romance novella and is a part of Alyssa Rose Ivy’s Hazards Series. It's available everywhere now!

The Hazards of Mistletoe

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Google Play

One snowy Christmas Eve, one mistletoe kiss, one friendship changed forever.

Don’t underestimate the power of mistletoe. It looks innocent enough, but a single branch has the potential to change your life. One mistletoe kiss led to the most embarrassing night of my life, but thankfully by the next Christmas I ended up exactly where I was supposed to be.

“Ice skating and hot cocoa? What are you buttering me up for?” I sat down on the bench and unlaced my skates. The snow was falling a little bit heavier, but the flakes were still light and more pleasant than a nuisance.

“I’m just enjoying an evening with a beautiful woman. I do have a romantic side you know.”

“Romantic?” What was Glen playing at? I’d had a crush on him for years, but things had stayed completely platonic. We were good friends who saw each other once a year, and teased each other through text messages and late night phone calls. That was it.

He didn’t hear me. He was already in line to return our skates. I waited for him to return with my boots, and not for the first time I was glad I’d worn wool socks. It was cold during the day, but the nights were absolutely freezing.

“Here you go, my lady.” He bent down and proceeded to put my foot into my boot.

I pulled away from him. “Knock it off. What’s gotten into you tonight?” As charming as Glen was being something seemed off with him. I wondered if maybe I wasn’t the only one who was upset.

He proceeded to move on to my next boot. “It’s Christmas Eve. Aren’t you Miss Holiday Spirit?”


“Exactly.” He put on his shoes and tugged on my hand to pull me to standing. “Let’s get those hot chocolates.”

The line at the café on the other side of the rink was nearly out the door, but I was enjoying Glen’s company so much I didn’t mind.

He insisted on buying my hot cocoa for me, and considering he’d already paid for my skate rental, I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Glen had all the money he could ever need, but I wasn’t used to guys buying me anything. My dating experience wasn’t extensive, and it involved boys who were all about going dutch. “I really don’t mind paying.”

“Yeah, but I want to pay. Stop arguing and enjoy yourself.” He lightly bumped his shoulder into mine.

“Well, thanks.”

We walked around the village sipping our hot chocolate and not saying much. After a while we took a seat on a bench. It was underneath a tree, and the pine needles blocked some of the falling snow. I closed my eyes and listened to the chatter of people walking by mixed with the low hum of holiday music.

“You guys need to kiss.”

I opened my eyes and saw a girl staring at us. “You’re sitting under mistletoe. That’s the rules. You’re under mistletoe, you kiss.”

I looked up. Sure enough there was mistletoe hanging over us from the tree. It wasn’t real, it was just the decorative stuff they used, but it had the same unmistakable appearance.

Glen put an arm around me. “I think she’s right, Savy.”

I turned to glare at him. “Don’t even start.”

“Why not? Scared to kiss me?” he teased.

Yes. I was scared. Terrified. This was Glen. Kissing him wasn’t something I was prepared to do casually while sitting on a bench in the snow with a bunch of onlookers. Of course I couldn’t tell him that though. “Why would I be scared?”

“I don’t know. Just checking.” He got a twinkle in his eye. That twinkle should have given me all the warning I needed, but it didn’t. I was wholly unprepared when his lips made contact with mine. They were warm and soft, and they moved perfectly against mine. I kissed him back, desperately wanting to know what his mouth tasted like, and if his tongue felt half as good as his lips.

Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo

Alyssa Rose Ivy Bio:

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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Skip to the Good Part - Release Day Launch

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Today we have the release day launch of Skip to the Good Part, a sexy new collection of the hottest scenes from 20 phenomenal authors. I am so excited to share it!!!


About Skip to the Good Part:

Skip to the Good Part: 20 Authors Reveal Their Steamiest Scenes offers face-fanning romance and tie-me-up sizzle (and everything in between) from top authors including New York Times and USA Today bestsellers.

The collection features a British alpha who wants to turn a good girl bad, a woman realizing her impetuous marriage to a stripper isn’t all bad, a bad-boy boxer who could use a large dose of sexual healing, a carnie who has found new and inventive uses for fun house mirrors, and a rocker who wants to woo the girl who got away: his high school sweetheart.

Read 20 of the best steamy scenes in contemporary romance and erotic romance today. This 250-page collection will get your blood pumping, your heart racing, and your skin tingling—you’re sure to discover a new favorite.

Due to the graphic nature of some content, this collection is recommended strictly for mature readers.

New York Times best-selling authors:

Raine Miller | Kendall Ryan | K. Bromberg | Carly Phillips | Denise Grover Swank | S.L. Scott

USA Today best-selling authors:

Christine Bell | Rebecca Shea | Andrea Smith


Magan Vernon | Kristie Cook | Nevaeh Lee & Michelle Lynn | Alessandra Thomas | Selena Laurence | Heidi Joy Tretheway | Elizabeth Briggs | Meghan March | Taylor Michaels | K.B. Nelson | Elise Covert

Enter the fantastic giveaway!!
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Livia e Laura - Francesca Rossi Blog Tour

Oggi il blog, il quale si è sempre occupato di romance/fantasy, si aprirà con molto piacere al blog tour dedicato al libro, nonché romanzo storico, di Francesca Rossi : Livia e Laura.  

Titolo: Livia e Laura
Autore: Francesca Rossi
Prezzo: 3,90 €
Pagine: 250
Editore: Genesis Publishing
Formato: ebook
Genere: storico, noir
Data di pubblicazione: 23 ottobre 2014

Palermo, anni Cinquanta. La giovane contessa Livia Altamura vive con il padre, uomo che pretende di avere il controllo assoluto sulla vita di sua figlia e, sistematicamente, quasi traendone un piacere perverso, si diverte a soffocarne ogni aspirazione, perfino quella di diventare medico.
Livia, seppur oppressa da questa situazione, non ha il coraggio di sottrarsi all’autorità paterna, dilaniata dal desiderio di indipendenza e dal dovere di assecondare le convenzioni sociali. Il senso di inadeguatezza che l’attanaglia trova conforto nel ricordo, sempre vivido, della voce di sua madre, morta quando lei era molto piccola e dei versi del poemetto dedicato alla Baronessa di Carini, che la donna le cantava per farla addormentare.
Per Livia il passato è avvolto in una nebbia fitta e oscura che nessuno, inspiegabilmente, vuole aiutarla a dissipare, mentre il futuro sembra già scritto negli imperscrutabili disegni di don Enrico Altamura.
Una sera, però, la vita della ragazza ha una svolta inaspettata e sorprendente. Durante una gita tra amici al castello di Carini, le sembra di scorgere in uno specchio l’immagine di una mano insanguinata e di una giovane donna che tenta di lanciarle un misterioso messaggio.
A chi appartiene quel viso pallido e spaventato? Potrebbe trattarsi del fantasma della baronessa Laura Lanza che, secondo le leggende, vagherebbe ancora nel castello dopo il suo cruento assassinio? Angosciata dal dubbio che la strana apparizione non sia il frutto della sua immaginazione, Livia decide di approfondire la storia di Laura, unico legame con la madre sopravvissuto al tempo e all’ostracismo del padre.
Da quel momento le vite delle due nobildonne si intrecciano, sovrapponendosi a dispetto dei secoli che le separano, in bilico tra amori impossibili e matrimoni imposti, sogni e doveri, verità e inganni, tradimenti e oscuri silenzi che raggiungono il culmine nel colpo di scena finale.
Alla storia fa da sfondo una Palermo sospesa tra il passato e il presente, dove la luce lascia distinguere i contorni accennati di leggendarie ombre che non hanno mai smesso di manovrare i fili del potere in Sicilia. Le ombre occulte dei Beati Paoli.

Nasce a Roma e da sempre coltiva una grande passione per la lettura, la scrittura, il mondo arabo e i viaggi. Dopo la laurea in Lingue e Civiltà Orientali a La Sapienza, si trasferisce per un periodo ad Alessandria d’Egitto, per approfondire lo studio della lingua araba e della cultura arabo-islamica. Si è da poco specializzata nel corso di Lingue e Civiltà Orientali a La Sapienza. È convinta che lo studio della Storia e la conoscenza dei temi d’attualità possano aiutarci ad avere una maggiore consapevolezza di noi stessi, del mondo che ci circonda e del nostro futuro.
Non ama le etichette né le convenzioni e i suoi miti sono le grandi viaggiatrici come Alexandra David Néel e Gertrude Bell, o gli scrittori come Nagib Mahfouz ed Emilio Salgari. Ha creato e gestisce il blog dedicato al mondo arabo-islamico “La Mano di Fatima”, il sito dell’eroina francese Angelica la Marchesa degli Angeli e il blog dedicato alle donne che hanno fatto la Storia “Divine Ribelli”.

Come partecipare al Blog Tour?

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Potete lasciare un commento sotto tutte le tappe che volete con una domanda all’autrice riguardo l’estratto, la storia, curiosità, tutto quello che volete. Raggruppando le domande faremo un’intervista a Francesca Rossi che sarà pubblicata sul blog della Casa Editrice, Writing with Genesis Publishing.
Benvenuti alla settima tappa di questo blog tour. In questa occasione si parlerà di :

L'arte dei cantastorie tra musica e dialetto, tradizione e modernità

La Sicilia è un mosaico di storia, arte, cultura e passione. La bellezza di questa terra la si può respirare, vedere e assaporare ma anche ascoltare attraverso le parole dei cantastorie, depositari di antichi racconti, della tradizione orale e dei misteri di un’intera isola.
Oggi se ne incontrano sempre di meno per le strade, armati di chitarra e voce, con manifesti colorati sullo sfondo di palchi improvvisati, pronti a intrattenere e, perché no, a educare.
Sì, perché le storie hanno bisogno di parole per venire alla luce, suoni per essere ricordate e immagini per fissarsi nel cuore. Questa è l’anima della tradizione orale della Sicilia.
La voce piena dei cantastorie deve incantare, trattenere il pubblico, motivarlo ad ascoltare il passato che vuole farsi conoscere. La tonalità colorata dal dialetto, aspro o dolce a seconda del racconto o delle sfumature che si vogliono dare a un particolare avvenimento, fa in modo che l’ascoltatore si immerga nell’atmosfera carica di Storia ed emozioni della Sicilia.
L’inflessione dialettale non spaventa il pubblico non abituato; il manifesto, infatti, non è che una narrazione della stessa storia cantata, ma attraverso un linguaggio diverso, quello dei disegni, dei colori, ovvero dell’immagine che diventa “narrata”, “ascoltata” e, insieme, “vista”.
La musica della chitarra, poi, non è solo un semplice accompagnamento, un sottofondo, ma ha una parte importantissima nel racconto, poiché ne sottolinea i passaggi fondamentali, colorando di scuro, con note basse e gravi, i momenti della tragedia e di tonalità più chiare gli eventi leggeri e più allegri.
In un certo senso, quindi, il cantastorie è un pittore che dipinge per le strade storie d’amore, intrighi e avventure con tre semplici strumenti: il canto, la musica e le immagini. 
In passato questa figura era un vero e proprio “libro vivente”, in grado di far viaggiare i racconti, raggiungendo anche piccoli paesi con pochi abitanti.
Oggi molte cose sono cambiate; l’altissima percentuale di alfabetizzazione, per fortuna, ha consentito a tutte le classi sociali di avvicinarsi ai classici e alla lettura in generale, le distanze non rappresentano più un problema e Internet è diventato la chiave d’accesso alle notizie, una vera e propria finestra sul mondo. In questo modo non c’è più bisogno di un intermediario tra la conoscenza e la persona, ruolo ricoperto dai cantastorie i quali, così, sono stati relegati ad attrazione turistica ed elemento del folklore.
Ciò può rappresentare un rischio, ovvero una lenta e inesorabile caduta nell’oblio di personaggi e ruoli prima ritenuti di fondamentale importanza. Proprio quello si dovrebbe evitare.
Il progresso, infatti, non dovrebbe escludere la tradizione, ma trovare con essa un punto d’incontro.
Del resto storie come quella della Baronessa di Carini sono state tramandate oralmente, grazie ai cantastorie da una parte, i quali conoscevano il poemetto per intero e i non professionisti dall’altra, che usavano cantare solo alcuni brani o, comunque, i passaggi che ricordavano meglio.
Studiosi come Salomone Marino e Alberto Varvaro hanno cercato di scindere, impresa per nulla facile, la realtà storica dalla leggenda tramandata oralmente, dunque il fatto, la verità, dalla canzone e dall'invenzione che molto ha della fantasia romantica.
Impresa ardua, dicevo, perché distinguere le diverse versioni del poemetto che circolano ancora oggi in Sicilia, ricostruendo sia la vicenda di Laura Lanza che la storia “romanzata” vuol dire riuscire a interrogare i cantastorie, i quali hanno appreso il canto dai loro antenati, generazione dopo generazione e i non professionisti, affidandosi alla memoria di entrambi.
Non solo: per gli studiosi è un bel problema riuscire a riordinare cronologicamente ogni frammento della canzone sulla Baronessa, tentando di aggrapparsi alla verità storica: anche quest’ultima, infatti, non sia facile da ricostruire, dati i tentativi di insabbiamento avvenuti già nel Cinquecento, a opera delle famiglie coinvolte nell’assassinio di Laura, ovvero i Lanza e i La Grua.
La tragedia di Laura Lanza La Grua, Baronessa di Carini, merita di essere ancora studiata e approfondita, allo stesso modo la tradizione dei cantastorie deve essere salvaguardata e analizzata, in quanto portatrice di verità poetica e di un passato che appartiene a tutti noi.

Francesca Rossi

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Il mio sbaglio preferito - Chelsea Cameron

Due segreti. Una scommessa. Chi cederà per primo? Fin dal loro primo incontro, Taylor Calwdell non sa se desidera baciare o prendere a pugni Hunter Zaccadelli, il suo nuovo coinquilino. Da una parte, Hunter è un affascinante ragazzo dagli occhi blu, irresistibile e pieno di charme. Dall’altra è il tipico bad boy, con la chitarra sempre in mano e il corpo coperto di tatuaggi. Forse è per questo motivo che Taylor ha paura di innamorarsi di lui, non vuole restare scottata e quindi è necessario che Hunter se ne vada, prima che sia troppo tardi. 
Anche Hunter ha avuto le sue delusioni e i suoi dolori in passato, ma Taylor ha una risata così sexy ed inoltre non gliene fa passare una liscia! Insomma non può darsi per vinto facilmente e le propone una scommessa: se lei riuscirà a convincerlo che lo odia o lo ama sul serio, lui se ne andrà dall’appartamento, lasciandola finalmente in pace. Ma quando il passato riemerge all'improvviso Taylor deve decidere: fidarsi di Hunter confidandogli il suo segreto più nascosto o fare tutto il possibile per vincere la scommessa allontanandolo per sempre.