venerdì 5 dicembre 2014

Filthy 4 (Filthy #4) - Megan D. Martin

Here 's a recap of all the Filthy Series

***Filthy is a dark erotic serial novel that will release monthly in segments of around 50 pages each. This book is not for those who like a traditional heroine. Faye and Rhett's story is dark, complicated, and twisted with themes that are not acceptable to all readers. Read at your own risk.***

Faye ran. She was good at that. 

She made a choice. Things were supposed to be finished. Done.

But they wouldn’t allow it. Neither of them.

And now she’s back. Twined up in the razor sharp lies. 

But lies only bloody the path to the truth…

I am patient when it comes to serial stories that I feel invested in. I love Faye's story, even though it is a painful one, it is enthralling.  She has suffered terribly at the hands of a psychopath, who only thinks he knows what love is.  He is supposed to love her… she is his, she always has been. He has raised her as his own.

Now she has the support of Rhett, her step brother by marriage, and his girlfriend, Sarah.  Faye spends time in rehab, and bravely gives up the only thing she has ever counted on, cocaine.  Still, sober or not, psychopaths are dangerous.  

By the end of Filthy 4, I am curious to see what direction the relationships between Faye, Rhett and Sarah are going to take.   It is somewhat of a complicated situation, the way I see it.  Rhett is a really great guy, who has strong feelings for Faye, and he wants to help her have a good life.  Rhett has a really nice girlfriend, Sarah, who is loving and giving of herself.  I don’t want to give  away my thoughts as to where Faye is at this point, because I couldn’t, without some type of spoiler,  but what I will tell you it that it feels like I’m on the #FinalRide!  

I have no guesses as to what Megan D. Martin has in store for us with her next series installment, but I love the anticipation and her beautiful Filthy Series eBook covers!
Though Filthy 4 ends on a cliffhanger, it is satisfying-- in the darkest of ways. Five Filthy Stars!

“You can come back from this. You can get better.”“You don’t have to say that.”“You have to get better.” “I’m not sick.”“Yes, you are. You’re addicted to drugs.” “That doesn’t make me sick.” “It makes you lost. But anyone can be found.”“I can’t be fixed, Rhett.”

"But now I understood. I knew why she was here. Why she laid on the bathroom floor, her beautiful dress torn, her body violated and broken."

Megan D. Martin is a multi-published author, mother, student and editor. In her spare time she enjoys decorating her house with strange things that do not match, playing her old school Nintendo Entertainment System, and buying fish for her many fish tanks.

giovedì 4 dicembre 2014

All I Want Anthology

These 9 fabulous bestselling authors are giving you 9 HOT novellas to brighten your December.

Releasing DEC 13, 2014


& Fire Escapes 
by J.M Darhower 

Cody Moran and Gracie

Callaghan wanted nothing more than to escape the life they'd been born into,
but it's the kind of life that doesn't like to let go. A story of love and
heartache spanning the streets of Hell's Kitchen to far, far away, where it
doesn't snow.


Kiss: Ryley and Ash 
by L.P. Dover 

Now that his time for

revenge is over, Ryley wants to make the season special for the woman he loves.
Not only will you hear the sound of Christmas bells during the holiday, but
maybe another type of bell followed by the pitter patter of little feet.

A Merry Mitchell Affair 
by Jennifer Foor 

 Come join the entire

Mitchell clan for a very merry Christmas and a surprise wedding.

Hit or Mistletoe 
by HJ Harley 

London and her

twin brother Trent are headed home for the holidays. This year Trent has

brought home his hockey teammate and friend Pratt Montgomery. Who if wasn’t for
Trent, would have spent them alone. London is convinced Pratt is just another
beer drinking jock, until she sees a completely different side of him when he
opens up to her.


by BJ Harvey

 Stranded in Chicago just

two days before the holidays, Porter Daniels and Harlow Wilson have to clear
the air. Can they finally stop circling each other and get what they really
want for Christmas?

12 Days of Forever 
by Heidi McLaughlin 

 A Beaumont Novella - The Christmas trees

are trimmed and the bells are ringing. For one lucky couple in Beaumont,
Christmas has a whole new meaning.


by K.A. Robinson

 A Torn Series Novella 

 In Tamed, you heard Amber's side of the story. Now,

it's Adam's turn. What happened after Tamed? What was going through Adam's mind
in key scenes of Tamed? It's time Adam had his say.

Lost in Translation 

by S. L. Scott 

 When two opposites

attract in Paris, can the language of love bring them together or will they be
Lost in Translation?


by Tijan 

Jax Cutler is one bail jumper Dale doesn't

want to help her family catch, but he soon becomes the one she can't let go.


“What’s wrong?” I asked, whispering the words. “You don’t look right.”

He took off his gloves and brushed his fingers down my cheek. I was surprised they felt so warm after being out in the cold for the past hour. “Let’s go inside before you freeze out here.”

Grabbing my hand, he led me inside and shut the door. I stood there staring at him, my breaths coming out in pants while I waited on him to take off his jacket and boots. “Ryley, you’re freaking me out. What’s wrong?”

Taking a deep breath, he let it out and slowly turned my way. He was nervous. But what could he possibly be nervous about? He grasped my hands and pulled me over to the couch. When we sat down, he lowered his gaze to my hand, the one I wore my engagement ring on.

“I will never forget the day you told me you would marry me,” he said.

“Neither will I.” The memories flooded my mind. It was a cool, brisk autumn day out in our meadow. We had just made love on the grass when he slipped the ring on my finger without me realizing it. It was a good day. “But I want you to tell me what has you looking so lost. I thought everything was good this morning when you left.”

“Believe me, angel. Things are better than good. I’ve just been doing some thinking and I wanted to talk to you.” He looked down at my ring again and twirled it around my finger. “I gave you this ring because I love you, and because I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side.”

I squeezed his hand and moved closer. “I feel the same way. I’m more than ready for next October to get here so we can get married.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, he lifted his blue eyes to mine. There was no trace of my playful Ryley, he was nothing but serious. “I don’t want to wait until October.”

It's A Wonderful Fireman - Jennifer Bernard

Hard-edged fireman Dean Mulligan has never been a
big fan of Christmas. Twinkly lights and sparkly tinsel can't brighten the
memories of too many years spent in ramshackle foster homes. Although he's
established himself as one of the top firefighters at San Gabriel Station 1, he
doesn't think he's good enough for someone like gorgeous Lizzie.

Lizzie Breen is used to fighting-from her alpha
male brothers, who try to smother her in the name of safety, to the
life-threatening childhood illness she overcame. She knows what she and
Mulligan feel for each other is a lot more than a fling, but she can't get him
to see that. The only gift Lizzie wants to give him this season is her love,
but he's not willing to accept it.

When Mulligan is trapped in the burning wreckage
of a holiday store, a Christmas angel arrives to open his eyes. But is it too
late? This Christmas, it'll take an angel, a determined woman in love, and the
entire Bachelor Firemen crew to make him believe … it is indeed a wonderful life.


“You shouldn’t be flirting with the new probie. If Fred was here, he’d tell you.” Mulligan looked very sure of that fact—arrogant, even. She assessed the bump in his nose, the way his biceps bulged from the sleeves of his T-shirt, his air of absolute assurance. Another girl might be intimidated, but Lizzie had grown up with four brothers who’d become soldiers and a firefighter. She’d outgrown intimidation by the age of six.
“Why are you so suspicious of Ace? He’s part of the brotherhood, isn’t he?”
“Not yet,” Mulligan said with decisive finality, as if everything had now been settled. “You stay here, and I’ll tell him to get lost.”
“You will not!” She grabbed his arm as he brushed past her. It felt like grabbing a log, that’s how thick and strong his forearm was. “It’s none of your business.”
“It is my business. Freddie’s my business. We’re tight.”
“If you were that tight, you’d know that his only involvement with my love life is feeding me ice cream after a breakup,” she snapped. “Stay out of it, Mulligan. You have some nerve, you really do. I’ve never even met you before, and you’re trying to tell me who to sleep with.”
He stopped dead. She kept her hand on his arm because it felt so good. His tendons tightened under her touch, and she saw his jaw flex.
A quick flick of his wrist, and suddenly she was pressed against him, chest to chest, thighs to thighs. Sensation poured through her; it felt like standing next to a volcano. “I’m not telling you who to sleep with. I’m telling you who not to sleep with.”
“Oh, really?” she snapped, furious. “Who should I not sleep with?”
“Anyone but me.”

Jennifer Bernard is a graduate of Harvard and a former news promo producer. The child of academics, she confounded her family by preferring romance novels to … well, any other books. She left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She’s no stranger to book success, as she also writes erotic novellas under a naughty secret name not to be mentioned at family gatherings.

Visit her on the Web at:

Twitter: jen_bernard

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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We are so incredibly excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Nichole Chase's THE ACCIDENTAL ASSASSIN! THE ACCIDENTAL ASSASSIN is a New Adult contemporary romantic suspense novel and it was so worth the wait!! Read the excerpt, enter to win, then go grab your copy today!

The Accidental Assassin

Ava McKenzie is a creature of habit. Life is passing her by and she has nothing to show for it. She’s had the same job since she started college, she orders the same dish every time she goes to her favorite restaurant, and only reads books from authors she knows. There is nothing new or surprising in her life… until her best friend marries a man from London. When her newlywed friend asks her to house-sit while she honeymoons, Ava jumps at the chance. She thinks this could be the very thing she needs to shake up her life. Ava throws herself head first into her new lifestyle; she wants to try everything, go everywhere, and never get stuck in a rut again. Of course, offing a man in a car garage hadn’t been one of the things on her list to try.

Owen Walker spends every day in a new place with a new case. As one of the most renowned assassins in the world, he has his choice of marks—and he’s never failed in a mission. When a new hit takes him back to his hometown, he looks forward to spending time somewhere familiar. What he isn’t expecting is to help an attractive, confused American woman find out how she’s ended up on a hit man’s list.

As Ava and Owen dodge bullets, will they be able to escape their undeniable attraction to each other? Or will all of that chemistry blow up in a shower of hot and dangerous sparks?

Dopo aver letto Killing Sarai della J.A. Redmerski, per il mio gusto, i thriller romance hanno un altissimo livello da equiparare se non addirittura superare. Devo dire che questo libro The Accidental Assassin di Nicole Chase ci va molto vicino. Si tratta di una cosa totalmente diversa, anche se ritroviamo i conflitti interiori dell'assassino, e l'amore che sboccia tra la donna immischiata per sbaglio e l'uomo da cui dovrebbe stare più lontana.

Nicole Chase, si conferma una scrittrice dallo stile fluido, trama avvincente e gradevolissima, per non parlare dell'umorismo che pervade tutto il romanzo con battute estremamente simpatiche e divertenti. Scene romantiche e di sesso c'è n'è sono ma non è tutto scopata, muscoli e orgasmi. Abbiamo una trama interessante e misteriosa, i personaggi sono molto piacevoli ed è avvincente seguire l'evolversi del rapporto tra i protagonisti. 

Ava, una ragazza che è sempre andata sul sicuro, si trova a Londra per tenere controllata la casa della migliore amica in luna di miele. Annoiata della sua vita piatta e priva di avventura, decide di voler cambiare rotta e il giorno in cui decide di dare una svolta alla sua vita e lo stesso in cui incontra Owen, vicino ad un cadavere!!!

Owen, ha sempre lavorato da solo. Fare l'assassino è qualcosa che gli riesce bene e non ha intenzione di fermarsi. Non accetta casi frivoli, se deve fare fuori qualcuno è perché sono persone che hanno fatto del mal a qualcun altro o sono dei criminali. Owen, potremmo definirlo un angelo vendicatore.
Rassegnato ad una vita in solitudine, cerca di combattere l'attrazione per Ava, il desiderio di averla accanto a se anche per più di una notte. Sa di non essere giusto per lei, e che la metterebbe in uno stato di pericolo costante se le permettesse di restare insieme a lui. Ma qualcuno sta cercando di ucciderla ed è compito suo proteggerla. 

Riuscirà Owen a salvare Ava e evitare che le persona che la vogliono morta adempiano al loro piano? Una volta risolto questo mistero che ne sarà di loro? Troveranno un modo per restare insieme o le loro strade si divideranno definitivamente ? 

Con questi interrogativi, lascio a voi la scelta, ma io ve lo raccomando assolutamente. 
Per quanto mi riguarda, questo non sarà l'ultimo libro di Nicole Chase che leggerò. Pensare che la incontrerò di persona al Dublin Authors Signing event!!! Non sto nella pelle :-)
Buona lettura!

I twisted the steering wheel sharply as I exited the garage and almost knocked over the doorman. But he was holding a large gun in one hand and to my shock he fired directly at my window. The glass shattered, but I didn’t feel any pain, which I hoped meant I wasn’t hit. I ducked in a belated reaction and the car swerved wildly, but the gun-toting hottie next to me steadied the wheel.

“I knew that doorman didn’t like me.” I gritted my teeth. “What an asshole. He’s almost as bad as you are.”

“I’ll drive now, if you’d like.” He said it like we were taking turns on a road trip, not running for our lives. Maybe he wasn’t running for his life. But I was still running for mine. I didn’t know what this guy wanted with me. Was I supposed to just let him drive me to some creepy kill room? An image of walls draped in plastic, knives on a table, and a bed with chains filled my mind. I didn’t think so.

“Now? You want to drive now?” My voice rose with each word. “Sure, I’ll pull over at the corner for a snack and let you take over. Holy shit! Are you crazy?”

“Has anyone ever told you that for such a beautiful woman you have a very dirty mouth?” He smiled at me as my mouth worked silently. “I think I like the odd combination.”

“Fuck you.” I glared at the road.

“So does that mean you don’t want me to drive?” He nodded toward the traffic that was growing thicker. “Do you have a plan for where to go?”

“The cops.” I didn’t mention that I had no idea where they would be located. I’d just stop the first one I saw. “And you told me to get in the driver seat.”

“You’re sure you want to go to the police?” He leaned back into his seat, getting comfortable. He looked, for all the world, as if riding around in a car with a bomb attached to it was normal. “You killed a man and fled the scene in his stolen car—which has a bomb attached to it. Oh, and someone was trying to kill you. I’m sure being locked in a tiny room with nowhere to run will make their job much more difficult.”

“Maybe they were trying to kill you. I can imagine why they’d want to.” I growled and turned down a street that was one way only. And I was going the wrong way. I muttered under my breath as I dodged cars and people honked at me. “I should’ve stayed in bed today.”

“Possibly. They were very sloppy.” He pointed to a street. “You should turn here and take the roundabout.”

“Roundabout?” My heart dropped into my stomach and I broke into a cold sweat. “That seems like a bad idea.”

Roundabouts were the devil. If you’ve ever tried to drive through a roundabout after years of driving in America, you’d understand. Everything was completely backward to how you instinctually drove. It gave me an ulcer just thinking about it.

“We’re being followed. We need to lose them.” He looked at me with serious eyes. “If you want to live, we need to put distance between us and the people in the black sedan.”

“Oh, Jesus.” I jerked the wheel and our car shot down the road toward the evil traffic circle of death.

Quick Note: THE ACCIDENTAL ASSASSIN will be $2.99 for the first week and then the price will rise to $3.99 after December 7th

Author Photo

 Nichole Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Suddenly Royal, Flukes, The Dark Betrayal Trilogy, and several short stories. She is also the instructor of Say What? a dialogue class at the Romance Academy.

Nichole lives in Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, superhero dog, Sulcata tortoise, and two cats. When not writing, you may find her reading, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Author Goodreads | THE ACCIDENTAL ASSASSIN Goodreads

mercoledì 3 dicembre 2014

Beautiful Forever - Kendall Ryan

Collins Drake exercises control over all facets of his life. From his business, to satisfying his physical needs … it all happens on his command.

So when a woman shows up at his door and reminds him of a promise they made each other when they were just ten years old, it shouldn’t have the ability to rock his entire world.

Yet it does.

Because Mia Monroe wasn't just his childhood best friend, she wasn't just the girl he lost his virginity to and hasn't seen since, she's the one exception to his perfect control. And piece by piece, she's about to tear apart his carefully laid plans.


Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels, including Hard to Love, Unravel Me, Resisting Her and When I Break.
She's a sassy, yet polite Midwestern girl with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss. She lives in Minneapolis with her adorable husband and two baby sons, and enjoys hiking, being active, and reading.
Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras


Filthy Beautiful Lies

**Warning: this book contains an addictively filthy alpha male who will dampen your panties and own your days and nights. Proceed at your own risk.** 

Meet Colton Drake...

I have no idea why she auctioned off her virginity for a cool mill. Regardless, I’m now the proud new owner of a perfectly intact hymen. A lot of good that will do me. I have certain tastes, certain sexual proclivities. My cock is a bit more discriminatory than most. And training a virgin takes finesse and patience – both of which I lack.

Sophie Evans has been backed into a corner. With her sister’s life hanging in the balance, the only choice is to claw her way out, even if that means selling her virginity to the highest bidder at an exclusive erotic club. When Colton Drake takes her home, she quickly learns nothing is as it seems with this beautifully troubled man. Being with him poses challenges she never expected, and pushes her to want things she never anticipated. 

A sinfully seductive erotic romance where everything has a price and the cost of love is the highest of all from New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Kendall Ryan

Amazon UK:




Filthy Beautiful Love

Filthy Beautiful Love:
**Warning: this book contains an additively filthy alpha male who will dampen your panties and own your days and nights. Proceed at your own risk.**

Book 2 in the Filthy Beautiful Lies series.

I never expected to watch Sophie walk away. She was mine. I would own her. She just didn’t know it yet. New goal: Seal the deal and rock her world so thoroughly she never wanted to leave again.

Highly sexual and emotionally charged, Filthy Beautiful Love is the provocative conclusion to Filthy Beautiful Lies.


Filthy Beautiful Lust

From New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Kendall Ryan, comes the third book in the Filthy Beautiful Lies series.

Pace Drake loves sex. He knows where get it, what to say, what to do, and he makes no apologies for satisfying his needs. But when he meets single mom, Kylie Sloan, he's enthralled by her, and begins to question his standard operating procedure. After all, there's no chase, no mystery when banging a woman in a nightclub bathroom. Kylie's depth and determination make the sloppy, drunken hookups that fill his weekends seem empty and shallow. She's the opposite of the desperate, clingy women he's used to. She doesn’t want or need anyone to take care of her and that only makes him want to care for her more.

Kylie's trust in men has vanished. The last guy she was with played ding-dong-ditch-it with her uterus and left her with a baby to raise. Now her infant son is the only man she has time for, even if she misses sex and intimacy more than she'd ever admit. Opening her heart up to a younger man who's best known for no-strings-attached sex and his casual lifestyle is probably the worst idea she's ever had. But Pace wants to prove to her there are still a few good guys left, and watching the sweet way he interacts with her baby makes her want to try…but she can really trust that his days of hitting it and quitting it are in his past?

Filthy Beautiful Lust is the third book in the Filthy Beautiful Lies series, however it can be read as a standalone novel (no cliffhanger). To understand the full growth and development of the characters, it is recommended that you begin with book 1, Filthy Beautiful Lies.


Amazon UK: