martedì 6 gennaio 2015

Pink Shades of Words - Cover Reveal -


Release Date: February 3, 2015

About the Courage
Anthology Charity

All proceeds from sales will
benefit the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer via the Fifty Shades of Pink
SHADES OF PINK team is made up of a group of girlfriends who raise funds
annually to participate in the Avon 2 Day Breast Cancer Walk in Santa Barbara,
one weekend in September, we wake up before the crack of dawn, dress in as much
Pink as humanly possible and prepare to walk for 39.9 miles.
suffer and laugh through: 
muscles which require surgery
that are almost covering your entire foot and body parts you never realize you
could get a blister on (ButtCrackGate 2013)
out in the triage medical unit
in a tent on the grass
the best mobile showers EVER
like old ladies
at the curbs to get onto the sidewalk (Walk 39 miles and you will be cursing at
them too).
do this all in the hopes that no other Mother, Sister, Aunt or Friend will have
to deal with Breast Cancer.

***Money raised from the anthology will go towards the 2015 Avon Walk***

Anthology Line Up


Shanghai Wind by Chloe Barlow
Chloe is a contemporary romance novelist living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and their sweet dog. She is a native Washingtonian that graduated Duke University with a degree in English and Chinese language. She met her husband at Duke and he brought her to Pittsburgh over a decade ago, which she has loved ever since and made her adopted hometown. She also attended the University of Pittsburgh Law School where she continued to be a book-loving nerd.

Chloe has always loved writing and cherishes the opportunity to craft her fictional novels and share them with the world. When Chloe isn't writing, she spends her time exploring Pittsburgh with her husband and friends. She also enjoys yoga, jogging, and all Pittsburgh sports, as well as her Duke Blue Devils.

She also thoroughly enjoys every opportunity to communicate with her readers. Since the release of her debut novel, Three Rivers, she has enjoyed the honor of meeting and talking with numerous fans, and looks forward to getting to know many more. 

When You Want by Ruth Cardello
Ruth Cardello was born the youngest of 11 children in a small city in northern Rhode Island. She spent her young adult years moving as far away as she could from her large extended family. She lived in Boston, Paris, Orlando, New York--then came full circle and moved back to Rhode Island. She now happily lives one town over from the one she was born in. For her, family trumped the warmer weather and international scene. 

She was an educator for 20 years, the last 11 as a kindergarten teacher. When her school district began cutting jobs, Ruth turned a serious eye toward her second love- writing and has never been happier. When she's not writing, you can find her chasing her children around her small farm, riding her horses, or connecting with her readers online.

Her third book in the Andrade Series, Maximum Risk is now available for pre-order! 

Alpha Love by Gretchen de la O
By day Gretchen teaches computers, by night she dons the cloak of motherhood, wifehood, and authorship. She is making her way through self-publishing and is truly learning to let go with every curve and bump in the creative process. She enjoys writing about first loves and first times, in the first person. She is a firm believer that anything is possible if you set your mind to it; and what you expect out of life, always finds a way of showing up.

Gretchen happily lives in Northern California with her amazing husband, their three terrific boys, her talented mother, one goofy black lab, two crazy kitties, and seven happy chickens. Even though it sounds like it, she doesn't live on a farm.

The Wilson Mooney Series is Gretchen's 3 book complete series about a forbidden student/teacher romance. The series is a New Adult Romance. Pick it up today! 

Mr. Online by Jennifer Foor
Jennifer Foor - Author of the Best Selling Mitchell Family Series, The Kin Series, The Bankshot Series, The Twisted Twin Series, Diary of a Male Maid, Hope's Chance and Love's Suicide. 

Kindred by Angela Graham & S.E. Hall
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author.

Angela knew she found her calling in the world of fiction the moment she began pounding away at the keys for her first short story in 2012. With a baby on her shoulder, she wrote for about a year before deciding to try her hand at an actual novel. It was the best decision she ever made and since then she continues to bring characters to life in her free time snuck away from her first role as mother to her three young children. 

S.E.Hall is the author of the Amazon Best Selling Evolve Series: Emerge, Embrace, Entangled(novella)and Entice as well as the best selling stand-alone NA Romance, Pretty Instinct. She also co-wrote Stirred Up, Packaged and Handled, stand-alone erotic quickies with her CP and friend, Author Angela Graham and Conspire, a romantic suspense with friend and author Erin Noelle. 
S.E. Hall is honored to be a part of the USA Today and NYT Best Selling Devour box set.
She resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 beautiful daughters of the home.

Relinquished by K.A. Hunter
Kimi grew up in the San Gabriel Valley (mostly Alhambra) and still lives in Southern California. She's been married to her high-school sweetheart and prom date for over 22 years and they have two hilarious boys.

When she's not reading or writing, Kimi spends her time in the kitchen trying to come up with vegan meals that don't taste like cardboard. Her family might disagree with this however.

Volunteering is extremely important to her and her family. Together, they work with several local non-profit organizations. A portion of her sales will always go to charity.

Books 1-3 in the Intertwined Hearts series, are available now and book 4, Grafted Vines (Dani & Zachary's story) is anticipated to release in early 2015. 

*** UPDATE BY AUTHOR...I have some EXCITING news. I decided to write a new novel under the pen name, K.A. Hunter (will add links when they become available). I'm not hiding behind the name but this novel, and others that will follow, is more raw and definitely grittier than my Intertwined Hearts series. The first 4 chapters have been written into a short story that will appear in an anthology in February 2015 and I anticipate publishing the full novel around July 2015. Those that have read it confirm that it's nothing like what I've written before and they were blown away. Can't even tell you how happy that makes me :D

Insatiable Hunger & Will You Be My Valentine (Two Stories) by Jade C. Jamison
For years, Jade C. Jamison tried really hard to write what she thought was more "literary" fiction, but she found herself compelled to write what you read by her today--sometimes gritty, raw, realistic stories and other times humorous, light stories--but most of the stories she writes revolve around relationships and characters finding their way through life. While she doesn't confine herself to just one genre, nor is there a nice neat label for what she writes, most of her work could be called erotic romance.

She lives in Colorado with her husband and four children.

Dry Spell by Vi Keeland
Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting New York Times & USA Today Best Selling smut author by night!

Break Down Here by Shayne McClendon
Shayne McClendon is an indie author who has received rave reviews for her premiere novel "The Barter System." 

Other projects recently released are "Yes to Everything," "Completely Wrecked," "Love of the Game - The Complete Collection," "The Hermit," "Hudson" - the second book set in "The Barter System" world, and "Just a Little - The Complete Collection" with Alexandra Andersen.

Writer, mom, and hermit...Shayne listens to the voices in her head because their ideas are awesome. Those around her have learned not to question the crazy. Coffee consumption is too high, amount of sleep is too low, but the words always feel just right.

She currently lives in Oklahoma wrangling teenagers, opening doors for her pets, and running her content writing company. She dreams of peace, quiet, travel, and always having a viable internet connection.

The Auction by J.B. McGee
J.B. McGee was born and raised in Aiken, South Carolina. She is the mother of two beautiful children and a stay at home mom/entrepreneur. She finished her Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina-Aiken in 2006. During her time studying children's literature, a professor had encouraged her to become a writer.

In 2011, it was discovered that both of her children, she, and her husband have Mitochondrial Disease, a disease that has no cure or treatments. Being a writer allows J.B. to remain close to her family, work on raising awareness for this disease, and to lose herself in the stories that she creates for her fans.

J.B. McGee and her family now reside in Buford, Georgia. She is an Amazon Top 100 bestselling author of her debut series, the 'THIS' Series.

Frozen Fantasy by Nicole Andrews Moore

Nicole lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, a teenage son and daughter, and Kenna. Every day is new and sparkly...which is why she chronicles them on her blog, Suddenly *Not So* Single Journey. It is a way for her to spread her brand of hope, happiness, and love.

Previously, Nicole has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers. In 2010, she joined the Yahoo! Mother Board, became a Shine Parenting Guru, and has become an award winning dating and relationships expert for Shine. 

After a few bad sailing experiences, the Moores decided they were safer on land. Their boating adventures will be limited to cruise ships. And those cruises are centered around their travel goal of visiting ever Margaritaville. Two down, eleven to go!

Roses Are Red by Liv Morris
Raised in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, Liv Morris now resides in Manhattan with her first and hopefully last husband. After relocating eleven times during his corporate career, she qualifies as a professional mover. Learning to bloom where she's planted, Liv brings her moving and life experience to her writing.

Cricket by Tess Oliver
Custom Culture #5: Nix & Scotlyn: The Wedding COMING DECEMBER 20th

I write romance for young adult, new adult and those of us past the 'new' stage. My stories take place anywhere from 19th century England to 21st century California. And you can count on a super alpha in each book. 

Tess Oliver is the USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of the Custom Culture Series. She lives in sunny California with her husband, kids and a herd of spoiled pets

The Fantasy by Julie A. Richman
USA TODAY Bestselling author Julie A. Richman is a native New Yorker living deep in the heart of Texas. A creative writing major in college, reading and writing fiction has always been a passion. Julie began her corporate career in publishing in NYC and writing played a major role throughout her career as she created and wrote marketing, advertising, direct mail and fundraising materials for Fortune 500 corporations, advertising agencies and non-profit organizations. She is an award winning nature photographer plagued with insatiable wanderlust. Julie and her husband have one son and a white German Shepherd named Juneau.

Currently, Julie has published The Needing Moore Series - Searching for Moore, Moore to Lose and Moore than Forever, and has works included in Pink Shades of Words and Tempting Fate Boxed Set (Searching for Moore appears in its entirety)

Teasing Destiny by Melanie Shawn
NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author Melanie Shawn is the writing team of sister duo Melanie and Shawna. Originally from Northern California, they both migrated south and now call So Cal their home.

Growing up, Melanie constantly had her head in a book and was always working on short stories, manuscripts, plays and poetry. 

Shawna always loved romance in any form - movie, song or literary. If it was a love story with a happy ending, Shawna was all about it! She proudly acknowledges that she is a romanceaholic. 

They have joined forces to create a world where true love and happily ever after always has a sexy twist!

Undoing You by Jessica Sorenson
Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author from the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

Always on my Mind by Hilary Storm
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the international best selling author of the Rebel Walking Series.

Hosted By:

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

INTERVISTA AD ANGELICA CREMASCOLI per “Il re di picche e la regina di cuori Vol. n. 2”.

Buongiorno Angelica, io mi chiamo Federica e sono l’admin del blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls. Elisabetta, la mia collaboratrice, si è occupata di recensire il tuo romanzo: Il re di picche e la regina di cuori Vol n. 1. Ne è rimasta entusiasta.  Siamo onorate di poter intervistare una nostra connazionale in merito alla sua carriera ed alla sua prossima pubblicazione,  che attendiamo con ansia!

Prima di iniziare a parlare del tuo romanzo, ti piacerebbe presentarti alle lettrici che ancora non ti conoscono?
Con piacere. Sono una studentessa di ventitre anni con un’incommensurabile passione per i libri e una fantasia fin troppo fervida. Sembra scontato aggiungere che il risultato di tale combinazione è una dipendenza ossessiva da foglio bianco e tastiera, responsabile d’avermi indotto a creare storie, le mie storie, attraverso cui sperare di raggiungere, emozionare, segnare altri appassionati come me, persone che affidano alla parola scritta i propri sogni, le proprie emozioni, i propri misteri, e che, per ogni momento della loro vita, hanno un romanzo nel cuore che glielo possa ricordare. Quest’anno ho avuto l’opportunità di esordire come scrittrice, sotto l’affettuosa ala protettrice della Triskell Edizioni, e di vedere un sogno realizzarsi, o, perlomeno, cominciare a realizzarsi. Ho visto con chiarezza ciò che non avrei più dubitato di voler fare: raccontare mondi e anime per essere quel segno, quell’emozione, che sa cambiare una vita infilandovisi dentro senza troppo rumore, forse, ma con fatale e indefessa determinazione. “Il re di picche e la regina di cuori” rappresenta un inizio, il momento in cui timidezza, imbarazzo, aspettativa, adrenalina si fondono in consapevolezza. Consapevolezza di poter diventare chi si è. Per cui mi presenterei così, come una ragazza al lavoro, alla costante ricerca delle parole giuste.  

Ho letto dalla biografia che la tua passione per la scrittura e tutto quello che concerne i libri, è nata quando eri molto piccola. Come hai sviluppato la cosa durante la fase di preparazione scolastica? Studi specifici o corsi adeguati?
Nessuno studio o corso mirato, soltanto tante, tante, tante, tantissime ore trascorse a leggere. I migliori maestri sono allineati sugli scaffali delle biblioteche, o delle librerie, e non attendono altro che essere importunati con le nostre domande, ascoltati e assorbiti. Ho anche e soprattutto avuto la fortuna d’avere alle spalle una famiglia pronta ad assecondare la mia ossessione, i miei appetiti letterari, i miei entusiasmi, e a incoraggiarmi costantemente, stimolandomi a coltivare la mia creatività, oltre che il mio amore per i libri.

Come è nato il tuo rapporto con la Triskell Edizioni?
Mi sono imbattuta nella Triskell durante una delle tante ricerche finalizzate a trovare una casa editrice che potesse pubblicare “il re di picche e la regina di cuori”. Per un esordiente, il web non potrebbe essere più confusionario e ambiguo: tante alternative; troppi rischi d’incontrare ce a pagamento o ce poco professionali, che approfittano dell’inesperienza per guadagnarci sopra; poca facilità nel reperire contatti o informazioni. Nell’entrare nel sito della Triskell, invece, ho respirato una boccata d’ossigeno e sono stata rassicurata, oltre che attratta, dalla chiarezza e dalla limpidità con cui la casa editrice si presentava . Ho deciso di fare un tentativo, che è andato a buon fine, permettendomi di collaborare con persone che hanno a cuore i propri autori e che dimostrano passione, rispetto e professionalità in ogni circostanza.

Adesso che sei una scrittrice affermata,  cosa ci puoi dire di questo mondo? E’ competitivo come sembra?
Scrittrice affermata? Io?  No, come ho già detto, sono solo una ragazza al lavoro, che a malapena trova il coraggio di definirsi “scrittrice” e che è incapace di leggere il proprio nome su quella copertina senza arrossire. Sono riuscita a pubblicare, è vero, e a intraprendere il cammino che ho sempre avuto la convinzione fosse stato tracciato apposta per me. Ma tanto è ciò che ancora devo imparare, tanta è la gente che ancora devo raggiungere, tante sono le storie che si accalcano sulle mie dita perché io dia loro un po’ di vita. Per quanto riguarda la competitività di questo mondo, invece, non posso esprimermi. Forse per ingenuità, o eccessivo ottimismo, mi sembra che tra autori, specialmente esordienti, esista un buon grado di complicità e di mutuo, solidale, supporto.  O meglio, è più corretto dire che non ho mai avuto esperienze che dimostrassero il contrario. La rivalità tra scrittori è qualcosa che non concepisco. C’è spazio per tutti, per chiunque abbia un proprio contributo da dare, grande o piccolo che sia, in termini di fantasia, di talento e di sogni da offrire a chi ne ha sete. Siamo insieme, non uno contro l’altro. Poi, oltre l’utopia, so che è possibile nascano gelosie e competizioni, ma spero sempre possano servire a migliorarsi e ad affinare i propri mezzi e le proprie doti, come qualsiasi costruttivo confronto.

Il re di picche e la regina di cuori è un contemporary romance, come del resto sarà il Vol n. 2. Pensi di cambiare genere per le tue future pubblicazioni ? Ho letto che sei una grande appassionata della storia inglese, forse un romanzo storico romance?
Scrivere un romanzo storico romance è uno dei miei sogni, assolutamente sì. Non mi sono posta limiti per quanto riguarda i generi da affrontare, sarebbe come tarparsi le ali, e ho voglia di esplorare le mie capacità, oltre che di regalarmi l’occasione per dedicarmi a ciò che amo tanto, ovvero la storia. In futuro, dunque, spero vivamente d’esserne in grado.

Entrando nel vivo del tuo libro, come mai hai deciso di narrare in prima persona?
Ho deciso di narrare in prima persona principalmente per due motivi: il primo è che, in questo modo, ho la sensazione di riuscire a esprimermi con più facilità ed efficacia; il secondo è che non volevo ci fossero intermediari tra la protagonista e i lettori. Desideravo si creasse un contatto diretto e naturale tra loro, non filtrato da altre presenze, nemmeno dalla mia. Inoltre, l’ho ritenuto utile ai fini di un’immedesimazione più profonda e istintiva.

Da cosa hai tratto l’ispirazione per questo romanzo?
Ho molti interessi e molte passioni a cui mi concedo di dedicare tempo ed energie, tra cui la musica e la danza. Non le pratico in prima persona, purtroppo, ma seguo con piacere ed entusiasmo coloro che fanno parte di questo mondo, cantanti, musicisti, band, ballerini, etc. Per indole, quindi, sono una fan, ed è da fan che ho cominciato a raccontare questa storia, attingendo da quel che guardo e ascolto quotidianamente, da ciò di cui mi piace circondarmi e che mi emoziona come una bambina.

Perché proprio il mondo dello showbiz?
Perché, nonostante sia reale e concreto, è accessibile a pochi ed è percepito dalla moltitudine come un mondo lontano, artificiale, impenetrabile, un universo parallelo nel quale sbirciare occasionalmente senza esservi ammessi e dove, per tale ragione, c’è sufficiente spazio per la fantasia. Avendo due protagonisti come Engie e Kay, ho colto l’occasione per immergermici e per divertirmici, tentando d’allargare le sbarre di questa gabbia dorata con l’immaginazione e di trascinare il lettore nella sua scoperta e nella sua esplorazione.

Engie  e Derek  sono  due protagonisti a tutto tondo. Hai trovato difficoltà nel dover narrare la lenta evoluzione della loro storia d’amore? Puoi svelarci qualche curiosità in fase di “creazione”?
Di solito, non ho difficoltà con la lentezza, quanto con la velocità. Sono totalmente incapace di scrivere racconti o storie brevi, che giungano al nocciolo della situazione in modo celere e immediato. Perciò le evoluzioni graduali e spalmate su lunghi archi di tempo mi rassicurano, mi danno l’occasione di approfondire, sviscerare, giustificare, analizzare ciò che, altrimenti, non potrei. Sono prolissa e minuziosa, specie se devo raccontare la nascita e la crescita di un sentimento complesso come l’amore, in compagnia di personaggi altrettanto complessi come Engie e Derek.  In fase di “creazione” si sono rivelate essenziali le amiche, nonché prime lettrici, che hanno seguito ogni tappa con partecipazione, non mancando di offrire spunti,  idee, consigli, e di esprimere le fantasie che avrebbero voluto veder realizzate. Se sono arrivata a scrivere pagine su pagine, capitoli su capitoli, attorno a una coppia, a questa coppia, è soprattutto merito loro e alle liste infinite di “voli pindarici” tramite cui mi hanno spronato, e mi spronano, ad andare avanti.

Hai uno stile brillante, deciso e molto divertente.  C’è un’autrice a cui t’ispiri in modo particolare?
Ci sono autori e autrici che amo a dismisura, sì. Ma non posso dire di ispirarmi a qualcuno di loro, non consapevolmente e intenzionalmente perlomeno, poiché non voglio essere considerata una brutta copia, che ricorda un tal scrittore o che ne imita un altro. Tento di scrivere in maniera corretta e trascinante, per il bene della storia  e del lettore, senza distrarmi nel pensare a un modello da emulare o a cui tentare d’avvicinarmi. La scrittura è soggettiva e personale, ciascuno ha la propria “penna” da imparare a conoscere e a maneggiare. Questo è il bello.

Ho trovato particolarmente riuscita la scelta delle conversazioni telefoniche tra i due protagonisti, come escamotage per rivelare poco a poco loro stessi, l’approccio alla vita e all’amore. Ci parli di questa scelta narrativa?
È una scelta narrativa che ha molto a che fare con me, lo ammetto. Sono affascinata dalle storie d’amore che nascono e maturano, a volte esclusivamente, attraverso il dialogo, specie se questo riesce a essere intelligente, pungente, stimolante, filosofico e divertente. Insomma, sono un’amante incallita della chiacchiera, come si può ben capire, oltre ad essere particolarmente affezionata a personaggi letterari storici quali Mr. Darcy ed Elizabeth, il cui rapporto prende forma dalla parola, mezzo d’espressione della personalità. Inoltre, la soluzione si adattava bene al tipo di relazione che avevo immaginato per Engie e Kay, la quale avrebbe dovuto svilupparsi a distanza, costruirsi nell’assenza di un viso, di un corpo, ma in presenza di una voce. È stato un escamotage per unire l’utile al dilettevole, e per sperimentare, per mettere me e loro alla prova.

Senza svelare nulla naturalmente, puoi anticiparci qualcosa del Vol n. 2 ?
Certo! Nella seconda parte de “Il re di picche e la regina di cuori” assisteremo a un clamoroso ribaltamento di ruoli, in cui la preda diventerà cacciatore e il cacciatore diventerà preda per colpa di una fatale mancanza di tempismo. Ne deriveranno risoluti inseguimenti, scontri impetuosi, struggenti confessioni, appassionati silenzi, in seguito ai quali distribuire torti e ragioni sarà sempre più difficile e più inutile. Le guerre d’orgoglio sono combattute senza esclusione di colpi, specie se nelle trincee a nascondersi è un amore deluso e spaventato. Ed Engie e Kay si troveranno a combattere l’uno contro l’altro per sopravviversi, per amarsi, di fronte ai loro rimorsi e ai loro sbagli.

Ti ringrazio per averci dedicato il tuo tempo. E’ stato un piacere poter chiacchierare con te.  Mi auguro sia stato reciproco.  Ti terremo d’occhio! ;-)
Federica e Elisabetta

In anteprima per Voi, la trama non ufficiale, scritta direttamente dall'autrice, de Il Re di Picche e la Regina di Cuori Vol.  2

Ne “Il re di picche e la regina di cuori- parte II” ritroviamo Engie Porter, Rott, la ballerina dal carattere ruvido e dal cinismo di ferro, dove l’abbiamo lasciata, in balia di se stessa, dei suoi sentimenti confusi, dei desideri che non riesce, che non vuole, capire per paura, per ostinazione e per orgoglio. Ma la ritroviamo anche in viaggio, diretta verso una sfida, da combattere, da vincere, da perdere, da vivere per poter cambiare e tornare, forse, ad amare. Tornare da Kay, l’uomo che l’ha inseguita, assediata, conquistata, e che l’ha persa, colpevole d’averle donato il cuore troppo presto, troppo in fretta. Lui l’avrà aspettata? L’avrà dimenticata? L’avrà sostituita? Dopo Las Vegas, dopo le sue notti psichedeliche, i suoi balli sensuali, le sue domande e le sue risposte, in quale realtà approderà Engie nel tentativo di riparare ai propri errori?
Vecchi e nuovi amici faranno da spettatori al duello serrato e incalzante che coinvolgerà i due protagonisti, trascinati in un valzer in cui amore e odio si seducono e si abbracciano, diventando l’uno il riflesso dell’altro, per poi lasciarsi e aspettare, pazienti, l’inizio del il prossimo ballo.

Per chi se la fosse persa, ecco il link della recensione del Vol n. 1

Charming Devil - I.M. Another

«Emily, io sono solo un host. Non posso risolvere nessuno dei tuoi problemi. Però posso lenire la tua solitudine, farti sentire meno dolore, almeno per un’ora. Ti basta chiederlo.» 

Emily aveva bisogno di soldi, e in fretta. Per questo, in un attimo di disperazione, ha deciso di vendersi a uno sconosciuto per qualche ora. La ferita nel suo orgoglio inizia a bruciare, e la coscienza non accenna a darle pace. Alla ricerca di un rifugio, varca la soglia del Charming Devil, un locale fuori dal comune, gestito da un eccentrico e sadico proprietario. 
A prima vista, si direbbe solo un bar un po’ troppo lussuoso, ma in realtà, il Charming Devil è un Host Club: un luogo in cui degli uomini bellissimi vendono la propria compagnia a prezzi esorbitanti. 
Castiel è un host, e lo fa ogni giorno, con orgoglio e presunzione. Per lui, è semplicemente normale offrirsi a chiunque possa permettersi di comprarlo. Emily, insicura e sola, diventa presto il suo passatempo preferito, e finisce trascinata in una relazione fatta di sesso, ossessione e dipendenza. 
Di fronte a una realtà tanto distorta, nuovi dubbi si insinuano nella sua mente. È davvero così sbagliato vendersi in cambio di denaro? 

Forse è una storia d’amore, forse è solo una storia di attrazione fisica. 
Non si assomigliano, ma nessuno dei due può fare a meno dell’altro. 
Lui è la notte, lei è la sua luna. Soltanto sua.

Dirty Angels - Karina Halle

**Dirty Angels is the first standalone novel in the Dirty
Angels Trilogy, in which all books feature or involve different characters. The character of Javier Bernal is from The Artists Trilogy, and while reading TAT is recommended if you want additional insight into this twisted character, it is not required.**

From the USA Today Bestselling author of Love, in English
and The Artists Trilogy, comes a dark romance about a good girl and a very,
very bad man. It’s a deliciously twisted take on forbidden love, set among the
drug cartels of hot, steamy Mexico and is not for the faint of heart. It
contains explicit sex, violence, abuse, drug use, bad language and sexy
Mexicans. You have been warned…

For Luisa Chavez, a twenty-three year old former beauty
queen, a better life has always been just out of her reach. Sure, she’s had men
at her feet since she was a young teenager but she’s never had the one thing
she’s craved – security. Having grown up in near poverty, her waitressing job
in Cabo San Lucas can barely let her take care of herself, let alone her ailing
parents. Every day is another unwanted advance, every day is a struggle to

When Salvador Reyes, the depraved leader of a major Mexican
cartel, takes an interest in her, Luisa is presented with an opportunity she
can’t afford to pass up. She’ll become Salvador’s wife and exchange her freedom
and body for a life of riches – riches she can bestow upon her deserving
parents. But Luisa quickly finds out that even the finest wines and jewels
can’t undo the ugliness in her marriage, nor the never-ending violence that
threatens her every move.

Soon, Luisa is looking for an escape, a way out of the
carefully controlled life she’s leading. She finally gets her wish in the worst
way possible.
As it is, being the wife of Salvador makes her an ideal
target for rival cartels and there’s one particular man who needs Luisa as part
of his cartel’s expansion. One particular man whose quest for power has
destroyed lives, slit throats and gotten him out of an American prison. One
particular man who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.

That man is Javier Bernal. And he wants Luisa. He wants to
take her, keep her, ruin her.
Unless she ruins him first.
Some men were born to create empires, some women were meant
to be queen.

He shut the door behind him and cocked his
head at me. Even in the low light I could feel his eyes, feel him studying me.
“I heard you weren’t too interested in eating today. Este says you told him to
go fuck himself. I wish I could have seen that.”
When I didn’t say anything, he took a step
toward me and held out his hand. “Get up,” he said, waiting. His posture
stiffened and his voice lowered. “I said get up. I don’t like to repeat
It was only then that I noticed he was
holding something in his other hand. Two things, it looked like. A folded-up
rope and a knife. I waited for the pang of fear to hit me. It was subtle and I
didn’t let it show. I also didn’t obey him.
He quickly reached down and grabbed me by
the arm, yanking me up to him until I was pressed against his chest, crushing
the front of his suit jacket.
“You’re a light little thing, aren’t you?”
he asked in a bemused voice, his breath smelling faintly of cinnamon and
tobacco. “Delicate and easy to break.”
We’d see about that.
I acted instinctually. With my free hand I
jabbed my palm into his nose. He yelped in surprise, maybe even in pain, and
momentarily let go of me. That’s all I needed.
I pushed past him and went for the door. I
put my hands on the knob and turned, pulling it toward me. There was a
wonderful feeling of freedom for just that one moment where the door opened and
the light from the hallway spilled in. The feeling of power that came from
fighting back.
Nothing in my life had felt as good as my
hand connecting with his face.
But the feeling was fleeting. All at once
the door slammed shut and Javier was behind me, the rope going around my chest.
He hauled me backward into him so that he was holding me tight from behind.
“Don’t you know it turns me on when you
fight back?” he whispered in my ear, his voice ragged. “Though it turns me on
when you don’t fight back, too. I guess you can’t win.” He sniffed. “I think
you bloodied my nose.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to bloody my
face,” I taunted him, my veins on fire with the strange adrenaline that was
running through me.
He sucked in his breath. “No, my darling. I
would never do that to your face. Just your back. I have a lot of respect for
beautiful things, you know. They are usually the most dangerous.”
Oh, how I wished I could be dangerous to
him, to anyone.
“You know, Luisa,” he said, holding me
tighter now. I could feel his erection pressing into my ass. “We’re going to be
doing this dance with each other until we give you back to your husband. You
could make things easier on yourself. I don’t like to play rough with you.”
“No,” I said quietly. “You just want to cut
me up.”
“I’m merely branding you,” he said. “Don’t
make it sound so ugly.” He lifted his arm so that the knife was shining in
front of my face. I could almost see my warped reflection staring back at me.
“My penmanship with a knife is very delicate. A hard-earned skill. If your
husband’s name was Javier, I think you would be quite pleased with the finished
The man was completely crazy. He planned to
carve his name in my back, as if he was doing me a favor.
“Come on,” he said, and quickly wrapped the
rope around me so my arms were held tight to my sides. He made a few knots and
then shuffled me over to the bed before he pushed me onto it, face down. I
turned my head to breathe and he pressed down on the side of it, to keep me in
place. “Now stay.”
He straddled me, legs on either side of my
waist, and his hands stroked softly along the back of my neck until he grabbed
my collar. “My shirt looks good on you,” he commented. “But it looks better
off.” He reached underneath me, grabbing me by my collarbone, and ripped the
shirt open before pushing it to the side and sliding most of it off until one
shoulder was bare.
“He’s not going to want me when he sees
what you’ve done,” I managed to say.
“He’s not going to see what I’ve done until
I have what I want. What your marriage can and cannot handle is not my problem
and none of my business.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’m many things but disgusting isn’t one
of them.”
“You’re sick.”
“Well, there’s no argument there. Good or
bad, there is great power in knowing who you are and owning it. So, tell me, my
beauty queen … who are you?”
He leaned down so those blazing eyes of his
were visible to mine.
“No one you will ever know,” I told him,
relieved at how strong I sounded.

With her USA Today Bestselling The Artists Trilogy published by Grand Central Publishing, numerous foreign publication deals, and self-publishing success with her Experiment in Terror series, Vancouver-born Karina Halle is a true example of the term "Hybrid Author." Though her books showcase her love of all things dark, sexy and edgy, she's a closet romantic at heart and strives to give her characters a HEA...whenever possible.

Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse with her fiancé and rescue pup.

Around The Bend - Britney King

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Title: Around The Bend
Author: Britney King
Book Blitz: January 5-7
Hosted by: SBB Promotions
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If you were to pass me on the street, you probably wouldn’t even look twice. I’m that normal. I’m just like you, only wealthier. I have it all. The kids, the family, the dog, a house on the hill. Hell—I’m so cliché, I even have a white picket fence. I guess you could say that I’ve dotted my I’s and crossed my T’s. But what I also have—what no one sees in yoga, or at Nieman Marcus, or during the dreadful Ladies Who Lunch charity events I attend (because only God knows why), and perhaps most importantly, in the school pick up line—are secrets.
Deep, dark, deadly secrets.
We all keep secrets, don’t we? We all have thoughts in our heads, things we do, things about us that if people knew, they’d be shocked…right? Well, what if one day we just decided to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.

What if we decided to let the whole world in on our dirty little secrets? And what if along the way, as we were spilling those secrets, we realized that things aren’t always what they seem and with that knowledge, it changed the whole story?

In this book, I’m laying it all out there. The unraveling of my life. My coming undone. What one might’ve seen had they been paying attention.

What I’ve found in life is people often believe lies before they’ll believe the truth. Well, here it is, in a nutshell. I’ll let you decide which is which.
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Excerpt png
Myles didn’t wait for a response. He simply grinned, grabbed her arm just above the elbow, and led her out of the bar, and back to his room. Pain was a given, she’d just realized. And sometimes, you just needed to give into it—no matter what form it showed up in.
Jessica watched him go as she dug her toes further into the wet sand and squeezed them, watching as the muddy water poured over her feet and enveloped them. She let him get a ways ahead before she allowed herself to smile—just a little. All along she’d let him think he was breaking her, but maybe, just maybe, they’d actually been breaking each other.
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Britney King
For those of you who prefer it straight up, no chaser: Mama to five. Writer. Juggler extraordinaire. That just about covers it...
The extended version and in third person no less ;): Britney is married to a man she adores (when he isn't driving her crazy) and is the mother of FIVE pretty amazing kids, who (surprise!) also have a habit of driving her crazy. Her best guess is that it's genetic. She is the author of two novels, Bedrock and Breaking Bedrock, with plans to release a third and fourth in 2014. In addition, she founded a local network for women in 2012, which has grown to over 1200 members. Currently, she occupies a job she enjoys--serving and running Austin Women's Network. To further prove that she may in fact be certifiably insane, she decided to pursue her dreams and published her debut novel in May of 2013. Then and only then, could she consider her training to be an expert (life) juggler complete.
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sabato 3 gennaio 2015

Wild and Free (The Three, #3) - Kristen Ashley

Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with a hole in their soul, yearning for something they don’t understand. 

Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his. 

But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe. 

For Delilah, she’s not only coping with fantasy come to life, but a mingling of very different families. Not to mention, she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster. 

Abel and Delilah together fills the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world. 

Or die trying