venerdì 16 gennaio 2015

Broken Pieces (Broken #3) - Dawn Pendleton

It’s been a rough year for Gabby Peterman. Her best friend’s dad died six months ago, her other best friend has leukemia and isn’t doing well, and her marriage? 

After three years, it’s more of a joke than a relationship. Despite all the odds, she’s managed to stay strong for the people around her, supporting them through all their trials. But when death strikes again and one of her closest friends disappears, Gabby loses it. 

On the verge of a mental breakdown himself, Wolfe Landon will do anything to win Gabby over. But first, he’s going to prove to her just how much he cares and loves her, because losing her will rip out his heart and soul.

In un tranquillo e piccolo paese del Maine, di nome Casper, vive Gabby, insieme al suo gruppo di amici e al suo futuro ex marito.
Mancano ancora un paio di settimane alla data dell'udienza in tribunale per il divorzio. Nonostante ci siano ancora dei forti dubbi tra i futuri ex coniugi nel voler concretizzare la loro separazione, sembra non esserci alternativa alla distanza che si è creata tra loro.

Per Gabby, il momento non potrebbe essere più devastante, il padre di una delle sua migliori amiche, Mallory, è morto da poco, mentre Rainey, l'altra migliore amica, è appena morta di leucemia dopo essersi sposata da poco con Baker, migliore amico di Luke ( fidanzato di Mallory ). Insomma, un periodaccio e, anche se non vorrebbe altro che farsi confortare da suo marito, Wolfe, Gabby fa la dura e lo tiene a distanza.

Tutto il gruppo di amici, tifa per una riconciliazione, ma la donna non ci sente. Dall'altra parte, Wolfe, cerca di lottare per tenere in vita il loro matrimonio ma ogni cosa che fa sembra urtarla sempre di più....e la sua determinazione comincia a vacillare.
Ufficialmente, la ragione per la quale Gabby vuole divorziare da Wolfe è che lui ha sempre parlato di tornare in Florida, il suo stato di nascita, mentre lei non vuole abbandonare il suo paese, e poi essersi sposati così presto ( lei ha solo 22 anni e si sono sposati 3 anni fa ) ha influito sul loro futuro. Lei non vuole essere un peso per lui, obbligarlo a fare scelte in cui non crede per poi sentirselo rinfacciare più avanti. Sarà davvero per questo?
Wolfe, non ha nessuna intenzione di tornare in Florida, Gabby sa essere cocciuta e ostinata ma lui ne è pazzamente innamorato e non rimpiange il suo matrimonio. Lei è quella giusta e ne era convinto fin dal loro primo incontro. Se è vero ciò che lei dice, che è arrivata addirittura ad odiarlo, allora la lascerà andare per il suo bene e si rassegnerà ad una vita di solitudine e cuore infranto.

Ci sono una serie di vicissitudini che renderanno questo libro più incalzante di quanto possiate immaginare, il fattore romance è presente ma solo in modo marginale, scene da pugno nello stomaco rendono ancora più intensa questa serie che mi ha stupito con tutti i tre libri.
Fin dal primo romanzo Broken Promises ( il ritorno di Mallory a Casper e la sua riappacificazione con Luke ) si capiva che le cose tra Gabby e Wolfe non andavano ed erano già separati, ma certi sguardi furtivi lasciavano intendere che tra loro le cose erano irrisolte. 

Il libro si è concluso in modo soddisfacente e non sono mancati i colpi di scena e vivere quella tensione, domandandosi: risolveranno i loro problemi? ricuciranno il loro rapporto? 

L'inglese è facile, niente di insormontabile, ma devo avvertirvi che i romanzi di questa serie non sono passeggiatine. Niente pic nic in una bel campo di fiori o discorsi romantici e spensierati. La vita con i suoi problemi e le tragedie, si fa sentire con tutta la sua brutalità. Ma ci sono anche aspetti sereni che permettono la continuazione del romanzo senza piangere per tutta la durata, il gruppo di amici di Casper è molto unito, l'amicizia e l'essere uniti nel momento di maggiore difficoltà e' prioritario per tutti loro. E' molto confortante sapere di avere al proprio fianco persone così generose e affidabili.

Per chi non conoscesse questa serie, vi consiglio di iniziare dal primo. Si possono leggere separatamente ma già che ci siete, fatelo con ordine. Piccolo avvertimento : il secondo libro Broken Dreams sarà bello tosto ( Rainey e Baker ). 
Il gruppetto di Casper non ci abbandonerà, l'autrice ha in serbo ancora delle sorprese niente male. Restate in zona per saperne di più!!

Broken Promises (Broken, #1)
by book 1

Broken Dreams (Broken, #2)
by book 2

Broken Pieces (Broken, #3)
by  book 3

Broken Valentine: A Broken ...
by book 3.5

The spin-off series from the Broken series:

Crazy Dreams (Dreams, #1)
by  book 1

Wild Dreams (Dreams, #2)
by book 2

Dawn Pendleton spends her time between Maine and somewhere warm for the winter, dragging her husband and pup wherever she goes. A lover of travel, an avid reader, and a softie at heart, Dawn writes romance novels that face the dark reality of life, which is that not everyone gets a happily ever after right away.

giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Skip to the Good Part Vol 3 Release Day

STTGP3 blog tour

Today we have the release day launch of Skip to the Good Part Vol 3!! I love the these sexy collections and I'm so happy to bring you this one! Be sure to check out all the fantastic authors in this collection, and grab your copy while it's on sale!!


Find your next red-hot read in this sizzling collection of sexy scenes. Volume Three offers even more great reads—preorder now for just 99¢
Skip to the Good Part 3: 20 Authors Reveal Their Steamiest Scenes offers face-fanning romance and tie-me-up sizzle (and everything in between) from top authors including New York Times and USA Today bestsellers.
This collection features an adventurous woman who finally fulfills her fantasy of being with three men, a married couple who spice up their sex life by going to a swinger’s club, a virgin who auctions off her virginity to the highest bidder, a cowboy who falls in lust with the daughter of his family’s arch nemesis, and a vacationing woman who falls in bed with a sexy celebrity.
Read 20 of the best steamy scenes in contemporary romance and erotic romance today. This 250-page collection will get your blood pumping, your heart racing, and your skin tingling—you’re sure to discover a new favorite.

Due to the graphic nature of some content, this collection is recommended strictly for mature readers.

New York Times bestsellers:

Melissa Foster
Laura Kaye
Erika Wilde
Shelli Stevens
Jo Raven
Emily Ryan-Davis
USA Today bestseller:CD Reiss
Featuring:JC Emery
Carolyn Crane
Kayti McGee
Brenna Aubrey
Kate Roth
Heidi Joy Tretheway
Leigha Taylor
Melanie Harlow
Clare James
Rosalie Lario
Britni Hill
Viv Daniels
Ava O’Shay


Publisher Website

Skip to the Good Part Vol 2 Goodreads


Skip to the Good Part Vol 1 Buy Links:

Amazon | iBooks | Kobo |Barnes & Noble

Skip to the Good Part Vol 2 Buy Links:

Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | Nook


Winter Kiss by L.P. Dover Cover Reveal


What do you want in your stocking this Christmas? How about your favorite Gloves Off fighter, Ryley Jameson?

After moving away to their cabin, Ashleigh and Ryley have grown to love each other more and more every single day. Their lives will be forever changed as soon as their twins are born, but Ryley is determined to get what he wants this holiday season. He just hopes Ashleigh will give him this gift before it’s too late.
Perhaps Christmas bells aren’t the only sounds you hear this season. Maybe there’ll be some wedding bells and the pitter patter of little feet. It’s a holiday wish you don’t want to miss.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, whispering the words. “You don’t look right.”

He took off his gloves and brushed his fingers down my cheek. I was surprised they felt so warm after being out in the cold for the past hour. “Let’s go inside before you freeze out here.”

Grabbing my hand, he led me inside and shut the door. I stood there staring at him, my breaths coming out in pants while I waited on him to take off his jacket and boots. “Ryley, you’re freaking me out. What’s wrong?”

Taking a deep breath, he let it out and slowly turned my way. He was nervous. But what could he possibly be nervous about? He grasped my hands and pulled me over to the couch. When we sat down, he lowered his gaze to my hand, the one I wore my engagement ring on.

“I will never forget the day you told me you would marry me,” he said.

“Neither will I.” The memories flooded my mind. It was a cool, brisk autumn day out in our meadow. We had just made love on the grass when he slipped the ring on my finger without me realizing it. It was a good day. “But I want you to tell me what has you looking so lost. I thought everything was good this morning when you left.”

“Believe me, angel. Things are better than good. I’ve just been doing some thinking and I wanted to talk to you.” He looked down at my ring again and twirled it around my finger. “I gave you this ring because I love you, and because I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you by my side.”

I squeezed his hand and moved closer. “I feel the same way. I’m more than ready for next October to get here so we can get married.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, he lifted his blue eyes to mine. There was no trace of my playful Ryley, he was nothing but serious. “I don’t want to wait until October.”


Two is always
better than one.

What would
you do if you were given the chance to spend the night with not one, but two
fighters? Would you do it? Could you open yourself up to the pleasures they
offered and do exactly what they said in order to pass on to the next round?

It was common
knowledge that Ryley and Camden Jameson, well-known MMA fighters and identical
twins, were just as aggressive and passionate in the bed as they were in the
ring. The only problem was that if you didn’t pass their test on the first
night, then you didn’t proceed to the next round. They loved a good fight, and
that's what they got when they met Ashleigh Warren.

Ashleigh knew
what was going to happen when the twins approached her with a proposition, and
needless to say, she knew exactly how to handle them … or so she thought. The
rules had changed, and in order to get them both she had to first spend one
night with each and last until they were done with her. It was a proposition she
couldn’t refuse, but she knew it wouldn’t be easy to win. However, it was one
that she was going to enjoy.

UFC Middleweight fighter, Ryley Jameson, swore it would
never happen again. He was done with his ex, and over the pain she’d inflicted
when she left him. At least, that’s what he tells people. Maybe if he says it
enough, he’ll begin to believe it himself.

Regretting her decision to let Ryley go, Ashleigh Warren
comes back into town and confronts him. Holding only one secret back, she puts
the rest on the line and asks for a second chance. Too bad he’s not going to
let her off easy.

Camden Jameson loves his twin brother, but his jealousy runs
deep. They may be identical in looks, but that’s where the similarities end.
When Ashleigh comes back into Ryley’s life, Camden has the perfect opportunity
for revenge. Two birds, one stone.

A journey to the Dark Side affects them all, but only one
feels the true sting of revenge.


USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries. 

Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can’t forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols. 

Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

LE CRONACHE DI EDENIR Il principe e la neve - Angela C. Ryan

Editore: Self
Genere: Young Adult Romance Fantasy
Pagine: 319
Prezzo: 2,99

Neve vive con l’eccentrico zio e il gatto Platone da quando è rimasta orfana. Non ha grilli per la testa e non ha grandi ambizioni, se non quella di sopravvivere al dolore per la perdita dei suoi cari. Un giorno, per caso, si ritrova catapultata attraverso uno strano specchio, in una Terra che sembra uscita dalle pagine di un romanzo dei genitori, scrittori di libri fantasy. 
Edenir, magica landa di un mondo parallelo, è lo scenario favoloso in cui le fate sono guerriere logorroiche, le streghe ansiose guaritrici e i principi sono tutt’altro che gentili e amabili. Jack, erede al trono, è freddo e scontroso con l’Estranea proveniente da oltre il portale magico. Neve, poi, sembra avere la strana capacità di coinvolgere entrambi in situazioni assurde e pericolose. 
A Edenir, però, la vita non trascorre tranquilla come dovrebbe. L'ombra di una guerra nata dalla sete di vendetta della regina Deliah, rifiutata dal giovane erede al trono, minaccia di oscurarne il cielo e così, mentre Jake si prepara a combattere l'ennesima guerra, Neve si renderà conto che c’è molto di più in cui sperare e che a volte, l’impossibile diventa possibile.


“Disse che eri l’impossibile che diventava possibile.”

Un mondo fantastico, due principi, draghi , una fata un tantino sopra le righe e una ragazza che da tempo  ha smesso di sognare.
Di che libro sto parlando?  Del nuvo capolavoro di Angela C. Ryan che, ancora una volta, è riuscita a farmi sognare con questa nuova storia.
Angela ha un modo di raccontare le storie a dir poco sublime! Permette al lettore di entrare in contatto con i personaggi. Leggevo ed  io ero lì con Neve mentre si innamorava, ero lì con Jake quando sentiva il suo cuore sciogliersi sotto lo sguardo della nostra protagonista ed ero lì con loro mentre raccoglievano un pezzo di cielo. Oh Angela, Angela, cosa mi hai fatto?
Riprendiamo da dove ero rimasta.
La protagonista è Neve  che, dopo la morte dei suoi genitori, si è allontanata sempre più “dall’impossibile che diventa possibile”. Tutto però sembra cambiare quando viene catapultata a Edenir, un mondo al quale sente subito di appartenere , o quasi ;)
Lì incontrerà la spumeggiante Siluè,  il principe Aidan e suo fratello Jake.
Jake erede al trono. Jake che combatte e doma i draghi. Jake che tratta Neve con diffidenza. Jake che nasconde la sua insicurezza, dietro uno maschera fatta di orgoglio e arroganza. Jake che vi farà sospirare come mai prima!
“Diamine come è subdolo l’amore: ti sorprende sempre quando meno te lo aspetti, come un improvviso temporale il giorno in cui sei uscita senza ombrello.”
La storia tra Neve e Jake è fatta di quell’amore che consuma l’anima, che ti scalda il cuore. E quando l’arroganza che aveva carettarizzato il loro rapporto all’inizio lascia il posto a qualcosa di nuovo, qualcosa che fa battere il cuore, che ti fa sentire le gambe molli, capisci che niente è più giusto e perfetto di loro due insieme.
“Non andartene, Neve, non scioglierti come la bianca coltre al sole. Sei l’unica che riesce a darmi un po’ di calore. Se devi scioglierti, sciogliti per me.”

Neve ha salvato Jake, non da un drago, non da un troll, ma da se stesso. Era destino che s’incontrassero. Due ragazzi, appartenenti a mondi diversi. Era destino che quella ragazza lo incontrasse, che lo aiutasse ad oltrepassare il muro che si era costruito intorno. E lui, pronto a tutto, solo per vedere sbocciare su quelle labbra un sorriso. Era destino che quei ragazzi s’innamorassero.

Ma non ci troviamo davanti soltanto ad storia d’amore,  c’è il coraggio, l’amicizia, c’è la regina, che farà di tutto per intralciare la vita del nostro protagonista, ma cosa più importante, c’è la forza di rialzarsi nonostante tutto!
"Neve sii sempre felice, sii positiva in modo che gli altri non debbano soffrire della tua tristezza. Se puoi, dà loro la parte più coraggiosa di te, anche quando il coraggio è l'ultima cosa che senti di avere".
Il lettore, ride, piange, seguendo il ritmo delle vite dei protagonisti.
La storia tiene il lettore incollato alle pagine, dall’inzio fino alla stoccata finale. Grazie davvelo Angela eh!
Non ci resta che aspettare il seguito Le Cronache di Edenir – Il bacio del  vero amore.

Angela C. Ryan è una sognatrice. E l’unico modo che conosce per far vivere i suoi sogni è quello di imprimerli su un foglio bianco. Non necessariamente un foglio, va benissimo anche un tovagliolo al bar, un post it, il retro di una bolletta. Qualsiasi cosa le permetta di scrivere, le è gradita. Nella sua fantasia, vive in un posto simile all’isola che non c’è, in un castello circondato da ampie vallate abitate da fate, folletti e ogni sorta di creatura magica. E qualche supereroe. Nella realtà vive in un piccolo paesino, di fronte a una collinetta che le regala stupendi scorci, con il marito e il suo Siberian Husky, Zeus.

MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 (MC Chronicles #1) - Bink Cummings

I'm a biker, and I'm a woman, who was raised by my biker family the Sacred Sinners. 

Growing up an MC brat, I've known nothing but leather, booze, club whores, comradery, and bikes, my entire life. 

My name is Eva "Bink" Cummings, and this is my story. 

How at the ripe old age of thirty, with no husband, no kids, and being a part of a motorcycle club. Things aren't always what they appear to be. I've found out the hard way, that your life, in an instant, can be flipped upside down. And the people you know and love aren't always what they seem. 

Steamy Adult romance 
Warning: Contains Mature scenarios, and mass quantities of profanity. For Ages 18+ 

This is not a Stand Alone, Vol 2 will be released Feb 2015.

- Welcome to the Dark Side- We Didn't Lie about the Cookies- 

Bink grew up in a motorcycle club, I do not mean just being around the club but she had a room she lived in. Her father was the vise president of the club and her brothers were all patched members. She was special and off limits to anyone in the club. She had seen it all, everything they teach you not to do in school ‘don’t do drugs’ or ‘safe sex’ was different for her cause she saw it on a daily bases. Her mother would have nothing to do with her; she was the black sheep of the family. 
The club members and their old ladies were her family. She took care of them as she got older, cooking, cleaning and even patching them up after a fight. Even though she was not anyone’s old lady or a patched member she ranked higher than the other females being called “Queen” of the club.

Big Dick was the clubs president; he came by his name honestly. He and Bink pushed each others buttons quite often. Bink was also the one they called when Big was angry, she had a way to calm him like no other. Big took care of Bink since she was young as did all the other brothers in the club. Big was a real big part of her life for as long as she could remember.

Her father was on a run with her brothers. The club was having a party for out of town charter members who wanted to transfer. So she and the other old ladies had to cook for the club. That was when Big really started to show and act strange with Bink. Things started to get hot and heated between the two in every way. 

The club goes on lockdown; Bink is in charge of keeping everything together with the old ladies and whores. Bink learns there is some really big news that is going to happen after Big’s birthday. When she finds out early the news that will happen, she has mixed feelings abut it. When she decides what she wants she goes to tell Big only for things to blow up in her face. So she makes a really big decisions on what she is going to do in her life. 

What is that decision and how will it affect her future? You can always read her next book MC Chronicles Keep a Look Out Bink Cummings Vol. 2. It is up for pre-order on Amazon which will be live February 2nd 2015.

I have read a lot of Motorcycle club books and this one is far by my favorite (so far). Bink Cummings is writing about her own experiences, which can always make a book good. She recognizes the Sacred Sisters for giving her the courage to write her story. I think I will say Thank you to them too. I recommend this book to everyone. I will tell you again this is my opinion, everyone who does reviews do them as their own opinion. You would have to read the book to come up with your own decision if you like it or not. 

mercoledì 14 gennaio 2015

Laura Kaye's HARD TO BE GOOD Cover Reveal

Laura Kaye's dark romantic suspense series, The Hard Ink Series, keeps readers on the edge of their seat. Today, we are thrilled to share with you the cover for the upcoming novella, HARD TO BE GOOD. But that's not all we have! Check out the cover for the next novel in the series, HARD TO LET GO. We can't wait for you to get your hands on the next two Hard Ink men, Jeremy and Beckett. Without further ado...

Check out the beautiful cover for HARD TO BE GOOD!

Hard Ink Tattoo owner Jeremy Rixey has taken on his brother’s stateside fight against the forces that nearly killed Nick and his Special Forces team a year before. Now, Jeremy’s whole world has been turned upside down—not the least of which by a brilliant, quiet blond man who tempts Jeremy to settle down for the first time ever.

Recent kidnapping victim Charlie Merritt has always been better with computers than people, so when he’s drawn into the SF team’s investigation of his army colonel father’s corruption, he’s surprised to find acceptance and friendship—especially since his father never accepted who Charlie was. Even more surprising is the heated tension Charlie feels with sexy, tattooed Jeremy, Charlie’s opposite in almost every way.

With tragedy and chaos all around them, temptation flashes hot, and Jeremy and Charlie can’t help but wonder why they’re trying so hard to be good…

Pre-Order at Amazon | | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes | Kobo

And don't miss the cover for HARD TO LET GO!

HardToLetGo CVR

Five dishonored soldiers.
Former Special Forces.
One last mission.
These are the men of Hard Ink.

Beckett Murda hates to dwell on the past. But his investigation into the ambush that killed half his Special Forces team and ended his Army career gives him little choice. Just when his team learns how powerful their enemies are, hard-ass Beckett encounters his biggest complication yet—a seductive, feisty Katherine Rixey.

A tough, stubborn prosecutor, Kat visits her brothers' Hard Ink Tattoo shop following a bad break-up—and finds herself staring down the barrel of a stranger's gun. Beckett is hard-bodied and sexy as hell, but he's also the most infuriating man ever. Worse, Kat's brothers are at war with the criminals her office is investigating. When Kat joins the fight, she lands straight in Beckett's sights . . . and in his arms. Not to mention their enemies' crosshairs. Now Beckett and Kat must set aside their differences to work together, because the only thing sweeter than justice is finding love and never letting go.

Pre-Order at Amazon | | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes | Kobo
HardInk Banner
Start at the beginning with the other Hard Ink books, now available:

And for a limited time only, you can grab HARD TO COME BY on sale for just half-price!

January sale

Praise for the Hard Ink Series:

For Hard As You Can:

"TOP PICK! There is a sinister and desperate edge to this tale that will keep readers glued to their seats. Kaye has dark romantic suspense nailed!" ~ RT Book Reviews Magazine

"Hard As You Can is another five star read. The characters Ms. Kaye has created are wonderfully broken and the drama is gritty, but the burgeoning romance and the tight-knitted relationship of the team leaves you with a sense of redemption. A must read series!" ~San Francisco Book Review

For Hard As It Gets:

"Edgy, sexy and full of suspense! A great read from a great new author!" ~ #1 NYT Bestselling Author J.R. Ward
"Sizzling romance... The intriguing tattoo parlor and military background will appeal to fans of Suzanne Brockmann and Lindsay McKenna." ~Publishers Weekly Review

"Kaye's depiction of sexual tension and her sex scenes are masterful and this will appeal to fans of Maya Banks' KGI and Julia Ann Walker's Black Knight's series." ~Booklist

laurakaye-34 crop 2
Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a dozen books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.