lunedì 4 agosto 2014

Flukes - Nicole Chase

Flukes by Nicole Chase is a perfect read for a bad day. You come back home after work, have only half an hour to start preparing dinner....then this is the book you must choose to cool off and bring a smile on your face!! It's funny, sweet and easy to read in english......because until today there's an italian edition yet.
This is a fantasy New Adult novel, the female character is a mermaid! Among fantasy characters mermaids are my favourite, so I had to read it and fortunately I loved it. The storyteller are both the main male and female characters. I think this is great, this writing form is very cool and readers can understand the story completely. Plus I love the male part...I think is seductive reading directly from a man how he feels for a woman, he's so vulnerable in that moment, almost on his knees...I like it!!!

Meena is a very special teenager, she's a mermaid but on the earth she can transform herself in an ordinary human. After a sea storm, a couple of marine biologists found her and her mother, who was trapped in a fisherman net. She didn't make it but her mer-daughter did. After the initial shock to discover that these amazing characters really exist, they decided to bring the little mermaid at home with them, adopting her like a daughter. Keeping the secret is imperative. They live in a Caribbean Island, Meena's parents own a aqua zoo called “Flukes” with sea lion, dolphins, birds and a private beach. In this way she can easily live her human life going to school, making friends and everything tennagers do and also live her life as a mermaid, swimming with dolphins in a clean pure water. She'd like to see the world but she can't go without swimming in the water for too long.

Sometimes keeping this secret is not so easy, their aqua zoo is chosen as a community service workplace, this means more people around Meena where she feels at ease and less careful. Her life is pretty normal, school, work, swimming, but this routine will be shaken by Blake, with his motorbike and bad boy attitude. He is condemned to social work at the aqua zoo by a judge for a "crime" we don't know right away...he's more mysteriously hot!!!
They spend a lot of time together, Meena assist him in order to teach him the work at Flukes, he shows her there's more under his grudge and his womanizer reputation.

Would Black ever accept Meena's real identity?

Meena is a very cool mermaid, she's sweet, funny and very caring for mother nature. She doesn't know anything about her identity and the mermaid world, she wish she could talk about that with someone but she will be okay with her parents anyway, her human life is not so bad. Even if she’s a mermaid, she’s a girl with typical girly dreams and wishes for love, in this way we still can feel connected to her.

Blake is strong and badass, he seems he doesn't have a care in the world but he hides a big heart. When he meets Meena for the first time he said the wrong thing and she made him pay for that, this was unusual for him, girls are always so condescending around him, they are all interested for his father's influence. People don't really know him, only around her he feels at ease to be himself.

This book is really nice, well written in a fluent english. Characters are funny and interesting, this story may seem to easy and addressed only for a young audience but I really felt it and I recommend it especially to an adult one. For those girls who need always some hot actions, this novel is not super charged but we can find it satisfactory.

“His lips were like a caress as he brushed them across mine; slow and soft. He lingered, breathing in deeply as if he couldn't breathe without me. Eventually, he moved on to plant a tender kiss on my bottom lip, before pilling back and looking at me. His cocky grin was gone, replaced with something tender and nervous. His thumb ran over my lip once, before he let go, and smiled

I find it refreshing from real life romance, some fantasy is due just to escape enough but being careful not to losing contact with the real world.  

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