sabato 7 febbraio 2015

BLURRED LINES by Jen McLaughlin

Once burned...
Finding my fiancée naked on my couch might’ve been a good thing, if her ex-boyfriend hadn’t been with her. For the past eight years I’ve been a witness to the power of true love, but after getting burned I’d decided there wasn’t any hope for me finding it for myself. Until I met Noelle Brandt in a hotel bar. Maybe it wasn’t the most romantic meeting, but the moment I met her I knew I had to have her. The more I learn about her, the more I know I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.
Twice shy.. 
I’d already found the love of my life, but I’d lost that love forever. And I’d been lost ever since. But one night a wounded man makes all of that go away. He makes me laugh, live, and feel alive. When he tells me he has no intention of letting me go, I finally begin to believe in the power of true love again.  That is, until I find out who he really is…and by then, it’s far too late to correct the mistakes we’ve already made. By the time we both know the truth, the lines have already been blurred beyond recognition.     

Blurred Lines si può considerare una sorta di spinoff della famosa serie Out of Line. 
Riley, il protagonista, l'abbiamo già incontrato proprio nel primo romanzo di questa serie, l'amico del college di Carrie che ha reso Finn un pò geloso, ve lo ricordate?
Bene, dopo aver lasciato che la ragazza di cui si era innamorato, sposasse l'uomo della sua vita, tocca a lui trovare la donna giusta.
Riley, è un'avvocato, la sua famiglia è più che benestante e il padre diventerà il futuro vicepresidente. Non c'è posto per i propri desideri, la sua vita viene costantemente messa sotto un microscopio dove ogni scelta deve essere analizzata da mille prospettive diverse. Non è importante se a lui non piace fare l'avvocato, se non è innamorato della fidanzata che la madre ha scelto, Riley fa quello che gli altri si aspettano che  faccia. No spontaneità, no libertà di essere se stesso. Solo imposizione e tanta tanta solitudine.
Quando una sera torna a casa e trova i vestiti della sua fidanzata e quelli di qualcun altro sparsi per casa, qualcosa scatta. Il fatto che si fosse più arrabbiato, non per la vista di due corpi avvinghiati, di cui uno era quello della sua futura moglie, ma perché lo stessero facendo sul suo divano, gli fa finalmente aprire gli occhi.
Questo vi da un'idea del tipo di relazione che li legava. Si trattava di un rapporto privo di amore reciproco, tutto era calcolato, si sarebbero presi cura di entrambi senza la paura di essere feriti. Nonostante Riley non fosse innamorato di Sara, non l'avrebbe  mai tradita.
Stanco di fare sempre la cosa giusta, decide di andarsene da casa sua, rompere il fidanzamento e provare a ricominciare daccapo. La rinascita incomincia con una bella sbronza di whisky , un albergo in San Diego e una scrittrice di libri romance, in città per una conferenza. 

Il loro primo incontro, piuttosto stravagante, avviene in un ascensore. Riley, visibilmente ubriaco, racconta a Noelle, la scrittrice, le sue recenti disavventure amorose e il suo attuale stato di vagabondaggio. Non avendo un posto dove trascorrere la notte, chiede a Noelle asilo in camera sua. Di norma, Noelle, schiva e associale, non avrebbe mai fatto entrare un estraneo in camera. Ma la giovane donna, vede negli occhi verdi dell'uomo di fronte a se, una persona persa ed infelice, bisognosa di un' amica che gli possa donare conforto e una spalla su cui piangere. Riley però non ha nessuna voglia di piangere, non è distrutto per la rottura del suo fidanzamento ma dalla consapevolezza che mai troverà l'amore. Si sente condannato ad una vita in solitaria, nessuno al suo fianco a condividerla.

Noelle non vuole sedurlo. Riley non vuole approfittare della sua disponibilità. Ma il bacio è inevitabile come del resto quello che generalmente ne consegue tra adulti consenzienti.
Dopo il loro primo incontro e la loro prima notte, per entrambi è difficile stare lontani. Consapevoli che la loro storia avrà durata fino a quando Noelle resterà in città, cercano di sfruttare al massimo ogni secondo. Proposte di matrimonio improvvise, colgono la nostra protagonista alla sprovvista. Come può Riley chiedere di sposarla conoscendola da nemmeno 15 giorni? La famiglia di lui non approverebbe mai. Cosa succederebbe se scoprissero il segreto della famiglia di Noelle? 

Riley non sa gestire la gioia e la freschezza che Noelle porta nella sua vita. Era convinto che mai avrebbe potuto amare un'altra donna oltre a Carrie. Ma si sbagliava di grosso, Noelle è una sferzata di aria fresca, lei riesce a fargli provare cosa significa essere spontanei e liberi ma sopratutto innamorati. Un sentimento che una volta scoperto gli permetterà di fare il gesto spontaneo per eccellenza: la proposta di matrimonio. Ma questo nuovo Riley, quanto è forte? Lo è abbastanza da non farsi nuovamente sottomettere dalle imposizioni familiari? 

Noelle, è una giovane vedova, ha rimesso in piedi la sua vita creandosi un nome scrivendo libri romance. Non parla volentieri della sua famiglia, per lei è come se fossero morti ma la verità è che non lo sono e hanno condizionato la sua vita in modo tale da obbligarla a trasferirsi dalla sua città e provare ad ogni costo a dimenticare di averne mai avuta una. Conosciuto Riley, però, dovrà farci i conti, anche sull'attaccamento che ancora prova per un uomo che ormai non c'è più. Riuscirà Noelle a combattere con i suoi demoni in favore di una vita felice, spontanea e ricca di amore?

Questa scrittrice, continua a sfornare romanzi su romanzi, serie su serie e non ho mai letto qualcosa che non fosse al di sopra della media.
Lei, come per tante altre, è stata una scoperta casuale, girovagando su siti come goodreads . Dopo aver letto Out of Line, non mi è stato più possibile non seguirla e leggere ogni sua pubblicazione. Mi congratulo con la Newton Compton Editori per aver fiutato il suo talento ed aver pubblicato questa scrittrice. Mi auguro solo che non diventi parte del cimitero delle serie interrotte che sembrano popolare le librerie italiane.
Il suo stile è facile da seguire e molto incalzante perché ricco di dialoghi e battute divertenti.
Il doppio POV, sempre utile, ci da un quadro a 360 gradi dei sentimenti dei protagonisti. Per gli affezionati di Carrie e Finn, in questo romanzo, faranno un paio di apparizioni fugaci!!
Un romanzo romance come se ne sono letti tanti, ma di qualità validissima, amore veloce, classiche incomprensioni e la domanda finale : ci sarà l'happy ending? Io ho la bocca cucita!

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Jen McLaughlin is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy New Adult books. Under her pen name Diane Alberts, she is a multi-published, bestselling author of Contemporary Romance with Entangled Publishing. Her first release as Jen McLaughlin, Out of Line, released September 6 2013, and hit the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal lists. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. She is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. 
Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many well-crafted romance books that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

venerdì 6 febbraio 2015

Cover Reveal-Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez

Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez

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Title: Letters Written In White
Author: Kathryn Perez
Cover Reveal: February 6, 2015
Release Date: 2015
Hosted by: SBB Promotions
I’m dead.
I’m cold and alone and I’m dead. There’s no air in my lungs. My chest is as cold and hollow as a cave on a snowcapped mountain side. My heart no longer beats there. Frigid winds whistle through my ribs and the sadness inside me weeps like my favorite tree. Days ago, I met with death face to face. The mirror, our meeting place. My two darkened green eyes stared deeply into hers. I tilted my head to the side. She did too. “It’s time,” I whispered. “It’s time,” she whispered. And with that I turned away from her, the woman in the mirror who knew all of my secrets and all of my pain. I walked away from her and yet we’d never been closer than we were in that moment. The inner struggle was over. No more arguing with the woman in the mirror. No more arguing with myself. The choice was made. She was the victor. Or was I?
That was the day Riah Winter died.
Author Bio
Kathryn lives in her small East Texas hometown with her family. She's a music infused writer and self-proclaimed book junkie. When she isn't listening to music, writing or reading you'll probably find her watching her favorite sport, UFC.
Kathryn is also an anti-bullying advocate and avid supporter of mental-illness and suicide awareness.
Kathryn's Favorite Things:
*Watching UFC!!
*Colleen Hoover Books
*Acoustic guitar music
*Coffee, lots of coffee
*Quotable quotes
*Any Eminem or Hozier music
*Music is my therapy
*Reading books that make me cry
*Crazy or funny t-shirts
*Sleeping in and staying up late
*Anything in the color PURPLE :)
Favorite Quote at the Moment: "Don't be pushed by your problems, be led my your dreams."
Favorite Athlete: Tito Ortiz
Favorite Singer: Sam Smith & Ed Sheeran
Favorite Band: Hozier
Favorite Song: Eden by Hozier
Favorite Movie: Memoirs of a Geisha
Favorite Food: Japanese
Favorite Drink: COFFEE
Favorite Candy: Choco covered raisins
Motto in Life: Love Yourself First!
Author Links
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FORBIDDEN by Charlotte Stein

FORBIDDEN (Under the Skin Series #2)


say I need help. Another exorcism. This is not new. This is my life. Today, I
expect to suffer at the hands of a man as warped by superstition and fear as my
mother. A man who will torture me in order to save me from things that don't

But the

man who actually comes to me is different.


is good and decent, and he sees what's good and decent in me. And I don't mean
for it to happen, but every time he looks at me, his gaze sets me on fire. He
brings me to the light, gives me back my life. For the first time, I see a
future for myself.


future with him.

I burn

for Killian-a man who's intent on protecting me. On healing me.


doesn't get it. The only thing that can heal me is him. But Killian will soon
be a priest. Untouchable. Forbidden.

How can

I ask a man to choose between me … and God?

SEX ON THE BEACH Novellas - Cover Reveal

Today is the big cover reveal for the next books in the SEX ON THE BEACH series! This series includes the novellas FINDING YOU by Jenna Bennett, LOSING US by Jen McLaughlin, and CHASING ME by Jennifer Probst.
the next installments in the SEX ON THE BEACH series
coming MARCH 3rd

CHASING ME by Jennifer Probst


Quinn and James' Story Continues in Chasing Me...
It was supposed to be a love story....

I knew she was out of my league but I didn’t care. Looking back, I wonder if I hadn’t pursued her, would things have turned out differently? Is it Fate that determines our choices in life? God? Free will? Or just plain old innate selfishness?
I got her, of course. There hadn’t been a girl I wasn’t able to seduce. Problem was she seduced me right back, body, mind, and soul. She possessed me, tormented me, and showed me a world that was so bright and pure I was almost blinded.
Didn’t she know after such a drug I could never settle for less? Didn’t she realize no matter how many times I screwed up, or broke her heart, or bent her to my will, I’d never be able to let her go?
If I hadn’t known such intensity existed, would it have been better for both of us?
True love, the real kind, isn’t nice and sweet and pure. No, it’s dirty, and sinful, and messy. It’s like ripping a chunk of flesh from your body and watching yourself bleed out in slow, helpless intervals until you thankfully pass out.

This isn’t a love story. But it’s the only story I got.

LosingUs Amazon

LOSING US by Jen McLaughlin


When it all comes crashing down...

Everything I thought I had with Austin Murphy—safety, stability, the normalcy I crave but my celebrity lifestyle rarely allows—was ripped away in one night. I wanted to surprise him, but the joke was on me. Now I don't know if I ever really knew him at all.

Someone has to pick up the pieces...

Mackenzie Forbes was everything I ever wanted and the one person I didn't deserve. When a past mistake costs me the girl I love, I'll do everything I can to get her back. We both have demanding careers and family secrets darkening our pasts, but I need Mackenzie in my future.

Sometimes everything you have to give just isn't enough...


FINDING YOU by Jenna Bennett


Sex on the Beach, the do-over.
I had a simple plan for what to do in Key West the second time around.

Testify at the trial of the rapist I helped catch last year.
Make sure he gets locked away for the rest of his natural life, so he can never, ever hurt another girl.
Wait for my BFFs to get to town, so we can celebrate.
And stay far away from Ty Connor, because three months after breaking up with him, I still don’t know whether being with him is worse than being without him.

Spring Break, take two.
All of the above? Out the window.
Turns out testifying is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Not only is the rapist I helped catch last year not locked away for the rest of his life, he’s on the loose and looking for me.
Oh yeah, and it’s definitely harder being without Ty than being with him, especially when I have to watch him with someone else.
Welcome to my world.


Eoni dopo la sconfitta del perfido Crono, i suoi tre figli maschi, Zeus, Poseidone e Ade si spartirono i tre regni del creato, divenendo rappresentanti di ognuno di essi. Così, a Zeus toccò in sorte il Cielo, a Poseidone i sette mari, mentre ad Ade, ingannato dai suoi fratelli, spettò il tenebroso Erebo dei defunti.
Per mantenere l'equilibrio del creato Zeus legittimò che i tre regni non sarebbero mai dovuti venire a contatto gli uni con gli altri, per nessuna ragione. Ma forse il sovrano dell'Olimpo non aveva messo in conto tra quelle ragioni la più nobile, e al contempo pericolosa, capace da sola di far vacillare le basi stesse su cui l'equilibrio si fondava: l'amore.
E quando il Signore dell'Oltretomba si innamorerà della figlia prediletta del Dio del Cielo decidendo, contro il volere di quest'ultimo, di prenderla in sposa, l'equilibrio del cosmo sarà messo a dura prova da quella che in seguito sarebbe diventata la storia d'amore più famosa e tormentata di tutti i tempi. Questo sarà il preludio della storia d'amore di Ade e Persefone; una realtà camuffata da mito, sopravvissuta nel tempo ai mutamenti del mondo, così come a quelli dei Divini che tra subdoli intrighi di potere giocheranno con il destino dell'umanità, coinvolgendo e stravolgendo a più riprese la tormentata coppia, fino allo straordinario e inaspettato colpo di scena finale.
Questo è il mito di Persefone, la favola di un cuore innamorato disposto a rinunciare alla Luce per Amore: questo è Take me into your Hell.

giovedì 5 febbraio 2015

RED LINES by T.A. Foster - Release day


Today is the release day for RED LINES by T.A. Foster! Be sure to check out the contest below for a chance to win some movie tickets!


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Love on remote Perry Island was one thing, but with the flash of a camera everything has changed.

Movie star Evan Carlson has just landed the role of a lifetime, playing the infamous Dexter Red. Fans can't get enough of the sexiest, most-talked-about guy to ever hit paperback pages.

Haven is in Austin working on her songwriting career, and Evan's faith and commitment are put to the test. No matter which way he turns, Hollywood keeps getting in the way.

Does realizing their career dreams mean losing their relationship? Can they survive the headlines and media frenzy surrounding Evan's new role?

When it comes to love, some lines are meant to be blurred.



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Holly Lane (Destiny #4) by Toni Blake

The weather outside is frightful, but kisses by the fire are so delightful …

Sue Ann Simpkins is working hard to rebuild her life and find some holiday spirit. A weekend away from Destiny in a cabin on nearby Bear Lake seems like the perfect Christmas gift to herself—until her ex's best friend, Adam Becker, shows up at the door, claiming the cabin is his! And if that's not trouble enough, how had she never noticed how gorgeous he was?

Alone for the holidays and forced to play a reindeer at the local department store, Adam's been feeling rather Scrooge-ish himself. But finding the smart, sexy woman he's admired since elementary school waiting in the house he rented is helping to brighten his humbug mood. And when a sudden snowstorm strands them together in very close quarters, leading to one very hot night together, Adam soon realizes that what he really wants for Christmas is a second chance at love. Now all he has to do is convince Sue Ann…


Lui era immortale, bellissimo, e in passato era stato venerato come un Dio. Ma il suo tocco uccideva ogni ragazza che tentasse di amare. Lei, invece, era fragile, indifesa e non pensava di avere più alcun motivo per vivere. Finché non incontrò lui…Gli Dei Greci hanno abbandonato le vette dorate dell’Olimpo e vivono tra di noi. Dopo millenni di oblio e rimpianti, vagano infatti per il mondo rassegnati ad un destino da assassini, a cui è stata tolta persino la possibilità di amare. Basta il loro semplice tocco, infatti, per uccidere qualsiasi umano. E mentre qualcuno trama nell'oscurità, cominciando a sterminare gli ultimi Dei rimasti sulla Terra, Atena e Apollo incontreranno Penny, una ragazza fragile e indifesa che pensa di non avere più alcuna ragione per vivere. Ma il sentimento tra Penny e Apollo rivoluzionerà tutte le regole e, mentre immortali e umani non sono più al sicuro, una storia d’amore forte e passionale sconvolgerà le vite dei protagonisti. Un urban fantasy dalle tinte dolci e oscure allo stesso tempo, un meraviglioso romanzo scritto da una straordinaria autrice, che vi terrà inchiodati fino all'ultima pagina. La saga di Bacio Immortale inizia qui.

mercoledì 4 febbraio 2015

Cover Reveal Info - Sweet Hope by Tillie Cole

Here's the cover that Tillie Cole fans have been patiently waiting for, the cover to the fourth and final book in the Sweet Home series, Sweet Hope. So without further ado, here it is...the cover for Ally's story...

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TITLE: Sweet Hope
SERIES: Sweet Home #4
AUTHOR: Tillie Cole
AGE GROUP: New adult
GENRE: Contemporary romance
RELEASE DATE: 29th March 2015

From the USA Today Bestselling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Hope.

My name is Ally Prince and I've always been unlucky in love. I don’t know why, I just always… have.

When all of my best friends were falling for their soul mates in College, I was left behind. I was Ally, the pretty cousin of superstar quarterback, Romeo Prince. I was Ally, the best friend to the most amazing group of girls I've ever known—a title I loved, but one I became tired of 'just' being. And I was Ally, the one on which they could all rely.

But to me, I was Ally, the girl with the heart no one had claimed... And I was, Ally, the girl, who underneath it all, was heart-breakingly lonely.

I LOVE love; the thought of it, the nervous excitement of falling for Mr. Right, the desire of someone becoming my entire world... of me becoming theirs. I’ve always wanted passion, heart-stopping, epic, life-changing romance... I’ve always wanted the fairytale… I’ve always wanted it all.

It just never seemed like I would get it.

For the past few years I've thrown myself into my career as a museum curator. I’m the best of the best, the person every museum wants to hire, so when an opportunity came up to move to Seattle, I jumped at the chance. My cousin and my best friend lived in Seattle and I needed a change. I needed a new beginning.

I wasn't expecting to meet anyone in the Emerald City. I wasn't expecting to work closely with the reclusive new sculptor my all-important gallery design was centered around. And I certainly wasn't expecting to fall for him... heart-stopping, epic, life-changing love...

My real life fairytale come true.

But, like in every fairytale, there’s a villain, a dark and tortured soul... I just didn't know that the villain and the hero in my story would end up being one and the same.

New Adult Romance Novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up.

Tillie Cole Author Pic

Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother — a farmer’s daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.

Find Tillie Here


Cover Reveal Organised By


The Mason List by SD Hendrickson

Author Note: The Mason List is a coming-of-age story that follows the life of Alex Tanner from the age of six to twenty-six. The novel crosses the genres of Young Adult and New Adult. The Mason List is a standalone, 118,940 word, full-length novel.

An epic love. An epic hate. An epic story that would last a lifetime. 

Today, 8:15 p.m. 
I hurt. I hurt so deeply, I felt the pain searing in my bones and jabbing like a hot poker into my heart. I knew nothing would make it better as the memories pulled from the crevices of my mind, detailing the bad and the ugly, filling my thoughts with regret as I slipped into the darkness. . . 

When I was eight, my mother was dying of cancer, my father lost his job, and the bank kicked us out of our house. I was forced to move to the strange town of Arlis, Texas where my father and I slept in our car in the hospital parking lot. Desperate and hopeless, we lived on fumes of our former life. 

Then one night, everything changed forever. A knock on the car window brought a family into my life that I only wanted to shut out. I hated charity and I hated the Masons. Well, except one. He made it impossible to hate him. 

Jess Mason had the biggest blue eyes and ornery smile of any boy I had ever seen. He was a ray of sunshine in my dark world. A boy full of adventure, dragging me across the meadow of Sprayberry Ranch; a beautiful Texas paradise full of horses and tree houses that got us into more trouble than anyone ever imagined. 

Jess was my everything as a kid until we grew up and the rules changed. Instead of living happily ever after with a boy full of love. . . I destroyed it.

Ember by Rachel Van Dyken Prologue Reveal


I am a Killer. A Rapist. A Monster.
I know only pain and survival.
That is until the Cappo's sister walked into my life.
And changed everything.
She's a light who makes my darkness darker, her smile makes
my heart turn to ice, and I can't escape the fear her seductive looks
instill--knowing it's only a matter of time before I fail--again, and take her
for myself.
This is the story of my redemption.
But it's not pretty...I died, and now I'm alive, but not
living, breathing but not surviving. I am Phoenix De Lange, son to a murdered
mob boss, estranged brother, horrible friend, monster in the making, newest
leader to one of the most powerful families in the Cosa Nostra.
And I will have my vengeance.
Or die trying.
I am Phoenix De Lange.
Death is all I know.
Until she offers me a piece of life--I can't resist taking.


Eagle Elite Book 5
Copyright © 2015 RACHEL VAN DYKEN

Ember: A small piece of burning coal.
Origin: Old English, Germanic.
Example: All it takes is a one tiny piece of ember to start a flame, one small
flame to burst forth into a fire. One spark, and a man’s world may implode from
the inside out.


The equations are simple.

Piper Ashby + Brad Ashby = Twin Siblings
Brad Ashby + Tanner McCain = Best Friends
Piper Ashby + Tanner McCain = Off limits

Tanner and I abided by the rules. We stayed on our designated sides of the relationship circle.

Ignoring swarming butterflies.
Brushing off skipped heartbeats.
Settling on lingering stares.

Here’s the secret … a hand extended over that invisible line once, exponentially changing the equation. I was convinced we could make our relationship work until Tanner broke the trust he embedded in me from the age of seven.

One deceit of mega proportions and the relationship we built for that short month vanished. I swore never to speak to him again and it’s worked. Until now—two years later, when my brother’s wedding places me face-to-face with the best man—Tanner McCain.

Leaving one equation to be solved. Can love surface twice?

Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around twin preschoolers all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.