giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 (MC Chronicles #1) - Bink Cummings

I'm a biker, and I'm a woman, who was raised by my biker family the Sacred Sinners. 

Growing up an MC brat, I've known nothing but leather, booze, club whores, comradery, and bikes, my entire life. 

My name is Eva "Bink" Cummings, and this is my story. 

How at the ripe old age of thirty, with no husband, no kids, and being a part of a motorcycle club. Things aren't always what they appear to be. I've found out the hard way, that your life, in an instant, can be flipped upside down. And the people you know and love aren't always what they seem. 

Steamy Adult romance 
Warning: Contains Mature scenarios, and mass quantities of profanity. For Ages 18+ 

This is not a Stand Alone, Vol 2 will be released Feb 2015.

- Welcome to the Dark Side- We Didn't Lie about the Cookies- 

Bink grew up in a motorcycle club, I do not mean just being around the club but she had a room she lived in. Her father was the vise president of the club and her brothers were all patched members. She was special and off limits to anyone in the club. She had seen it all, everything they teach you not to do in school ‘don’t do drugs’ or ‘safe sex’ was different for her cause she saw it on a daily bases. Her mother would have nothing to do with her; she was the black sheep of the family. 
The club members and their old ladies were her family. She took care of them as she got older, cooking, cleaning and even patching them up after a fight. Even though she was not anyone’s old lady or a patched member she ranked higher than the other females being called “Queen” of the club.

Big Dick was the clubs president; he came by his name honestly. He and Bink pushed each others buttons quite often. Bink was also the one they called when Big was angry, she had a way to calm him like no other. Big took care of Bink since she was young as did all the other brothers in the club. Big was a real big part of her life for as long as she could remember.

Her father was on a run with her brothers. The club was having a party for out of town charter members who wanted to transfer. So she and the other old ladies had to cook for the club. That was when Big really started to show and act strange with Bink. Things started to get hot and heated between the two in every way. 

The club goes on lockdown; Bink is in charge of keeping everything together with the old ladies and whores. Bink learns there is some really big news that is going to happen after Big’s birthday. When she finds out early the news that will happen, she has mixed feelings abut it. When she decides what she wants she goes to tell Big only for things to blow up in her face. So she makes a really big decisions on what she is going to do in her life. 

What is that decision and how will it affect her future? You can always read her next book MC Chronicles Keep a Look Out Bink Cummings Vol. 2. It is up for pre-order on Amazon which will be live February 2nd 2015.

I have read a lot of Motorcycle club books and this one is far by my favorite (so far). Bink Cummings is writing about her own experiences, which can always make a book good. She recognizes the Sacred Sisters for giving her the courage to write her story. I think I will say Thank you to them too. I recommend this book to everyone. I will tell you again this is my opinion, everyone who does reviews do them as their own opinion. You would have to read the book to come up with your own decision if you like it or not. 

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