lunedì 19 gennaio 2015

Zombie Seed - P.M. Barnes

Zombie Seed is a fast paced series that delivers on everything you expect from the genre while throwing in exciting twists that you won't see coming. 

These zombies are anything but "slow" which adds extra chaos for those trying to traverse the new post-apocalyptic landscape. 

Prepare yourself for a compelling story filled with action and enough suspense to keep you reading all the way to the end. 

Before I give you my small version of Zombie Seed, I will tell you I do not like Zombie movies, my kids do like them. So for a special Christmas present I got my sons an autographed book of Zombie Seed. Now PM Barnes put this book in her own twisted version on the zombies. After reading this book, I can not wait for the next boo of the Apocalyptic Series.

Claire’s world turned upside down the day after she had her baby. Surviving was the major thing she needed to concentrate on, to help her keep her demons away or she would lose herself. She talked her way into going with the salvage group. They were making their way to a radio station to send out a message and gather supplies.

Billy who she had a short affair with, did not want her to go but she had the skills they needed. Things went wrong and Claire’s past Bruce (her dead/living) husband found her. Not only did they learn there were two different of types of zombies, every thing fell apart. Find out the difference between what they call fast zombies and slow zombies? Find out the tragic events that Claire goes through?

The end of this book leaves the biggest cliffhanger, not only that but Claire has a huge issue she is going through find out what that is. I really want to know what happens next and how Claire deals with the huge issue that stays with her after her escape from her past.

PM Barnes is writing the next book. I really want to tell her “hurry up” lol. I want to know what happens next, if you have not read the book try it that’s all I ask. Make your own decision on if you like it or not. There are always good reviews and bad ones do not let those sway your opinion.
Everyone chooses what they like or do not like, just like me I do not like zombie movies but I loved Zombie Seed. I have to warn you this book does have adult content in it.

I'm a poet turned fiction writer, who also happens to be an avid reader. I've had a library card for as long as I can remember and more books than you can fit into a studio apartment.

I have hosted multiple events for poets, musicians and storytellers. I feel most at home with artist because of their quest to have a more profound understanding of things.

As an author I find it hard to escape the perspective of being "the reader", the observer. In this way, I am able to enjoy the stories as they unfold from my hands. It also means that I am very conscious of the emotions that I cultivate in my readers. I know how to provide suspense and build relationships that bind you to the characters.

What I really love about stories surrounding the post-apocalypse and specifically zombie tales, is that it gets to the crux of all of our fears. It speaks to our desire to keep anarchy at bay and of how scared we are at the depth of our own depravity.

My main goal as a writer is to entertain. That being said, if you learn anything new about yourself or the world around you in the process of reading my work, then I feel like I have succeeded in providing you with something deeper.

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