mercoledì 17 dicembre 2014

SECOND DEBT (Indebted, #3) - Pepper Winters

ebook (3)

Title: Second Debt (Indebted, #3)Author: Pepper WintersGenre: Dark EroticaRelease Date: Early 2015


“I tried to play a game. I tried to wield deceit as perfectly as the Hawks. But when I thought I was winning, I wasn’t. Jethro isn’t what he seems—he’s the master of duplicity. However, I refuse to let him annihilate me further.”

Nila Weaver has grown from naïve seamstress to full-blown fighter. Every humdrum object is her arsenal, and sex…sex is her greatest weapon of all.

She’s paid the First Debt. She’ll probably pay more.

But she has no intention of letting the Hawks win.

Jethro Hawk has found more than a worthy adversary in Nila—he’s found the woman who could destroy him. There’s a fine line between hatred and love, and an even finer path between fear and respect.

The fate of his house rests on his shoulders, but no matter how much ice lives inside his heart, Nila flames too bright to be extinguished.

Indebted series


Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) Available Now: Amazon | iBooks

“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

She is no longer free.

Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

There are no rules. Only payments.


First Debt (Indebted #2) Available Now: Amazon | iBooks

“You say I’ll never own you. If I win—you willingly give me that right. You sign not only the debt agreement, but another—one that makes me your master until your last breath is taken. You do that, and I’ll give you this.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Stolen, taken, and bound not by monsters but by an agreement written over six hundred years ago, she has no way out.

She belongs to Jethro as much as she denies it.

Jethro Hawk’s patience is running out. His inheritance gift tests, challenges, and surprises him—and not in good ways. He hasn’t leashed her but he thinks he might’ve found a way to bind her forever.

Debts are mounting. Payment waiting.

Pre Order on iTunes!
Second Debt (Indebted #3):
Third Debt (Indebted #4):
Fourth Debt (Indebted #5):
Final Debt (Indebted #6):

Pepper Winters - author

Pepper Winters is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) -
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2) -
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3) -
Debt Inheritance (Indebted Series) -

Her Grey Romance books include:

If you would like to be the first to know of upcoming releases please fill in her newsletter (Pepper promises to never spam or chat aimlessly


love p

Asa (Marked Men #6) - Jay Crownover

We are so excited about the cover reveal for Jay Crownover's ASA! ASA is the sixth and final book in Jay's Marked Men Series, published by HarperCollins. Check out the hot cover and don't forget to pre-order your copy today!

Image Map

Amazon US ** iBooks ** Barnes & Noble ** Kobo

Starting over in Denver with a whole new circle of friends and family, Asa Cross struggles with being the man he knows everyone wants him to be and the man he knows he really is. A leopard doesn’t it change its spots and Asa has always been a predator. He doesn’t want to hurt those who love and rely on him, especially one stunning arresting cop who suddenly seems to be interested in him for far more than his penchant for breaking the law. But letting go of old habits is hard, and it’s easy to hit bottom when it’s the place you know best.

Royal Hastings is quickly learning what the bottom looks like after a tragic situation at work threatens not only her career but her partner’s life. As a woman who has only ever had a few real friends she’s trying to muddle through her confusion and devastation all alone. Except she can’t stop thinking about the sexy southern bartender she locked up. Crushing on Asa is the last thing she needs but his allure is too strong to resist. His long criminal record can only hurt her already shaky career and chasing after a guy who has no respect for the law or himself can only end in heartbreak.

A longtime criminal and a cop together just seems so wrong . . . but for Asa and Royal, being wrong together is the only right choice to make.

Marked men Banner

And don’t miss the previous books in The Marked Men Series!






And don't miss Jay at 3pm EST over at the Between The Covers page on Facebook today! Come chat with her!

Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series. She also introduced the dark and sexy world of The Point that started with BETTER WHEN HE's BAD and is currently working on her newest series The Saint of Denver. Like her characters, she is a big fan of tattoos. She loves music and wishes she could be a rock star, but since she has no aptitude for singing or instrument playing, she'll settle for writing stories with interesting characters that make the reader feel something. She lives in Colorado with her three dogs.

Website ** Blog ** Facebook ** Twitter ** ASA Goodreads ** Jay Crownover Goodreads

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La Giveaway di Natale è finita. La vincitrice è Viviana De Cecco!!!! 

Partecipare è facile :

  1. Visitate la pagina Facebook: Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls. Un LIKE sarebbe gradito :-)
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La giveaway avrà inizio dal 17/12/2014 e terminerà il 22/12/2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Collana: Fantasy
Genere: M/F – per tutti
Formato: pdf, epub, mobi
Trama: 1450. La giovane Amber sfugge dalla grinfie del crudele barone Lord Shamter, invaghitosi di lei, e viene soccorsa da una donna di nome Cassandra, Sacerdotessa di Avalon.
Grazie all’aiuto della Sacerdotessa, Amber scopre di possedere il dono della Vista. Sarà proprio grazie a questo dono che la giovane scoprirà il triste destino che incombe su di un neonato, frutto della violenza di Shamter.
Esiste solo un modo per sottrarre il piccolo alla sua triste sorte: portarlo dalla nonna paterna, che vive in un monastero.
Amber affronta quindi un lungo viaggio, scortata da Robert, un bandito, e dai suoi compagni. Il viaggio di andata, però, non sarà privo di pericoli, così come non lo sarà il viaggio di ritorno che Amber affronta a fianco di David, figlio del barone Richard Windom.
Sarà attraverso una delle sue visioni che Amber scoprirà il triste passato di David, un passato che li porterà ad avvicinarsi sempre più e a decidere di liberarsi una volta per tutte dell’influenza di Shamter.
Ma, mentre i due giovani cercano di smascherare il perfido barone, Amber si troverà a combattere tra la vita e la morte e a fare i conti con la verità sulla propria nascita.

RAZED - Shiloh Walker

Tattoo artist Keelie Jessup can handle that someone else has claimed the man of her dreams. She’s just not pleased with her remaining options…

Keelie doesn’t believe in the “perfect man.” But the men who are worth the trouble are usually taken—like her business partner Zach Barnes. After a string of bad luck and the lost chance with Zach, Keelie decides that maybe flying solo—and living with suppressed desires—is the key to happiness.

As a photographer, Zane Barnes has an eye for the human form, and his eyes can’t get enough of Keelie’s curves. Unfortunately, Keelie is like most women—always fawning over his little brother, Zach. Zane is about ready to give up, but then a few stolen moments at his brother’s wedding have him thinking maybe there’s a chance there after all. Now he just has to prove that the perfect man does exist…for her.

martedì 16 dicembre 2014

Blyssful Lies - J.C. CLIFF

**Mature Audiences Only** This book is intended for mature audiences only (18+) and contains explicit scenes that some may consider non-erotic and dark in theme

Learning how to survive in her new world, Julianna has no choice but to play “The game of Life.” Except it's Nick's game, and his rules apply. Captivity, drugs, and submission are the cards that are dealt, and it's a losing game.

Biding her time as she waits for her rescuers, it's far from smooth sailing, because all too quickly the rules abruptly change as Nick takes matters into his own hands…

As the drama unfolds, and hesitating to interfere, Travis has everything to lose should he decide to step in, including his life.
 It's opposition at its finest – freedom versus control as Nick and Julianna face the ultimate battle of wills.

While Travis has the uncanny ability to manipulate her with a single touch, Nick struggles to conquer her body, mind, and soul.

It's every man for themselves as each have their own secret agenda, including Julianna, whose plan is simple: survive.

Tudors Collection eLit - Harlequin Mondadori

Tudors Collection

Intrighi. Potere. Passione.
Benvenuti a corte.

La serie televisiva I Tudor vi ha lasciato senza fiato e siete rimaste incantate dalle atmosfere dorate nell'Inghilterra del XVI secolo? L’affascinante Jonathan Rhys-Meyers nei panni di Enrico VII è il vostro sogno ricorrente? 
Allora non perdete la novità eLit di questo mese: Tori Phillips firma la Tudors Collection, sette imperdibili romanzi, per voi in esclusiva digitale.

Volete sapere come tutto ha avuto inizio?

La figlia dell'orafo - L'Inghilterra dei Tudor, dalla fine della guerra delle Due Rose ai fasti della corte di Elisabetta I, rivive attraverso le avventure dell'enigmatico sir Thomas, detto Lupo dei Cavendish, e dei suoi discendenti. Inghilterra, 1487/1499 - Alicia Broom, la bellissima figlia di un umile orafo, è stata promessa in sposa all'attraente e oltremodo riservato Thomas, IX Conte di Thornbury, detto il Lupo dei Cavendish. Lui però è così taciturno che Alicia si chiede se è proprio lei ciò che quell'insolito cavaliere desidera, o se è piuttosto il sangue reale che le scorre nelle vene. Nemmeno il matrimonio riesce a fugare i suoi dubbi, tanto che lei inizia a sospettare che il giovane conte l'abbia sposata soltanto per proteggerla dalle rappresaglie di Enrico VII, che ha giurato di eliminare tutti i discendenti dei Plantageneti.

Venite a scoprire quali segreti si celano a corte… solo in eLit: 

Gli altri romanzi della "Tudors Collection":

Sono solo un marinaio - Patrizia Ines Roggero

Alyce ed Elisabeth sono due giovani donne inglesi, dirette con i rispettivi mariti in America per cominciare una nuova vita. Il destino però ha in serbo altro per loro: scampate per miracolo a un attacco di pirati, si trovano abbandonate in mezzo all’oceano, fino a quando vengono salvate da un’altra nave di pirati, comandata dal capitano Kole Tyler.
Fulminea e violenta è la passione che nasce tra Alyce ed il secondo di Kole, Jack Ryden, ma i dubbi della donna frenano quest’amore nascente. E quando finalmente vi cederà, lei e Jack dovranno fare i conti con passato dell’uomo.

lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

Broken Promises - Kelly Elliott Release


All of these are a
result from broken promises.


All of these are a
result from finding someone’s way.

Love has two paths,
happiness and heartbreak. Sometimes those paths intertwine. Sometimes we choose
the wrong path. And sometimes we’re given the second chance to pick the right

Which path will
Walker and Taylor go down? Only time will tell…

** Can be read as a standalone**

iBooks Amazon Kobo

Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!
She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.
In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.
One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

 Brought To You by:

INSPIRE - Cora Carmack

We are so incredibly excited to be able to bring you the Release Day Launch for Cora Carmack's INSPIRE! INSPIRE is a New Adult Paranormal Romance novel and the first book in her new Muse Series!! Holy canoli, y'all. Go out and get this today!

InspireInspire RDL Banner

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

Kalliope lives with one purpose.

To inspire.

As an immortal muse, she doesn’t have any other choice. It’s part of how she was made. Musicians, artists, actors—they use her to advance their art, and she uses them to survive. She moves from one artist to the next, never staying long enough to get attached. But all she wants is a different life— a normal one. She’s spent thousands of years living lie after lie, and now she’s ready for something real.

Sweet, sexy, and steady, Wilder Bell feels more real than anything else in her long existence. And most importantly… he’s not an artist. He doesn’t want her for her ability. But she can’t turn off the way she influences people, not even to save a man she might love. Because in small doses, she can help make something beautiful, but her ability has just as much capacity to destroy as it does to create. The longer she stays, the more obsessed Wilder will become. It’s happened before, and it never turns out well for the mortal.

Her presence may inspire genius.

But it breeds madness, too.

Inspire Teaser 3

I can feel Wilder’s breath against my lips. More than that, I can see it. The sun has set and the temperature has dropped, and air fogs between us. There’s something about actually seeing it, like our lips are touching, we are touching, despite the distance between. And as we sway from side to side, my heart gradually begins to pick up speed.

The strains of guitar music flowing out from the restaurant are nearly indecipherable over the heavy heartbeat in my ears. But Wilder must hear it. His hands are strong on my body, guiding my movements, and I’m practically clay in his palms.

We dance, eyes on eyes, lips nearly on lips, and there is lightning beneath my skin each time his body brushes against mine in a new way. His touch is firm, but gentle, never pushing or pressuring, though I can tell from the dark look in his eyes that he’s just as affected as I am. The music shifts, building to a crescendo, and he spins us. My chest pushes tight against his, and I bite back a gasp. I don’t know if it’s the cold or him or some combination of both, but the tips of my breasts are painfully tight. Just the pressure of my bra is enough to rub them raw.

I remember the night at his apartment, the way he’d taken his time learning my body. I think of the heat of his mouth on my skin, and the memory alone is enough to make me shiver and clench.

He’s back to being business, grown-up Wilder tonight in his button down and glasses. Only now that I know him, it doesn’t seem like such a stark difference. He is neither the straight-laced man nor the tattooed bad boy. Or perhaps he’s both. Regardless of what he’s wearing, Wilder is caring and loyal and strong and so sexy that I’m having trouble remembering why I shouldn’t push him into the backseat of his SUV and crawl on top of him.

Inspire Teaser 1


Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She's done a multitude of things in her life-- boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads ** INSPIRE Goodreads