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lunedì 9 febbraio 2015

The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 2 MC Chronicles By Bink Cummings

Title: MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol 2
Series: The Diary of Bink Cummings
Author: Bink Cummings
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: February 2, 2015

Note: Must Read The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol 1, previously. 

When changing life's course, you never consider what twisted curve-ball fate might dump in your lap. Growing up in the MC, then gaining my own personal Independence was not only a curse, it was a blessing. So when I decided to say fu*k my past and embraced my future, away from the only place I called home, I tried to re-invent myself, by becoming the woman I am today. 
Until, one day, fate reared it's ugly head, forcing me to return to the place I ran from. The place where I had no choice but to face HIM. And hide the biggest secret of my life, as I wallowed in silent fear, of the insurmountable repercussions it would evoke when anyone found out the truth. 

Steamy Adult romance 
Warning: Contains Mature scenarios, and mass quantities of profanity. For Ages 18+ 

-This is not a Standalone.

If you read The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 1, you know Bink did not agree or want to live the left that was planned out for her. So she snuck out and left her old life behind her. 
Where she headed was to Chicago. At first she had a hard time but twenty-three weeks after she left her family, he had a new life. She answered a roommate add she found that was just right for her early on. 
Her roommate’s father asked her out many times she finally gave in and yes has a wealthy lawyer boyfriend named Marshall. He was the one who told Bink after she got sick again she may not be sick and took her to the store. Where yep you guessed it she found out she was pregnant. 
Bink is having a baby girl. She also works for Deke a Sacred Sinner Nomad in his vintage car and motorcycle restoration, in the office. 
Even though she may of left her old life, she still has contacts with them some of the old ladies from the club and Gunz. Deke her boss who has two daughters and an old lady who does drugs and cheats on him was in need of help, so Bink still being herself with helping people got Deke into the club and her friends to help watch his girls. 
Even with her baby bump she has girl’s night with her girls, who know she is pregnant but not by whom. Everyone assumes it is Marshall’s baby. One day her past really catches up to her when Gunz comes to town to meet Deke. He also plans on meeting her boyfriend. Insisting on meeting Marshall who has no idea about Bink’s past causes a little problem. 
Marshall learns more than he can handle about Bink and after Gunz leaves goes off to bed alone. Bink gives him his space and goes back to her apartment with his daughter. Marshall processes everything he learned coming to the conclusion he does not care, he loves her and wants her in his life.
Binks brother is going to get married and sends an invitation to the wedding to her. Marshall is going to meet her family. She does not want to take him to meet her family knowing he would not fit in. Seeing not way out of it, Bink and Marshall go to the clubhouse for the weekend. Once they are at the Clubhouse Bink emotions are going crazy, she is emotional, hormonal and straight up nerves.
Big is not letting Bink off so easy for breaking his heart. He is going to show her that her leaving really did not mean a thing to him. He tells her he has a girlfriend. 
The start of the wedding begins the night before and Bink is emotionally upset not really wanting to see Big with his girlfriend. As she predicted Marshall did get picked on, he got drugged. This left her with her girls for the night. Not only did Big go out of his way to hurt her, they argued until Gunz had to step in and stop it. 
Marshall did however get along will the only people in her family that did not like her, nor did she care for them. Her mother and sisters with their spouses, who did not really care for who she felt was her true family, the club. 
After the wedding and food was done and cleared there was dancing. Which Marshall spent with her mom and sisters at a table away from her. Deke asked her to dance which was interrupted with a growl and threat from Big. This is when everything just blows up between Bink and Big. 
You have to read what Big does to her and how Bink deals with it. When the truth of who is the father of Binks daughter everything blows up around them. Everyone involved is affected one way or the other. Even Binks mother starts problems about the issues Bink does not understand.
If you have not read the first book go do it now, then come back and read vol. 2. I give this book big 5 stars. I am ready and waiting for the next book. 
As all reviews. this is my opinion of the book. It is up to you to read the book forming your own opinion. After you read this book go leave the author a comment on what you thought about the book. All authors love to read the comments their readers think of their books they write. Enjoy!

sabato 7 febbraio 2015

BLURRED LINES by Jen McLaughlin

Once burned...
Finding my fiancée naked on my couch might’ve been a good thing, if her ex-boyfriend hadn’t been with her. For the past eight years I’ve been a witness to the power of true love, but after getting burned I’d decided there wasn’t any hope for me finding it for myself. Until I met Noelle Brandt in a hotel bar. Maybe it wasn’t the most romantic meeting, but the moment I met her I knew I had to have her. The more I learn about her, the more I know I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.
Twice shy.. 
I’d already found the love of my life, but I’d lost that love forever. And I’d been lost ever since. But one night a wounded man makes all of that go away. He makes me laugh, live, and feel alive. When he tells me he has no intention of letting me go, I finally begin to believe in the power of true love again.  That is, until I find out who he really is…and by then, it’s far too late to correct the mistakes we’ve already made. By the time we both know the truth, the lines have already been blurred beyond recognition.     

Blurred Lines si può considerare una sorta di spinoff della famosa serie Out of Line. 
Riley, il protagonista, l'abbiamo già incontrato proprio nel primo romanzo di questa serie, l'amico del college di Carrie che ha reso Finn un pò geloso, ve lo ricordate?
Bene, dopo aver lasciato che la ragazza di cui si era innamorato, sposasse l'uomo della sua vita, tocca a lui trovare la donna giusta.
Riley, è un'avvocato, la sua famiglia è più che benestante e il padre diventerà il futuro vicepresidente. Non c'è posto per i propri desideri, la sua vita viene costantemente messa sotto un microscopio dove ogni scelta deve essere analizzata da mille prospettive diverse. Non è importante se a lui non piace fare l'avvocato, se non è innamorato della fidanzata che la madre ha scelto, Riley fa quello che gli altri si aspettano che  faccia. No spontaneità, no libertà di essere se stesso. Solo imposizione e tanta tanta solitudine.
Quando una sera torna a casa e trova i vestiti della sua fidanzata e quelli di qualcun altro sparsi per casa, qualcosa scatta. Il fatto che si fosse più arrabbiato, non per la vista di due corpi avvinghiati, di cui uno era quello della sua futura moglie, ma perché lo stessero facendo sul suo divano, gli fa finalmente aprire gli occhi.
Questo vi da un'idea del tipo di relazione che li legava. Si trattava di un rapporto privo di amore reciproco, tutto era calcolato, si sarebbero presi cura di entrambi senza la paura di essere feriti. Nonostante Riley non fosse innamorato di Sara, non l'avrebbe  mai tradita.
Stanco di fare sempre la cosa giusta, decide di andarsene da casa sua, rompere il fidanzamento e provare a ricominciare daccapo. La rinascita incomincia con una bella sbronza di whisky , un albergo in San Diego e una scrittrice di libri romance, in città per una conferenza. 

Il loro primo incontro, piuttosto stravagante, avviene in un ascensore. Riley, visibilmente ubriaco, racconta a Noelle, la scrittrice, le sue recenti disavventure amorose e il suo attuale stato di vagabondaggio. Non avendo un posto dove trascorrere la notte, chiede a Noelle asilo in camera sua. Di norma, Noelle, schiva e associale, non avrebbe mai fatto entrare un estraneo in camera. Ma la giovane donna, vede negli occhi verdi dell'uomo di fronte a se, una persona persa ed infelice, bisognosa di un' amica che gli possa donare conforto e una spalla su cui piangere. Riley però non ha nessuna voglia di piangere, non è distrutto per la rottura del suo fidanzamento ma dalla consapevolezza che mai troverà l'amore. Si sente condannato ad una vita in solitaria, nessuno al suo fianco a condividerla.

Noelle non vuole sedurlo. Riley non vuole approfittare della sua disponibilità. Ma il bacio è inevitabile come del resto quello che generalmente ne consegue tra adulti consenzienti.
Dopo il loro primo incontro e la loro prima notte, per entrambi è difficile stare lontani. Consapevoli che la loro storia avrà durata fino a quando Noelle resterà in città, cercano di sfruttare al massimo ogni secondo. Proposte di matrimonio improvvise, colgono la nostra protagonista alla sprovvista. Come può Riley chiedere di sposarla conoscendola da nemmeno 15 giorni? La famiglia di lui non approverebbe mai. Cosa succederebbe se scoprissero il segreto della famiglia di Noelle? 

Riley non sa gestire la gioia e la freschezza che Noelle porta nella sua vita. Era convinto che mai avrebbe potuto amare un'altra donna oltre a Carrie. Ma si sbagliava di grosso, Noelle è una sferzata di aria fresca, lei riesce a fargli provare cosa significa essere spontanei e liberi ma sopratutto innamorati. Un sentimento che una volta scoperto gli permetterà di fare il gesto spontaneo per eccellenza: la proposta di matrimonio. Ma questo nuovo Riley, quanto è forte? Lo è abbastanza da non farsi nuovamente sottomettere dalle imposizioni familiari? 

Noelle, è una giovane vedova, ha rimesso in piedi la sua vita creandosi un nome scrivendo libri romance. Non parla volentieri della sua famiglia, per lei è come se fossero morti ma la verità è che non lo sono e hanno condizionato la sua vita in modo tale da obbligarla a trasferirsi dalla sua città e provare ad ogni costo a dimenticare di averne mai avuta una. Conosciuto Riley, però, dovrà farci i conti, anche sull'attaccamento che ancora prova per un uomo che ormai non c'è più. Riuscirà Noelle a combattere con i suoi demoni in favore di una vita felice, spontanea e ricca di amore?

Questa scrittrice, continua a sfornare romanzi su romanzi, serie su serie e non ho mai letto qualcosa che non fosse al di sopra della media.
Lei, come per tante altre, è stata una scoperta casuale, girovagando su siti come goodreads . Dopo aver letto Out of Line, non mi è stato più possibile non seguirla e leggere ogni sua pubblicazione. Mi congratulo con la Newton Compton Editori per aver fiutato il suo talento ed aver pubblicato questa scrittrice. Mi auguro solo che non diventi parte del cimitero delle serie interrotte che sembrano popolare le librerie italiane.
Il suo stile è facile da seguire e molto incalzante perché ricco di dialoghi e battute divertenti.
Il doppio POV, sempre utile, ci da un quadro a 360 gradi dei sentimenti dei protagonisti. Per gli affezionati di Carrie e Finn, in questo romanzo, faranno un paio di apparizioni fugaci!!
Un romanzo romance come se ne sono letti tanti, ma di qualità validissima, amore veloce, classiche incomprensioni e la domanda finale : ci sarà l'happy ending? Io ho la bocca cucita!

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Jen McLaughlin is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy New Adult books. Under her pen name Diane Alberts, she is a multi-published, bestselling author of Contemporary Romance with Entangled Publishing. Her first release as Jen McLaughlin, Out of Line, released September 6 2013, and hit the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal lists. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. She is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency. 
Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many well-crafted romance books that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

venerdì 6 febbraio 2015

FORBIDDEN by Charlotte Stein

FORBIDDEN (Under the Skin Series #2)


say I need help. Another exorcism. This is not new. This is my life. Today, I
expect to suffer at the hands of a man as warped by superstition and fear as my
mother. A man who will torture me in order to save me from things that don't

But the

man who actually comes to me is different.


is good and decent, and he sees what's good and decent in me. And I don't mean
for it to happen, but every time he looks at me, his gaze sets me on fire. He
brings me to the light, gives me back my life. For the first time, I see a
future for myself.


future with him.

I burn

for Killian-a man who's intent on protecting me. On healing me.


doesn't get it. The only thing that can heal me is him. But Killian will soon
be a priest. Untouchable. Forbidden.

How can

I ask a man to choose between me … and God?

giovedì 5 febbraio 2015

RED LINES by T.A. Foster - Release day


Today is the release day for RED LINES by T.A. Foster! Be sure to check out the contest below for a chance to win some movie tickets!


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Love on remote Perry Island was one thing, but with the flash of a camera everything has changed.

Movie star Evan Carlson has just landed the role of a lifetime, playing the infamous Dexter Red. Fans can't get enough of the sexiest, most-talked-about guy to ever hit paperback pages.

Haven is in Austin working on her songwriting career, and Evan's faith and commitment are put to the test. No matter which way he turns, Hollywood keeps getting in the way.

Does realizing their career dreams mean losing their relationship? Can they survive the headlines and media frenzy surrounding Evan's new role?

When it comes to love, some lines are meant to be blurred.



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lunedì 2 febbraio 2015

Courtney Cole's VERUM - Release Day


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We are absolutely over the moon about this Release Day launch for Courtney Cole's VERUM!! VERUM is a New Adult dark romantic psychological suspense novel and the second book in Courtney's The Nocte Trilogy! To celebrate the release NOCTE is on sale for only $.99 through tomorrow! Grab both now! Thank us later.

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The truth shall set you free.

My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning.

My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets.

Can I trust anyone? I don’t know anymore.

The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.

I’m entangled in the darkness.

But the truth will set me free.

It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.

Are you scared?

I am.

venerdì 30 gennaio 2015

Losing At Love Cover Reveal

Today we’re having a cover reveal for Jennifer Iacopelli’s Losing at Love. And—bonus points!!—we’re also revealing the new redesign for the first book in the series, Game. Set. Match. Jennifer is sharing an excerpt from Losing at Love, as well as a giveaway, so be sure to check it all out.

Title: Losing at Love

Author: Jennifer Iacopelli

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: February 24th



giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

Alyssa Rose Ivy's SEDUCTION'S KISS Release Day

Seductions Kiss

Holy crow! We are so excited to bring you all the Release Day launch for Alyssa Rose Ivy's SEDUCTION'S KISS! SEDUCTION’S KISS is a prequel novella to LURE, a novel in her The Allure Chronicles Series. This novella is seriously fantastic! Go grab your copy today!!

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*Prequel novella to Lure (The Allure Chronicles #1)*

Never agree to a road trip to New Orleans with your roommate. At least not when your roommate is dragging you along while she reconnects with an ex-boyfriend. Possible consequences of failing to take my advice:

1) Unknowingly going out with a vampire stripper
2) Getting kidnapped by said vampire's nest mates
3) Falling head over heels for your winged hero

Believe it or not number 3 is the worst one, especially when no one believes you that he exists.

We wove our way through the crowds. I glanced into the rows of bars and clubs teeming with people dressed in various degrees of costumes. Despite my apprehension of hanging out with someone I barely knew, the excitement seemed to be rubbing off on me. I found myself moving along to the music spilling out of one club when we were momentarily stopped.
“Duncan!” A girl with long blond hair yelled and proceeded to wrap her arms around Duncan’s neck. She was dressed as a pumpkin, if a pumpkin was just a skimpy piece of orange fabric. “Come dancing with us.” She was visibly drunk.
“Oh, hi.” He gave me an apologetic look.
I shrugged. It wasn’t like we were on a date.
“Why aren’t you dressed up? It’s Halloween. You’re supposed to be dressed up.”
He shoved a hand into his back pocket. “How do you know that I’m not dressed up?”
“Laurie!” The girl yelled. “It’s Duncan, the stripper who did Debbie’s party last week.”
Wait. What? Did he strip? Wow, that was pretty surprising. He wasn’t bad looking, but I hadn’t met a male stripper before.
Another girl ran over. This one was appropriately attired. She had an awesome lollipop costume on. She also gave Duncan a hug, so I decided to people watch while I waited. That’s when I saw him. The gorgeous guy from the bar. All six plus feet of his perfectness. This time he was wearing one of those sleeveless white t-shirts that showed off his muscular arms. But it wasn’t his muscles that jumped out the most. It was his beautiful set of black wings. Now that was a costume.
He glanced up just as he passed, and my chest tightened. He looked at me with curiosity for a second before continuing on. Maybe he vaguely remembered my face but didn’t know why. I wasn’t sure what would be worse, if he remembered the humiliating moment, or if he didn’t.
I suddenly felt embarrassed of my cat costume. Were the whiskers too much?
“Daisy?” Duncan called my name and snapped me out of my daze. “Ready?” The girls must have walked off while I was distracted because Duncan was alone watching me. I wondered how obvious my ogling was.
“Yeah, sure.”
Duncan towed me along until he turned into a dark and completely unappealing dive. This was his favorite place? I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to offend him. Maybe this was one of those hidden gems you always hear about. Just to be safe I texted Reyna the name of the place as inconspicuously as possible, Grounddiggers.
“Who are you texting?” Duncan asked as we walked through the entrance.
Evidently I wasn’t as inconspicuous as I thought. “Just a friend.” I’m not sure why I didn’t just tell him who it was. I just felt like it was safer not to.
He nodded at a bouncer, who like Duncan was dressed all in black. The bouncer grunted something unintelligible to Duncan. Duncan must have taken the grunt to mean enter because he pulled me further inside. 

Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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martedì 27 gennaio 2015

Kristen Proby's FALLING FOR JILLIAN Release Day

We can't wait to share this Release Day Launch for Kristen Proby's FALLING FOR JILLIAN with you! FALLING FOR JILLIAN is an erotic contemporary romance and the third book in the bestselling Love Under the Big Sky Series, published by Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Check out this amazing book below and grab your copy today!

Falling for Jillian Cover

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From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby comes the third romance in the Love Under the Big Sky series, featuring a veteran struggling with PTSD and the one woman who can help him recover—and learn to love again.

Jillian thought she was a city girl through and through; the fast cars, high fashion, and glamour—she loves it all. But when her ex tells her he’s having a baby with his new wife (after Jillian struggled for years to get pregnant), she hightails it back to Montana to cry on the shoulder of her best friend, Cara.

But in truth, Jillian would rather be comforted by someone else…specifically Zack, Cara’s brother-in-law. Zack is a veteran of the Iraq War who came back to the family ranch to raise his preteen son after the boy’s mother took off. He’s struggling to re-establish a relationship with his son, and warding off the demons of PTSD, which still haunt him. The last thing he needs is bold, brassy Jillian…but why can’t he keep his hands off her?

FFJ Teaser

And don’t forget to read the first book in the Love Under the Big Sky Series…

Loving Cara

“Okay, plug them in.”

I run to the porch and plug in the lights, then run back into the front yard to see them.

“Oh, they’re so pretty!”

“Thank God they all work,” he says as he tosses the black shoe down to the ground and then moves carefully down to the ladder. “It would be a bitch to have to take them back down.”

“I checked them,” I assure him, and when his foot finally lands safely on the snow and he turns to me, I hit him on the arm. “You shouldn’t have done that! You took ten years off my life!”

I throw my arms around his torso and squeeze him tightly, then back away.

“No, you shouldn’t have been on that ladder. If I catch you on one again, I’ll spank your ass until it glows.”

My jaw drops as I gaze up into his frustrated face. For once in my life, I’m speechless. I scowl as I pull myself together and clench my fists. “You wouldn’t dare . . .”

“Put yourself in danger again and see if I don’t,” he replies calmly and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Did you come here to bully me?”

He sighs and pulls his beanie off his head, pushing his fingers through the messy brown strands. I want to sink my fingers in that thick, dark hair.

“No. I came because you won’t answer your fucking phone so I can apologize for the other night.”

“I don’t want your apology,” I reply and throw the extra lights and staple gun back into the tote and turn away, but he catches my arm and turns me back to him, takes the tote, and sets it down.

“I’m going to give it anyway.” His jaw is firm. “I had no right to kiss you like that in the parking lot for everyone to see.”

I jerk back, mortified. “You’re apologizing for kissing me?”

FFJ Available Now

Author pic_Montana
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle and Love Under the Big Sky series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong, humorous characters with a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves.

Kristen lives in Montana, where she enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.

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