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Visualizzazione post con etichetta excerpt. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 13 febbraio 2015

Captive (New Life #1) by Samantha Jacobey

To what lengths would you go to break away from a life filled with pain and suffering?
Tori Farrell has lived a dangerous life. When you grow up with a Motorcycle Gang of Mercenaries and Drug Lords like the Dragons, a normal life is more like a fairytale. For years, she accepted her dark reality, a world consisting of drugs, sex, violence and murder. In the end, she learned the most valuable lesson: survival.
After years of being ruled by the Dragons, Tori uses her skills of seduction and assassination to free herself from the grasp of the people who vowed they would never let her go. Taken in by the FBI, she fears not everything is what it seems, and soon finds herself lost in a web of lies and deceit. She thought getting away from the Dragons would put her on a path to a new and better life, but now she must face the cold hard truth”� there is always a price to be paid.

lunedì 9 febbraio 2015

Seducing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #4) by Amelia Hutchins

Less than six months ago my life was twisted and flipped on its side. Things have changed so much I barely recognize myself anymore.
I am no longer an Enforcer.
I am no longer a Witch.
I no longer hate the Fae. (For the most part)
And the sex-on-a-stick-gorgeous-Fae? He isn't really the Dark Prince.
No, he is the father of my children and with the babies on the way, the land dying and the Mages closing in; alliances will have to be formed if we are all to make it through the war that is coming to our front door.
Between warring Gods and Goddesses, how are any of us supposed to win?
AH Teaser 1


L'allerta spolier è d'obbligo in quanto si tratta di una recensione del quarto capitolo di una serie ormai super avanzata. Per meglio capire di cosa vi sto raccontando, consiglio vivamente di leggere le recensioni dei tre libri precedenti.
Synthia, si lascia ormai alle spalle la sua vita da umana, non è più Enforcer della Gilda che proteggeva gli esseri umani da quelli fatati. Adesso lei è una di loro....e molto di più. Il suo destino era molto più impegnativo di quanto potesse mai immaginare. 

Ryder, è sempre stato un personaggio misterioso. Si, era una essere dell'altro mondo, quello fatato suddiviso in caste. Ma non era mai stato chiaro a quale egli appartenesse, alla fine del terzo lo scopriamo. Molti nodi sono venuti al pettine durante i tre romanzi ed in questa sua opera ( non si tratta di quello conclusivo però ) Synthia e Ryder riescono a trovare il modo per stare insieme.

Lei è innamorata cotta, nonostante abbia sempre detestato tutti gli esseri fatati, in quanto egoisti e solo interessati a cibarsi di emozioni umane. Lui, fiero e intenso, ha dimostrato per la combattente rispetto e attrazione fisica a limite del controllo, ma anche capace di gesti gentili e affezionati.
Non è facile riassumere la trama di questa serie, ci sono moltissimi personaggi, tutti simpatici e con un ruolo ben preciso, le caste fatate sono numerose e gli incroci familiari sono da perdere la testa.
Vi basti sapere che Synthia è incinta di tre gemelli!! I genitori sono al settimo cielo ma c'è il pericolo che la terra dell'altro mondo, inquinata e malata, non accetti i piccolini e che la loro vita sia in pericolo, prima ancora di iniziare a viverla.  
Inoltre ci sono gli acerrimi nemici di Synthia e Ryder, i Mages. Creature nate da un incrocio tra esseri umani e fatati, di seconda classe. Il loro scopo è quello di distruggere l'altro mondo e primeggiare su quello umano.
Le emozioni non mancheranno, che obbligheranno Ryder a svelare i veri sentimenti per la sua compagnia, seppure si sia sempre dichiarato impossibilitato a provare certi tipi di attaccamenti. Synthia, sopraffatta dall'amore per la nuova famiglia e per la sua nuova casa, deve smettere una buona volta di pensare da essere umano ma da essere fatato, e si dimostrerà difatti una degna regina, giusta e affezionata.

Tra demoni, una Dea madrina,  un paese malato, tradimenti e passioni infuocate, con tanto di giochi erotici da far imbarazzare C. Gray, Seducing Destiny conferma quanto sia appassionante e ricca di sorprese questa serie.

Leggere del cambiamento caratteriale di Synthia è molto interessante, il personaggio è analizzato con cura e ed è pressoché impossibile non affezionarcisi, ogni suo dolore o fallimento, è raccontato in un modo tale che è come essere al suo fianco. Ma non lasciatevi ingannare, il suo amore per la "Bestia" non è una debolezza, non permette mai a Ryder di predominare su di lei. Le linee tra di loro sono molto chiare.
Ryder, è una figura oscura e intensa, dice quello che pensa e non sono parole dolci da cioccolatino, per non parlare dei suoi gusti in camera da letto che, romanzo dopo romanzo, si fanno sempre più audaci. La paternità svelerà un lato dolce che non conoscevamo e confermerà quanto sia essere protettivo e pronto a tutto per le persone che ama.

I nostri protagonisti sono circondati da molti amici, la guardia reale, fedele e sempre pronta a proteggere i sovrani, sono simpatici ma anche molto teneri quando passano da super macho men a baby sitter improvvisati con i piccoli principi. Ci sono poi i fratelli di Ryder e Adam, il migliore amico di Synthia e Alden, lo "zio" di Synthia sulla terra. E' davvero un folto gruppo unito e affiatato.

Il demone Ristan merita di essere citato. Lo si conosce fino dal primo romanzo, e si fa sempre più largo nel cuore del lettore per la sua lealtà nei confronti della protagonista. 
In questo capitolo, verrà attaccato e subirà delle ferite che lo porteranno a comportarsi in modo misterioso e stano per quasi tutto il libro...chissà cosa avrà in mente per lui la scrittrice!!
Non ci resta che aspettare l'ultimo e conclusivo capitolo di questa serie che si preannuncia già ricco di sorprese e colpi di scena!!

Una cosa mi è mancata rispetto agli altri libri di questa serie. E' sempre stata Synthia a rincorrere Ryder.....non è proprio vero, anche Ryder ha corteggiato spesso una volta ufficializzata la loro  storia, è mancato quel cercarsi, il conoscersi, anche se non sono mancate le loro effusioni vietate ai minori. Non è una coppia come tutte le altre, adesso hanno dei figli a cui pensare, al loro futuro e a quello della loro patria e del loro popolo. bisogna giustamente dare delle priorità!

Piccola annotazione: come citato prima, i personaggi sono molti e leggere questo libro a distanza di quasi un anno dal precedente, senza aver fatto un breve ripasso, mi ha creato non pochi problemini di concentrazione. L'inglese non è per tutti, nonostante sia ricco di dialoghi e battute divertenti, Se volete provare a leggerla, consiglio caldamente di iniziare dal primo libro.
Il fantasy romance/erotico è un genere che gradisco molto, non ne ho mai letti in italiano, non ne conosco in realtà. Questa serie è la prima che leggo. Speriamo che prima o poi venga tradotta perché è validissima.

venerdì 6 febbraio 2015

FORBIDDEN by Charlotte Stein

FORBIDDEN (Under the Skin Series #2)


say I need help. Another exorcism. This is not new. This is my life. Today, I
expect to suffer at the hands of a man as warped by superstition and fear as my
mother. A man who will torture me in order to save me from things that don't

But the

man who actually comes to me is different.


is good and decent, and he sees what's good and decent in me. And I don't mean
for it to happen, but every time he looks at me, his gaze sets me on fire. He
brings me to the light, gives me back my life. For the first time, I see a
future for myself.


future with him.

I burn

for Killian-a man who's intent on protecting me. On healing me.


doesn't get it. The only thing that can heal me is him. But Killian will soon
be a priest. Untouchable. Forbidden.

How can

I ask a man to choose between me … and God?

lunedì 2 febbraio 2015

Courtney Cole's VERUM - Release Day


Verum RDL Banner

We are absolutely over the moon about this Release Day launch for Courtney Cole's VERUM!! VERUM is a New Adult dark romantic psychological suspense novel and the second book in Courtney's The Nocte Trilogy! To celebrate the release NOCTE is on sale for only $.99 through tomorrow! Grab both now! Thank us later.

Amazon ** Barnes &Noble ** iTunes ** Kobo

Add VERUM on Goodreads

The truth shall set you free.

My name is Calla Price and I’m drowning.

My new world is a dark, dark ocean and I’m being pulled under by secrets.

Can I trust anyone? I don’t know anymore.

The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.

I’m entangled in the darkness.

But the truth will set me free.

It’s just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.

Are you scared?

I am.

venerdì 30 gennaio 2015

Losing At Love Cover Reveal

Today we’re having a cover reveal for Jennifer Iacopelli’s Losing at Love. And—bonus points!!—we’re also revealing the new redesign for the first book in the series, Game. Set. Match. Jennifer is sharing an excerpt from Losing at Love, as well as a giveaway, so be sure to check it all out.

Title: Losing at Love

Author: Jennifer Iacopelli

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: February 24th



giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

Alyssa Rose Ivy's SEDUCTION'S KISS Release Day

Seductions Kiss

Holy crow! We are so excited to bring you all the Release Day launch for Alyssa Rose Ivy's SEDUCTION'S KISS! SEDUCTION’S KISS is a prequel novella to LURE, a novel in her The Allure Chronicles Series. This novella is seriously fantastic! Go grab your copy today!!

Seductions Kiss RDL Banner

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iTunes ** GooglePlay ** Kobo

*Prequel novella to Lure (The Allure Chronicles #1)*

Never agree to a road trip to New Orleans with your roommate. At least not when your roommate is dragging you along while she reconnects with an ex-boyfriend. Possible consequences of failing to take my advice:

1) Unknowingly going out with a vampire stripper
2) Getting kidnapped by said vampire's nest mates
3) Falling head over heels for your winged hero

Believe it or not number 3 is the worst one, especially when no one believes you that he exists.

We wove our way through the crowds. I glanced into the rows of bars and clubs teeming with people dressed in various degrees of costumes. Despite my apprehension of hanging out with someone I barely knew, the excitement seemed to be rubbing off on me. I found myself moving along to the music spilling out of one club when we were momentarily stopped.
“Duncan!” A girl with long blond hair yelled and proceeded to wrap her arms around Duncan’s neck. She was dressed as a pumpkin, if a pumpkin was just a skimpy piece of orange fabric. “Come dancing with us.” She was visibly drunk.
“Oh, hi.” He gave me an apologetic look.
I shrugged. It wasn’t like we were on a date.
“Why aren’t you dressed up? It’s Halloween. You’re supposed to be dressed up.”
He shoved a hand into his back pocket. “How do you know that I’m not dressed up?”
“Laurie!” The girl yelled. “It’s Duncan, the stripper who did Debbie’s party last week.”
Wait. What? Did he strip? Wow, that was pretty surprising. He wasn’t bad looking, but I hadn’t met a male stripper before.
Another girl ran over. This one was appropriately attired. She had an awesome lollipop costume on. She also gave Duncan a hug, so I decided to people watch while I waited. That’s when I saw him. The gorgeous guy from the bar. All six plus feet of his perfectness. This time he was wearing one of those sleeveless white t-shirts that showed off his muscular arms. But it wasn’t his muscles that jumped out the most. It was his beautiful set of black wings. Now that was a costume.
He glanced up just as he passed, and my chest tightened. He looked at me with curiosity for a second before continuing on. Maybe he vaguely remembered my face but didn’t know why. I wasn’t sure what would be worse, if he remembered the humiliating moment, or if he didn’t.
I suddenly felt embarrassed of my cat costume. Were the whiskers too much?
“Daisy?” Duncan called my name and snapped me out of my daze. “Ready?” The girls must have walked off while I was distracted because Duncan was alone watching me. I wondered how obvious my ogling was.
“Yeah, sure.”
Duncan towed me along until he turned into a dark and completely unappealing dive. This was his favorite place? I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to offend him. Maybe this was one of those hidden gems you always hear about. Just to be safe I texted Reyna the name of the place as inconspicuously as possible, Grounddiggers.
“Who are you texting?” Duncan asked as we walked through the entrance.
Evidently I wasn’t as inconspicuous as I thought. “Just a friend.” I’m not sure why I didn’t just tell him who it was. I just felt like it was safer not to.
He nodded at a bouncer, who like Duncan was dressed all in black. The bouncer grunted something unintelligible to Duncan. Duncan must have taken the grunt to mean enter because he pulled me further inside. 

Alyssa Rose Ivy- Author Photo
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Pinterest ** Novel Goodreads **Author Goodreads

mercoledì 28 gennaio 2015

Sidelinded by Emma Hart Cover Reveal


Three people. Three

motives. Three reasons.
When the game leaves the field in the second book in the USA
Today bestselling BY HIS GAME series and mixes with sex, lies, and betrayal,
the future isn't the only thing on the line...

Macey Kelly has sworn off men. Unless they’re going to zip
in and out of her apartment—and her vagina—quicker than they can give her an
orgasm, she’s not interested. Finding out her boyfriend of three years got her
cousin pregnant was a total confidence knock. Luckily for Macey, confidence is
something she has in abundance, so all Mitch’s asshole move
did was make her pretty cynical toward men.

The last thing Jack Carr needs at the start of the season is
for a dark-haired, sexy as sin, gyspyesque beauty to be consuming his thoughts.
Football is his life, which leaves no time for girls. Unless they’re the love
‘em and leave ‘em girls. Becoming one of the best running backs the league has
ever seen by racking up the yards is his top priority… not bedding Macey Kelly,
despite her affinity for blow jobs and total sexual abandon.
Avoiding each other is the perfect solution, but when your
best friends are in a serious living together kind of relationship, that isn’t
always an option. Sometimes, sex on tap is the easiest option. And the

Until Mitch shows up with a bombshell that could shatter
Macey’s perfectly carved out life. It’s been a year, but he isn’t giving her
up, not now he has a chance at winning her back. And he knows her buttons.
Every single one of them.
Unfortunately for him, Jack Carr isn’t a loser. The star
running back has his eye on the Vince Lombardi—and on Macey. But seeing her
hanging between them both isn’t something he’s down with, not when he discovers
why she’s so against anything more-ish, as she puts it.Macey quickly realizes
she’s the ball being passed between two desperate yet opposing teams, and that
only one of them can score the touchdown. But will the winner be the guy she
lived with and loved for three years, or will the winner be the guy who
understands her and makes her body come alive?
In this game, someone will be sidelined, and calling the
play isn’t always as easy as it seems.

(SIDELINED is a full-length, standalone novel. It's not
necessary to read BLINDSIDED before this book, but it is advised.)

“Put the drink down, M,” he whispers. “It’s fucking with you.”
“Really? I thought that was you fucking with me,” I respond, turning to him and pressing a hand
against his chest. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Like, right here. Literally.
“It’s my best friend’s birthday.” He smirks. “Why’ve you been staring at me all night like you wanna
suck and bite my cock simultaneously?”
“I assure you it was the latter.”
“Sure it was.” Jack steps into me again, and I grab my glass with the hand closest to him so I don’t
grab his ass or something, ‘cause, shit. He’s got a sweet as hell ass.
“It was.” I drink. Again. Where the hell are my girls? “I feel like dancing.” I finish the glass and twist
my body away from his.
His hand finally falls from me as I stalk toward and down the stairs. I slip into the moving crowd, but
I’ve barely moved my hips when two large, strong hands clasp me and tug me backward. The wall of
muscle my back slams into is solid, and I exhale on a whoosh, even as I close my fingers against the
ones clasping my hips.
“Nice try, baby,” Jack says into my ear. “Run if you want. I’m a running back. I’ll chase you and catchyou every fuckin’ time.”
“Sounds like a promise you can’t keep, doll,” I reply, my breath catching when he moves my hips
against his
“Sounds like a promise you’re afraid of.”
I laugh and shove his hands away from me. I turn to face him. Even in the darkness, his eyes blaze
bright green, so fucking bright they’re close to blinding me every time the strobe lighting coasts
across his face. And, shit, it does it so many times, and every time, it illuminates every line and curve
of his perfectly sculpted jaw.
“You wish, Jack Carr. You fucking wish.”
His hands snatch mine and he pulls me through the crowd. I fight his hold, but his grip is too tight.
My heart pounds as he drags me through the hall with certainty, and in two minutes, I find myself
pressed against his goddamn car in the parking lot.
“What the fuck?” I shout, shoving at him.
He grabs my hands once more and pins them over my head, effectively bending me backward on the
hood of his SUV. “What the fuck?” he replies, leaning into me, his voice low. “Is that hard or soft,
quick or slow, deep or shallow? ‘Cause baby, I can fuck you all six of those ways in one go.”
“None of them,” I snap. “What the fuck, as in, what the fuck, asshole?”
“Oh, that what the fuck.” He bends forward a little more. Until his mouth is against my ear and his
hard body is pressed right up against mine. “Maybe it’s the what the fuck I felt when I felt your eyes
on me all night. Maybe it’s the what the fuck I felt when you looked at me like you wanted to fuck
me one minute, then the next, slice my balls in two. Maybe it’s the what the fuck you’ve got in your
eyes while you let me lie my body over yours in a motherfucking parking lot seconds after I ask you
how you want to be fucked tonight.”
“I don’t want to be fucked,” I reply, doing my best to slam my hands into his hood. I fail—shit, he’s
so fucking strong I can’t even twist my hands in his grip.
“Baby, your body says otherwise.”
“My body is an impulsive fuckwit.”
“Your body knows me.”
“Again, my body is an impulsive fuckwit.”
“You never did say.” He breathes against my jaw and brushes his lips against my skin. “How do you
want to be fucked?”
He tilts his face into my neck and kisses. Oh, hell, he kisses my neck, right beneath my jaw, where mychin meets my neck, and I pause. I inhale sharply.
“Get in the goddamn car,” he orders, releasing me.
“Excuse me?” I push up and stare at him.
“Get in the goddamn car,” he repeats, pulling open his door and staring me. “Or have I gotta throw
you into it?”
“I am not getting into your car!”
He slams his door shuts and rounds on me. I step backward, but he’s too quick, and he wraps an arm
around my waist. My body slams into his yet again as he opens the passenger side door of his SUV
and throws me into it.
“Get. In. The. Goddamn. Car.”
“This is kidnap!”
He slams my door, and I both see and hear him laughing as he walks to the driver’s side. “Sure it is,
baby. I’m startin’ the engine now, so you got ten seconds to get the hell out before I drive. One…

From Emma Hart, the New York Times bestselling author of the Game series, comes a brand new series where the game is realer, the tension is tighter, the sex is hotter, and the stakes are the highest of all…

Two people. Two agendas. Two games.
What happens when the out-there It-Boy of football meets the
secret It-Girl of fashion?
As the daughter of Hollywood’s sweetheart, Leah Veronica
can’t even buy a coffee without finding her face on a magazine stand, so it’s no
wonder she’s launching her first fashion line in secret. With it debuting at
New York Fashion Week in just under a month, extra time in the spotlight is the
last thing she needs.
The son of the best quarterback the league has ever seen,
filling legendary shoes as the L.A. Vipers’ quarterback was inevitable for
Corey Jackson. So was meeting Leah Veronica—the first girl to hand him his ass
without putting a hair out of place.
Getting the handsome, prickly blonde into his bed becomes
his number one goal. But getting the sexy, over-confident footballer the hell
away from her becomes Leah’s—at least until she realizes the best way to do
that is to give him what he wants.
If only it was that simple.
When Corey discovers who she is, and private photos of
Hollywood’s finest find their way online, everything they thought they knew is
thrown into disarray.
And when secrets are exposed and hearts are shattered, they
have to figure out if they’ve been blindsided by love or reality, and if it’s
worth running the extra yard to win the game they never meant to play.

By day, New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Adult author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to two beautiful little monsters. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of whatever she fancies - usually wine - and writes books.

Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.
She likes to be busy - unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.

martedì 27 gennaio 2015

Kristen Proby's FALLING FOR JILLIAN Release Day

We can't wait to share this Release Day Launch for Kristen Proby's FALLING FOR JILLIAN with you! FALLING FOR JILLIAN is an erotic contemporary romance and the third book in the bestselling Love Under the Big Sky Series, published by Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Check out this amazing book below and grab your copy today!

Falling for Jillian Cover

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From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby comes the third romance in the Love Under the Big Sky series, featuring a veteran struggling with PTSD and the one woman who can help him recover—and learn to love again.

Jillian thought she was a city girl through and through; the fast cars, high fashion, and glamour—she loves it all. But when her ex tells her he’s having a baby with his new wife (after Jillian struggled for years to get pregnant), she hightails it back to Montana to cry on the shoulder of her best friend, Cara.

But in truth, Jillian would rather be comforted by someone else…specifically Zack, Cara’s brother-in-law. Zack is a veteran of the Iraq War who came back to the family ranch to raise his preteen son after the boy’s mother took off. He’s struggling to re-establish a relationship with his son, and warding off the demons of PTSD, which still haunt him. The last thing he needs is bold, brassy Jillian…but why can’t he keep his hands off her?

FFJ Teaser

And don’t forget to read the first book in the Love Under the Big Sky Series…

Loving Cara

“Okay, plug them in.”

I run to the porch and plug in the lights, then run back into the front yard to see them.

“Oh, they’re so pretty!”

“Thank God they all work,” he says as he tosses the black shoe down to the ground and then moves carefully down to the ladder. “It would be a bitch to have to take them back down.”

“I checked them,” I assure him, and when his foot finally lands safely on the snow and he turns to me, I hit him on the arm. “You shouldn’t have done that! You took ten years off my life!”

I throw my arms around his torso and squeeze him tightly, then back away.

“No, you shouldn’t have been on that ladder. If I catch you on one again, I’ll spank your ass until it glows.”

My jaw drops as I gaze up into his frustrated face. For once in my life, I’m speechless. I scowl as I pull myself together and clench my fists. “You wouldn’t dare . . .”

“Put yourself in danger again and see if I don’t,” he replies calmly and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Did you come here to bully me?”

He sighs and pulls his beanie off his head, pushing his fingers through the messy brown strands. I want to sink my fingers in that thick, dark hair.

“No. I came because you won’t answer your fucking phone so I can apologize for the other night.”

“I don’t want your apology,” I reply and throw the extra lights and staple gun back into the tote and turn away, but he catches my arm and turns me back to him, takes the tote, and sets it down.

“I’m going to give it anyway.” His jaw is firm. “I had no right to kiss you like that in the parking lot for everyone to see.”

I jerk back, mortified. “You’re apologizing for kissing me?”

FFJ Available Now

Author pic_Montana
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle and Love Under the Big Sky series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong, humorous characters with a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves.

Kristen lives in Montana, where she enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.

Website ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads ** FALLING FOR JILLIAN Goodreads

venerdì 23 gennaio 2015

cover reveal of THE WAY WE FALL by Cassia Leo

Today we have the cove reveal for Cassia Leo’s The Way We Fall! I love this cover, AND Cassia is sharing an excerpt, as well as the playlist for the book. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom for all the fantastic extras!!

TWWF Amazon_1

Title: The Way We Fall

Author: Cassia Leo

Genre: Contemporary romance

Release Day: February 20th

From New York Times bestselling author Cassia Leo comes a twisted and passionate love story that pushes the boundaries of loyalty.
Maybe we shouldn’t have fallen so fast and so willingly.
Maybe we shouldn’t have moved in together before we went on our first date.
Maybe we should have given our wounds time to heal before we tore each other to shreds.
Maybe we should have never been together.
Houston has kept a devastating secret from Rory since the day he took her into his home. But the tragic circumstances that brought them together left wounds too deep to heal.
Five years after the breakup, Houston and Rory are thrust together by forces beyond their control. And all the resentments and passion return with more intensity than ever.
Once again, Houston is left with a choice between the truth and the only girl he’s ever loved.
The Way We Fall is the first book in The Story of Us Series, which follows the tumultuous love story of Rory and Houston. The sequel, The Way We Break, will be released Spring 2015.

Available for $0.99 only during preorder and for the first 48 hours after release.

Preorder on iBooks:

Check out the playlist for The Way We Fall:
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“I need to talk to you about the work situation,” he says as he follows me out. “I got the contract, but I want to make sure you’re okay with this before I sign it.”

“You want to know if I’ll be okay working with you?”

I slide the key into the doorknob and Houston places his hand over mine to stop me from turning the knob. “I can’t go in there with you. Please stay out here until we’re done talking.”

I shake his hand off and turn around to face him. “There’s nothing to talk about. You have to sign the contract. The way I feel about working with you shouldn’t matter.”

“But it does matter. I don’t want to upset you. You were there first.”

I can’t help but laugh. “So this is a territorial thing? You think because I was there first that I have some sort of right to keep you out?” His left eyebrow shoots up the way it always does when he’s confused and it nearly renders me mute. “Houston, if I didn’t work there you wouldn’t think twice about signing that contract. So that’s what you should do. Just… please stop making this into something it isn’t. We hardly know each other anymore, and that’s the way it’s going to remain.”

He swallows hard as he lets this sink in. “I guess you’re right. I’m sorry I bothered you. I only wanted to… Never mind. I’ll get going. I have to get up early to go sign that contract. Not that you care.”

He shakes his head in disappointment as he walks away and I’m glad I don’t have anything solid in my hand other than Skippy’s leash or I might throw it at the back of his head. So I’m the one who doesn’t care? Ugh. Typical Houston and his endless psychological games.

Maybe I should have told him to walk away from the contract, but that would have meant admitting that he still has a strong hold over me. It also would have been the truth and the truth has never gotten me into trouble. In fact, the truth is something my previous relationship with Houston was sorely lacking.

Nevertheless, I don’t need to right the wrongs we made while we were together. I don’t need to tell Houston that the sight of him makes my throat dry and my stomach flutter. He doesn’t need to know that I still go to sleep with scenes from our life together playing on repeat in my mind. Or that sometimes I wake up with his name tumbling from my lips, the remnants of dreams where he never left and nightmares where he hovers just out of reach.

Before Wednesday, the last time I had seen Houston was the day after he met me at the Planned Parenthood clinic. I didn’t ask him to come, and I don’t know how he found the date and time of my appointment, but he was there when we pulled into the parking lot. Lisa, a girl from my Social Inequality class whom I’d had coffee with a couple of times, had graciously agreed to take me to the clinic. The moment I saw him leaning against his truck, I knew I had to send Lisa home. Houston would insist on taking me back to the apartment after the procedure, to watch over me.

It was the last thing I wanted, to have Houston doting over me after terminating the pregnancy. But it was also the only thing I wanted. It was as if he was performing the last rites on our dead relationship.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.

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