mercoledì 14 maggio 2014

Offerta Speciale : Broken Series - Dawn Pendleton

Hello Girls!! C'è una nuova offerta fresca fresca per noi: Broken Series di Dawn Pendleton - inedita in Italia.
Sto parlando di un'intera serie, composta da ben 4 libri, a soli € 0,89 su Amazon!!!! Sbalorditivo!
Io non me la perdo di certo....voi che intenzioni avete a riguardo ? ;-)
Ho già letto i primi due romanzi, per questo mi sento tranquilla di consigliarveli anche se non ne ho fatto una recensione.....forse avrei dovuto diventare prima una blogger, ci sono troppi libri da recensire e così poco tempo per farlo!
Vi inserisco le trame dei libri così potrete farvi un'idea !

Broken Promises # 1 Broken Series :

After three years in Boston attending college, Mallory Wells has come home to Casper, Maine to care for her father, who is dying from cancer. She left Casper without looking back, leaving her small-town life and everyone in it, behind. Including her sexy high school sweetheart. 
Luke Bates was devastated when Mallory left him for the city life. He managed to pull himself together and move on, even if only just barely. When Mallory shows up in town, Luke vows to stay away from her at all costs. So why does he keep checking in on her and her father, showing up when he's clearly uninvited? Maybe Luke isn't as 'over her' as he thought

Broken Dreams  # 2 Broken Series :

Rainey Daniels has been keeping a secret since she left her hometown, three years ago. The death of a friend’s father, though, has her questioning whether or not running away from her past is what’s best for her future. Add sexy Chris Baker in the mix and she’s even more unsure. After all, life is short. 
Baker is an all-around good guy with a great sense of humor struggling to keep his new bar afloat. And he always thought Rainey was hot, even when she carried a few extra pounds in high school. Hell, he thinks she’s too skinny now. He knows she’s hiding something, too, but when he pushes the issue, she pushes him away. He tries not to care; she only wants a summer fling, right? But when her life is threatened, he realizes he may just be in love with her… and then he learns her secret. 
Can they find love together before it’s too late?

Broken Pieces  # 3 Broken Series :

It’s been a rough year for Gabby Peterman. Her best friend’s dad died six months ago, her other best friend has leukemia and isn’t doing well, and her marriage? After three years, it’s more of a joke than a relationship. Despite all the odds, she’s managed to stay strong for the people around her, supporting them through all their trials. But when death strikes again and one of her closest friends disappears, Gabby loses it. 
On the verge of a mental breakdown himself, Wolfe Landon will do anything to win Gabby over. But first, he’s going to prove to her just how much he cares and loves her, because losing her will rip out his heart and soul

Broken Valentine  # 4 Broken Series ( a novella ) :

Mallory and Luke have been joyously living out their happily ever after. With a baby on the way, they think nothing could ruin their happiness. When the baby's life is in danger, though, they've got a touch decision to make. 
This novella takes place after all three of the Broken Series books.
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