giovedì 12 febbraio 2015

Breaking Dragon (Savage Brothers MC, #1) by Jordan Marie


At one time, I had everything I wanted in life. Or I thought I did, but I lived in black and white. Then, he exploded into my world. Dragon.

He’s hot-blooded, cocky, stubborn as hell, and he drives me crazy. With him everything is more...It’s more vibrant, more exciting, more...real.

Suddenly I have everything to lose. In fact, I’m terrified that I might not be strong enough to hold on to it all. Because I’m learning with life, there are no hearts and flowers. Sometimes, there is just darkness. 

Dragon “Detroit” West

There’s one thing I know about life. You have to grab it by the throat and go at it full throttle.

Thrown away with the garbage on the day I was born, hooked on crack before I even take my first breath and doing what I had to do just to survive—

That’s who I am. 
I’m the filth your mother warned you about. 

The Savage MC is the only family I’ve ever had, the only ones I can depend on.
Then she walks into my life. Nicole. 
Nothing like what I expected, sassy, smart and sexy as hell. She’s everything I could want and more. 

Our worlds don’t mix. I’m only going to drag her down.
She should have never let me touch her…

Life can tear you into shreds, make you bend until you break.
Sometimes, you have to face death, so you can live. 

Nicole and Dani are moving away from the Blade, a small town they were born and raised in. They saved up money found jobs, with everything planned were moving today. 
London, Kentucky was just three hours away but for now it was better than nothing. Nicole was not close to her parents so moving away was no big deal. On the way to her new lice she ends up running into a lot of bikers. Dragon the president of the club was hitting on her at the gas station and his fellow bikers are laughing. One thing about Nicole is she has a big chest and bottom, she is not small and is very insecure about it. So she see’s these men like they are laughing at her but in a strange way she feels attracted to Dragon.

Dragon is flirting with Nicole and she is flirting back but being sassy as hell to him. She ends their talking by driving away when Dani gets back in the car and they drive away. As it works out for Dragon not only is Nicole living in the clubs rent house but is also working at one of his clubs. After he forced a kiss on her the first day and feels the way she melted into him, he has become addicted to her. While she has become a huge distraction to him, he also has a huge club problem to deal with. Men that he has trusted to have his back are traitors to him and the club. He needs to find out who this person is.

Nicole and Dragon are from two different worlds but that does not stop the feelings each one of them feels. Even as Dragon deals with all the problems going on in the club, Dragon works at making Nicole is old lady. Nicole does not want to be Dragons old lady even though she thinks he is the sexist thing ever. When Nicole finally gives in to Dragon there is no going back. That means the only women Dragon can even touch is her. 

Nicole gets into some trouble trying to help her friend out while Dragon is out which lead her into getting hurt trying to protect Dragon. Find out what she learns about the people who became traitors to the club. Read about what she does to save Dragons life. Though from two different worlds see how their love can change people.

Really Ms. Jordan Marie, I love the book. I got teased at the club for reading instead of hanging out and singing with everyone. I recommend this book to everyone. I have said it once and I will say it again. Reviews are the opinions of the person doing the review. It is up to you to get the book and read it to form your own opinion to see if you like it or not. I have heard a lot of good reviews on this book from my friends. Now go read Breaking Dragon by Jordan Marie I promise you will not regret it.
This may be a small thing to you but after you read this book or any book go please leave a comment about the book. Authors like hearing what the people in the world reading their books think about it.

“You belong to me. My mark all over your body, I know what you’ve given me and you’re not fucking getting it back, you hear me Mama? You’re mine.” “Forever,” 

“No Mama. Been here awhile seen a lot of girls, in a lot of places. Don’t believe I’ve ever seen one pumping gas barefoot.” 

“Mama you hold the fuck on! You promised me! Don’t you leave me woman or I swear to fucking Christ I will find a way to follow you and drag your fucking ass back here! NICOLE!!” ” 

Jordan is a small town Kentucky girl whose life revolves around her husband and daughter. She's an avid reader who has always had the dream of letting others hear what the voices inside of her head had to say. She hopes you find them as entertaining as she does.

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