giovedì 26 febbraio 2015

For Authentication Purposes by Amber L. Johnson / Review - Interview

For Authentication Purposes
by Amber L. Johnson

Release Date: March 5th , 2015
Genre: New Adult Romance / Contemporary Romance / Romance Erotica / Humor 

 ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-387-4

Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH

Dawn Sims has made a name for herself writing romantic fiction online. When she's pushed to try her hand at publishing, she thinks she has everything figured out. The only problem? She's never been in a relationship, especially one that has led her to finding The Big O.

So much for writing what you know.

Warner Green has had Dawn in his sights since she walked into his class in seventh grade. She broke his teenage heart not once, but twice, so seeing her in his night class at the local community college was an unexpected surprise.

Accidentally reading her bad erotica on her laptop was a blessing from the Smut Gods themselves.

It's clear she has no idea what she's writing about, but Warner does. In fact, he knows so much that he's willing to offer her his services. The deal is simple: teach the good girl from high school everything she needs to know to write from experience. If he gets to live out a fantasy or two that he's been harboring for almost a decade, then there's no harm in that either.

The lessons turn more heated, and Dawn begins to question where Warner has learned his skills, but he's not ready to talk, until his past comes back to haunt him at the worst possible time.

It shouldn't matter when it's for authentication purposes only.

Non avevo mai letto nulla di questa autrice e sono contenta di essermi iscritta a questo blog tour, è stata una lettura gradevolissima. Il libro appartiene al genere “erotica” ma i suoi commenti divertenti e la simpatia dei personaggi alzano la sua qualità di parecchi punti. Detesto i libri erotici senza una trama, vanno bene le scene di sesso a tutta birra ma un po' di concetto non guasta!

Dawm Sims, è una giovane donna con il sogno di diventare una scrittrice di libri romance. Non è riuscita ad andare al college dopo la scuola, così decide di frequentare dei corsi serali, in quanto una laurea in inglese avrebbe colpito positivamente gli agenti letterari a cui avrebbe mandato il suo manoscritto. Ed è proprio in questa sede che ritrova il suo “ vecchio amico” di scuola Warner Green.

Si conoscono quando erano ragazzini, Warner ne rimase subito colpito ma non è mai riuscito a far breccia nel cuore di Dawn. E’ stato più facile prenderla in giro dandole il soprannome  Bunny che lei ha ricambiato chiamandolo Wardo. Nonostante siano passati anni, ancora si chiamano reciprocamente così, lo trovo adorabile!

Durante una delle lezioni serali, Warner scopre per caso il segreto di Dawn leggendo una delle scene di sesso del suo manoscritto. Per Warner è come se fosse Natale! Dopo tanti anni ha finalmente l’opportunità di portare Bunny dove vuole lui, offrendole qualcosa che lei non potrà rifiutare.

Lei lo scopre a sbirciare sul suo computer e lui ammette di aver letto il primo capitolo del suo libro, dove viene descritta una scena di auto erotismo. Warner le dice fuori ai denti che non sa assolutamente nulla di quello che sta scrivendo. Wardo le fa capire di essere totalmente inadeguata e si offre volontario per istruirla a dovere in modo da poter scrivere scene realistiche….e perché no di vita vissuta! Prove autentiche, insomma!
Chiaramente non ci saranno coinvolgimenti sentimentali, si tratta di pura dedizione per la ricerca e un favore nei confronti di una amica.
Dawn rimane attonita dalla proposta di Warner, questo significherebbe portare il loro rapporto ad un livello intimo decisamente non previsto, per non parlare del fatto che a lei Wardo non sta neppure simpatico!! Ma per il bene del suo progetto accetta.

Warner ha ben chiaro in mente il suo piano. La prima cosa è insegnare a Bunny cosa significa avere un orgasmo e come darlo a se stessa, altrimenti non potrà mai averlo insieme ad un partner. Dawn è inaspettatamente cooperativa e segue ogni sua direttiva, sorpresa di se stessa dopo ogni nuova esperienza, che nasconde la dura verità che le diceva Wardo, lei non sapeva proprio nulla sul sesso.
Ma come mai Warner conosce così bene come dare piacere ad una donna? Dopotutto ha solo qualche anno in più di lei, nemmeno 25 anni, va bene aver fatto sesso con più donne ma lui ha una conoscenza talmente elevata da creare sospetti! Ed effettivamente una ragione c’è. Warner è stato protagonista di uno scandalo mentre frequentava il college, che l’ha obbligato ad abbandonare gli studi e che spiega il perché Wardo sia così esperto nei rapporti con l’altro sesso.

Dawn è sopraffatta dalle emozioni che comincia a provare per il ragazzo che ha sempre detestato. Oltre alle loro “lezioni” di piacere, parlano molto e la sua opinione nei confronti del ragazzo cambia radicalmente. Lo stesso vale per lui, era convinto di conoscerla bene ma riesce sempre a sorprenderlo!
Facciamo il punto: il  coinvolgimento emotivo che non doveva intromettersi, riuscirà a starne fuori? Quando il fantasma del passato di Warner riaffiora pubblicamente, Dawn saprà fidarsi della sua parola?

Come ripeto, si tratta di un romanzo erotico. Si va molto nello specifico, il piacere che la donna può dare a se stessa o può ricevere dal partner viene descritto meticolosamente. L’ho trovato interessante, in quanto sono fermamente convinta che la donna debba conoscere se stessa e nel libro, questo concetto viene esaltato. Ci sono molte scene di sesso è vero, ma lo stile è talmente scorrevole, i dialoghi e i commenti sono molto divertenti, da rompere la tipica monotonia dei romanzi erotici. I personaggi poi sono analizzati molto bene. Conosciamo com'era il rapporto tra i protagonisti ai tempi della scuola e dopo, fino al loro conoscersi intimamente. Grazie al doppio POV scopriamo i veri sentimenti di Warner, cosa si nasconde dietro a quella facciata di sicurezza e sfacciataggine, lo stesso vale per Dawn, i suoi sogni e come cambia la sua opinione verso Wardo.

Io consiglio fortemente questo libro per tutte le donne che hanno piacere nel leggere un buon romanzo erotico, istruttivo ed eccitante, con il bonus di farsi un paio di risate fragorose!!
Hello Amber, my name is Fidi, the admin of the blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls, an english/italian book blog.
First of all, I want to say that I really enjoyed reading your novel and I want to congratulate with you for your success, it’s well deserved.

Hi, Fidi! It’s a pleasure to be speaking with you today. Thank you so much for having me and for those kind words!

Let’s bring on the questions, shall we?

“For Authentication Purposes” is a witty humor erotica novel. I’ve read that you try to write books of different genres as often as possible. Was this the first time you tried erotica? Was it comfortable for you?

I’d been writing stories for a while that would have been considered contemporary, and they did include sex scenes. But I have to admit that FAP is my first full blown erotica. That’s why I tried to keep it light. And no, it wasn’t comfortable for first. It was definitely a stretch because I had never just gone balls to the wall with written porn before.

Witty comments and funny exchange between the characters give a pleasant atmosphere. This is not just an erotica novel but so much more. How could you describe it for the readers still undecided?

The best way to describe the book is that is pokes fun at itself. Some of it is tongue in cheek. Some of it is just to get a laugh. But mostly it’s to remind us that sex isn’t all that serious. Talking about it and the act of it can be quite funny. And if you can find someone that can laugh or giggle during sex, then it can take away a lot of that pressure we feel when we’re naked.

During the Warner sexual education sessions, Dawn learned first off how to give pleasure to herself, something that I firmly approve. I feel that women of my generation, I’m 30, don’t value it enough in a relationship and that could be a problem in a long distance. What is your opinion about this and how did you plan the teaching program for Dawn ?

I have a good number of friends that never found their true O until they were into their 30’s. Depending on how you’ve been raised, it can be a taboo subject or we can be made to feel guilty for it. A lot of times sex is fun but it’s more about reaching the standard ‘end’ where the guy is done. I wanted Warner to make her work for it. His past taught him that mutual pleasure makes things a thousand times hotter. Plus, I didn’t want him to give in so soon. If that happened, who knows if the sessions would have continued?

Even though sex scenes are very present, the plot is intriguing and I found the characters funny and adorable. They have very sweet nicknames , Bunny for Dawn and Wardo for Warner. Where did you find the inspirations for this story and all the characters?

The inspiration for the story is kinda personal, but at the time I started the book I was writing something else that wasn’t getting the traction I wanted it to. And I kept thinking, “They just want smut! I can give them smut. I’ll give them alllllll the smut.” The nicknames came from a joke that I’d had with some friends about Andrew Garfield’s nickname in The Social Network. And Bunny just came from Dawn having kinda large front teeth when she was younger.

In this novel, I think, we learn the sex is a major fundament for a relationship but it’s not just that. Love is what makes sex a great amazing experience. I would recommend this novel to all women. Approach our sexuality is imperative. Do you agree?

I tend to agree. I know plenty of people that have healthy sex lives outside of a relationship, but having that connection - affection and love - it just brings about a whole different level of intimacy. Trust is imperative. I wanted Dawn to finally learn to trust herself and completely trust Warner so that she could experience everything at the highest level.

I didn’t know what FAP mean. I learned it only when I reached the end. You are very astute!! What did you make pick out this “title” ?

Haha! Again, some things start as a joke. Some ladies on facebook had been throwing the word around for a week or so and when I looked it up I just cracked up laughing. The moment I decided to write a full blown erotica, I searched for a title that would fit the acronym. I’m pretty pleased with the result. LOL

Dawn Sims, the main female character, is a wanna-be romance writer. It’s her dream but we learn that is not an easy job. You need the right inspiration and master the subject you want to write about. Have you met the same difficulties during your writing career?  

Oh my gosh. Yes. In fact, I have been working on this one manuscript for almost 3 years now. I have the entire book outlined but when I open the document on my computer I just stare and feel like it’s never ever going to happen.

How do you feel when you finish every novel? Are you nostalgic about your characters? Or are mostly readers that feel the loss of them when they reach the end?

Finishing it feels like such a weight off my shoulders. Then the editing comes. And the publishing. And the marketing. By that point I just stop sleeping and pray that anyone else who reads what I’ve written will fall in love with my characters the way I have. It makes me very nostalgic.

Thank you so much for giving me your free time answering these questions which I really hope you’d found interesting.
I apologize for my poor English….thank you for your patience.

You’re wonderful! Thank you so very much for interviewing me. And for reading (and liking the book) for the tour. 


“Come on. Say it. I know where you’re going.”
Shifting a little to look at him, I resisted the urge to kick him in the nuts and lick his neck at the same time. I mean he looked pretty hot sitting in my chair eating that muffin. Stupid handsome face and fornication hair paired with what I assumed were dirty jeans and a plaid flannel.

“Fine. I’m going to buy a vibrator with the money you gave me. Happy?”

His smile was in full force now. “Hell yeah, I’m happy. Ecstatic, even.” He chewed around the pastry in his mouth and laughed. “I’ll come with you to make sure you get the right one.”

“Oh, hell no. Being with you in a porn shop is on my list of Things to Never Do before I Die.”



AuthPhotA true child of music, Amber's parents surrounded her with the loudest beats they could find, molding her into a girl who found inspiration and meaning in lyrics and chords. Raised on John Hughes movies, Luck Dragons, and pirate ships, she dreamed of love and adventure. When Amber began to create her own world, she envisioned a place where Happy Ever Afters do exist. Since then, she has authored several romance novels, all of which focus on songs and the way they can touch people's lives. Music may not be able to fix a broken heart, but it can provide one hell of a soundtrack for healing.

A full-time wife and mother with a full-time job, Amber finds her muse in everyday life and the people who bring her inspiration.

Be sure to look for Amber's other books!



Praise for For Authentication Purposes

"Hot! Great UST, very funny, and I loved the characters. Another great one from Amber. " - Andrea


1 commento:

  1. Thank you so much for having me and for reviewing FAP for my blog tour!




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