mercoledì 18 febbraio 2015

Cover Reveal Finding Nathan Love Lies Bleeding #2 By HJ Harley

February 23, 2015

The long awaited honeymoon is finally over for leading man, Nathan Harper and his feisty bride, Jordie. As they settle into their new home Nathan finally feels confident enough with this fresh start to share with his wife the struggles of rediscovering himself. Now more than ever Jordie needs to be strong when Nathan gives her his journal and let’s her see the darkest months of her life through his eyes. Who will hurt her more, the man who loves her or will she self-destruct?

When we walked into the new place, it was exciting and refreshing. I took a second and stood at the door with a smile.
“Admire it after you’re all moved in and get your ass in here. Help me. I’m not doing this by myself, and you’re a damn hoarder.” I heard Rachel’s voice come from somewhere behind the wall of boxes in the living area.
“Whatever, asshole,” I yelled out to her and dropped myself by the door.
“Hello, gorgeous,” I heard Nathan say as he walked down the hallway towards me, wearing my smile.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in a week.
“Holy hell, you two. Seriously?” Rachel scoffed as she attempted to get the tape off a box marked MISCELLANEOUS.
“I’m bound and determined to find my Michael Kors bag, you sticky- fingered bitch,” she mumbled playfully.
“And here’s one of them fingers just for you,” I said to Rachel as I walked past her, flipping her off.
Nathan showed me around and I started to feel overwhelmed with happiness. I exhaled to try and calm myself.
“What’s up?” Nathan asked as we were walking out of our bedroom towards Nate’s room.
“Nothing is wrong. Everything is just right.” I wiped my eyes before the tears that had welled up could fall.
“I love you. Look where we’re standing. This is a second chance for both of us to be a part of something amazing. Us, our kids, my mom and dad, Tyler, and I guess even Rachel...” He nodded his head back and smiled.
“I heard that, asshole,” Rachel yelled from the living room. “Ah, damn, the baby monitor is on in here, isn’t it?” He chuckled. We both laughed and I stood up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“If I had to guess, I’d probably say you endured life with that criminally insane ex of yours.”

“Ha ha. Very funny.” I smacked his arm lightly as we headed back to the living room.

“What. The. Fuck? Jordan, seriously, bitch. You gone and lost your damn mind. What is all this?” Rachel said very loudly and slowly.

“What are you yelling about?” Frank asked all three of us as he walked over to stand by Rachel.
There it was, in all its glory—the box marked PERSONAL, DO NOT
The box just sat there, wide open, along with Rachel’s mouth. She slowly raised her arms and turned to face us, holding a pair of white boy-short panties with MRS. HARPER slapped across the ass in bright red letters.
Nathan shrugged his shoulders.
“What’s the big deal? She is Mrs. Harper.” He paused. “Okay, yeah, what gives?” He looked confused.
Rachel tried to stifle her laugh because she knew what Nathan didn’t.
“Oh, it’s a big deal all right.” She threw the panties at me and I busted out laughing.
“This. It’s literally a big deal,” Rachel confirmed, waving the packing slip around.
“What? Is it a crime for me to go lingerie-shopping?” I tried to take the packing slip from her and I widened my eyes to hint for her to shut the fuck up.
“Oh, Jesus, I can’t stand when you two talk all cryptic. It’s like a different frequency that only you two can hear.” Nathan snagged the slip from Rachel’s hands and scanned the invoice.
“Wow, I’d say at a dollar each you got the best deal ever, considering these things retail for about fifteen bucks a pop. And this was your lingerie- shopping?” He shook his head and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. 
HJ grew up in Bricktown New Jersey, less than an hour away from New York City. As a teenager and early twenties, she loved hanging out in the glamor of NYC. She was a "City Brat" so it was pretty difficult for her to pack her stuff and three cats in 2005, for a life changing road trip, moving to California. She's travelled around the country until she met her better half in 2005.

After serving twelve years in the Air Force, the man of her dreams ended his military career and they moved to Georgia in 2007. Since then, they've settled down in Leesburg GA, and had their first child.

No place has ever come close to replacing the magic of New York City for HJ. So when it was decided to try this romance writing gig out, naturally her first book 'Finding Jordie' would be set there.

HJ enjoys reading, and spending time with her family. Reality TV is a guilty pleasure; she's a sucker for romantic comedies and Robert Pattinson. HJ is a pro at goofing off and she talks with her hands, (She's Italian!) She drinks way too much coffee, and gets too little sleep. Oh, and she has a thing for Jackie-O sized sunglasses. HJ's has five furry kids and most importantly, one beautiful daughter. HJ is always striving to be the best Mom possible.

HJ's very passionate about the things she loves, that's why she was outraged when they cancelled SMASH and Southland! It should be considered a small miracle if you ever get to see a serious or pic of her posing all nice and pretty...She's not that girl. She's a spontaneous goof and believes the best things in life come naturally. Yes, that includes random no make-up selfies during a 2:00a.m. writing marathon.

Where can you find HJ? Everywhere. She never sits still…

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