giovedì 25 febbraio 2016

Interview Brittainy C. Cherry

Hello Brittainy, 
My name is Fidi and I’m the admin of the Italian Blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls. I love reading in English and your books captivated me. 
It means so much to me that you accepted my request for a Q and A!
I love your books so much, I just want to go back to them again and again.
So many questions to ask and so little time- so I won't waste another minute!

First, I’d like to know how it all began. When did you discover writing romance/new adult novels would be an important part of your life? 
I wrote my first romance novel when I was sixteen, so I always knew I was in love with love stories. It wasn’t until I graduated from college that I thought about really going after a writing career. 

How much are you  involved in the cover choosing matter? Do you prefer to leave the choice to an expert or do you like having the last word?
I work with an amazing cover designer, who makes all of my dreams come true! I pick out the images, and she does her magic, and we don’t stop until we are both happy. 

About your novels, which leave a mark on my heart, where do you find the inspiration that drives you to write? 
I love to tell stories about the everyday person—the normal guy with a normal job, who has struggles in life. So I find inspiration from everyone walking the street, people in stores, people reading books. Everything inspires me!

You have a magical way with words. Your talent is outstanding. What were your studies or are you a self educated writer?
You’re so kind! I went to college for a theater arts degree and a creative writing minor, so I think that helps a lot. Plus, many in my family are writers, so I think it’s kind of in my blood 

Different Pov are so interesting, and wise. How does it feel to enter into a man’s mind?
It’s so scary! I struggle so much with this. But now I just ask my boyfriend and he says, “No. Guys wouldn’t say that.” Haha!

Can you confirm that Loving Mr Daniels, will be your first book being translated into Italian? There is some gossip in my country, but I’d love author confirmation.
Yes! And then The Air He Breathes!

I find your novels amazingly instructive, especially for a teenager. Being a teenager is such a complicated time and you said perfectly yourself in Loving Mr. Daniels 
“Being a teenager is a curse and a gift. It's the age where fairytales cease to exist and Santa isn't real but parts of our hearts want to say 'What if...” .  Is there a message that you want to send to the new generation?
Don’t be afraid to be lost for a little while. Challenge yourself. Follow your own path. Be yourself, and allow yourself to change into the person you want to become. 

Loving Mr Daniels, is a student/professor taboo romance (as I like to name it!) I simply adore Daniel and Ashlyn.  They are an amazing couple and all the troubles they have to overcome make them more valuable. Would you like to talk more about them?
Daniel and Ashlyn are so close to my heart. They are two broken souls who find love and light within one another. I think it’s such a beautiful idea that love can be found in the darkest of days. 

Art and Soul is another teenagers addressed novel. It’is really an overwhelming and bittersweet story. Your characters analysis  is flawless as usual. How do they grow up in your mind so clearly?
I allow them the time to tell me who they are. I do character sketches on every one, and I go deeply into their minds to learn who they are.  

Art and Soul are not just nicknames, would you like to explain them?
Art and Soul (Or Aria and Levi) are two young kids who have the world tossed at them. They have to learn who they are, and still deal with some very adult issues at the same time. They are beautiful characters to me, and they were a joy to write. 

The Air he breathes, is a different novel. The characters are older and their emotional states are the most complicated. They find another chance in happiness but not without suffering again and again. I think it’d help readers if you explain the meaning of the title. Would you mind?
The Air He Breathes title is about learning how to breathe again after you lost your world. It’s about the importance of each breath you take, and learning to take each moment one breath at a time. 

It would be so beautiful seeing your novels on Italian bookstore shelves. Do you think is there a chance for it?
Yes! When the publishers release them, they will be in the bookstores.. 

What about your next projects? Can you reveal anything to us?
I have a new novel coming out March 25th, titled The Fire Between High and Lo 

Well, I hope you had fun participating in this interview. You sure honored me with it. 
I’m looking forward to reading your next novels.
I wish you the best.

Thank you! 

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