lunedì 12 gennaio 2015

Ultime news da Triskell Edizioni

Titolo: Sbucato dal nulla
Titolo originale: Out of the blue
Autore: Josh Lanyon
Traduttore: Barbara Cinelli
Lunghezza: 94 pagine
Collana: World / Rainbow
Genere: M/M
Formato: pdf, epub, mobi

Francia, 1916. La Grande Guerra. 
In alto, in volo sopra la carneficina nelle trincee, gli assi britannici e tedeschi si muovono come i cavalieri di una giostra per il controllo dei cieli. Lo sforzo e la tensione di vivere ogni giorno rischiando di morire porta a fare scelte pericolose e correre grossi rischi.
In lutto per la morte del suo amante, l’asso britannico Bat Bryant uccide accidentalmente l’uomo che ha minacciato di rivelare a tutti la verità. Ma c’è un testimone: il bel pilota americano “Cowboy” Cooper.
A quanto sembra, però, Cowboy ha un’idea tutta sua di giustizia.

Ringraziamo gli autori che hanno partecipato a questa iniziativa offrendoci le loro deliziose storie. Ringraziamo anche Enrico Padovan che non solo ha dato il via a questo progetto, ma che ne è anche stato curatore.
Al momento il sito ISBN è chiuso per manutenzione, quindi non abbiamo potuto prelevare il numero da assegnare all’antologia, ecco perché la troverete per ora solo in formato pdf. Nei prossimi giorni verrà caricata regolarmente sia in formato epub che mobi, come sempre. Ci scusiamo per il disagio, ma purtroppo non è una cosa che potevamo prevedere.

Release Day for The Phoenix Candidate by Heidi Joy Tretheway


Today we have the release day launch for Heidi Joy Tretheway's The Phoenix Candidate!! I love this book so much, and I'm thrilled to be bringing it to you! Heidi is sharing an exclusive excerpt, as well as a fantastic giveaway, so be sure to read all the way to the bottom!!!


Setup: Senator Shep Conover has just asked Congresswoman Grace Colton to consider being his vice presidential running mate in the 2016 presidential election. But before he’ll choose her, she must be vetted and coached by his political consultant, Jared Rankin—the stranger she thought was a one-night stand.

I hold the wingback chair for support and paste a smile on my face as I watch the senator leave the suite. That leaves me and Jared and a hell of a lot of silence.

He picks up several thick manila files from a side table, perhaps the same ones I saw in his hotel room last night, and sits in the chair opposite me. His expression is unreadable.

I remain standing. Fight or flight. That’s what I’m deciding as I lament there’s nothing in view that I could bludgeon Jared with.

“Ms. Colton. Please, have a seat.” He gestures to the chair I’m supposed to occupy.

“No.” I sound like a petulant child.


“No! What the hell was that, Jared? What the fucking hell?” I bend to get in his face to really shout him into submission, but he grabs my wrist.

I struggle but can’t break from his grasp. His deep brown eyes are smoldering with intensity, and I shoot as much hatred as I can from my eyes.

I’m embarrassed. Mortified. This man who has seen me naked, who made me scream his name less than twelve hours ago, is now Ms. Colton-ing me like I’m his kid’s schoolteacher.

That sends a shockwave to my gut. I know nothing about this man: not whether he’s married, or has a kid, or exactly what his business is here.

Sensing that the fight’s left me, Jared drops my wrist and slowly stands.

I hold my ground, standing toe to toe with him. His hair is combed neatly, but I remember the way my grasping fingers teased it into wild waves last night. His stubbled jaw remains.

I fold my arms across my chest because my gray pantsuit and silk top aren’t doing the trick. My heels don’t boost me to an even height with Jared.

His thumb brushes my lower lip and I gasp and take a step back.

“Pouting doesn’t suit you. Tuck that lip back in.”

“Don’t touch. I bite,” I snarl, angry that he’s mixed the familiarity from last night with the utter seriousness of this political opportunity.

“So do I,” Jared says, taking another step toward me and forcing me to step back. “But you like it.”

I bump into a wall covered in fancy wallpaper. Jared’s body cages me in.

“You’re a bastard.” I’m even angrier he’s getting to me. I grab his shirt, ready to push him back, but he captures my wrists and slams them against the wall above my head.

“I hear that a lot.” Jared’s body molds against me. I feel his erection hardening as he presses his hips into mine, and my traitorous body responds in turn, too eager to tip my hips at just the right angle.

I can’t get the word bastard through my lips again when every cell in my body is screaming Encore! Encore!

“How could you?” I hiss.

“It’s what you wanted. No stories. No strings.”

“But I’ve got a hell of a lot of regret.” I move to turn away from him, but Jared lowers his mouth toward mine. His lips land on my jaw and skim down my neck, his tongue explores the hollow of my throat then glides back up my neck to taste the soft skin behind my earlobe. I whimper and twist, but he just anchors me harder, both body and wrists.

“You knew,” I hiss, trying to get my brain to focus on why I’m here, not the hardening length in his pants that has me rubbing against him like a freaking cat in heat. “You knew who I was and you let me … you let me humiliate myself.”

I stifle a cry as his teeth come out, sinking into the flesh at the base of my neck. It stings, and the twinge heightens my need to retaliate, to touch him in all the ways he’s touching me. To drive us to release.

His knee presses between mine and my legs part, my body in full meltdown.

“You didn’t humiliate yourself. You just let go. Got out of your head for One. Fucking. Minute.” With each word his hips rock against mine until my core is aching to be filled again.

My God, is he really going to make me come? With every stitch of clothing on? I struggle against his hold on me. “You knew who I am. You knew we could be working together!”

“I didn’t go to the club expecting to pick you up, if that’s what you’re wondering.” His lips are inches from mine and his eyes narrow. The force in his expression nearly my undoing.

“Bullshit. You were all about picking me up.”

“And do you regret it?” Jared’s voice drops to a low, dangerous whisper.

No! “Yes.”

He drops my hands. Spins and strides to the opposite side of the room.

I go cold. And fucking frustrated. He wound up my body so tight that I’m vibrating with tension, needing just a little more to take me over the edge.

He gathers the folders and slides them inside a leather attaché case as if we’ve been sipping coffee for the last five minutes rather than slammed up against a wall. “Let’s go.”


“Your place.”

I almost snap, imagining the relief he could offer to my wound-up state. But his face says all business. He looks at his watch. “We’ve got a long list on our agenda today. Your place is good enough to start.”



Fans of Scandal, House of Cards, and The Good Wife will love Grace Colton…

Congresswoman Grace Colton is the most famous woman in politics—and the loneliest—until a drawling, sexy stranger offers her one night, no strings and no regrets.

Grace wakes to an empty hotel room and a phone call: the dark horse for the 2016 presidential election, Senator Shep Conover, is considering her as his vice presidential running mate. But first, Grace must be vetted and coached by Shep’s political consultant, Jared Rankin, who already knows too many intimate details about her. He’s Mr. One-Night Stand.

Grace is torn: Play nice with Jared to join the senator’s ticket, or play hardball and back the slick frontrunner? Grace must decide where her loyalties lie and if she can trust Jared with her future—and her heart.

The Phoenix Candidate is an erotic romance set in the world of presidential election politics. Recommended for mature readers due to sharp dialogue, wickedly hot sex, and a few delicious taboos. This full-length novel is first in a series and can be read as a standalone.


Heidi Joy is a sucker for campfires, craft cocktails, and steamy romance in books and real life. She sings along with musicals (badly), craves French carbs, and buys plane tickets the way some women buy shoes.

Her first career as a journalist took Heidi behind the scenes with politicians, rock stars, chefs, and detectives, all of whom inspire her stories. Heidi Joy is currently working on her eighth book from her home in Portland, Oregon. She adores hearing from readers at

Enter Heidi's giveaway!!
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Dirty Ties - Pam Godwin

I race to finance it.
I evade to protect it.
I kill to attain it.
I planned everything.

Except her.
The alluring, curvaceous blonde at the finish line.
With sapphire eyes that cheat and lie.
Whose powerful family murdered mine.

I hate her.
I want her.

I know she’s hiding something.
But so am I.

Release Day → January 12th, 2015

Amazon US |  Amazon UK | B&N  | iTunes | Kobo  

Pam Godwin’s new contemporary romance, Dirty Ties is an exciting side of the author that I fully enjoyed.  I will read anything Ms. Godwin rights because she has a command of the English language, even without whips and chains.  There is a scene in the beginning of Dirty Ties, where Evader is racing in an underground motorcycle race.  I swear I was leaning in my chair, and steering my iPad!  So, we should skip talking about the sex scenes…

Moving on, this story is thrilling with elements of mystery.  It also has strong characters.  Godwin always brings her characters to life quickly, giving them strongly defined, interesting personalities.  We have Kaci Baskel, the heroine who is married to her best friend Collin Anderson.  Their parents have forced them into marriage by blackmail, for political reasons.  It wouldn’t be so bad because they love each other.  However, Collin is gay, and his parents have forced him to keep it a secret.  Kaci longs to be free.  She is desperately lonely and wants to be in love. She abhors being controlled by her corrupt parents and in-laws, but will do anything to protect her husband.  He has been her best friend since childhood.

“While my own marriage was forged in deception, the heart of it resided in a deep friendship, nurtured by our families since birth.”
Kaci rides a silver Ducati to the illegal street races through Chicago’s underground circuit.  She loves riding and has become fascinated with the undefeated and sexy as hell, Evader, who is also Logan Flynt.  Neither of them know each other’s faces under their helmets, but he is the focus of her fantasies.  Before a race, Kaci decides she is going to meet Evader-- that she will make it happen.

“For years, I’d stood alone, toe-to-toe against powerful men.  How I wished to have an invincible man on my side.”

“...the man was a fearless, panty-soaking badass in black leather.”

I think Kaci falls hard for Evader because he represents everything she can’t have.  She can’t see his face under his helmet.  No one ever has, but she is so drawn to him.  Although this is frightening, he represents all that she can’t have… at least not yet.  Not until she gets out from under Trent Anderson, her nefarious father in law and the rest of their degenerate family.  When she takes position as CEO of Trenchant Media, the company she has devoted her life to, she will change everything-- from bad to good.

“I didn’t have a man’s arms around me while I slept.  Didn’t have a warm body to curl into, one that shared my bed and protected me from the things I couldn’t fight alone.”

Logan, our Evader and his cohort and “nerdacious half” Benny, a girl he went to MIT with, work together to avenge the death of Logan’s mother.  Maura Flynt was a Hollywood stunt driver, a daredevil with a career compared to Evel Knievel.  She was even inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame.  When he was thirteen years old, her murder was ordered by Trent Anderson.  

“My heart thundered, my hands slick with sweat in the gloves as I surged to the finish line, fueled by memories of my mother.  Growing up on the back of her motorcycle.  Her patient instruction as she taught me how to ride my first sportbike.”

“My mother taught me how to ride, how to win, and when she died in a river of her blood, she taught me how to hate.”

Does our Evader evolve past his murderous need to revenge his mother’s death, and does Kaci find love?  Is Collin tied in to his family’s dirty dealings?  We are told many things upfront.  It is how the story unfolds that is exciting, sexy and engaging.  I highly recommend this book to all romance readers.

He knelt over my attacker, his strength visible in the stretch of the jacket over his back and shoulders. His helmet cocked, angled in my direction. “I had this.”
Oh my God, his voice. Okay, it was definitely synthesized, his timbre humming with an electronic overlay, but it was deep and gravelly and so goddamned sexy.
Pull yourself together, Kaci. He was far more dangerous than the man who just attacked me.
“Get out of here.” I nodded to the street behind me, and as if on cue, another squad car zoomed by. “I’ll hold him until you’re gone.”
What was I saying? I didn’t want him to leave.
I thought I heard a chuckle, but couldn’t be sure with the whine of sirens and exhaust pipes. He looked back at my attacker, swung an arm, and knocked him out. Damn. Okay, that worked too.
I lowered the gun. “You won the race?”
“Of course.” He rose and erased the distance between us in three strides.
My nerves shivered, overloaded and amped up, and oh God, he was just standing there, heating the air around me, staring at me. What did he want? I opened my mouth to spew a gushing thank you.
He snatched the gun from my hand.
What the? “Give that ba—”
He lifted my chin and stroked a gloved finger over the nicks on my throat. Each caress irritated the cuts, but I didn’t want him to stop. He raised the finger in front of my visor, blood soaking the leather tip. “Have you learned your lesson?”
His voice reverberated through me, and my knees weakened. Even with the electronic distortion, he sounded pissed.
My heart panted, and a throb swelled, hot and needy, between my legs. All because of a pissed-off synthesized voice? I might’ve just swallowed my self-respect, but I couldn't help it. My body had one mission, and that mission vibrated against me like he wanted to tear me in half. Damn me to hell, but my inner muscles clenched at the thought.
I touched my throat and flinched at the bite of pain. “It’s just a scratch.”
The reflection of my helmet in his visor wavered as he shook his head. He gazed down on me as if he were…considering something? God, I wished I could see his face, his eyes.
His finger returned to my throat, trailed a path beneath my chin, lifting it and catching on the edge of the helmet. He tugged it, like he wanted to rip off the shield and see my eyes, too. “Get on your bike, sweetheart.”
He flicked the safety on the gun and gripped my shoulders, turning my body to face the bike. Both bikes. His and mine side-by-side. Oh, how I loved the sight of that.
His fingers touched my hip, slipping beneath my jacket to stroke my bare skin. I trembled against the brush of his glove, until he opened his mouth. “This is your last race.”
The temperature in my helmet rose by ten degrees, and my cheeks inflamed. I glared at him over my shoulder. “Excuse me?”
Smack. A stinging jolt of fire rippled over my ass, and I shuffled forward. He fucking hit me! I placed my hands on the bike’s seat, and unbidden, a grin took hold of my face. He fucking spanked me.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

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Scartando Hank - Eli Easton

Titolo: Scartando Hank

Titolo originale: Unwrapping Hank

Autore: Eli Easton

Traduttore: Chiara Messina

Lunghezza: 158 pagine
Collana: World / Rainbow

Genere: M/M

Formato: pdf, epub, mobi

Sloane adora i misteri. Figlio di due psichiatri, ha sempre trovato le persone sin troppo facili da decifrare. Alla disperata ricerca di uno scenario più rurale, si iscrive alla Pennsylvania State University, dove viene convinto a unirsi a una confraternita da Micah Springfield, il ragazzo più figo del campus. Ma nessuno dei corsi di Sloane si rivelerà interessante come Hank Springfield, fratello di Micah e compagno di confraternita. Hank ha l’aria di essere un vero duro – muscoloso, pieno di tatuaggi e barbuto – ma i suoi occhi sono dolci e gentili. Si comporta come un atleta un po’ stupido, ma si sta specializzando in filosofia. E dovrebbe essere etero… ma allora perché Sloane si sente così attratto da lui? E perché Hank sembra detestarlo tanto? Quando Sloane rischia di rimanere da solo al campus per le vacanze di Natale, Micah lo invita a passare le vacanze alla fattoria di famiglia, in una contea Amish. È l’opportunità per trascorre le feste in puro stile americano… e per cercare di svelare quel mistero che è Hank Springfield. Riuscirà Sloane a scoprire i segreti della famiglia Springfield e a svelare il cuore che si cela sotto quella montagna di muscoli?

Cover Reveal: For Authentication Purposes by Amber L. Johnson

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A Cover Reveal

For Authentication Purposes
by Amber L. Johnson
Release Date: March 5 , 2015



Dawn Sims has made a name for herself writing romantic fiction online. When she's pushed to try her hand at publishing, she thinks she has everything figured out. The only problem? She's never been in a relationship, especially one that has led her to finding The Big O.

So much for writing what you know.

Warner Green has had Dawn in his sights since she walked into his class in seventh grade. She broke his teenage heart not once, but twice, so seeing her in his night class at the local community college was an unexpected surprise.

Accidentally reading her bad erotica on her laptop was a blessing from the Smut Gods themselves.

It's clear she has no idea what she's writing about, but Warner does. In fact, he knows so much that he's willing to offer her his services. The deal is simple: teach the good girl from high school everything she needs to know to write from experience. If he gets to live out a fantasy or two that he's been harboring for almost a decade, then there's no harm in that either.

The lessons turn more heated, and Dawn begins to question where Warner has learned his skills, but he's not ready to talk, until his past comes back to haunt him at the worst possible time.

It shouldn't matter when it's for authentication purposes only.

I reached across the table and ran my index finger across the soft skin of her wrist. “Let me feel you up a little like a sophomore who just got his license.”
I loved it when she laughed because it wasn’t anything fake. Her entire body shook when she giggled, and when it was really funny there was no sound. Right now she was probably calling all the dogs in the alley.

“Yeah, okay. We can do that.” She smoothed out her hair when she’s collected herself, and I realized that I hadn’t noticed it before, but she didn’t wear ponytails anymore. It made me want to tug on the ends, fist it at the back of her neck.


A true child of music, Amber's parents surrounded her with the loudest beats they could find, molding her into a girl who found inspiration and meaning in lyrics and chords. Raised on John Hughes movies, Luck Dragons, and pirate ships, she dreamed of love and adventure. When Amber began to create her own world, she envisioned a place where Happy Ever Afters do exist. Since then, she has authored several romance novels, all of which focus on songs and the way they can touch people's lives. Music may not be able to fix a broken heart, but it can provide one hell of a soundtrack for healing.

A full-time wife and mother with a full-time job, Amber finds her muse in everyday life and the people who bring her inspiration.


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domenica 11 gennaio 2015

Giveaway- Il Re di Picche e la Regine di Cuori Vol n. 2

La giveaway è terminata ed è con piacere che la vincitrice di questo contest è Tania Sarnà!!
Complimenti :-)

Il 15 gennaio verrà pubblicato il libro Il Re di Picche e la Regina di Cuori Vol. n. 2, edito dalla Triskell Edizioni. Per festeggiare questa nuova pubblicazione, abbiamo organizzato per voi tutte una bellissima Giveaway!
Il regolamento è semplicissimo:

  1. Visitare la pagina Facebook del nostro blog Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls, il mi piace è gradito ma non obbligatorio;
  2. Visitare la pagina Facebook della Triskell Edizioni, il mi piace è gradito ma non obbligatorio;
  3. Visitare la pagina Facebook dell'autrice Angelica Cremascoli, il mi piace è gradito ma non obbligatorio;
  4. Diventare membri del Blog;
  5. Commentare lasciando l'indirizzo email dove potete essere contattati in caso di vittoria.
Non esitate a contattarmi in caso di dubbi e domande!
Questi sono i link della recensione del Vol. n. 1 e l'intervista fatta all'autrice su questa serie, con tante curiosità in merito.
L'estrazione del vincitore, che avverrà tramite il sistema random del programma rafflecopter, e sarà comunicato il 15/01/2015.
Buona fortuna!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

sabato 10 gennaio 2015

Blogger League

Si continua con il calendario delle interviste dei blog appartenenti alla Blogger League, oggi è il turno del Il Blog della Tany
E'  con orgoglio che vi presento la grandissima e simpaticissima Tany! Ecco come ha risposto alle domande dell'intervista:

  • Oltre ad essere una blogger chi sei nella vita di tutti i giorni?

Come dice spesso una mia amica (non la nomino invano :P) faccio la scassapelotas (alias rompip***e) a tempo pieno. Ma in modo più gentile, io mi definisco una sognatrice, sempre con la testa fra le nuvole, amante dei libri, otaku (appassionata di anime e manga giapponesi) e una ragazza semplice a cui piacciono i lavori manuali e creare storie.

  • Come mai hai deciso di ritagliarti il tuo angolo virtuale? Parlaci del tuo rifugio, quali sono gli argomenti che tratti?

Sinceramente non mi ricordo ciò che mi ha spinto ad aprire la mia baracca virtuale. Adesso è come il mio armadio. Contiene molti miei interessi ma soprattutto la lettura e la scrittura. Lascio idee regalo, consigli sui prossimi anime o manga da vedere, ecc… Vorrei dedicar più tempo al mio blog ma purtroppo ho anche gli impegni nella vita reale che non posso evitare.

    • Perché le persone dovrebbero diventare tuoi lettori fissi?
    Perché diventerò padrona del mondo un giorno quindi diventate miei seguaci o morirete muahahahah XD scherzi a parte, so che ci sono blog molto più informati di me su vari argomenti ma penso che una può diventare mia follower vedendo che abbiamo interessi comuni e che possiamo scambiarci opinioni liberamente. Più che lettore fisso, vorrei che diventassero miei amici. Anche se non abbiamo opinioni uguali, è bello discuterne e magari cambiare giudizio su alcune cose o informarci insieme su cose a noi importanti.
    • Quali sono i tuoi sogni nel cassetto?
    Aprire un bar o una pasticceria tutta mia all’estero U.U Amo la cucina in generale ma in particolare i dolci. Prima dovrò fare esperienza, guadagnare abbastanza per far nascere la mia attività e poi decidere in quale parte del mondo. Un altro mio sogno è viaggiare ma no tengo dinero per fare tutti i viaggi che vorrei. Quindi prima il lavoro poi si penserà ai viaggi.
    • Vuoi fare un augurio speciale agli altri membri della League? 
    Ma certo! Che quest’anno sia ricco di belle sorprese e che riusciate ad esaudire i vostri desideri più importanti. E ricordate… AngelTany for President! <3 bacioni="" buona="" e="" font="" fortuna="" per="" tutto="">

    TAG - Shari Ryan

    Today we have a book blast for Shari Ryan’s Tag!!! And to celebrate the sale she’s running, Shari is sharing an exclusive excerpt and a fantastic giveaway.

    Tag sales banner


    What if your family had a big secret . . . a life changing secret. My dad, the bigwig CIA agent, was always on the run, whether he was being chased or doing the chasing. I missed him. Then my mom passed away, and my sister was murdered. I turned my solitude to strength because the alternative was too bleak.

    But my luck seemed to turn: I met Tango. And while I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my twenty-two years, danger lurks around every corner and I simply can’t take the chance of it finding me. But his tattoos, his smell, his darkness, and his body— that marine has taken over my every thought. But, what if he too isn’t what I think? A ticking time bomb isn’t going to leave me much time to waver. Even the bravest person can be in need of a miracle.

    Before she was gone, my mom warned me to know everyone and trust no one. But what was I supposed to do when I found out I am the one not to be trusted? Turns out, I was always the bait in this conspiracy.

    In author Shari J. Ryan’s gripping novel, TAG, the canyons hold secrets, the waterfalls provide safety, and romance has a pesky way of showing up when you are sweaty and dirty and least expect it.

    I've been seated among the dozens of other passengers for the past two hours, watching the gate times change a number of times before I see the plane actually arrive. Just as I'm powering my phone down, preparing to board, an awful stench burns my nose from a few inches away. A middle-aged man with greasy black hair and a thick lip-covering mustache who smells exactly like the inside of a port-a-potty has found a reason to sit directly beside me in a row of empty seats. When my eyes unfortunately meet his, he takes the opportunity to speak to me. "Heading to Boston?" he asks. I raise my eyebrows and force a tightlipped smile. I simply follow that with a nod and give him a no shit look. "I heard winter's coming early this year," he continues.

    "Cool," I mumble with a sigh. I pull a magazine out of my bag and open it in front of my face, hoping to block my vision of the man's blackened-stained grin. But it's only seconds before I'm taken back when his finger sweeps down the bare skin of my collarbone.

    "What does that mean?" he asks, pointing to my tattoo.

    With a smooth motion, I lay my magazine down onto my lap and place my hand over his, giving him the false notion that I'm a gentle person. I take the opportunity to offer him a slight smile before I twist his forefinger backwards as far as it will go before the expectant snap. "I'm sorry," I say sweetly. "Did I tell you it was okay to touch me?" I pull down a little harder, and he smiles in response to the pain. But as I hold my hand there, I see the smile begin to fade.

    "It's a free country, chicky," he sputters as his tongue knocks around between his bare gums.

    "Why would you think it's okay to touch me?" I ask again, keeping my voice calm, yet stern. He licks his lips and looks me up and down, responding with only a look. "Do you go around touching girls half your age because you feel it's okay?"

    He clears his throat and looks around to see who's watching or listening, but I don't move my eyes from his. "Why not?" he says, shrugging his bony shoulders. "Besides, you're definitely asking for it."

    He thinks I'm asking for it? I'm wearing a fucking scoop neck, black long sleeve shirt, jeans, and combat boots. "The only reason it's okay, is because no one has ever probably told you no. But it occurs to me that after I snap your finger off your hand, you won't be able to touch people inappropriately anymore, will you?"

    He hoots with laughter, dragging in attention he probably shouldn't want. "You think you could break my finger, little chicklette?"

    I pull his finger a little further, and his smile grows. "Ow, stop. You're hurting me," he puckers his lips and winks at me.

    "Oh, look, it's your right hand. You a righty?" I turn his hand over and see deep callouses bubbling on his palm. "Yes, you are. So, if I rip this thing off, you wouldn't miss it, right?" I turn his hand back over and glare into his beady eyes. He's questioning my words. He's unsure of my capabilities. And that's fine. "Sound okay to you? Or are you going to leave and stop touching people?" His smile fades and his eyes widen. I release his hand and offer him a smart-ass smile. "Oh, and the tattoo means death. It's a Maori Warrior symbol. They used to eat their enemies once they slaughtered them. Cool, huh?"

    I see his Adam's apple struggle to move. He lifts his bag from the ground and nearly trips over his own feet, darting away.

    I reopen my magazine to the page I was reading and refocus my attention on an article as I hear a soft chuckle coming from the other side of me. I turn to see who was enjoying the free entertainment and I'm faced with a man who looks to be either a wrestler or in the military--black shaven hair, stiff jaw and bulging muscles on every inch of his arms. His eyes are currently focused on a book, and I suppose he could have been laughing at that, rather than me. But as I question it, his large shamrock green eyes lift and look right at me. A slight grin tugs on the corner of his lips, and he winks so quickly I'm questioning whether it was me who might have blinked. Before I can react, he stands up and walks away.

    I swallow hard and refocus my attention on the magazine once more. Stupid attractive man causing a moment of feebleness. I didn't react, though. He winked at me. I think. And I didn't make a snide comment or scowl. Weakness.

    I let out a few short breaths, regaining my composure. He's gone. It's fine.

    Bestselling author, Shari J. Ryan, hails from Central Massachusetts where she lives with her hubby and two lively little boys. Ryan has published the 3-book Schasm Series for Romantic Suspense/Thriller fans. TAG is her first book written solely for the Romantic Suspense audience, and she is hard at work on Red Nights, a standalone coming this spring. To learn more, visit her at:

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