venerdì 20 maggio 2016

Sweet Hope (Sweet Home #3) di Tillie Cole

My name is Ally Prince and I've always been unlucky in love. I don’t know why, I just always… have.

When all of my best friends were falling for their soul mates in College, I was left behind. I was Ally, the pretty cousin of superstar quarterback, Romeo Prince. I was Ally, the best friend to the most amazing group of girls I've ever known—a title I loved, but one I became tired of 'just' being. And I was Ally, the one on which they could all rely.

But to me, I was Ally, the girl with the heart no one had claimed... And I was, Ally, the girl, who underneath it all, was heart-breakingly lonely.

I LOVE love; the thought of it, the nervous excitement of falling for Mr. Right, the desire of someone becoming my entire world... of me becoming theirs. I’ve always wanted passion, heart-stopping, epic, life-changing romance... I’ve always wanted the fairytale… I’ve always wanted it all.

It just never seemed like I would get it.

For the past few years I've thrown myself into my career as a museum curator. I’m the best of the best, the person every museum wants to hire, so when an opportunity came up to move to Seattle, I jumped at the chance. My cousin and my best friend lived in Seattle and I needed a change. 

I needed a new beginning.

I wasn't expecting to meet anyone in the Emerald City. I wasn't expecting to work closely with the reclusive new sculptor my all-important gallery design was centered around. And I certainly wasn't expecting to fall for him... heart-stopping, epic, life-changing love...

My real life fairytale come true.

But, like in every fairytale, there’s a villain, a dark and tortured soul... I just didn't know that the villain and the hero in my story would end up being one and the same.

New Adult Romance Novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up


Non è finita la saga dei nostri amici di Tuscoloosa-Alabama, Tillie Cole non ci lascia con il dubbio di conoscere quale sarà il fato di Axel, fratello di Austin, conosciuto del secondo libro Sweet Fall #2.

Ally, cugina di Rome ( Sweet Home #1 ), ragazza molto dolce e di una bellezza che non passa inosservata, la ritroviamo come curatrice della Galleria d'Arte Contemporanea di Los Angeles. La sua passione per l'arte in questo momento è focalizzata su un artista emergente : Elpidio. Scultore sconosciuto ha catturato il suo interesse e forse anche il suo cuore. 
Quando le viene assegnato l'incarico di organizzare una piccola esposizione all'università di Washington a Seattle, non vede l'ora di potersi mettere all'opera, sente nel suo animo quanto sia importante dare un'opportunità a questo scultore e si sente all'altezza della situazione.

Ma quando il volto di Elpidio le sarà svelato, come reagirà la nostra amica ? 
C'è una ragione per la quale nessuno sa chi sia e cosa cela il suo passato, 
Di sicuro sono molto più vicini di quanto lei possa mai immaginare.

Svelare altro sulla trama, credo provocherebbe una serie di insulti alla mia persona che onestamente vorrei evitare! Analizzerò quindi questo libro da un altro punto di vista. 
Questo romanzo, come il precedente, è un inno alla famiglia, ma in questo caso abbiamo l'aggiunta di un'altra tematica: dare una seconda opportunità di felicità a chi pensava di non poterla più provare. Donare speranza di un futuro migliore a chi era ormai sicuro di essere condannato a convivere con il senso di colpa e i rimpianti per gli errori commessi, che hanno coinvolto in brutte situazioni le persone più care.

“For the first time in my life, I wanted to feel that happy, if only for a minute, I wanted to know what that level of freedom felt like. It looked… nice… Aliyana, standing there swaying her hips, not a damn care in the world, was like feeling a ray of light shining on your face when you’d been stuck in a dark pit your whole life.” 

Saper perdonare e riabbracciare qualcuno che si credeva perduto, riscoprire se stessi attraverso una forma d'arte è qualcosa di straordinario e in questa storia troverete tutto questo.

Stilisticamente non ho trovato nulla da segnalare, Tilli Cole è una scrittrice che sa come impostare una trama accattivante e portare il lettore fino alla fine con il fiato sospeso. Non manca proprio nulla, un'analisi precisa dei personaggi, con l'introduzione dei POV alterni, consente al lettore di comprendere alla perfezione il tumulto psicologico del protagonista maschile. 

 “He was living, breathing poetry. Not love poetry, but the poetry which tears out your heart, rips it to shreds, pushes it back into your chest, and makes you question what the hell just obliterated your soul.” 

Ritroviamo tutti i personaggi che hanno partecipato alla serie, si scopre come sono progredite le loro vite e non mancheranno di dare il loro contributo anche in questo frangente.
Le scene d'amore sono particolarmente intense e passionali perchè tali sono i protagonisti.
Come detto nelle recensioni precedenti, l'inglese non è proibitivo, i dialoghi sono numerosi e semplici, ciò garantisce una notevole scorrevolezza alla lettura. 

I fratelli Carillo hanno ancora molto da raccontare e da vivere, se come me avete amato le storie precedenti, concedetevi questa lettura, non resterete delusi. 
Se invece non avete ancora iniziato, mi chiedo solo: cosa state aspettando!?

Per leggere le recensione dei volumi precedenti, cliccare le rispettive immagini !!

Amazon and USA Today Best Selling Author, Tillie Cole, is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses. 
Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.

Having been born and raised as a Teesside Smoggie, Tillie, at age nineteen, moved forty miles north to the 'Toon', Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where she attended Newcastle University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts honours degree in Religious Studies. She returned two years later to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching High School Social Studies. Tillie, regards Newcastle to be a home from home and enjoyed the Newcastle Geordie way of life for seven 'proper mint' and 'lush' years.

One summers day, after finishing reading her thousandth book on her much loved and treasured Kindle, Tillie turned to her husband and declared, "D'you know, I have a great idea for a story. I could write a book." Several months later, after repeating the same tired line at the close of another completed story, she was scolded by her husband to shut up talking about writing a novel and "just bloody do it!" For the first time in eleven years, Tillie actually took his advice (he is still trying to get over the shock) and immediately set off on a crazy journey, delving deep into her fertile imagination. 

Tillie, ever since, has written from the heart. She combines her passion for anything camp and glittery with her love of humour and dark brooding men (most often muscled and tattooed – they’re her weakness!). She also has a serious side (believe it or not!) and loves to immerse herself in the complex study of World Religions, History and Cultural Studies and creates fantasy stories that enable her to thread serious issues and topics into her writing -- yep, there's more to this girl than profanity and sparkles!

After six years of teaching high school Social Studies and following her Professional Rugby Player husband around Europe, they have finally given up their nomadic way of life and settled in Calgary, Alberta where Tillie spends most of her days (and many a late night) lost in a writing euphoria or pursuing a dazzling career as a barrel-racing, tasselled-chap wearing, Stetson-sporting cowgirl... Ye-haw!

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