mercoledì 3 dicembre 2014

Saving You - Kelly Elliott

January 22, 2015

What happens when your head and heart contradict each other

regarding the one person you’ve always wanted?

Growing up, Luke Johnson and Libby Hayes thought they would
be best friends forever.

One kiss changed everything.

Fearing his love for Libby could cost him their friendship,
Luke chooses to listen to his head—instead of his heart.

Will the regrets of denying the one person Luke wants to
give himself to, end up leaving him lost and alone? Or will Libby be able to
save him with her love?

Saving You is book 2 in the Love Wanted In Texas Series.






A few seconds later, Noah’s phone beeped. He pulled it out
of his pocket and smiled when he saw Grace’s text.

“Now you have my number. I’ll um, talk to you later then?”
Grace asked as she began taking a few steps backwards.

Noah nodded his head and winked at her. “Most definitely.”

Turning around Grace and I began walking back to the houses.
“Oh my gosh, Grace Johnson. Who is he and why have I never heard about this

Grace chuckled and brushed me off with her hand. “Honestly,
I never thought I would lay eyes on him again. I ran into him as I was running
after Alex, he knocked me down, helped me up and we exchanged names. That was

“Well he certainly remembered you.” I turned to look over my
shoulder. “And he is staring at your ass as you walk away.”


“What do you mean Colt is moving in here?” Lauren asked as
everyone looked at her. The smile that spread across Colt’s face for a brief
second was caught only by me. He looked back down and sent someone a text.

Alex looked at Lauren and then Colt. “Marie James told me
you took her out and y’all had a great time. She seemed to be taken with you.”

“Huh, interesting,” Colt said as Lauren looked at him.

“Wait, you’re moving in here?”

Nodding his head, Colt answered Lauren without looking at
her. “Yeah, Lauren I am.”

He stood and pushed the stool back. Taking in a deep breath
he blew it out. “Speaking of Marie, I’ve got plans with her so I guess I’ll see
y’all around.”

Colt started to head to the door when Lauren got up and
turned toward him. She began to follow Colt and it appeared she wanted to say
something. Finally she was going to talk to him. Lauren was about to say
something when she stopped walking. Looking away from Colt, she turned and sat
back down.

Stupid. So fucking’ stupid.


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Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has
a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and
dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!
She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly
asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone
sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.
In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner
overlooking the Texas hill country and write.

One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her
property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose,
her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush,
move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find
her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

 Brought To You by:

FOR VALENTINE'S - Kat and Stone Bastion

I am so excited for today’s cover reveal!! Today we’re revealing the cover to For Valentine’s by Kat and Stone Bastion. This is the nightcap novella to The No Weddings Series. And we have an exclusive excerpt!! Make sure to enter Kat and Stone’s fantastic giveaway!

Title: For Valentine’s

Author: Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion

Series: No Weddings Series

Release Day: January 5th

Genre: Contemporary romance


This steamy nightcap novella, the fifth book in the No Weddings Series, takes us on a post-happily-ever-after adventure as Cade attempts to rewrite Valentine’s Day with his new wife, Hannah.

Wedded bliss. After everything Hannah and I have been through, we finally have it. Yet dark dreams from my troubled past continue to escalate as we approach Valentine’s Day.

Determined to fill our present with great memories that overtake all others, I plan a trip to New York—down to every scheduled detail. Yeah, there will even be a musical.

But Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve. And the universe keeps throwing us curveballs…


Scorching (explicit) sex scenes.

Fire extinguisher highly recommended.

For Valentine’s: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

The silence between us, right as it felt, was thick with emotion. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “You like the place?”

Her voice came out just above a whisper. “I love it.”

She turned in my arms. “It’s a little bigger than a hot dog stand.”

I tried not to laugh. “That it is, Maestro. But wine and desserts suit you better.”

With a quick glance at the stone buildings, her expression fell. “I didn’t imagine we’d be taking over a business. Somehow I thought we’d build one of our own.”

“We will make this our own. But it’s only our first venture. We’ve got the rest of our lives to create whatever we want.”

Her eyes softened as her gaze fell to my lips. “I like that thought.”

Pulling her closer, I smirked. “What thought is that? Your hungry expression makes me think work is the last thing on your mind.” The deep pink blush on her cheeks gave away just how naughty her thoughts had gone. “Really? We’re talking about business and in two seconds flat you want to jump me?”

She broke away with a gentle shove to my chest. “It’s your fault. Your touching me does it.”

I held my hands up, doing my best to impersonate innocence. “I did nothing. But just so we’re clear: For us to work together, there’s a hands-off policy?”

Her mouth broke into a wide grin. Then her teeth tugged on that sexy lower lip of hers as she took a few steps backward. “I’m not making any rules. You’ll only break them.”

True. I tilted my head down, gaze never leaving hers, and stalked forward, matching her slow retreat step for step. Then my attention scanned downward. “What are those things over your legs? You’ve never worn them before. Not sure I approve.” They hid all her tempting olive skin from me.

She clutched her purple scarf and the lapels of her knee-length black coat as she opened her arms wide. “They’re knit tights. To keep my legs warm. There are other things in this world meant to go under my skirts besides petticoats.”

“Inconceivable.” I smirked. “But now all I can think about is what’s under those knit tights.”

She stretched her arms behind her, which pulled the material of her dress taut over her breasts. Her nipples had hardened. A fact my eyes caught even in the dim light—a Cade Michaelson superpower.

I heaved in a breath. “I am meant to go under your skirt. The most important thing.”

Mischief glittered in her eyes a split second before she made a run for it in the opposite direction. I let her think she could escape, but her feeble attempt at speed gave her away. She wanted to get caught.

After an easy jog, I captured her with a gentle colliding hug, swept her into my arms, and backed her into the stone railing, sitting her on its wide surface. Her soft laughter rang out as I nudged her legs open and stepped between them.

Heart racing from more than the chase, I bent down and ran my lips a hairsbreadth from her neck beginning at her collarbone and ending just below her ear with a slow exhale. She shivered and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

I nipped her earlobe with my teeth, growling low. “The things I am going to do to you under that skirt. Filthy-as-fuck things that will have you begging for more.”

Her voice was a breathless whisper. “Oh, like what?”

“You know I don’t give itineraries.” I slid my hands up under the soft fabric of her short dress. The waistband of the tights gave way to my exploration.

The moment my fingers slid along warm skin she gasped and gripped my biceps. “Your hands are freezing.”

“I’m pretty sure they won’t be much longer.” When I skimmed lower, I blinked and pulled back. “You’re not wearing a thong.”

She gave me a slow headshake. “I usually go commando with tights.”

“Fuck. I’m liking tights more and more.” I gripped the sexy globes of her ass, and she groaned, leaning toward me.

She let out a measured breath. “We can’t have sex right here.”

“Oh, we can. It’s entirely possible and definitely feasible.” I’d completely blocked her with my body. Would it be risky in this very public place? Yeah. Would it be asinine to do it, knowing we sought to run a potential business here? Absolutely.

Series Reading Order:
No Weddings: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

One Funeral: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Two Bar Mitzvahs: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Three Christmases: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Shoe and Boot Photo

Award-winning and bestselling romance author Kat Bastion has teamed up with her husband Stone Bastion to create the new contemporary romance series No Weddings.

A few factoids about the writing team…

Kat enjoys her chocolate rich and dark, her music edgy and soul-filling, and her vacations exotic with toes dug into the sand. And she’s wildly, madly, deeply in love with Stone.

Stone likes pounding the trails on a mountain bike, vibrating the sound system with rock music, and down time spent on a stand up paddleboard. And he loves Kat wildly, madly, deeply…and then some.

Together, they’re having a blast bringing fun-filled romantic stories to life and hope you’ll join them in the exciting adventure.

Kat’s first published work, Utterly Loved, was a twentieth anniversary gift of love poems to Stone that they decided to share with the world to benefit charity. Net proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of net proceeds from all their books, go toward charities involved in the fight against human trafficking.

Kat and Stone live amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit their blog at, website at, and their Twitter accounts at and for more information.

Keep informed about new releases by joining their Email Subscription list.

Enter Kat & Stone’s fantastic giveaway!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amnésie à Paris - Velia Rizzoli Benfanti

Claudio è un giovane docente italiano che vive a Parigi, città che non ama, per stare vicino a Javier, il suo compagno. Un giorno, però, perde la memoria e si ritrova spaesato in un presente che non riconosce.
Una sera, stanco della sensazione d’ansia che lo attanaglia ormai da un mese, si rifugia in un bar. Quando Javier lo trova, percepisce il suo profondo dolore e decide di portarlo in giro per la città, raccontandogli momenti diversi della loro storia. Come un pittore che, dipingendo la tela, svela l’oggetto del dipinto pennellata dopo pennellata, anche Javier rivela la loro vita, tappa dopo tappa, mostrando a Caludio i momenti belli e anche quelli più dolorosi.
Durante quella notte magica, passeggiando per Parigi, Claudio riscopre il suo uomo, spogliandolo di tutta la diffidenza che fino ad allora lo aveva avvolto.

Cinquantasette pagine intrise d’amore e nostalgia, questo è ciò che riassume questo racconto. Mi ha avvinta fin da subito, non mi sono fermata finché non ho letto la parola “fine”. Il personaggio di Claudio, spaesato e pieno d’ansia e paura verso il futuro a causa di un passato che non ricorda, ispira da subito tenerezza, ma è Javier che mi ha conquistata, su tutta la linea. Perdere la memoria e non sapere più nulla della propria vita, svegliarsi a trentacinque anni e non avere nemmeno un ricordo di chi si è, deve essere tremendo. Molto più difficile, secondo me, è ricordare ogni cosa, ogni stupendo dettaglio di quindici anni d’amore, il primo bacio, la prima volta, la proposta di matrimonio.. e leggere l’indifferenza negli occhi della persona amata. Svegliarsi un giorno per andare al lavoro e poi scoprire che la metà della tua anima non ti riconosce più, che ti teme, che ti reputa un estraneo. Io non me lo riesco ad immaginare. Javier invece persiste, con dignità ed affetto, ad assistere Claudio. Non si sa se recupererà mai i ricordi, ma lo porta a casa e lo culla di notte quando si sveglia urlando per incubi sconosciuti.

La sera in cui la misura è colma, Javier porta Claudio in giro per Parigi in un tour della loro vita, raccontando come se fosse una favola non solo la loro attrazione e l’amore che avevano condiviso, ma anche aneddoti su amici e famiglia.

“E la mia famiglia? Che tipi sono i miei genitori?”“Lasciamo perdere. Se in tutto questo mese non li hai mai sentiti ci sarà un motivo”“Quindi siamo noi due solitari senza famiglia, giusto?”Javier si sciolse dall’abbraccio, lasciandosi scivolare stancamente le braccia lungo il corpo e, con tono di voce di chi non sa più se riuscirà a lottare in una guerra persa, disse: “Eravamo noi la nostra famiglia”

Più volte Javier viene comparato ad un soldato che lotta in una battaglia che non si sa se lo vedrà vincitore, ma la descrizione che lo calza maggiormente è quella fornita da Claudio:

Se un pittore del Rinascimento avesse mai ritratto un angelo stremato, avrebbe sicuramente scelto di dargli il volto di Javier. L’uomo sembrava portarsi dentro la stanchezza di una vita, di una battaglia che sapeva di non poter vincere, ma che continuava a combattere perché, dentro di lui, quel combattimento aveva un valore. A quell’Angelo Stremato non importava il risultato, lui credeva in quella lotta e non vi avrebbe rinunciato. Claudio pensò di riconoscervi la stanchezza infinita di chi ama e sa di non essere più ricambiato.

Non sono tutte rose e fiori nel loro passato, hanno lottato per il loro amore, per stare insieme, per il loro lieto fine. Questo è ciò che rende più umano il racconto. Nella vita non sono tutti arcobaleni e unicorni, l’amore a volte non basta per andare avanti. Javier ha il coraggio dei suoi sentimenti e svela tutto a Claudio, felicità e dolore perché la verità è l’amara medicina che tutti dobbiamo prendere.

Questa volta era Javier ad aver bisogno di essere scaldato. Se una persona avverte il freddo provenire dall’esterno può sempre coprirsi, ma se il freddo proviene dall’anima, solo un abbraccio la può scaldare.

L’epilogo è tutt’altro che scontato, una sola notte non può colmare un buco di una vita, ma se ne vale la pena, persistere non è affatto diabolico.

Velia Rizzoli Benfenati, che si definisce “più bolognese della mortadella
di cui conserva colore e forma”, deve lo pseudonimo ai nonni e vive sulla
Linea Gotica.
Ama la letteratura, l’arte, i viaggi, ma soprattutto il teatro ovvero tutto ciò
che aiuta a cambiare punto di vista.
Talvolta ghostwriter per gli amici, scrive perché nella sua testa ci sono
troppe emozioni che le chiedono di uscire e non riesce a tenerle solo per sé.
Potete trovare il suo spirito tra le canzoni di Dalla e Guccini oppure sulsuo blog:

martedì 2 dicembre 2014

FOREVER WITH ME - Kristen Proby

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We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Kristen Proby's FOREVER WITH ME! FOREVER WITH ME is an erotic contemporary romance, and is the final book in the bestselling With Me in Seattle Series!

Forever With Me

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** Audible ** Kobo

From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the With Me in Seattle Series comes the end of a saga…

Dominic Salvatore seemingly has everything a man could want. He’s found a new relationship with his father and the entire Montgomery family. His vineyard, Cuppa di Vita, is a success. There’s only one thing that eludes him: a certain driven, intelligent, and sexy as hell blonde named Alecia.

Alecia works tirelessly building her event planning business. It’s the most important part of her life. Despite the beautiful, lavish weddings she organizes, Alecia is convinced that the idea of true love is a myth. While Dominic is a sexy, intriguing man, welcoming the handsome Italian into her bed, and her life, is a risk she’s not so sure she’s willing to take.

However Dominic isn’t used to taking no for an answer, and it’s not long before these two are burning up the sheets and discovering a connection that neither can deny. But will it be strong enough to last forever?

“I’m going to eventually make you understand how amazing you are, tesoro.” – Dominic Salvatore

And don’t forget the rest of the With Me in Seattle Series…

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FWM Teaser 1

“You know what rhymes with drunk?” Sam asks. “Sex!”

“Nuh uh,” Meredith replies with a frown. “But fuck does!”

“Drunk and fuck do not rhyme,” Mark says with a surprised laugh.

“It’s closer than sex,” she says defensively.

“Everything rhymes with sex when you get to have it with an apa,” Jules says.

“Julianne,” Nate warns her.

“It’s true!”

“What’s that like, anyway? I’ve always wanted to know.”

“You can’t have sex with my husband.” Jules frowns for a second, then a smile spreads over her gorgeous face. “Well, maybe you can.”

“No,” Nate replies quietly, “she can’t. No offense, Alecia.”

“None taken.” I grin at the crazy-hot man. “You’re hot as fuck, though.”

“He really is,” Jules agrees happily. “And the apa…wow.”

“Will you get one?” I ask Dominic, just as he takes a sip of wine, and he immediately chokes.

“Fuck no.”

“Maybe I’ll have to find someone with one,” I say thoughtfully. “Just to give it a try.”

“That’s it.” Dominic stands with me in his arms and doesn’t even set me down as he begins to stalk out of the tent.

“Where are we going?” I look over his shoulder and see the others laughing and watching us leave. I wave happily and they all wave back.

They’re so friendly.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson, tesoro.”

“A lesson?” I giggle and bury my nose in his neck, breathing him in. “I’m kind of dizzy.”

We pass by the barn. I can hear voices, heavy breathing and Meg giggling.

“I think we found Meg and Will,” I whisper into Dom’s ear, as he hurries past.

Merde, I didn’t need to ever hear that,” Dominic grumbles, making me giggle more. He strides around the store building, where I stood a few hours ago with Jules and Natalie, sets me on my feet, and pins me against the wall.

“I dare you,” he begins with fire in his bright blue eyes, “to say again that you’re going to go find another man to fuck.”

“Um, it was a joke, babe.”

His eyes narrow and his nostrils flare, and I know I’m in big trouble.

“Are you jealous?” I ask incredulously.

“Not usually,” he says. “I’m not the jealous type, but what’s mine is mine, Alecia. And you’re mine. What I have with you, I don’t want with anyone else. You’re all I fucking think about.”

He’s gathering my skirt in his hands until it’s bunched around my waist, and he slips his finger inside the elastic of the crotch of my panties and brushes the lips of my pussy, making me gasp.


“That’s right.” He bites my lower lip, then soothes it with his tongue and pushes his finger farther into my panties. “Me. I’m the only one who can touch you here, or anywhere. This is mine.”

FWM Available Now

Author photo

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves.

Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.

Website ** Twitter @handbagjunkie ** Facebook ** Author Goodreads ** FOREVER WITH ME Goodreads

FWM December 2nd

The King (The Original Sinners #6) - Tiffany Reisz

Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this potent threesome can raise him to his rightful place as ruler of Manhattan's kink kingdom.

Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side—handsomely paid in both bills and blackmail fodder—Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act or chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive apathy—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin. He plans to open the ultimate BDSM club­: a dungeon playground for New York's A-list that'll change the scene forever.
The club becomes Kingsley's obsession—and he's enlisted some tough-as-nails help. His new assistant Sam is smart, secretive and totally immune to seduction (by men, at least). She and Kingsley make a wicked team. Still, their combined—and considerable—expertise in domination can't subdue the man who would kill their dream. The enigmatic Reverend Fuller won't rest until King's dream is destroyed. It's one man's sacred mission against another's….

I have read The Original Sinners Series:  The Red Years and The White Years installments up to this date.  While reading each book I have thought to myself, this one is my favorite!  

The King, Reisz’s latest addition to The White Years is my favorite!  The King, a.k.a. Kingsley Theophilè Boissonneault has always had a piece of my heart-- but now he is Mon Roi, and I am a happy sinner.

Reisz’s sense of humor has always been prize; however, in The King, it is phenomenal!  It is especially evident in the banter between Søren and Kingsley.  One of my favorite scenes begins on page 73.  No spoilers for you, here- but I was on my knees laughing!  When King dons a corset, and Reisz gives a nod to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I could practically hear the lyrics to Sweet Transvestite.   If I could wish fictional characters real, Søren and Kingsley would be first on my list.
The King takes us back to a time when Kingsley is lost-- his thoughts and thus his life are spiraling out of control.  At this time, Elenore is just a young girl, however; her presence in the story is extremely important.  It is during this time, and with Søren’s guidance, that Kingsley unearths his own calling in life and follows his dream.

As much as we already know, love and understand King and Søren, with this edition to The White Years, Reisz gives us dimensions and layers to both of their personalities that are insightful, loving, charming, sexy and of course complicated and scrupulous.  We learn secrets about these two men, along with the depth of their true love and friendship for each other.  We also learn about Sam, King’s assistant, in the beginning.  She is strong, capable, and oh so interesting.

As only Tiffany Reisz can do, she has given us more of the world where kink and Catholicism are a match made in heaven, or maybe just the Eighth Circle.  She kind of makes me want to go to hell!

“It breaks my heart to see you like this.” “I don’t believe that. I don’t believe you have a heart.” 

“It isn’t that I don’t like you,” Søren said with a playful sigh. “It’s only I like me so much more than I like you that, in comparison, it looks like I dislike you.”  
 “If it makes you feel any better,” Søren said, “the wolf is still there, but he’s on a stronger leash.” “You let the wolf off the leash with me.” “Which is why I needed a stronger leash.” 

 “Have you ever had sex in the back of a Rolls Royce?” Kingsley asked, trying not to rip Søren’s shirt in his rush to unbutton it. He needed Søren’s skin on his skin right now. “No,” Søren said. “But ask me that question again in an hour.” 

 “You do have unusually dark eyelashes for a blond,” Sam said, studying Søren. “How do you do it?” Søren answered, “Mascara.” 

The Red Years Quartet (The adventures of Nora Sutherlin, Dominant and erotica writer)

1-The Siren
2-The Angel
3-The Prince
4-The Mistress

The White Years Quartet (The adventures of Eleanor Schreiber, submissive)

5-The Saint
6-The King
7-The Virgin
8-The Queen

*from authors website on reading order*

I have so many novellas and free stories that it can get confusing. Let me clear things up. Note, you do not have to read the books in this order. This is merely my suggested order.

#1- The Siren - full-length novel (always read this first before anything else)

#2- Griffin in Wonderland and Little Red Riding Crop - free reads on the blog

#3- The Angel - full-length novel

#4 - Seven Day Loan/The Gift - eBook novella (Amazon, BN, eHarlequin, Sony , etc)

#5- The Prince - full-length novel

#6- Daniel Part 2 & A Christmas Maggie - free reads on the blog

#7- Submit to Desire & Immersed in Pleasure - eBook novella (Amazon, BN, eHarlequin, Sony , etc)

#8- Every other free read in any order that turns you on. You'll want to read The Mitzvah and The Teacher before The Mistress (full-length novel #4) comes out so you can get to know Grace Easton better as she is one of the main characters in that book.

#9- The Mistress - full-length novel

We good? As long as you read The Siren, The Angel, The Prince in that order, you'll be fine. This reading order for the rest of the series' stories is simply my suggestion. The only wrong way to read The Original Sinners is to not read them at all (PS It's also grammatically correct in English to JOYFULLY split infinitives. Grammar Nazis can suck it).


P.S. This is the link to all the freebie stories

Tiffany Reisz lives in Portland, Oregon with her boyfriend (a reformed book reviewer) and two cats (one good, one evil). She graduated with a B.A. in English from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and is making both her parents and her professors proud by writing BDSM erotica under her real name. 

When not under arrest, Tiffany enjoys Latin Dance, Latin Men, and Latin Verbs. She dropped out of a conservative southern seminary in order to pursue her dream of becoming a smut peddler. Johnny Depp’s aunt was her fourth grade teacher. Her first full-length novel THE SIREN was inspired by a desire to tie up actor Jason Isaacs (on paper). She hopes someday life will imitate art (in bed). 

THE SIREN was awarded the RT Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Erotic Romance 2012. 

If she couldn’t write, she would die.


twitter username


Anne RiceJennifer EganHaven KimmelRobert Penn Warren, Elizabeth Knox, and your dad 

lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

PLAYED - Lilliana Anderson

Today we have the cover reveal for Lilliana Anderson’s Played. I am so excited to bring you this exciting book one in the Fire & Lies series! Check out the gorgeous cover and exclusive excerpt from Lilliana!

Title: Played (Fire & Lies, #1)

Author: Lilliana Anderson

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: December 30, 2014

played small

Be careful whom you trust…

It’s something I thought I knew but with Chloe Donovan, all of my reasons seems to fly out the window the moment I’m around her.

Blinded by lust, persuaded by love. I hedged my bets on our forever. Twice. And both times, I lost. She’s gone. And once again, she’s ruined my life.

Stuck helping a federal agent by the name of Drake Jefferson, I’m biding my time until I can find where she is.

I won’t be giving up my partner in crime to the authorities. I’ll be dealing out my own brand of justice, and when I’m done, I don’t care if I rot in prison for it.

Chloe Donovan had better start sleeping with one eye open. Because I’m coming for her.

She played me.

I let her in, and she played me. If she sees me. She’d better run.

I won’t be trusting her a third time.

“Holy shit, Aiden,” Chloe gasps as she flicks the lounge room light on and finds me sitting on her couch. “You shouldn’t have come here.”

Slowly, my eyes travel over her body, taking in every part of her that I’ve loved with such intensity, that I still have the urge to go to her and reclaim her as mine. But I stay where I am–the wound in my chest seems to ache at the sight of her. It’s as if it’s reminding me of who she is and what she’s capable of.

Staying silent, I watch her place her handbag and keys on the side table as she reaches down to take off her heels and pushes them against the wall with her stockinged feet.

“Can I get you a drink before you head off?” she asks, as if me breaking into her house and waiting for her in a darkened room is something that happens between us every day.

As if seeing the man who wants an explanation as to why she double-crossed him is something that happens every day.

Studying her as she heads to the kitchen and takes two beers out of the refrigerator, I have to wonder if she’s some sort of sociopath. She shows little emotion at the sight of me, which is shit, because I’m feeling a whole range of emotions at the sight of her…

She stands in front of me and holds a beer out, and I set my jaw, looking up at her but refusing to take it. Pressing her lips together, she withdraws the bottle and leans to the side to place it on the chrome and glass lamp table beside me.

“You’re angry with me,” she states, taking a seat across from me as she crosses her legs and smooths out the length of her skirt.

“More than angry, Chloe. There isn’t even a word for how I’m feeling toward you.”

She nods and places her bottle on the table next to her, keeping her eyes on mine. Watching me. Gauging what I’m about to do. Why is she so damn calm? She should be scared as fuck at the sight of me after what she did.

“Is my life in danger?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“On what your answers are.”


“You shot me in the chest.”

“I did.”

“I know how good a shot you are.”

She nods, waiting for me to continue, although I’m sure she knows exactly what my question is.

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

Lilliana Anderson pic

Bestselling Author of the Drawn Series, the Beautiful Series, and the Confidante Trilogy, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer.

Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters as well as a biographical trilogy based on an ex-Sydney sex worker, named Angelien.

Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it's outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting.

When she isn't writing, she wears the hat of 'wife and mother' to her husband and four children.

Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.

Originally from Sydney's Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.