venerdì 19 dicembre 2014

RED LINES - T.A. Foster

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Today is the cover reveal for RED LINES, an adult romance by T.A. Foster. This title will be released on February 6th, 2015. Check out the excerpt and teasers below! As an added bonus, we are also revealing the cover for another of T.A.'s standalone romances, FINDING HAVEN. Buy links for that book are below.


Love on remote Perry Island was one thing, but with the flash of a camera everything has changed.

Movie star Evan Carlson has just landed the role of a lifetime, playing the infamous Dexter Red. Fans can't get enough of the sexiest, most-talked-about guy to ever hit paperback pages.

Haven is in Austin working on her songwriting career, and Evan's faith and commitment are put to the test. No matter which way he turns, Hollywood keeps getting in the way.

Does realizing their career dreams mean losing their relationship? Can they survive the headlines and media frenzy surrounding Evan's new role?

When it comes to love, some lines are meant to be blurred.

He kissed her on the cheek. “So, speaking of Red Lines, how would you feel if I took the role?”

“As in, you want to be the next Dexter Red?” Sure, they had talked about it in passing, but Evan didn’t seem interested. She was still surprised he read the book on the flight home.

“I don’t know. I met with the new agent today, great guy by the way, and he says I’m at an all-or-nothing crossroads. I either need to retire or do this movie. There’s no gray area. I’m thinking about doing the movie. I can’t say I’m ready to completely give up acting.”

“I can’t imagine you retiring right now. That seems extreme. You’re only twenty-eight. Do people your age retire?”

“I don’t know of anyone. But the movie? How would you feel about me being in the movie?” He asked it quietly, and Haven knew he was worried.

She sat on the couch. “If you want to do it, I don’t see how it has much to do with me.”

“Darlin’, it has everything to do with you.” He paused. “Emmy’s signed up to play Karina. I’d be in it with her, so I can understand if that would make you uncomfortable. I talked to her today, though, and she’s completely onboard. She knows about you. She knows this would be all business. I made that completely clear.”

It was hard to focus. Evan had just asked her to play Red Lines sex games and now was asking permission to star in the hottest movie to ever hit the big screen with his ex. What in the hell was she supposed to say? This was coming at her from two completely different angles.

“I trust you, Evan, and I know it’s a movie. It’s not like you’re actually sleeping with her.” The last part came out more like a whisper. She realized she knew nothing about moviemaking.

“Definitely not.” He wrapped an arm around her. “But, just say the word and I won’t do it. It has to work for both of us.”

Her lips were still swollen from his kisses, and she could smell his soapy-scented cologne on her shoulder. He was all around her, part of her, in her head, her heart, her body. If this was what he wanted, she wasn’t going to stand in his way.

“Do it. I think you should do it.”

“Really? You sure?”

“Yes. Absolutely sure. You’ll be an amazing Dexter Red.”

“And you’re up for helping me prepare for the role?” He winked. “Because I was wondering if we could start rehearsals right now.” He placed his glass on the table and took hers next.

The palms of his hands ran along her thighs until he had wriggled her skirt up to her hips again.

Haven smiled. “Yes, we can start right now.”

“Wait.” He paused. “You wanted to ask me about something from your meeting?” He crawled forward.

“Rehearsals,” she whispered. “Let’s start with rehearsals.”

She leaned against the arm of the couch as Evan’s hand slid between her thighs. If she had to play this part to help him prepare for the biggest role of his life, she wasn’t going to say no.



FindingHaven_FrontCover FindingHaven_FullCover_LoRes

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T.A. Foster is Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos.
She has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University.

Author Links:

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In need of a new cowboy in your life? Jessie Evans' GLITTER AND GRIT releases today and we couldn't be more excited for everyone to meet Grayson!

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* *20% OFF for the first weeks following release in a limited time Reader Appreciation Sale!* *

A sexy small town romance from New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Jessie Evans

This ride is going to last a lot longer than eight seconds...

Female professional bull rider, Reece Hearst, graduated from the school of hard knocks. With honors. Because life is like bull riding--when it sends you to the dirt, you do whatever it takes to get on your feet, even if you have to crawl. Like when officials stripped her of her rodeo queen title on the basis of vicious gossip years ago and not even her father would believe her side of the story. Reece could have stayed in the dust, wallowing. Instead, she fixed Lonesome Point in her rearview, joined the pro circuit, and never looked back. But now a serious injury threatens to end her career and she's back in Lonesome Point, living next door to the family that once made her life a living hell.

After multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan and his father's death, all Grayson Parker wants is to get his family's cattle business back in the black and live a quiet life. But the return of Reece Hearst opens old wounds, throwing his ordered world into chaos. Grayson was serving overseas when Reece was a teenager and can't believe the girl he once knew has grown into a heartbreaker as hardened as she is beautiful.

Grayson finds a kindred spirit in wounded Reece and soon longs to be the man to show her that there is life after pain and loss. But can two people as damaged as Reece and Grayson find their way to happily ever after? Or will the scars on their hearts forever keep them apart?

Add it to your Goodreads list here!


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessie Evans, gave up a career as an international woman of mystery to write the sexy, contemporary Southern romances she loves to read.

She's married to the man of her dreams, and together they're raising a few adorable, mischievous children in a cottage in the jungle. She grew up in rural Arkansas, spending summers running wild, being chewed by chiggers, and now appreciates her home in a chigger-free part of the world even more.

When she's not writing, Jessie enjoys playing her dulcimer (badly), sewing the worlds ugliest quilts to give to her friends, going for bike rides with her house full of boys, and drifting in and out on the waves, feeling thankful for sun, surf, and lovely people to share them with.


A sexy category romance from Entangled's Brazen imprint...

He'll give her exactly what she needs…

Protecting a princess is not what former marine Gordon Waybrook signed up for when he joined the Shillings Agency. But instead of the spoiled, regal little creature he expects, Isabelle VanGuard is a fiery, sexy-as hell woman who's been denied what she needs for too long. And he's just the man to break through her frozen public facade and give it to her.

When she's with Gordon, all Isabelle can think about is pleasure. Their blistering chemistry is immediate and intense, but volatile. In fact, the only thing they agree on is that their one night together is just that—one night. Even after it becomes more. But tempers and temptation can't disguise reality. Isabelle is a princess, and a hot, hard, and tattooed bodyguard isn't the Prince Charming her country expects…even if he's exactly what she needs.

This was the perfect Sunday afternoon read for me. 

Princess Isabella goes to America to meet her intended, George, who incidentally reminded me of those grimy slime hand-toys kids use to slap against the walls. In my opinion of course. 

Her 'people' hire the Shillings Agency to protect her on her American visit. The hero in this book Gordon who works for Shillings,  gets assigned to her. He obviously takes his job serious as he guarded her body with expert precision. 

Gordon is an ex marine, inked up, dirty talking no nonsense guy. He makes up his mind before meeting Isabella about her and it was incredibly fun to watch him discover that he was very wrong. I can honestly say that I liked everything about this book. 

This is the first book I've read from Diane Alberts, so I need to rectify that immediately. It had the right amount of humor and romance and it worked in a big way. 

Right, I'm off to see about turning myself into a princess. I can do with some Gordon in my life. If only my dad owned a country it would be a lot easier, but I digress, he wanted to be a mechanic. 

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Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. She’s hit the Top 100 lists on Amazon and Barnes and Noble numerous times with numerous titles. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.
Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author. Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen #2) - Tillie Cole

Dark Contemporary Romance.Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics.Recommended for age 18 years and up*

Even salvation can be delivered through the love of the damned

Beauty can be a curse.

Faith can be a cage.

Only love can set you free.

A few long weeks after being reluctantly ripped from the comforting embrace of her sacred prophets religious communethe only life she has ever knowna terrified Delilah is thrust into a world enveloped by evil and swimming in sin.

Steadfastly devout in her faith, and retaining the deep belief that her soul is innately tarnished as a branded Cursed woman of Eve,Delilah is determined to find her way home to her people in The Order and away from the corrupt and damned outlaw motorcycle clubThe Hades Hangmenwho hold her at their secluded compound for her protectiona 'protection' she strongly resents.

Delilah yearns to return home, convinced that only amongst her own people, and under the holy guidance of the Lords revealed prophet, can her Satan-spawned soul be truly saved. Conditioned her entire life to believe she is a witch... a life-long temptressthe devils whore... Delilah increasingly resents her beautiful face, her shapely body and her sensuous effect on men. But when a man of the motorcycle cluba deeply sinful yet stunningly beautiful manis charged with her care, Delilah begins to see that this dangerous and moralless sinner from the 'outside' may offer her something she did not know could truly exist: unconditional love.

Kyler KyWillis loves his life: a daily abundance of brotherhood, liquor, the freedom of the open-road andbest of allhis pick of hot women. Raised a biker brat and now VP of the most notorious MC in the States, Ky has no shortage of club sluts warming his bed; a situation he takes full advantage ofuntil a certain blonde enters his lifea gorgeous pilgrim-blonde he cant get out of his heada pilgrim-blonde he and his club recently-rescued from some backward religious cultand a pilgrim-blonde hes been ordered to keep the hell away from and his whorish hands off.

When yet another in a lengthy line of drunken blunders forces Ky to reluctantly take charge of the pilgrim-blondes care, he realizes that there could be more to this woman than just supermodel looks and a stacked set of tits. He begins to see that she could be the woman who could do the impossibletame his wild ways and capture his reluctant heart.

But the unyielding bonds of Lilahs past are strong, her peopledetermined and, with a new Prophet in charge and hell bent on revenge, they are mightily reluctant to let her go...

giovedì 18 dicembre 2014

Skip To The Good Part Vol 2

STTGP2  blog tour graphic

Today we're having the release day launch for Skip to the Good Part Vol 2! This is such a sexy collection, and I am thrilled to be bringing it to you!! Check out all the info about the book, and be sure to enter the giveaway! :)


Find your next red-hot read in this sizzling collection of sexy scenes.

Volume Two offers even more great reads—preorder now for just 99¢

Skip to the Good Part 2: 20 Authors Reveal Their Steamiest Scenes offers face-fanning romance and tie-me-up sizzle (and everything in between) from top authors including New York Times and USA Today bestsellers. The collection features a bride purchased by a powerful man who has sexy plans of her own, a UFC fighter who falls in lust with the sister of his biggest rival, a woman who gets naughty with her ex hoping she can keep it a one-time thing, a biker charged with protecting a woman he desires from the wrath of a rival gang, and a woman held in a captor’s dungeon who finds that only part of her wants to be freed.

Read 20 of the best steamy scenes in contemporary romance and erotic romance today. This 250-page collection will get your blood pumping, your heart racing, and your skin tingling—you’re sure to discover a new favorite.

Due to the graphic nature of some content, this collection is recommended strictly for mature readers.

New York Times bestsellers:

Pepper Winters | Cristin Harber | Aleatha Romig | L.P. Dover | Zoe York | Geneva Lee

USA Today bestsellers:

Carmen Jenner | J.L. Berg


Kendall Grey | Chelsea Camaron | Amity Cross | Elisabeth Grace | Tia Louise | Kimberly Knight | Lisa Swallow | Elizabeth Otto | Zinnia Bennett | Juliana Haygert | Claudia Bradshaw | Delancey Stewart


Skip to the Good Part Vol 1 


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Christmas Collection - Romantico o passionale? Il Natale che vuoi tu solo in eLit!

Christmas Collection
Il Natale che vuoi tu
in esclusiva digitale eLit

Per questo Natale desiderate un regalo unico, scoppiettante, travolgente? Oppure siete alla ricerca di una lettura romantica, che sappia scaldarvi il cuore e farvi compagnia davanti al caminetto?

Ci pensiamo noi,  nella nostra Christmas Collection infatti potrete trovare tante proposte che sapranno illuminare le vostre Feste: dal Natale d’Autore in compagnia dell’amatissima Diana Palmer, alle storie dolcissime e ironiche di Debbie Macomber e Carole Mortimer, fino ad arrivare alle avventure più Hot,  il tutto in esclusiva digitale eLit.

Cosa aspettate? Qui da noi si respira già l’atmosfera del Natale…  Iniziate a viverla con noi!

Scoprite tutta la Christmas Collection qui e Auguri da tutto lo Staff Harlequin Mondadori!

IL NATALE PIU' DOLCE di Debbie Macomber
IL NATALE PERFETTO di Debbie Macomber
IL MIRACOLO DI NATALE di Carole Mortimer

Sconosciuti - Megan Hart

Il sesso a volte può essere una fuga, un mezzo per creare una realtà parallela, dove sentirsi vivi e smettere di pensare. E ciò che crede Stella che ogni tanto, nel fine settimana, prende un aereo e parte per una destinazione qualsiasi. Si ferma al bar dell'aeroporto e lì abborda uno sconosciuto per una notte di sesso anonimo e senza legami. Le sembra questo l'unico modo per alleggerire la tensione e le preoccupazioni della vita quotidiana. Finché un giorno, volando a Chicago per lavoro, incontra Matthew. Il sesso tra loro è esplosivo e si crea un'intimità intensa e nuova per entrambi. Ma le cose non sono semplici come possono sembrare. Stella e Matthew, infatti hanno un passato difficile con cui fare i conti e sentimenti con cui riconciliarsi.

Imprinted by the Alpha (The Marked One Series #1 ) - Jocelyn Thomas

This is the first book of an ongoing serial and does contain a cliffhanger. 
This story is for ages 18+ and is not intended for readers uncomfortable with sexual scenarios.

Ava is drawn back to her hometown just weeks before her 21st birthday and she has no idea why. After meeting alpha wolf Caleb, she’s content with the small town living she’d known before, but her best friend Kelly will reveal Willow Falls is a town with many faces. 

When Ava’s mother reveals a secret prophecy, she is faced with a future far removed from the one she expected. 

She must navigate her new love while facing a responsibility she doesn’t feel prepared for. Whether she is ready or not, everything she knows about Willow Falls is changing - including her. 

mercoledì 17 dicembre 2014

SECOND DEBT (Indebted, #3) - Pepper Winters

ebook (3)

Title: Second Debt (Indebted, #3)Author: Pepper WintersGenre: Dark EroticaRelease Date: Early 2015


“I tried to play a game. I tried to wield deceit as perfectly as the Hawks. But when I thought I was winning, I wasn’t. Jethro isn’t what he seems—he’s the master of duplicity. However, I refuse to let him annihilate me further.”

Nila Weaver has grown from naïve seamstress to full-blown fighter. Every humdrum object is her arsenal, and sex…sex is her greatest weapon of all.

She’s paid the First Debt. She’ll probably pay more.

But she has no intention of letting the Hawks win.

Jethro Hawk has found more than a worthy adversary in Nila—he’s found the woman who could destroy him. There’s a fine line between hatred and love, and an even finer path between fear and respect.

The fate of his house rests on his shoulders, but no matter how much ice lives inside his heart, Nila flames too bright to be extinguished.

Indebted series


Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1) Available Now: Amazon | iBooks

“I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

She is no longer free.

Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-ninth birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

There are no rules. Only payments.


First Debt (Indebted #2) Available Now: Amazon | iBooks

“You say I’ll never own you. If I win—you willingly give me that right. You sign not only the debt agreement, but another—one that makes me your master until your last breath is taken. You do that, and I’ll give you this.”

Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Stolen, taken, and bound not by monsters but by an agreement written over six hundred years ago, she has no way out.

She belongs to Jethro as much as she denies it.

Jethro Hawk’s patience is running out. His inheritance gift tests, challenges, and surprises him—and not in good ways. He hasn’t leashed her but he thinks he might’ve found a way to bind her forever.

Debts are mounting. Payment waiting.

Pre Order on iTunes!
Second Debt (Indebted #3):
Third Debt (Indebted #4):
Fourth Debt (Indebted #5):
Final Debt (Indebted #6):

Pepper Winters - author

Pepper Winters is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) -
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2) -
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3) -
Debt Inheritance (Indebted Series) -

Her Grey Romance books include:

If you would like to be the first to know of upcoming releases please fill in her newsletter (Pepper promises to never spam or chat aimlessly


love p

Asa (Marked Men #6) - Jay Crownover

We are so excited about the cover reveal for Jay Crownover's ASA! ASA is the sixth and final book in Jay's Marked Men Series, published by HarperCollins. Check out the hot cover and don't forget to pre-order your copy today!

Image Map

Amazon US ** iBooks ** Barnes & Noble ** Kobo

Starting over in Denver with a whole new circle of friends and family, Asa Cross struggles with being the man he knows everyone wants him to be and the man he knows he really is. A leopard doesn’t it change its spots and Asa has always been a predator. He doesn’t want to hurt those who love and rely on him, especially one stunning arresting cop who suddenly seems to be interested in him for far more than his penchant for breaking the law. But letting go of old habits is hard, and it’s easy to hit bottom when it’s the place you know best.

Royal Hastings is quickly learning what the bottom looks like after a tragic situation at work threatens not only her career but her partner’s life. As a woman who has only ever had a few real friends she’s trying to muddle through her confusion and devastation all alone. Except she can’t stop thinking about the sexy southern bartender she locked up. Crushing on Asa is the last thing she needs but his allure is too strong to resist. His long criminal record can only hurt her already shaky career and chasing after a guy who has no respect for the law or himself can only end in heartbreak.

A longtime criminal and a cop together just seems so wrong . . . but for Asa and Royal, being wrong together is the only right choice to make.

Marked men Banner

And don’t miss the previous books in The Marked Men Series!






And don't miss Jay at 3pm EST over at the Between The Covers page on Facebook today! Come chat with her!

Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series. She also introduced the dark and sexy world of The Point that started with BETTER WHEN HE's BAD and is currently working on her newest series The Saint of Denver. Like her characters, she is a big fan of tattoos. She loves music and wishes she could be a rock star, but since she has no aptitude for singing or instrument playing, she'll settle for writing stories with interesting characters that make the reader feel something. She lives in Colorado with her three dogs.

Website ** Blog ** Facebook ** Twitter ** ASA Goodreads ** Jay Crownover Goodreads

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