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Visualizzazione post con etichetta medio livello di difficoltà. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 28 marzo 2014

Lovelines - S. Walden

Il 25 Marzo 2014 è finalmente uscito il nuovo libro di una delle mie scrittrici preferite : Lovelines di S. Walden!!! Per un breve periodo sarà in offerta a € 0,89 su amazon ( vedi link a fondo pagina ) , io ne ho subito approfittato ;-) Non dimenticatevi della giveaway, che troverete in questo post, per vincere una copia gratis e molti altri premi!!!

Vi avevo già dato un pò di informazioni in un precedente post ( ecco il Link per chi se lo fosse perso  !! oppure cercate S. Walden tra le Etichette ) 
Non ho ancora avuto modo di leggerlo quindi non posso farne una recensione accurata ma ve lo consiglio ad occhi chiusi!! Scrive in un inglese semplice (potete constatarlo voi stesse dagli estratti del libro gentilmente forniti dalla autrice!) quindi si presta a ogni tipo di lettrice.In questa storia d'amore si parla di un argomento molto delicato e sfortunatamente molto comune tra le persone OCD ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ), è stato affrontato con cura e delicatezza dalla scrittrice. Ha pubblicato un  Post sul suo blog molto interessate che vi invito a leggere, vi darà un'idea con quanta serietà lavori questa autrice.
Ecco un pò di teasers per prepararci a quello che sarà la lettura di questo romanzo!! Io personalmente non vedo l'ora di immergermi in questo nuovo capolavoro!!!! 

venerdì 14 marzo 2014

Offerta speciale !! Unbroken - Melody Grace

May I have your attention please?
Cosmo Girls ho un'altra offerta speciale da proporvi, mi raccomando approfittatene finché è valida!!!
Unbroken di Melody Grace - Versione in lingua originale a € 0,72 ( sorry ma non esiste ancora una versione in italiano! ) Ecco il link per Amazon
Un paio di informazioni al volo:
La trama è abbastanza coinvolgente, il livello di difficoltà dell'inglese è basso, personalmente non l'ho trovato molto scorrevole ma il libro è breve quindi non risulta pesante. Ammetto di averlo letto di fretta e non sono stata molto presa dalla storia ma tutto sommato l'ho trovato sufficientemente gradevole. Considerando l'offerta, lo consiglio !!!

"Mom always told me there are two kinds of love in this world: the steady breeze, and the hurricane. Emerson Ray was my hurricane...."

Juliet McKenzie was an innocent eighteen-year old when she spent the summer in Beachwood Bay—and fell head over heels in love with Emerson. Complicated, intense Emerson, the local bad boy. His blue eyes hid dark secrets, and just one touch could set Juliet ablaze. Their love was demanding and all-consuming, but when summer ended, tragedy tore them apart. Juliet swore she’d never go back, and she’s kept that promise… Until now.

Four years later, Juliet’s done her best to rebuild the wreckage of her shattered life. She’s got a great boyfriend, and a steady job planned after she graduates. Returning to Beachwood to pack up her family’s beach house to prepare it for sale, Juliet is determined that nothing will stand in the way of her future. But one look from Emerson, and all her old desire comes flooding back. He let her go once, but this time, he’s not giving up without a fight. And Emerson fights dirty.

A heartbreaking history. An unstoppable passion. Torn between her past and future, Juliet struggles to separate love from desire. But will they find a way to overcome their tragic secrets—together? And after so much damage has been done, can a love remain unbroken? 

*This book contains adult situations and explicit content.*

giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Raw - Belle Aurora

A little personal anecdote on this book:
11.00 pm, I was in bed reading, almost at the end of the book, my husband next to me watching tv. I was very relaxed because I was getting how the book would end....then I finished it. In that moment I was rushing out of the bed saying very loud, and very inappropriate considering how late it was, " what the f**k??" my hubby looked at me like I was crazy so I told him all about this book!!! Poor guy...he listened but he did give it a damn...he's the sweetest!
That was a warning about this author!! when you think is all predictable...she changes it all!! she's amazing that's why she's in my top 5 !!!

This is Raw by Belle Aurora.

***Author Note: This is not a love story. This is a story of love gone wrong.***

Growing up the way I did, you’d think I’d be more screwed up than what I actually am. Soon as I turned sixteen, I left that bump in the road I called home and took my chances on the street. Best decision I ever made.
Now, at the age of twenty six, I’m educated, employed and damn good at my job. My friends have become my family. Like me, they know what it’s like to grow up unloved.
But the saying is true. The world makes way for those who know where they are going. That’s me.
I know where I’m going and I’ll get there eventually. On my own terms and at my own pace. But then there’s him.
I feel his eyes on me. I see him hiding in plain sight. He watches me. He makes me feel. It’s unconventional. But it’s real. I’m sure you’re wondering how a person falls in love with their stalker. So am I. This isn’t a story. This is my life

Lexi is a social worker with a heavy background. She wants to do something real in helping people avoid what she beared. She has a big heart but sometimes she's full of contradictions, she thinks in a way then do in another. That's because people experiment, they try something new, never thought it might be interesting. She thinks she knows the world and how it works....boy, how she's wrong and how she will know it!! but this give her a chance to know herself from a new prospective.

“There’s something about having your choices taken from you that is equally liberating and frightening. Handing over control to a person is a big deal. A showing of trust. And sometimes, I would like to be taken on a ride rather than drive.” 

“I don't want a knight in shining armor. I don't want a knight in scuffed armor.
I want his helmet to have dents. I want my knight to be real, and dark and savage. I want my knight to be a survivor. Someone who's been tested and got through his trails. Not some pussy in gleaming metal.”

Raw: ( emotions/qualities ) strong and natural emotions but not completley developed or controlled -
( language ) containing a lot o sexual details - ( descriptions ) giving the unpleasant facts, without trying to make them more acceptable
This is a vague idea of Twitch's personality!!! He obviously has some major issuses. His life was so brutal it changed him completely but he found his way and very proud of it. He feels he misses something and mistakes it with vengence. His vicious anger makes him take some really bad decisions. In the end he only wants to be loved for what he is, don't we all??

This is an erotic/romace novel. Please don't mistake it for a cheesy chick flick story - boy meets girl,they fall in love and do it a loooot everywhere in every position, declaring how crazy are about each other!
Sex is present....very present....some like it hot or sweet or rough or kinky....we are not born with tastes, we find them during that trip called life and it could be we find  we like it very kinky!!!!!

giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

Thoughtless - S. C. Stephens

Continuiamo con il filone storie d'amore "malate"!! Oggi vi propongo Thoughtless di S. C. Stephens. Il primo di una serie suddivisa in tre libri, l'ultimo pubblicato il 5 marzo 2013. amazon / kobo versione in inglese
amazon / kobo versione italiana .

Confesso di aver finito questo libro con un sospiro di sollievo, ho avuto difficoltà a leggere il secondo e non ho nemmeno iniziato a leggere il terzo e non so se lo farò mai.
Vi chiederete: perché cavolo ce ne stai parlando se non ti è piaciuto? riposta è che nella mia testa il protagonista assomiglia a Jon Bon Jovi!!!
Con questo potrei anche chiudere qui il mio post ma per il popolo femminile che non conosce o poco apprezza questo cantante ( pazze!! ) e quindi non è uno stimolo sufficiente, ho deciso di proporvi questo libro perché...alla fine sono stata contenta di averlo letto :-) Chiaramente questo romanzo, come del resto tuta la serie, è scritta in inglese. Il livello di difficoltà è medio ma accessibile per le inesperte. 
Il successo in patria ha dell'incredibile tanto da creare gadget, gruppi su facebook e molto altro!!!

Keira e Danny fanno coppia fissa da un paio d'anni e sono molto felici, tanto "carini e coccolosi"! hanno deciso di andare a vivere insieme ma in una città più grande dove Danny può fare il lavoro che ha sempre desiderato e Keira andare all'università. Per risparmiare sull'affitto, trovano ospitalità da un vecchio amico di Danny, Kellan Kyle il leader di una band "bello e dannato con una voce roca e sensuale". Ma pur apprezzando la sua bellezza, Keira ha solo occhi per il suo ragazzo e tra il trio si instaura un sano equilibrio. A causa del suo lavoro, Danny è costretto a fare delle lunghe trasferte lasciando troppo spesso la povera Keira sola soletta insieme al super sexy Kellan.........
Risultato: una serie di casini indescrivibili!! vi troverete a scollare la testa, a voler prendere tra le mani la faccia della protagonista e scrollarla fortissimo e probabilmente ad insultarmi nella vostra testa per avervi consigliato questo libro!!nemmeno io sono un'amante dei triangoli amorosi ma se ho deciso di parlarvene ci sarà una buona ragione no???

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2014

Book on sale!! Lost and Found - Nicole Williams

Offerta speciale ragazze!!! Lost and Found di Nicole Williams a soli € 0,89,  formato ebook in inglese , è seriamente da non perdere!!

There’s complicated. And there’s Rowen Sterling.

After numbing pain for the past five years with boys, alcohol, and all-around apathy, she finds herself on a Greyhound bus to nowhere Montana the summer after she graduates high school. Her mom agreed to front the bill to Rowen’s dream art school only if Rowen proves she can work hard and stay out of trouble at Willow Springs Ranch. Cooking breakfast at the crack of dawn for a couple dozen ranch hands and mucking out horse stalls are the last things in the world Rowen wants to spend her summer doing.

Until Jesse Walker saunters into her life wearing a pair of painted-on jeans, a cowboy hat, and a grin that makes something in her chest she’d thought was frozen go boom-boom. Jesse’s like no one else, and certainly nothing like her. He’s the bright and shiny to her dark and jaded.

Rowen knows there’s no happily-ever-after for the golden boy and the rebel girl—happily-right-now is a stretch—so she tries to forget and ignore the boy who makes her feel things she’s not sure she’s ready to feel. But the more she pushes him away, the closer he seems to get. The more she convinces herself she doesn’t care, the harder she falls.

When her dark secrets refuse to stay locked behind the walls she’s kept up for years, Rowen realizes it’s not just everyone else she needs to be honest with. It’s herself.

giovedì 13 febbraio 2014

Good - S.Walden

Well....I guess I warmed up enough to review books I care a lot about ( I care about all of them but I confess some more than others! ). Forgive me Italian Cosmo Girls but I'm gonna write this post in english because I'd like the author to understand and hopefully appreciate it.
The book of the day is Good by Summer Walden.
I loved this book in every possibile way, characters, dialogues, subjects, descriptions ...all is amazing in this novel. a complete package!!
The main reason I really care about this book is a personal one. the female character - Cadence - and me have lived similar life experiences and felt almost the same emotions. it was like: what the hell??? after every chapter I had to stop because it was too much for me feeling that all over again. I was scared for Cadence, I was happy for her, I was suffering with her.  I know it might be extreme but sometimes books have this effect on you.  It was cathartic, thanks to this book I resolved some personal issues from my past and this is my way to repay.

The Plot:
Cadence is a seventeen years old, a senior high school student, who did a big mistake. she paid for it and she's trying real hard to get her normal life back, win again her parents trust and....maybe her car.
She's often alone and bullied by classmates but a math teacher, Mark or Mr Connelly, shows her some attention and kindness. bam!! big crush for her teacher...who is unavailable,forbidden,taboo ( you get the point!! ) and totally inappropriate. But his kind gestures escalate and feelings are confused....but in a Good way. This is their story .


“People grow and change. You have to choose to grow and change together. It doesn't mean the feeling isn't still there. You just have to work at it a little harder.” 

“Love comes in all kinds of packages. Some are neatly tied up, and some are messy. It doesn't mean that the messy ones aren't every bit as good.” 

Good is the first book of the "Too Good" series. "Better" is the second and the last, published November 19th 2013.
Links : amazon and smashwords 

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

Nuova Uscita

It's a great honor for me to open officially this blog with the new release of the amazing Kristen Ashely. I love her single novel and it would be MY pleasure to introduce them to my italian girls. She means very much to me and I sincerely hope to do a really good job about it. Every single time I read one of her book I'm overwhelmed by her sense of loyalty, friendship, couple intimacy and she is absolutely hilarious!! KA deserves to be known in Italy!!

Tra le mie cosmopolitan girls, c'è già qualcuna che conosce questa autrice e per chi ancora non la conoscesse è un mio piacere presentarvela con la sua ultimissima pubblicazione.
Lei si chiama Kristen Ashely ed è una delle mie autrici preferite. Il libro si chiama Kaleidoscope:

Fa parte della serie Colorado Mountain  ma lo potete leggere anche se non avete letto i precedenti. Il bello di questa autrice è che ti da tutte le informazioni necessarie per non perdere il filo della storia tra un libro e l'altro. Io non l'ho ancora letto ma penso che inizierò stasera...non vedo l'ora!
Per una principiante non lo consiglio, è meglio che prima si cimenti in qualcosa di più semplice ed una volta che si sentirà sicura potrà godersi fino in fondo la magia di un libro della KA!!
Per un'amante dell'atmosfera americana in stile country - Colorado, questa serie è davvero il massimo!
Ecco il link per l'acquisto su amazon.

Let me know what you think about it! you'll love it and I'll bet my Kindle on it! LOL

Give you guys a look on this quotes! they give you an idea how awesome this book is :

“Any woman who was breathing noticed Jacob Decker. Hell, it was possible he could walk through a graveyard and his very presence would call up the dead females as zombies rabid to get just an undead glimpse of him, he was that noticeable of a male.” 

“Your girl?” I asked, my voice coming out in a near on squeak.
“Yeah,” he answered, his voice deep, low and firm. 
“This is, well…kinda weird.” Understatement! “And fast.” Extreme understatement!
“Met you twelve years ago and we’re just gettin’ here. I don’t call that fast. I call that a waste of fuckin’ time I’m about to rectify.” 

“Is the sex good?” … “I hope it’s good but not great,” Krystal remarked. “Sex slave to an alpha. Bad news.”
This time my head didn’t jerk. I blinked again.
“I’m a sex slave to an alpha and I have no complaints,” Lauren muttered, grinning at Zara.
“Me either,” Zara replied, grinning back.
“I’ve had mine longer than all of you,” Nina announced. “And I’m of a mind that there will never be a time to complain.”