lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

Reparation - Stylo Fantome

WARNING: may induce Kindle throwing, screaming at fictional characters, and possibly a few tears. Also graphic sexual situations and sadomasochistic themes.

When Tatum O'Shea decides it's time for some payback, no one is safe from her new game - not even the devil himself. Tate is going to get her happily every after, even if it means making everyone else unhappy in the process.

But a persistent Jameson, a meddling Sanders, and an amorous baseball player make it very hard for a girl to keep her focus, and suddenly it seems Tate has a few too many suitors for her fairy tale ending.

Sometimes, it's very difficult to tell who Prince Charming really is ..

reparation[rep-uh-rey-shuh n]

1. the making of amends for wrong or injury done:
reparation for an injustice.
2. Usually, reparations. compensation in money, material, labor, etc.,
payable by a defeated country to another country or to an individual for loss suffered during or as a result of war.
3. restoration to good condition.

What do you get when you experience a lot of Degradation, followed by a little Separation? Very much needed Reparation

At this point in The Kane Trilogy, Tatum O’Shea, Jameson’s “baby girl,” is out for revenge.  She does not give a second thought to the possibility that she is anything more than Jameson’s favorite play thing—and she is angry.  Tate is having a hard time trusting anyone in her circle.  She is suspicious of everyone’s motives, except for Nick, who is quite forthcoming with what he wants from Tate.  What about Sanders?  Well, Tate finds him “tricky” as well!  As far as Tate is concerned, she can’t imagine trusting anything that comes out of Jameson’s aka Satan’s mouth.  She feels like Ang has betrayed their friendship and that any progress she has made developing a relationship with her sister Ellie has dissolved.
Tatum O’Shea’s character is multifaceted, and I adore her.  She is vulnerable, and feisty. Through Degradation (book 1) and Separation (book 2) her journey includes self-discovery and by Reparation (book 3) she has had an epiphany.  “She was over it.  Over being so goddamn nice all the time.  Jameson was the devil.  Ang was disrespectful.  Ellie was a bitch.  When did it get to be Tatum’s turn?”
Watch out Kane lovers- Tate’s taking control!  Speaking of controlling, and loving Jameson Kane… He is my favorite bad boy.  I love his filthy mouth and his capacity to give!  In fact, I have not loved a hero this much since I met Søren, of Tiffany Reisz’s Original Sinners Series, and likewise Jameson and Sanders have won a place in my heart right next to Søren and Kingsley.
“Do you speak to Tatum this way, when you’re trying to make her feel better?” he asked.“No.  She prefers cuddles.”“Maybe I’d like a cuddle.”“Forgive me, sir, but that’s not going to happen.”
It is easy to become attached to this group of characters:  Jameson, Tatum, Sanders, Ang, Nick and even Ellie because their creator, author Stylo Fantôme, writes them with steadfastness, from beginning to end.
The relationship between Jameson and Tate is so fiery and sexy.  Ms. Fantôme writes smart, edgy erotica.
“There had been an “incident” with the couch. It had gotten flipped over and a leg broke off. It was being repaired. Jameson told her she had to be more careful in the future – his shit wasn't cheap. She told him that maybe he shouldn't go around fucking people so hard. He told her to shut her mouth. It just went uphill from there, and then they broke his desk chair.”
Reparation’s ending is very satisfying, and we are a lucky audience because Stylo Fantôme is giving us an extended epilogue, 
Completion (book 3.5), expected February, 2015.  I wonder what else we can tempt her into giving us?  I will read anything and everything she writes—and that’s a promise!

“If he doesn’t want you fucking anyone else, that means he’s jealous.  And if he’s jealous, that means he cares.  And if he cares, then maybe he really never lied.  And if he never lied, then you don’t have to ruin everything.  And if you don’t have to ruin everything, then maybe you can admit out loud that you have most definitely, certainly, positively, absolutely, irrevocably sold your soul to Satan.”

“Not Satan. Not Lillith.  Eve was created from Adam’s rib.  We’re part of each other.  That’s why I can’t get away.  That’s why he can’t get away.  I’m not his subject, he’s not my lord and master.  We’re the same.”

“…I want Prince Charming to ride up on a white horse, and carry me off to his castle.  The only difference between me and other girls is once I get there, I want him to bend me over the throne and pull my hair while he fucks me hard and calls me names.  But I know that’ll never happen with you…”

The Kane Trilogy Reading Order:

Book 1: Degradation
Book 2: Separation
Book 3: Reparation
Part 3.5: Completion - Extended epilogue coming Feb, 2015

domenica 14 dicembre 2014

Heart Recaptured - Tillie Cole

"Happy release day to Tillie Cole. Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen #2) is LIVE and available from all good e-book retailers NOW! 

Title: Heart Recaptured

Series: Hades Hangmen #2

Author: Tillie Cole
Age group: Mature new adult

Genre: MC dark contemporary romance

Release date: 14th December 2014

Even salvation can be delivered through the love of the damned

Beauty can be a curse.

Faith can be a cage.

Only love can set you free.

A few long weeks after being reluctantly ripped from the comforting embrace of her sacred prophets religious communethe only life she has ever knowna terrified Delilah is thrust into a world enveloped by evil and swimming in sin.

Steadfastly devout in her faith, and retaining the deep belief that her soul is innately tarnished as a branded Cursed woman of Eve,Delilah is determined to find her way home to her people in The Order and away from the corrupt and damned outlaw motorcycle clubThe Hades Hangmenwho hold her at their secluded compound for her protectiona 'protection' she strongly resents.

Delilah yearns to return home, convinced that only amongst her own people, and under the holy guidance of the Lords revealed prophet, can her Satan-spawned soul be truly saved. Conditioned her entire life to believe she is a witch... a life-long temptressthe devils whore... Delilah increasingly resents her beautiful face, her shapely body and her sensuous effect on men. But when a man of the motorcycle cluba deeply sinful yet stunningly beautiful manis charged with her care, Delilah begins to see that this dangerous and moralless sinner from the 'outside' may offer her something she did not know could truly exist: unconditional love.

Kyler KyWillis loves his life: a daily abundance of brotherhood, liquor, the freedom of the open-road andbest of allhis pick of hot women. Raised a biker brat and now VP of the most notorious MC in the States, Ky has no shortage of club sluts warming his bed; a situation he takes full advantage ofuntil a certain blonde enters his lifea gorgeous pilgrim-blonde he cant get out of his heada pilgrim-blonde he and his club recently-rescued from some backward religious cultand a pilgrim-blonde hes been ordered to keep the hell away from and his whorish hands off.

When yet another in a lengthy line of drunken blunders forces Ky to reluctantly take charge of the pilgrim-blondes care, he realizes that there could be more to this woman than just supermodel looks and a stacked set of tits. He begins to see that she could be the woman who could do the impossibletame his wild ways and capture his reluctant heart.

But the unyielding bonds of Lilahs past are strong, her peopledetermined and, with a new Prophet in charge and hell bent on revenge, they are mightily reluctant to let her go...

Another tear trailed down Maes cheek. I have no idea how to make her and Maddie want this life. There is no more commune, no more Order. I am unable to help her them. What will happen to them if they cannot adjust? Her huge wolf eyes focused on me as Styx wiped at her cheeks with his thumb, his nose flaring with protectiveness. I need your help, Ky. Not for you to make this even more difficult. If they left me, I do not know I do not know…”
Styx turned Mae in his arms and she cried into his chest. His jaw clenched and he glanced in my direction.
Great. He wanted to murder me again.
Running my hands down my face, I jumped to my feet, and Mae lifted her head in surprise.
Ill keep the fuck away from Lilah. I swear, I vowed.
Mae nodded, though her face remained blank. Thank you.
But Styx was still looking at me and I knew that look. He was plotting something. I went to leave the room, when Styx cleared his throat, his infamous take-no-shit look on his face. Styxs hands lifted to sign behind Maes back while her face was still tucked against his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
Go find Lilah. Shell be down by the river or in the apartment. Its the only two places she ever goes. Tell her youre fuckin sorry for practically assaulting her tonight. Right?
I nodded my agreement rather than say it out loud. He obviously didnt want Mae to overhear our conversation. A lift of his finger made me pause again, and I watched a smirk curl on his lips.
Im putting you in charge of her and I aint telling Mae. Lets call it your atonement for being a whore-assed fuck-up.
I rolled my eyes at his shit attempt at a joke, but I could tell my brother wasnt fuckin around.

Amazon & USA Today Best Selling Author, Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother a farmers daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.

sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Blogger League! Intervista del blog della settimana

Because Italian Blogger should stick together!!!!

Il mondo dei blogger italiani, incentrati sui libri, è un mondo di una competizione  inaspettata e spietata. Qualche anima buona ha fondato questo gruppo su facebook. L'idea è quella di farci conoscere, in totale solidarietà e apprezzamento reciproco. Ci sarà un'interista a scadenza settimanale che ogni blogger condividerà sul rispettivo sito. Il passaparola ci renderà forti e unite. Dietro a un blog, c'è una o più persone che ci mette l'anima e sacrifica il suo tempo per qualcosa che considera un hobby o qualcosa di molto più importante, in questo modo avete l'occasione di conoscere la persona che rappresenta il  nome del blog! Non è un'idea semplicemente incredibile????
Per chi volesse aggregarsi, perché c'è spazio per tutte, ecco il link! Questa League vale per tutti i blogger, non solo per quelli di libri :-)

Blog della settimana: 

Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

  • Oltre ad essere una blogger chi sei nella vita di tutti i giorni?
Io mi chiamo Federica, ma preferisco Fidi ( il nickname che mio padre mi ha dato quando ero molto piccola ), sono segretaria in uno studio di commercialisti. Non mi piace il mio lavoro, vorrei tanto dire che lo odio ma non voglio offendere chi di lavoro non ne ha e lo sta cercando per sopravvivere. Sono sposata da quasi 2 anni ma stiamo insieme da 14 anni. Mio marito mi è sempre vicino e lo è stato splendidamente anche quando ho deciso di aprire un blog. Ma Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls non sono solo io, c'è anche Terry, la mia amica della Florida, Lezanda, la mia amica sudafricana, Heather e A.J., anche loro straniere, Enrica ( una new entry recentissima), Micaela, Alicina e Ketty. Le mie Cosmo Girls, compatibilmente con la loro vita, mi danno una grande mano con le recensioni.
  • Come mai hai deciso di ritagliarti il tuo angolo virtuale? Parlaci del tuo rifugio, quali sono gli argomenti che tratti?
Come detto nella domanda precedente, il mio lavoro è del tutto insoddisfacente. Avevo bisogno di qualcosa che appagasse il  mio bisogno di creatività e nel blog l'ho trovato. Dopo una lunga pausa dalla lettura, ho ripreso ma leggendo libri in inglesi e inediti in Italia, a quel tempo. Dico così perché uno dei primi è stato Beautiful Disaster, finalmente tradotto in italiano la cui autrice ha fatto visita in Italia ormai due volte ( in una l'ho anche vista di persona! ) e quasi tutti i suoi libri sono gettonatissimi dalle teenager italiane. Ne sono molto contenta, il libro meritava di essere conosciuto anche nel nostro paese. Diciamo che quando li leggo io sono inediti, ma con il tempo ( molto tempo ) capita che vengano tradotti in italiano!!
Quando ho deciso di aprire un blog, non avevo pensato a quale enorme problema fosse sceglierne il nome!! Ne ho scelto uno un pò lungo ( con l'aiuto preziosissimo della mia amica - da poco diventata scrittrice pubblicata - australiana Lyn), avevo anche pensato di cambiarlo ma poi mi ci sono affezionata. Io sono così, contorta e complicata....non è il massimo, ma sono io!!
Mi concentro principalmente in libri scritti in inglese ( per questo ho inserito "Cosmopolitan" ), con un HEA, possibilmente no cliffhanger ma, considerato come vanno le cose nel mercato letterario indie oltre oceano, le serie sono all'ordine del giorno, e non ci si può fare molto a riguardo. Le altre Cosmo Girls italiane, leggono New Adult o quello che più preferiscono, non metto loro nessun paletto, lo stesso vale per le ragazze straniere...anche se a loro piace di più il dark romance e l'erotica.
  • Perché le persone dovrebbero diventare tuoi lettori fissi?
Bella domanda! Vorrei che seguissero il mio blog perché abbiamo gli stessi interessi e desiderano trovare nuove ispirazioni per i libri da leggere alla sera prima di coricarsi o nel tempo libero. Mi piacerebbe tanto intavolare interminabili discussioni su ogni libro recensito, non c'è niente di meglio di una bella chiacchierata su un libro che si è amato particolarmente.
Io sono sempre pronta e interessata a conoscere i commenti dei miei lettori e così vale anche per le critiche. Ogni consiglio è sempre ben accetto.
  • Quali sono i tuoi sogni nel cassetto?
Diventare una talent scout per le case editrici, sperando di fare conoscere alle lettrici italiane fantastiche autrici straniere che hanno scritto libri meravigliosi. Ne avrei una "carrettata" da consigliare!! 
  • Vuoi fare un augurio speciale agli altri membri della League?
Vorrei augurare loro di trovare la forza di non farsi mettere mai i piedi in testa da nessuno, essere coerenti con il loro progetto e andare avanti a dispetto dei blog Colossi che sembrano voler soffocare quelli più piccoli, non lasciandoci lo spazio di esprimerci.
L'importante è restare unite, commentarci a vicenda e darci una mano nel momento del bisogno!!!
Fantastiche ragazze mi hanno aiutato a comprendere meglio come funzionano le cose in questo mondo per non parlare a livello grafico. Sono stata davvero fortunata e ne approfitto per ringraziarle nuovamente. 

Grazie per l'opportunità :-)  e Buon  Natale a tuttI!!!!!
Fidi per Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls

All I Want Anthology

These 9 fabulous bestselling authors are giving you 9 HOT novellas to brighten your December. 

& Fire Escapes by J.M Darhower
- Cody Moran and Gracie
Callaghan wanted nothing more than to escape the life they'd been born into,
but it's the kind of life that doesn't like to let go. A story of love and
heartache spanning the streets of Hell's Kitchen to far, far away, where it
doesn't snow.

Kiss: Ryley and Ash by L.P. Dover -
Now that his time for
revenge is over, Ryley wants to make the season special for the woman he loves.
Not only will you hear the sound of Christmas bells during the holiday, but
maybe another type of bell followed by the pitter patter of little feet.

Merry Mitchell Affair by Jennifer Foor
- Come join the entire
Mitchell clan for a very merry Christmas and a surprise wedding.

Hit or Mistletoe by HJ Harley - London and her
twin brother Trent are headed home for the holidays. This year Trent has
brought home his hockey teammate and friend Pratt Montgomery. Who if wasn’t for
Trent, would have spent them alone. London is convinced Pratt is just another
beer drinking jock, until she sees a completely different side of him when he
opens up to her.

by BJ Harvey
- Stranded in Chicago just
two days before the holidays, Porter Daniels and Harlow Wilson have to clear
the air. Can they finally stop circling each other and get what they really
want for Christmas?

Days of Forever
Heidi McLaughlin - A Beaumont Novella -
The Christmas trees
are trimmed and the bells are ringing. For one lucky couple in Beaumont,
Christmas has a whole new meaning.

by K.A. Robinson:
Torn Series Novella
- In Tamed, you heard Amber's side of the story. Now,
it's Adam's turn. What happened after Tamed? What was going through Adam's mind
in key scenes of Tamed? It's time Adam had his say.

Lost in Translation by S. L. Scott
- When two opposites
attract in Paris, can the language of love bring them together or will they be
Lost in Translation?

by Tijan -
Jax Cutler is one bail jumper Dale doesn't
want to help her family catch, but he soon becomes the one she can't let go.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

BLURRED LINES - Jen McLaughlin

BL Amazon

Today we are revealing the cover for BLURRED LINES by Jen McLaughlin. This is the highly-anticipated adult standalone novel that is part of the New York Times Bestselling OUT OF LINE series. The book will be released on January 26, 2015.

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Once burned...

Finding my fiancée naked on my couch might’ve been a good thing, if her ex-boyfriend hadn’t been with her. For the past eight years I’ve been a witness to the power of true love, but after getting burned I’d decided there wasn’t any hope for me finding it for myself. Until I met Noelle Brandt in a hotel bar. Maybe it wasn’t the most romantic meeting, but the moment I met her I knew I had to have her. The more I learn about her, the more I know I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.

Twice shy...

I’d already found the love of my life, but I’d lost that love forever. And I’d been lost ever since. But one night a wounded man makes all of that go away. He makes me laugh, live, and feel alive. When he tells me he has no intention of letting me go, I finally begin to believe in the power of true love again. That is, until I find out who he really is…and by then, it’s far too late to correct the mistakes we’ve already made. By the time we both know the truth, the lines have already been blurred beyond recognition.


Her eyes drifted shut. Warning bells went off in my head. I wasn’t supposed to start anything with her, damn it. She’d been kind, and she deserved kindness in return.
That’s all I had been trying to do. Be kind.
But then she closed her eyes, and lifted up on her toes…and all my good intentions flew out the window. Lowering my head slowly, giving her plenty of time to push me away or turn her head aside, I moved closer until my lips were almost touching hers. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.”
“Riley…” She inhaled a shaky breath, her fists tightening on my shirt. “Don’t feel like you have to do this as a thank you.”
“I shouldn’t be doing this, because you deserve better.” I tightened my grip on her and caught her behind her waist, hauling her closer. Her large breasts pushed against my chest, and I groaned. “Never mistake this for what it is: the greedy actions of a greedy man. I want you. I know I shouldn’t take you, but yet…”
“You want to?” she asked, her wet lips begging to be kissed. “I want to, too.”
I dropped my forehead to hers. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted. She undid another button. “But I do.”
“I didn’t bring you up here for this,” she said breathlessly. “I don’t mind that it’s happening, but I didn’t bring you up here to seduce you.”
“And I didn’t come here to seduce you.” I brushed my lips across hers, barely touching. “Which is why I should stop.”
“Or not.”
She tipped her face up, and I kissed her fully, without overthinking it. The second our lips touched, the world as I knew it changed all around me. Yeah, it sounded corny as shit coming from a guy, but it was true.
So fucking true.


We also wanted to reveal the brand new cover for FRACTURED LINES, book #4 in the OUT OF LINES series!


Amazon Link:

Kobo Link:

Barnes & Noble:

jen 81 small

Jen McLaughlin is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy New Adult books. Under her pen name Diane Alberts, she is a multi-published, bestselling author of Contemporary Romance with Entangled Publishing. Her first release as Jen McLaughlin, Out of Line, released September 6 2013, and hit the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal lists. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. She is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.
Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many well-crafted romance books that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

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The Normal Kind of Crazy - L.J.Voss

What else can Imogen Jones want in her life? She owns her own business, has two amazing best friends, and an eccentric senior citizen who raised her when her mom died. She even has her very own Mr. Darcy, even if he happens to come in the form of her pet pig. There’s even something brewing with a local coffee roaster.

But when Imogen is threatened as blackmail against the father she never knew, she’ll have to trust a handsome and frustrating FBI agent to keep her safe.
As they try to stay one step ahead of the threat, can they keep things strictly professional? Can he keep her safe until the threat passes?

Title: The Normal Kind of Crazy
Author: L.J. Voss
Publication date: Jan. 2015
Photographer: Ashlee Brooke Photography
Model: Megan Van Leeuwen
Cover Design: Bearhive

L.J. Voss lives in Utah with her husband, son, and dog. When she isn’t writing she is either curled up with a good book or spending time with her family. She enjoys DIY projects, baking, sewing, and the outdoors.